Monday, December 28, 2020

Says Mars in Aries to Pluto in Capricorn

I am my own boss
I say what I say, I do what I do.
I call the shots. Understand?

Oh that feisty Aries! Undaunted!!


Blogger Tseka said...

And what does the full moon near our USA sun say?

Sun trine Uranus too.

28/12/20 5:21 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Full moon on sun? Probably more of the usual crybabying.

The real thing is Pluto opposite US Mercury, where its been this entire time.

A lot of waste comes out of America's mouth. Maybe that's why the diapers!

28/12/20 5:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Couldn't we just have our mouth washed out with soap? The traditional way.

28/12/20 5:45 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Crybaby was my thought too.

Yep Pluto! and looking back a few months at the Saturn, Jupiter / Pluto it sure has been a grinding lesson

28/12/20 6:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

A relentless grinding lesson.

Pluto spent 5 months in a station across from US Mercury and all of the action happened close to that point.
I was thinking that the business destruction was indicated by that since Merc rules local commerce. Uranus in Taurus, too, with financial upheaval. All of this to set the stage for rebuilding, and the Main Street renaissance I'm expecting.
It's up to all of us to revitalize our small businesses. The grinding Cap stuff is over, although there is more with Pluto alone in Cap. But with everybody else gone, he can work in harmony with Taurus. You know Pluto likes to work through pain. Some Taurus pleasure will be the best antidote as we recover.

People are experiencing for real the injustice of big business doing great while small business is suffering. They're reacting. The little restaurants seem to be leading the charge.

28/12/20 11:50 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Interesting comment I found tonight, Stick.

"I am seeing a dividing line between those who watch television and those who don’t. Hope I’m not being unfair but there it is."

29/12/20 1:36 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Love your analysis ST.

Glad to have Pluto break down what is no longer needed, purge, simplify, prepare the decks for rebuilding.

Yes, courageous restaurant owners, nail & hair salons; people who actually give care and comfort to others are standing up all over.

🙂 heh, The Great TV Divide.

29/12/20 11:34 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I am excited. The rebellion is taking shape. Like all rebellions they start small, then catch fire and spread.
You noticed the covid restrictions, which were always absurd, are being perceived as more and more ridiculous, unfair, and unsuccessful. A bit of classic Uranian revolution seems to be ahead, not a fool color revolution. That ain't happening. It's not needed. What is needed is a Uniquely American revolution, which we're good at.
I wouldn't wanted to have been the government during the Whiskey Rebellion. Nor the monarchy in 1776.

29/12/20 12:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So all along I was thinking that the Cap squeeze was all about setting the stage for this uprising as part of the Pluto return. Viruses are not the point. They come and go as always.

29/12/20 12:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And thankfully, politicians, and those of that ilk, don't matter. They're as powerless as anybody. The body politic as a whole determines events.

29/12/20 12:33 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes, sometimes it is a revolutionary act to remember who we are...and who we are not.

The covid shut downs have opened many eyes to the corruption in not only health care but education, political processes and on and on.

I have faith in Americans, believe in American exceptionalism and not ashamed to say so.

People unused to standing up, are.
There will always be crybabies.
My mother used to send us to the “wailing wall” (a sofa) she would not hear it. Maybe just what is in order now?

30/12/20 11:26 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm relieved about the covid eye opening. The purpose of all the Pluto machinations is to bring the corruption to the surface and expel it. The surfacing seems to be working a bit, we'll see what the darlings do about release.
Corruption is a natural part of everything but sometimes it overwhelms the system. I think we're about there. When censorship of speech comes, something has to be done. That's what the transit to US Mercury is doing.

"I have faith in Americans, believe in American exceptionalism and not ashamed to say so."

I'm with ya sis! Being ashamed of one's country is really being ashamed of one's home and one's self. Not that we don't admit to failings and flaws and work with them. Our beloved country has north node in Leo. Of course we are exceptional.

How wonderful. The wailing wall. What a clever mom she was(?). And how kind, a soft sofa.
I was a dedicated Cancer crybaby and my mother just yelled, "Stop whining!"
As a grownup I now understand how she felt. Thus, my muffs.

The crybaby post is going up shortly. I want to delve into the Cancer-Aquarius too.

30/12/20 2:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Sometimes it takes effort to find out what's happening in these public joints. My gym has a beautiful pool but the showers aren't hot. Less than lukewarm. I get so cold I shiver all the way home. I thought that was just the reality.
Today I asked for a manager to find out what could be done, but whoever answered the phone knew the answer. They are waiting for parts!! The water will get warm, I hope with all my might.
But in the meantime, I was thinking maybe the cold reality of Cap is teaching me a lesson since all the Cap fun has been happening exactly square my ascendant. I keep saying, "You can do it!" But it's winter and I have my doubts. Happily, those hard working plumbers are tops.

C'mon parts!!!

30/12/20 2:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

But hey! Our first Prez, George Washington, braved the cold to get us our independence. Maybe I can do it too!

1789 and here we are. Warm, cozy and still relatively free, but too pudgy.

30/12/20 2:55 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! I just love you!

