Thursday, November 20, 2008

Economics in America

1965? Nope. 1994
The small businessperson still exists in the United States. In fact, last I heard they make up about 90% of the economy, even though the lure of corporate megachains goes on and will continue. They exist side by side. My girl friend who owns a doggie daycare business is not at all worried, although she might not be selling as many "Bark Obama" products in the future.
In this land of abundance with three bathrooms per capita, reality is penetrating. Economic contraction is here for awhile. Earlier on in history, people were satisfied with their small enterprises, eager to journey into the future, and the wisest among us embraced slow growth. As so often happens with a South Node in the 2nd house as the country has, fear of poverty can upset the balance, and upset it is at present. The North Node in the 8th understands the value of shared wealth and now the subject has returned for deep consideration with Pluto entering Capricorn. Our next president has a 28 degree Scorpio Midheaven. No wonder he brought it up.
Here are some fascinating facts. The full reality of the recession came today with the Sun at 28/29 Scorpio. But Jupiter in Capricorn trine Saturn in Virgo became exact today as well at 20 degrees, and herein lie the seeds of repair. The Moon is also in Virgo setting off the trine. In the previous post I mentioned all the Virgo configurations coming up.

Will the economy recover? Of course. It looks like the fall and destruction are happening before Obama takes office so the rebuilding can begin when he gets there. Most likely the market will start to show the change, although recovery will be an arduous and slow process. All the better. Along with his 28 MC, and Joe Biden's Sun and Venus conjunct (Joe also has a Taurus Moon), is a 29 Scorpio Moon in the inaugural chart picking up where the Sun left off today. Pluto is in the 8th house of shared resources trine the Taurus ascendant. As you can see, this Moon conjoins Obama's MC. The ascendant conjoins Biden's Moon.
The Moon squares the huge Aquarius stellium in the chart so the problem of shared wealth will be a difficult one to solve no doubt. The ruling Venus of the inaugural is conjunct Uranus in the 11th Aquarian house of the collective trine the 29 Scorpio Moon in the 7th. Fascinating. Intense debate? Looks like it. The stage has been set.
Fears are rampant in this time of transition but the more the merrier so we can get them out of the way and get to work. Yes. The change is real and it's coming. The people are bit players. In the meantime, this Thanksgiving promises to be an interesting one in this land of opportunity with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars accompanying Pluto out of Sagittarius into Capricorn with a bang. Last chance before the Cap shopping season in the new contraction. Big and small biz are destined to stay married for a long time to come. And bulls will still be for sale on the cheap.
Photos:Orchard, Colorado.Anton, Colorado.Peter Brown


Blogger jm said...

Al Giordano, though he's slightly more belligerent than I, do share a lot of the same views.

Big Dogs and Little Dogs -- A Tail of Obama's Cabinet

20/11/08 10:28 AM  
Blogger Oberon said...

......join globalove think tank.

20/11/08 1:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is some of the best news I've heard
about the transition. Government is a human machine. You can't change it overnight. You've got to be well-versed in the culture of it to know how to make it run, who are the career civil servants, who are dead-enders, and who gets things done.

About time someone diaried about this. This is getting into the armpits, veins and digestive tract of the political system. That's change at a cellular level of the big Government body.
Fe Bongolan

A while back I was kvetching to the hubby
about what a godawful mess Bush was leaving for Obama. That they would need to get a working group to review every single area of the executive branch to figure out how to get it cleaned up. When I read about the agency review teams in the news I was so's like I have a twin.

More innovation and, of course, organization.

20/11/08 1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey jm, did you catch this tiny post on kos, by kos, yesterday (I believe)?

My wife and I bought our house in May 2006 from Ellen and Rosemary, an elderly lesbian couple. They had done beautiful work to the house, having planned on staying here the rest of their lives. But grandchildren came, and with that, they ran off to North Carolina to be closer to the little ones. I told them how exciting it was that they could help turn North Carolina Blue.

This house had a lot of memories for them, including being the location of their commitment ceremony. They were intensely proud of the house, even flying off the handle when the housing inspector found a few inoffensive nitpicky "flaws" in his inspection report. Even though my wife and I shrugged at those minor blemishes, when we moved in, the couple had already had them all fixed.

While they couldn't officially marry in this beloved house of theirs, they eventually went up to Massachusetts this past September and married. It must've been really sweet.

Being elderly and living in the East Coast, they apparently went to bed early on Election Night. Sometime in the middle of the night, Ellen woke up and asked Rosemary, "who won?" Her wife pulled out her laptop, and said, "Obama did. It's now official." Ellen, a huge Obama fan, smiled and went back to bed. Shortly thereafter, she died.

Rosemary jokes that Ellen waited just long enough to find out the results so she could go and tell Obama's grandmother the great news.

21/11/08 4:13 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Makes one wonder. Something about life and death, there is. So many messages. Mysteries.

21/11/08 9:19 AM  

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