Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Fortuitous Moment

After a phenomenal week with my Saturn return exact once again and Neptune dissolving a long held illusion, I am ready to forge ahead on a new path. This experience heralds a manifestation of change I've been working on for many many years. I consulted the Tarot to see what's up (following the Death card from several days ago) and the Ten of Cups appeared much to my great great joy.
The Ten of Cups applies to emotional matters within one's circle of relationships. The traditional associations apply especially to families, but this card may also refer to community-oriented ideals, involving other groups where members form strong bonds with one another. It betokens an abundance of love and good feelings, made possible in a group where individuals' personal qualities, interests, and feelings are respected and valued. When loving ideals are part of a group's values and traditions, these good feelings can bridge many generations and extend outward to influence the general well-being of society.
The bridge to value and respect. Yes. Outward, onward, and up.


Blogger Diane L said...

The Ten of Cups is a wonderful card to pull!!! Best of Luck & lots & lots of well wishing to you!! BTW, that's a great Ten of Cups card illustration.

Two Passes down & one to go! Yay! By your birthday this year, your Second Saturn will be finished, whew . . . :-)

28/1/07 5:26 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Love the 10 of cups - great translation of energies.

Small wonderful things have been happening all around me of the last few days. Kindness of strangers to strangers. A grocery clerk pulled a dime from her pocket while my mom was fumbling for some change...
people engaged me in lines while i was doing chores, courtesy was running rampant even with service reps on the phone. This was reported by every one of my friends that i spoke with...we are all amazed and said let this energy flow, increase. This is how we want to live! Is this really Neptune opp Saturn?
Or is it Hel on the Aries point?
Or is it just humanity that is fed up with fear wanting something else, seeing that they can make it so?

28/1/07 6:20 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

And Jm i do not know what has been going on in your private life but what you offer here is extraordinary, creative and wise and i receive it with much gratitude.

28/1/07 6:22 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Or is it just humanity that is fed up with fear wanting something else, seeing that they can make it so?

Maybe all the times those of us who diligently practice small courtesies are finally having an effect. Could be Venus moving into Pisces, that's always nice too. Whatever it is, please, please continue!!

28/1/07 7:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Whew, is right neith, on this Saturn return. In ways, the best is yet to come as the lessons sink in and create results. I worked on this one.

Or is it just humanity that is fed up with fear wanting something else, seeing that they can make it so?

Tseka, I think it's you. I rarely see such true desire and effort towards benevolence in deed as you project. Pluto on your Sun too. Deepest parts of the self emerging. And affecting the humanity right around you.

Neith I think you have a point about Venus in Pisces.

Small wonderful things have been happening all around me of the last few days.

Let me add this wonder of all wonders. I just got an e-mail from my sister who after a long long illness went off her medication and is coompletely healed. She was in despair thinking she would be bound to this disease forever. I am so happy.

28/1/07 8:12 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm going to look at charts tonight and see if I can discern patterns. I do know that the Saturn/Neptune is a large part with Saturn soon to leave Leo. One more exact opposition in June right before the exit. But I think this is the deepest part.

I've gotten the 10 of cups before but this time it hit me in a big way. It was connected to Death and the Page of Cups.

I think all of us here are Pisces/Leo types, seeking artistic inspiration and drama on the highest level possible. So this is especially important for us.

And tseka, thank you for the wonderful words of encouragement. That is my nourishment. I so often try to run away and hide...the old shadow eclipsing my creative light that I'm so used to. But something different is happening and the response is the light that's luring me out.

28/1/07 8:20 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

OH JM! Your sister! this is fantastic.

Let's celebrate. Would you like a piece of apricot pecan bread my mother made? Some hot ginger tea?

Anyone else?

My brother who was in very sorry shape with his CP just a few weeks ago has regained much of his mobility and has made remarkable strides in his health, much to say thanks for on our side. Mostly due to my mother's patient ways and homeopathy.

Onward and upward indeed.

28/1/07 8:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...


I'd love the bread and tea. I especially love apricots and ginger.

Also, tseka, you wise healer, is the NN in Pisces and the South in Virgo now, meaning that spiritual healing is here for us. Now I really see the story unfolding. All the techniques we've been applying are coming into abundant fruition through this wonderful NN transit of Pisces.