Yes, the Gemini, Cancer rising mom passed away last year. We were shoulder to shoulder in an 8 year struggle against one of the very worst cancers.

She took her own advice. Skoocum to the end. She slipped away with a smile on her face.

When I spoke of shaman or sjaman the ensouled, it's that, not me who is just the assistant. I've now been with so many while they die it's a moment of divine joy and grace in many, not all.

30/12/20 3:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Boy o boy, do I love you too.

I didn't know she was a Cancer rising? That explains a lot. You learned Cancer from her and advanced it with Aquarius rising, Uranus in Cancer. That takes it way beyond the personal. Nurturing humankind is a big job.

I loved your mother. Somehow I could feel her. But then, I generally love Geminis. 8 years is long. What kind of cancer was it?

I agree about death. The first time I really witnessed it I was alone with the dying one. I was touched by something permanent and mystical that I can't explain. The quiet was beyond anything I'd known. The stillness. The inarguable completeness of it. What a precious job you have.

30/12/20 3:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...

My mother went out in a flash. There was barely time for suffering in the passage. For anyone. I feel grateful for that gift. She was a brave one. It was almost like a flash of lightning. But some do better with a protracted passage as there are many unique experiences in that and a lot to learn.

30/12/20 3:54 PM  
Blogger jm said...

My brilliant Aquarian friend and I had a discussion one night about repeated lives and death. We raised the question, "could the death experience be so great that we come back to experience it again?" Talk about ecstatic release. Biggest amusement ride in the universe. Leaping from the Wheel of Fortune.

30/12/20 4:04 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes, darling to everything you said.

Anal cancer. Terrible.

Your Aquarian! 💕 and you.
Long tethers, elastic bonds.

I think of your beloved with the seals.

It's all an amazing ride and maybe an amusement ride.

Somehow with her passing and the year prior I finally could say no to others, not answer my phone. And now, without the constant demands, I am surrounded by the quiet I crave and the bobcats and birds have returned to chat.

30/12/20 4:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh my Word. We are kin. I hate cell phones so I keep mine off. I only talk if necessary. When my land line ended I was more relieved than I could have imagined. The phone is alarming. It's like being in a constant emergency ward. The reactions to the ring are mixed, of course, but tension is a big one. Sudden clenching of body. I don't like it. I'm not in the mind to be suddenly pulled away from myself.

I realized that all that noise coming directly into my ear was awful. The sound is thin brittle and bad. I tried the speaker to get some distance but that's bad too. It's bad for my brain. So I don't do it.

How thoroughly wonderful to be with the bobs and birds. Welcome back!

30/12/20 4:50 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm Aries. I make the calls.

30/12/20 4:54 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yep phone sits in a drawer.
People know to email.
IM for Son and B.

One of the worst ever decisions by congress was to allow spam, and other unsolicited calling - their rational? It would be a constraint of business. At that point I knew we had lost all sense of privacy.

It's more than noise, it's the interruption of creative flow.

It's a form of bullying.

30/12/20 5:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Me too! Email. Quiet as can be. You don't even know it's there!

The practice is aggressive without doubt. But people like that.

The unsolicited calls and wasted cost were why I dropped my land line and turned the other one off. So I thought. People got frustrated because I don't answer. So they quit trying! It's easy for me, though. I'm not busy in the usual way. People know I'm here and will respond occasionally. They have to get me by email first, however!
Most of my talking needs are satisfied as I go about town, and I need less of that than previously.

Nice variety of connection tools we got here! Hello? Are you there? I mean here?

30/12/20 6:05 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

My word we are alike
Make an email appt for conversation.

30/12/20 6:12 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Email's great! Short and sweet.

30/12/20 6:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Eight years is a long time for such an ordeal, Stick. No wonder you've been exhausted. One year is hardly enough time to recover. The wound is still fresh. It gradually gets better. It did for me anyway. I was with my father toward the end and I'm so glad I was.

The NN in Pisces is equipped to handle suffering. You can actually benefit from it in ways others can't. It provides a path for retreat from useless ambitions and worldly pursuits. You can see the unimportance of almost anything.

I have a friend with that node who has lupus. She suffers, but in ways she's happier, with a simple life adjusted to the situation. She's off the hook really. She's got work where she can express her compassion instead of the dog eat dog world she used to work in.

30/12/20 11:00 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

You have described me well. I call myself a solitary reindeer.

Like you I enjoy the long tether relationships.

It's always been a joke that I can talk myself put of buying anything. And still I possess way too much.

I think of the grandmothers on the reservation. All winter they abided within the longhouse but as soon as the weather changed they erected their wickiups. A wickiup is a one person shelter, usually a tarp attached to a pole, like a mini teepee.They had a stool or stump and sat with their knitting or basketry. The longhouse life disappeared before I came along but the right to a solitary crafting life remained the right of the grandmothers. They were my teachers. And this year I have granted myself this station.

31/12/20 6:32 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

JM, i have been pondering Saturn/Jupiter as two time keepers.
Chronos/ Kairos
Sequential time/ Opportunity for action.
Mars in Aries the action starter.

What did the Mother's night birth when Saturn and Jupiter aligned?
My people reckon the changing of the year at solstice.

