Fire to Water and the Changing Moons
The sign of Cancer is the full embodiment of the mother, and the yielding, receptive, absorbing force of life. It covers the rivers, the lakes, the streams, the oceans, and all bodies of water that nourish life in the most fundamental way. Merging and human intimacy, starting with infancy, come under the auspices of Cancer. It is believed that a healthy existence is not possible without this human connection.
The Moon is the planetary representative of Cancer and now with the Full Moon almost here, augmented in its own sign, our feelings and needs are aroused in an unusally high tide. This one is especially powerful as it conjoins the Sun in Cancer of the United States. A change has come with this Moon..... the female principle is shining with the elevation of a woman to the highest position of power ever in this country. A very important moment. More about this later.
Normally the New Moon is in Capricorn, an earth sign, but this one was in Sagittarius, all afire with the search for knowledge and truth. With this Cancer Moon an emotional truth is here, and the very nature and destiny of the country is in the spotlight. It's too soon to see the effects..... the endings, the beginnings, and the events that are about to unfold, but they are deep within the emotional psyche of the nation. Killing humans is not a Cancer activity, only as an extreme act of defense of the young, and the country is sensing it more than ever.
As this pregnant Moon crosses our Sun, where the male and female meet, along with the blazing inspiration of Sagittarius; the bridge we're on, the arrow we're aiming with, and our genuine identity are beckoning the country to be true to itself. To integrate the great polarities of life into completion as we go on this new road.
Illustration by Robert Florczak from the Persian Cinderella
It's not happenstance that this Democratic Congress is being sworn in under this Moon.
And it's not about the party or the individuals, but the priciples represented. Democrats are the about sheltering, feeding, and helping the downtrodden.
Even though the players are caught up elsewhere, the underlying priciples are still there. There is new urgency about this and some desire to return to these roots.
This is encouraging. :o) I wish I could share this kind of thing with the doomers and gloomers around me.
Let me ask you. Why do you want to change them? I'm asking only because I feel the urge too, but I'm thinking about why I put energy into this.
I give this a lot of thought. These people need this belief for reasons I don't feel. It would be wrong for me to try and deny them. What do I know about thier inner workings?
They are tremendously depressing and sometimes scary. But I'm thinking that if my faith is strong enough, it won't matter at all.
I think part of this Sagittarius/Cancer lunation is allowing each one her own emotional truth. Cancer is fearful by nature.
I'm only saying this, of course..:-)
Maybe you could e-mail this article to them. Sometimes that works. Make it an offering rather than an admonition.
And the fact of the matter is...the sun could be shining gloriously, great celebration in the air, and they would still be miserable. It's their misfortune.
The same with all the astrologers. The gloom they're talking about is their own future.
Just look what happened. Years of agony waiting for the Dems to return to power, and are they pleased?
That's an easy one.
And the other fact...the Democrats are now in power and however infinitesimal, the change will be good.
Greed can work in so many ways, and appreciation of the smallest gains is a major plus.
Give them all time.
Case in point right here.
This step ahead for women is cause for great celebration, at least now. An historic event, never to happen again. Who would want to miss out? The pain can be revisited any time...all the time. But this is a unique event. It above and far beyond the gossip fest that is called daily conversation.
This step ahead for women is cause for great celebration, at least now. An historic event, never to happen again. Who would want to miss out? The pain can be revisited any time...all the time.
This will be a great moment, and a true celebration of the Full Moon in Cancer!
BTW, the New Moon in Capricorn is falling at 28Cap on Jan 18/19th . . . Now that's within shouting distance of your sun!
jm, I don't know that it's so much a desire to change them as to show them that it needn't be this way. Maybe that is a form of control, even a benign form...
Maybe it's mutual. Y'all could be responding to their denied, repressed energies. :-)
If my heart feels a calling to an endeavor or direction for a time, then that makes sense to me.
With holding patterns, people really have to want to change, even me. :-)
I do think we can put something of our energy out there, and change a few minds. It happens.
I feel that we clarify our own energies in the process. And it provokes larger questions for us about what we're doing, why and how we're doing it. And we might move on, reaching for a higher level on which to function.
Well, I read that a TV evangelist has just predicted that a really big bad thing will happen this year to major cities. I think he gets off on this stuff! So maybe all that doom doesn't count as gloom. He is also known for claiming to leg press 2,000 pounds. He has this energy drink, see.
"They are tremendously depressing and sometimes scary. But I'm thinking that if my faith is strong enough, it won't matter at all."