You can see the lines. Some are in illusory breakdowns, others are in miraculous healings. And guess what????

My sister has the NN in the 12th (Pisces) and South in the 6th (virgo)

28/1/07 8:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's also fascinating that families with illnesses like your brother's often have Virgo/Pisces placements. The spiritual gains with these people are personal for them as well as for the families as the lives unfold.

28/1/07 8:43 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The spiritual gains with these people are personal for them as well as for the families as the lives unfold.

This is very true jm. We all remark on our shared journey.

28/1/07 8:47 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Because of my interest in Hel, i note that she has been traveling with the North Node for months, ushering it into Pisces, only recently turning direct making her way back to the Aries point in the past day or so. It strikes me as adding a certain healing energy to this particular NN in Pisces transit.

This brings into my mind the Sufi poet's words:

"Let the beauty of what we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground" Rumi

28/1/07 8:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oooooh. Oh oh oh. Kneeling is a big one. My knees allow it, thank god.

I am absolutely stunned once again by the synthesis. I do think Hel's reverse motion is it. There is something distinctly Aries about this and I couldn't quite figure it out.
Not only is it adding healing energy to the pisces, but it is giving it direction. I feel this in a big way. Like suddenly I'm on the right path. This makes so much sense.

Another fascinating tidbit.
I discovered two days ago that the snowmelt had been seeping into a corner of my bedroom (intimate inner self) from outside (the world). The part of the room where where my sorrow resides as I look out the window from my bed. When I became politically involved, the sorrow increased manyfold.
I've been sopping it up from the carpet with towels day and night and still the water flows. All this Pisces. Today the corner was turned. It has something to do with the cold clear water you were talking about. And Hel sure seems like the guide right now. Aries, new path.

28/1/07 9:11 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

That's a lovely Rumi quote. It brings to mind a Kahlil Gibran quote, "Work is love made visible." :-) Specially pertinent to things of both utility and beauty found around home and hearth -- a garden wall laid with care and unhasty eye, a house that is first and foremost a home, a lovingly crafted quilt threaded through and through with the comforting meditations of its maker, a nourishing vegetable soup stirred by a cook with a generous heart, and so on.

Gibran said, "Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy."

I saw a poem in the frontmatter of a book on display in the store today. The book was called The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life.

The poem was one of Emily Dickinson's. It goes:

I dwell in Possibility--
A fairer House than Prose--
More numerous of Windows--
Superior--for Doors--

Of Chambers as the Cedars--
Impregnable of Eye--
And for an Everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky--

Of Visitors--the fairest--
For Occupation--This--
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise--

28/1/07 9:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I also think Hel's movement has something to do with the country's Mars retrograde progression. This is a long arduous process, getting fully retrograde, but with Hel's turn, I sense a step in the right direction there as well, although unseen in manifest reality as yet. Very good information.

28/1/07 9:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I just read that Dickinson poem last week!!

I love Emily Dickinson. And that line gives me the bumps every time

I dwell in possibility

And Gibran...for fear of overuse I almost hate to say the word, but I will.
I LOVE him.

28/1/07 9:24 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"I just read that Dickinson poem last week!!"

Then you're right on target! They're wonderful, aren't they? Thank goodness for mystics.

28/1/07 9:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Thank goodness for mystics

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I love the one about Truth and Beauty meeting after death. I'm going to find it and post it.

28/1/07 9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a collection of mental munchies! :o)

Those two poets have their fingers right on it, about loving what you do, especially needed over in this direction lately.

29/1/07 4:27 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

OMG, i was reading that Dickinson poem last night, just before i posted the comment about Hel. Unbelievable synastry at work.

Love Gibran as well.

Could not live happily without these and other mystics. Echoing, thank god for them.

29/1/07 10:15 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Could not live happily without these and other mystics

You mean us? And yourself of course.

That is incredible about the Dickinson poem.

The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise--

Something trying to communicate? It took three knocks and got through.

29/1/07 1:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...