But for all of you who measure by other means; wishes go out for a festive end of 2020 and may we all live in favorable times in 2021.

31/12/20 9:59 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Can't believe it! I had this conversation just recently with one of my long tethered friends.

When I shop I use my prehensile grasp to put things in my cart like any good ape. Then I wander around the store and think about it. I invariably end up putting them back on the shelf. I consume so little it's ridiculous.

My crazy man used to LOVE talking about wikiups! Crazy had NN in Gemini and he totally adored words.

There's something to the Joop Saturn conjunction. I'm developing my thesis.

On time...Uranus is connected with timing. My Uranus transits always bring events exactly on the degree.

Now that I think about it, Saturn means time to me, maybe Joop means space, expansion, freedom. I do think the conj. represents freedom in ways we are yet to discover. It won't be given, it's to be remembered that we are born free. And that comes with Saturn responsibility. The masks have to come off and that's one chore ahead. We are in charge of our liberation. It'll be interesting as always.

The masks are separating us in a contrived way, not a healthy Aquarian way. People will comprehend. How to create the long Uranian tether is one lesson ahead. The masks must be a stepping stone. The babies need to read faces for survival, but Cancer dependencies should be worked with and safety should be genuine.

31/12/20 1:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The security blanket is not meant to go all over the face kids!!

31/12/20 2:02 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Yes, it been known for a long time that productivity is significantly diminished when a phone is put on the desk of people who do mental work, who need to focus on problem-solving without interruptions. It takes time, energy and neurochemical resources for the brain to shift between gears and recover flow.

But every age has its positives and negatives; every decision has its pros and cons.

Which reminds me of bones. They do adapt more than was understood to changes of activity. Transitions between ages are naturally unstable times, when what was taken to be bedrock reality and eternal truths become uncertain, shifting ground beneath one's feet. "The bones of the world are shifting" are words that come to my mind.

It will be very interesting what kind of deals will be negotiated by Saturn and Uranus, our odd-couple co-rulers of Aquarius, with respect to what has been and what will be. "Re-structure" may be a key word.

Also, time to speed up, or things are speeding up. It's an acceleration of consciousness.

Time seems to pass faster when one feels cold and slower when one feels warm. A higher metabolic rate affords finer discrimination of time and space, good for perception, agility and quickness of response in an environment full of change and surprise. Time is naturally expanded for the young.

31/12/20 4:07 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Here's a item befitting the collaboration of Saturn-Uranus. I read recently about a newly discovered molecule that clears the aged brain's cells of the residues of stress, physical trauma, or of age-related changes. In mice, it's been found to restore youthful levels of cognitive skills, memory and immune response. The research demonstrates that the aging brain does not lose its resources so much as they become blocked in a vicious cycle of diminishing performance and increasing stress. The next step will be to look for similar restorative results in higher mammals including humans.

In time, more things that were accepted as implacable will be seen as malleable with enough depth and serious application of knowledge. The species continues to evolve itself.

31/12/20 4:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

"Time seems to pass faster when one feels cold and slower when one feels warm."

That's interesting. With the cold I've been experiencing I have noticed things clipping along at a faster pace. I'm undecided. Is it better to be warm and slow as a turtle, like I usually am, or is fast and shivering preferable? The jury is out. I'll just speed up to my destination, which is slow, relaxed and very very comfortable. I is what I is. Maybe perk it up a little bit.

Well the serious application of knowledge is questionable regarding worthwhile results. Knowledge has its detractions.
The species is in pretty good shape, though. It's successful. Propagating well enough.

31/12/20 6:14 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Of course, too much heat could lead to languidity, which in turn inspired the application of cold to turn sweet fluids into popsicles. Running hot and cold, by turns, may be invigorating and has some healing applications as in contrast baths. Generally, I suppose it doesn't hurt to have a little rhythm and syncopation once in a while, as suits the purpose at hand.

Saturn, of course, would be traditionally associated with coldness, and Uranus (and Mars) with heat. Hmm. Come to think of it, Aquarian lovers have been accused of being both hot and cold! Sometimes that is attributed to an internal conflict between the desire to know another and caution, therefore indecision over trading one kind of freedom for another.

1/1/21 10:49 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Popsicles! That's it. I'm a wild cherry popsicle. Cold, sweet, and delicious.

I read that cold showers stimulate the immune system.

It seems Aquarians are always conflicted between intimacy and separation. Aquarius is connected to the ankles where the chains of bondage are often found.

1/1/21 1:23 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Well, I just tried several popsicle personality quizzes online to see what they'd say. They all disagreed with each other! It was just impopsicle for them to get me.

Lastly, I tried Ben & Jerry's quiz, What Ben & Jerry’s Flavor Are You? It declared that my flavor is "Cherry Garcia." It's true that their "euphorically edible tribute to guitarist Jerry Garcia & Grateful Dead fans everywhere" is my go-to flavor. We'll have to award Ben & Jerry's an extra point for the legendairy pun.

2/1/21 9:38 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Ha! Ha! Or hee! hee! Your pick.

2/1/21 2:50 PM  

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