That reminds me: We saw "The Pursuit of Happyness" over the holiday weekend. What a contrast in how personalities relate to the same or similar set of circumstances.
If anyone is looking for a little amusement, please go take these brief tests from a BBC series "Secrets of the Sexes". I found this link on Karmic Knowledge on a post about finger length.
Sex ID Test
The forces keep bumping me but I'm trying to get in to comment on this good stuff.
I don't know that it's so much a desire to change them as to show them that it needn't be this way. Maybe that is a form of control, even a benign form...
Yes. But maybe for them it does need to be this way. I completely agree with the control part. I'm giving it a lot of thought.
I do think we can put something of our energy out there, and change a few minds. It happens.
I feel that we clarify our own energies in the process. And it provokes larger questions for us about what we're doing, why and how we're doing it. And we might move on, reaching for a higher level on which to function.
I completely go along with this. If it serves a purpose in our development to sway opinions, then, by all means, we should do it. But I tend to think the effort has more to do with our own fears than theirs. So if it allays ours, then again, it's Okay to go ahead.
The thing to keep in mind is that they usually extinguish the fire. And decisions have to be made about how to keep it lit.
What a contrast in how personalities relate to the same or similar set of circumstances.
And how.
The thing is this. Bad things are going to happen. And of course, just as many good things. It's so subjective. No one can predict for everyone. And even within the bad, some people do very well. So the whole game is pointless. If you want a good future, it's possible no matter what they say.
I express the positive outlook because it's my nature. As this year progresses, there will be force against me mounting. I have to express this, regardless of whether or not others reject hope. It's not the point. The negative gets more press, and that's why the positive needs to get out there. It's a stacked deck, for sure, but somebody's got to do it. I don't mind.
One thing that is true. The rise of this woman in Congress is a great thing after all the struggles women have been through for political power.
And it's so easy to see the futility.
After all the goddess talk, the years of women's lib, the constant cry of defeat, all the struggles of valiant women before us... now is a moment of victory. Where is everybody? Still complaining? This is how the victimization is perpetuated. By ignoring and not supporting the cause when it really comes down to it.
Some aren't though. Some of them are involved in the triumphant four day celebration just starting.
The negative gets more press, and that's why the positive needs to get out there. It's a stacked deck, for sure, but somebody's got to do it. I don't mind.
jm, I can't begin to express how important I believe it is for us to maintain that positive focus. In sifting through astro sites, I keep finding more upbeat notes . . . as well as the other. Here's a link to Steve Judd's comment for Dec 31:
Steve Judd, Dec 31
Neith, I'm so glad you're here as my ally. Now is the big push with Jupiter squaring the Pisces all year, and the end of Pluto.
It's no big deal at all for us with my Moon/Jup amd Your Venus. I feel like a calling right now so let's shake hands and seal the deal, partner!
And it's all in the game and great fun! I've always loved going against popular opinion!
But if too many of these great seers start seeing things our way, then what?
One door closes, another one opens, and now we move into a year of less bludgeoning and more refinement.
Great one. Exactly what we've been saying.
Hmm...The test suggests I'm more right-brained because of the left thumb on top of the clasped hands. (It suggests that right-brained people are better fighters and artists.) But I do much better on the angles test than both men and women for some reason.
I've never seen him before. He looks like a nice man. Really like the photo.
It suggests that right-brained people are better fighters and artists
Better take the test.
And why the angle factor?
Hmm...I think it's alluding to left-handed people. But I'm right-handed, as far as I know. Although, we found that I could write backwards with my left hand better than the other right-handed art students could with their left hands.
Oh, I guess my brain is a hodge-podge! It all averages out in the end, I hope.
How many angles did you get right?
18 out of 20, so I missed two. But I know I was hasty.
Oddly, I did poorly on the 3D rotation, and usually I do well on things like that. The explanation at the end suggested that people in the arts might do poorly at the 3D rotation.
I should try it again in the morning instead of when I'm sleepy at night. It would be interesting to see if my brain works differently then.
Future, future. Who has the crystal ball? Numerologists think of 2007 as having a Universal Year number of 9. The old numerology book on my shelf says,
The great challenger comes in a 9-year. Selfishness and greed cannot flourish and if indulged in, turn themselves into smashing boomerangs. The vibration says love and brotherhood. This is the end of a cycle. Hatred and bitterness are to be tied up in a bundle and dropped into the sea. Odds and ends of unsatisfactory relationships are to be finished up. A general housecleaning is to be given to all departments.
