
Sunday, July 22, 2007


If I could do anything I'd love to dispel the fear that things are as bad as is often professed.
I'm beginning to see the magnitude of the prejudice against certain astrological aspects.
I've never seen them that way so it's taking me a minute to catch up and adjust. As far as I know, the benefic and malefic days ended long ago.
They've said that squares are the worst, oppositions are not so bad, and conjunctions swing both ways.
Actually, squares can be the most productive of all. Look at Leo-Taurus. Couldn't get any more creative productive than that. Or Aries-Capricorn. Pretty disciplined. And how about the Gemini-Virgo square? Jeeeze. Try to keep up with that mind. Go ahead.
I dare you. Take the Mars-Saturn conjunction. Consolidated potency ready for use. Take Sun-Jupiter. With shades, of course.
The screwed up parts are always there to some extent but all aspects have their assets.
The mix is up for grabs
Yogi with his Head in the Earth. India.


  1. Happy belated birthday to your raging universe JM. Here's a little treasure I found for your enjoyment. Enjoy!

    Interview with a young Janis Joplin


  2. I. Love. That. Picture. I dream of being able to make myself lost to the world and just--relenting.

  3. This photo should greet all visitors to the halls of the US Senate and the House of Representatives, not to mention the White House.

  4. Thanks, astrid!
    Chrispito I've finally given up on the notion of getting lost. Now what?

    Bravo joe!!
    Perfect number of words, as usual..:-)

  5. I had a dream about forgiving one of my enemies last night. Those always throw me off because I don't know what to do in awakened reality.

    I even offered the person dinner but then was relieved when the answer was no, since I'm not cooking these days. The fridge was full of food, though, and the person looked in and admired it all. Took something as I recall.

    Then I had one that I couldn't get to the front page of RU. Previous posts kept coming up. Subsequently the computer failed but I didn't worry at all. I just said, "It will fix itself shortly".

    I think that was my first specific dream about RU.

  6. This has got me thinking. What in the world does Raging Uni really represent to me?

    Is it my presentation to the world? My image? How should it be modified as the musical me gets out there?
    Will I aways be this confused???????
    Don't know why not.

  7. I've been thinking a lot of RU, Jm. Mostly how much it fascinates me, and inspires me. Through here, I've linked elsewhere with other people, and boy has it been a treat.

    My guess is that with a Scorpio SN, you really have a knack for engaging others. I've always been terrified to connect with other people online. Too weird. This place is different. It really is, as someone said earlier, a salon. Revolution of tradition.

    Now what? Build, I guess. Tickle that Taurus into action. Take the value of experiences that allowed you to be lost and settle your feathers. Cosy up and enjoy the comforts of the beautiful home you've built for yourself.

    Perhaps RU isn't representative of anything personal, and instead an actuality. Proof of your connections with the Collective. If that's the case, you built your own proof which isn't just admirable, it's down right coolio.

  8. Take the value of experiences that allowed you to be lost and settle your feathers. Cosy up and enjoy the comforts of the beautiful home you've built for yourself.

    I would love to do this. Thanks for the sound advice, chrispito. The last week has been emotionally unsettling, so deep into Cancer. My birthday lived up to its tradition of being horrible. Thought I'd sqeak through, mind over matter, but I knew better. There's a Leo party next week that should be the antidote.

    The connection with the collective is uneasy for a 4th house Cancer Sun that craves privacy, as you know. The fear you mentioned out here is mine as well. I'd like to get used to the exposure. There's a reason my private world emptied out. That happened when Saturn transited my 4th.

    The replacement is out in the world but I'm still in transition. I think RU is the bridge to the collective. Good points. Just leave it be and cross it. And listen to the twittering birds.

  9. Oh Jm, I am so wary of birthdays, too! I wonder if it is a 4th House Sun affair? This year bordered on ridiculous..!
    Oh, that bridge.

  10. Oh, I'm so glad you said this, chrispito. As it turned out, this one was one of the worst in history. I almost bypassed it, but caved in.

    I think they all have some of this, but people cover it up. Our birth experiences were not exactly cake and balloons. I don't remember any songs either. Crying, as I recall.

    I'll tell you one thing. I'm never pretending again.

  11. Mine is particulary hard, though, so deep in painful Cancer. I should be recovered tomorrow, and Tuesday is the big healing party. So onward I go, glad it's behind me.

    Sun in the 4th is fine with sad feelings. I think it's the sharing of them with others who don't really like to go into it that causes the probs. So no more birthday parties. Fini. Maybe I'll go to Idaho next year and hang out in the wilderness. Laugh with the deer.

  12. That's so interesting...I decided this year no more pretending either. We weren't allowed to have OR go to b-day parties when I was young. My first, I think I was 12. My older sister were bitter they hadn't been allowed at that age.
    This year was spent visiting Dad in hospital, he'd just had a heart attack. I said:
    "Hey, it's my birthday! Your baby's 30!" (I have to remind him or he'd never remember--ask him throughout the year and he'd be stumped).
    "That's totally depressing," he said.
    I'm only laughing because it was ridiculously bad...I wish I could join that Leo party with you! I'll send along my spirit :)

  13. That's so funny and sad, about your Dad, chrispito. Just hit the spot. I'm glad he made it and that he's got a sense of humor. And wise, too, forgetting so easily..:-) I don't think my Dad paid attention to them either.

    With 29 Cancer Sun now and a Scorpio Moon the feelings are deep, the memories rich. I certainly know I'm a Cancer at the moment.

    You're with me at the party. I'm going to doubly celebrate. Me, you, your Dad, and continuing life. And all those parties you were spared in your early years. How many donkey's asses can you pin tails on anyway??

