Sunday, January 28, 2007

An Athletic Event

Here's a couple of our ancestors getting dressed. Looks like quite a feat. Can you imagine laughing in one of those contraptions? And what about eating? It looks like this gal enjoys her food. The stockings are wonderful on both of them, I must say. I had a pair just like that once. The striped ones


Blogger Tseka said...

ja, the black and white stockings, i had a similar pair once too.

Being skinny as a sapling i get away without any of our new ideas of support-enhancement or what ever...cannot imagine otherwise. Anything that requires help to get into now that can't be good.

28/1/07 1:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Skinny is good. Longer life and less effort to tame the flesh. Or imprison it.

Anything that requires help to get into now that can't be good.

Put that way, it makes complete sense. The exemption being, when a gentlemen helps you into your coat.

28/1/07 2:05 PM  

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