Your Sun in the 6th house of work. You are destined to love what you do. Mars and Uranus are there too complicating matters but making it possible to move if you must or change the circumstances according to your desires(Mars). I also have Mars in the 6th with as much self determination as possible in my work.

The Neptune transit is in your 10th now (goals) EXACTLY square your 6th house sun. So this is a time to figure out some work related things. perfect timing. The confusion, disappointment are necessary and will come and go.

More on this soon.

29/1/07 4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks again, jm. You have such a knack for explaining things in a clear way. :o)

29/1/07 4:48 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I enjoy it joe. It's funny. Every act of clarification helps me in some way.

29/1/07 4:52 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Something trying to communicate? It took three knocks and got through."

Could be. What do you suppose it is?

Interestingly, I received some e-mail about "creation" over the weekend, which I will take some time to absorb. I've been too busy fixing some needed network equipment for my work, but all seems functional again.

29/1/07 9:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

All functional?

Interested in the creation e-mail.

It really is special to have read this poem at the same time, and for you to post the comment. Any idea how that came about, as we trace this?

It's about possibility and transcending limitations. There are such interesting developments suddenly for me.

I feel creatively more alive in a huge leap. I think we have come together for artistic inspiration and expansion metaphysically amd mystically. The telepathy is more than usual it seems and I think we are onto something with this; communicating with some previously dormant parts.

This poem speaks about a larger dwelling than the physical and I think that's what we're sharing. Expanding our reach and...

Of Visitors--the fairest--
For Occupation--This--
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise--

Something here I'm still digesting.

The idea of company and solitude is part of it I think. Wasn't she social to some extent even in her mystical search beyond this ordinary life? There's a social element to her poetry in an odd way.

Maybe we are learning to relate in alternative ways. Certainly this medium is encouraging new possibilities.
Overall I think we are at a chasm, bridge, or some connecting place and the collective sharing is a large part.

29/1/07 9:54 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Also the image of the house might point to sharing intimacies in a different way. Could be that we are in the same dwelling at the moment. Certainly reading the same poem together is deep and intimate, yet far into the mental realm. Very very interesting event.

29/1/07 9:58 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"All functional?"

Yes, I tried swapping network cables, and cards, and restarting machines. I did this several times, and finally everything was humming along together nicely again. One of my work computers wasn't communicating with the other computers for a while.

"It really is special to have read this poem at the same time, and for you to post the comment. Any idea how that came about, as we trace this?"

Well, possibly. Will comment in a bit, as well as about the creation e-mail.

30/1/07 7:24 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Well, i can chart the trail that led me to the Emily Dickinson poem. I was reading Terry Tempest Williams' book Red.
She was writing of how we need context for Eros. It must be joined to our love of the Earth, out of doors, to the deeper self experiencing this passion.
She had a D H Lawrence quote. "There exist two great modes of life-the religious and sexual. "Williams comment is that Eroticism is the bridge.

Remembering my fascination with D H Lawrence as a young woman first exploring my own sexuality. I went to re-read his poems. On that page was if you like this poem you may be interested in this Emily Dickinson Poem.

At this time of my life Lawrence feels flat. But Dickinson who held no magic when i was young opened my senses.

30/1/07 9:50 AM  
Blogger jm said...

It is fascinating how we change if we chart our paths.

I never read Lawrence, oddly enough. It's interesting about the bridge. Dickinson from what I gather was a reclusive, mystical type. I think her relationships were carried out through letters. Maybe this has something to do with having crossed through the erotic to a new place.

To me, Eros accompanies a lot of experience according to moods and rhythms and arouses sexual sensations but not specifically. I feel it as a desire, longing for unity, in a visceral, emo tional way. Any sensual experience contains this element for me. yet I think eroticism might not even be triggered by stimulation but vice versa. An inner urge leads to a sense experience.

So in that "sense", I think artists are partly motivated by Eros and specifically attempt to combine the religious and achieve some purity of expression and avoidance of personal entanglement.

Eros has been on my mind lately. I feel a new relationship with myself and have likened it to finding the lost lover.

I think it's connected to the umbilical.

30/1/07 1:59 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Wasn't she social to some extent even in her mystical search beyond this ordinary life? There's a social element to her poetry in an odd way."