  14. Beautiful words to lull me to sleep. Thank you infinitely!

  15. JM, a 4th house Cancer sun is pretty amazing. The giver-of-life trying to contain its splendour at home. Perhaps RU is one of your many magnificent residences... since surely no one place could ever contain the mighty sun alone.

    Sorry about the birthday woes. I'd like to join the Leo party too. When it comes to celebrating my own, I always feel a little unworthy. But it's great to celebrate someone else's.

    Hey... perhaps the secret to having a really great birthday celebration for oneself is to make sure you do so with someone else who shares the same date? Then the drama (such as there is) is shared. And a little of the surreal-ness of revisiting the anniversary of your birth, is diffused?

    Eh, as an Aries rising, perhaps you should have many personal celebrations. And we'll all bring the libations...

  16. Eh, as an Aries rising, perhaps you should have many personal celebrations. And we'll all bring the libations...

    That's it!!! Forget the birthdays..

    And don't expect me to announce it next year!!!!! Done**! fini**&**** !!

    The 1st of many personal celebrations has officially begun.

  17. JM, a 4th house Cancer sun is pretty amazing. The giver-of-life trying to contain its splendour at home. Perhaps RU is one of your many magnificent residences... since surely no one place could ever contain the mighty sun alone.

    One of the most beautiful things I've read.

    I gave this some thought and it might help me make some upcoming decisions. Thank you 9th Eye.

  18. I echo the praise: a most remarkable and beautiful image, captured in the word. There are indeed many mansions. :o)

  19. I have a natal Saturn in Taurus/Sun in Leo square. Sometimes I really feel thwarted by that square--like it's bigger than I am. On the other hand, I also know how to motivate people who are hobbled by insecurities. You can't just say, Hey, it's all in your attitude! With a Saturn/Sun square in Taurus/Leo, you need to motivate with practical knowledge AND with inspiring words. You can't just say, You can do it, think positive thoughts! You also have to give tangible facts and SHOW someone that they can, in fact, help themselves.

    I realized recently that I am very very good at this.

  20. I also know how to motivate people who are hobbled by insecurities.

    I love this choice of words, eme. Really says it well.
    I often find this in people who didn't originally speak the language. My mother was foreign born and didn't learn English until she was in her mid-20s and she was good at choosing words to express herself, beside loving the language.

    You also have to give tangible facts and SHOW someone that they can, in fact, help themselves.

    This has been my experience with this square. I've learned from them by following their examles, very important for my saturn in Leo.

  21. Thanks for the kind words, JM. I'm a writer, btw. Let's see if I can push aside my fears of success and try to get published this year.

    I like your blog! I forgot to say that.

  22. A writer! OMG. I do hope you get published and I find this very very interesting. People talk about fear of failure, but I have always had the opposite; the fear of success you have. So good to know someone out here identifies and can put it into words. I would love to hear more on this sometime. Reasons, etc.

    This blog has amazed me in that the people commenting have turned my head around. The quality of articulation is way higher than I expected, but of course, RU has attracted this type. The blog has a personality of its own and it loves creative talent. This has been surprising for me, and thoroughly rewarding in a world I previously thought of as unbearably mediocre. Not anymore.

    So Raging U has, in a sense, made the outside world more inviting to me. Quite an achievement.

  23. How did you know I was not native-born, JM? I thought you'd read my blog but now I'm not so sure. Re: fear of success, well, success often draws attention to you and it's not always positive. Look at how mean and cruel the public is to stars (especially female celebrities). They're not allowed to be human--God forbid they get a wrinkle, gain a pound, or get a zit! That's a huge burden, no? Plus, they're not even supposed to have the privilege of privacy, "they chose to be famous, after all", is the usual comment about this. Privacy is about the right to protect oneself, too, but nowadays people tend to react to the word as if it meant that one had something to hide--as if wanting privacy meant that one was not entirely honest. So there's a self-righteousness that the public displays in their constant commenting and criticisms. If you're famous, people feel they have a right to tear you down.

  24. Eme, this is wonderful. Yes I read your blog.

    If you're famous, people feel they have a right to tear you down.

    I agree completely and they are usually very anxious to do it.

    My fear of giving up my private world has always prevented success and I'm never sure of how to protect myself against the destructive impulses of the audience that you articulate so well.

    Chalie chaplain's movie Limelight deals with this but in the end the show goes on anyway with the new talent coming up.

    The rise is the good part, I think, but once the top is reached, the hard part starts. It's very complicated. people seeking success through creative talent need the audience approval but the other side of the coin always threatens. I haven't figured it out yet and I know it's up to me to deal with it. I don't think there is ever complete trust between the audience and performer, part of why the stars go to such extremes to stay in the public eye. This is what I want to avoid at all costs. That desperation to keep the attention. I think ideally we have to be prepared to walk away at any time.

  25. Thanks for reading my blog! Today is the first time I've read your blog in my home computer so I can see the images you post--finally! they're blocked in my work computer. I like the juxtaposition of the beautiful images with your astrological advice. It's similar to what I've tried to do on my blog.

    "Once at the top, the hard part starts."

    Or it could also be the point in your life where you use what you learned in obscurity to make you happy. You know? Enjoying the hard work without worrying about the $$ (necessarily, although success doesn't always imply riches) or worrying about your legitimacy. Just enjoying the freedom of keeping certain fears at bay while dwelling in the satisfaction of doing something beautiful for its own sake.

  26. Or it could also be the point in your life where you use what you learned in obscurity to make you happy.

    I love this idea. I think there are satisfactions in worldly success I don't know about and will soon discover. The completion of the work. The real audience. My Saturn in Leo.