This is a friendship year -- one of love, tolerance, understanding, "live and let live." Many things are "lost" in the 9. The universe keeps on growing and has no time nor room for the old, the finished, and the outworn.
9 is said to be a symbol of completion or the end of a cycle.
Yes. I think I'm going to do it again. I rushed through the angles and only got 14, but this is one of my areas of expertise. 18 sounds about right. It's a mish mosh. I scored high on both the systemizer and the empathizer. But that makes sense.
It's fun and interesting. I'd like an accurate reading, although I'm not finished yet.
Very interesting, though, was the right thumb over the left for me, showing a right brain emphasis.
I didn't score that high on systematizer. I have noticed before that you systematize more than I do! :-) My empathy rating was about where the women's average is.
Isn't it left thumb on top makes for right brain emphasis?
I think all that makes sense about the 9, whether it's the number or not. The final year of the Pluto transit is a major part, as well as the ending of the NN in Pisces. It's so clear, that this is a wrap.
Future, future. Who has the crystal ball?
Hocus pocus, where's the focus?
Or as I said to my dying ficus tree years ago;
Ficus ficus, donta like-us
Oh yeah, you're right. Left emphasis.
I have noticed before that you systematize more than I do! :-)
Really? Where does this reveal itself.
I'm surprised. I thought you were a systemizer.
The question about knowing the stereo specs when purchasing got a HUGE agree with me. I don't like games though. But I do like lining things up in my preferred order. The music system I built was a massive construction job of orderly progression mixed with creative spacey input coinciding. I like mastering machines.
Ah, here it is. Rolled off the table. If the crystal ball is cracked, is that a sign?
Hmmm. Yes. I think I can see a sign. In block letters, it reads, "Crack fortune telling" or "cracked fortune teller." Something like that.
9 from my book....
Eliminating the useless, and separating yourself from past mistakes can be an emotional experience, for we often are reluctant to let go of the obstacles in our lives. If you cannot free yourself from emotions and situations that are no longer necessary for your development, then the 9 cycle will do it for you.
Already in motion I would say and it's only day 3.
Crackpot fortune teller.
Or crockpot fortune teller. A pot of crock.
Those damned balls can roll, man.
"Really? Where does this reveal itself. I'm surprised. I thought you were a systemizer."
Umm, I may have gotten that impression from all that drum programming you did, maybe. :-)
I agreed with wanting the technical specifications, too!
Also, things like your old love of math and music suggests a kind of ideal beauty that could be conducive to a systems approach.
I very interested in why that was the biggest agree of all. Maybe it's because we're cheap and want to make sure we're getting the best deal, systematizing be damned.:-)
There's always a left brained logical explanation.
Another big agree was about considering others in my decisions, and this is one thing I would like to cut down on.
Very well put about the math, music, and system. geometry is actually the system I love the most, and that is also spatial.
I think I love to see things coordinate and work together in a larger order.
The cropping of photos, which is ecstasy for me, is also geometric and artistic at once.
It's hard to separate the artistic and beautiful in application from the mathematical and scientific. I think there's a natural ability to see the scientific when an artist works. Some put grids on canvas, but I think others see them anyway.
Maybe the artist has a real and complete synthesis of the brain parts. I wonder what other pursuits require the perfect combination.
Geometry was my favorite math, too.
Well, maybe I could be good at systemizing but something else pulls the other way more, so my score on that scale doesn't reflect the full potential in either direction. Just speculating.
I think as good as your mind is, and as much as you exercise it, you must be good at both. Maybe the desire is to move away from the systematic in your case.
The systematizer was pitted against the empathizer and I'm not sure about this. I scored high in both, but actually I lean toward diminishing the empathy part. I'm sure of that part of myself and feel it can be released to some extent in search of shapes, patterns, odd sounds, etc., sometimes divorced from emotion, and from the usual sequence contrived to produce specific emotional responses. Intriguing bent string sounds, for example, delight me. Very weird.
It's hard to put into words, this thing I'm seeking. The best tape of my music is some really strange sounding synthesized stuff that thrills me. Very very odd. I get bored with the usual emotional music although sometimes it's highly satisfying.
And of course, the good far out stuff doesn't sell.
That was an interesting test! In general, my scores put me on the female side though only slightly. Very good at spotting differences, 3-D shapes & eyes. Average for women in systemising & poor at words (too slow . . ). And, of course, right brained . . :-)
Right-brainer here, too but only just. I must have a bisexual brain. :o)
I must have a bisexual brain. :o)
Don't we all!
I still say were all in the in-between, evolutionarily speaking.
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