Per the Wikipedia, scholarship suggests that she valued greatly her friendships, despite the common image, probably somewhat exaggerated, painted of her.

30/1/07 2:39 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Emily Dickinson's poems are contemplative notes penned to a wider audience than could at first fully appreciate her. The art of writing, deftly wielded, lets the great poet influence many, many more people than she could ever meet in person. Set adrift across the ocean of time, the poems arrive fresh and sparkling on the shores of our personal lives to surprise us and tell us of our own experience.

The I of "I dwell in Possibility" is a universal I; it can be recognized by anyone who has ever followed the beckoning creative impulses that unfold the day's potential before us -- that lead us to unfold and come to know ourselves.

It can be read as an affirmation of life. And, much like real meditation, it opens our consciousness to the spacious dimensions that neither exclude nor distract -- but present as the reality we think we know but whose multifaceted vitality we may have forgotten. The open natural spaces described by the imagery reminds us of these aspects of ourselves, inviting us to step with lightened hearts into these resonant dimensions with full awareness.

Last week, we were chatting about changing mental habits. The question was raised about luck-changing exercises. It occurs to me that one aspect of the poem appearing at this time period is as fresh energy entering through the opening created by that conversation. Dickinson's poem, with its short lines and emphatic rhythm, can be read as if to state one's intention and invoke inner potentials. It can be a luck-changing exercise in itself, a beacon of intention brightly illuminating the fullness of possibility, preparatory to the unfoldment of action that we call the universe of experience.

30/1/07 2:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes. The biography I know says that she had good friends. They came to see her in her room from what I understand. You can see her sociability in the poetry. One in particular I'm going to post.

30/1/07 2:56 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"The telepathy is more than usual it seems and I think we are onto something with this; communicating with some previously dormant parts."

I always assume that telepathy is normally happening at some level but that people don't usually recognize it.

30/1/07 3:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

What great thoughts about luck changing and the poem kadi.

Dickinson's poem, with its short lines and emphatic rhythm, can be read as if to state one's intention and invoke inner potentials.

This is so true. I know it. And very important to me. Tseka and I were discussing simplicity and I've always know its value.

I think the length of line is her genius. The rhythm and connective tissue. when one lingers too long the passage is thwarted and she is definitely a link to the mystical for all of us.

The open natural spaces described by the imagery reminds us of these aspects of ourselves, inviting us to step with lightened hearts into these resonant dimensions with full awareness.

The space. The space.

It occurs to me that one aspect of the poem appearing at this time period is as fresh energy entering through the opening created by that conversation.

This is a wonderful insight to the changes that might be here for us in approaching our potential as artists, friends, and humans.

30/1/07 3:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes on the telepathy always occurring. I suppose we recognize it when we need it. We never consciously know what information is required for the momentary action, but some part of us knows all.

30/1/07 3:10 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"I think the length of line is her genius. The rhythm and connective tissue. when one lingers too long the passage is thwarted and she is definitely a link to the mystical for all of us."

And, if you've seen the material about that, you may know that her writing is remarkably easy to set to music.

30/1/07 3:12 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"...but present as the reality we think we know..."

Amusingly, I can alternatively see "present" as "pre-sent" -- sent from before.

30/1/07 3:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Once again. such wonderful words. The music.
A lot to do. I'm seeing so much through these enlightening conversations. What a surprise it's all been.

Amusingly, I can alternatively see "present" as "pre-sent" -- sent from before.


30/1/07 3:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...


prae: before

esse: to be

30/1/07 3:23 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

As in sent from before being? Hahah!

Perhaps a mystic's insight is that everything that happens is somehow remarkable, and sometimes we are graced with moments that ring like chords struck in our lives.

30/1/07 3:29 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Those are interesting chains of events leading to the Dickinson poem appearing in our conversation. It appeared in my experience following my inviting an aunt to visit the city for a bit. She picked a day, and off we went to browse the local markets. We started off with the bookstore, because I thought to sweep through it for ideas that practically call out to address the questions and issues that have recently appeared. Basically, to use the whole bookstore the way some people use bibliomancy. I found the poem, and I thought, "Aha....A perfect answer to the blog question."

30/1/07 4:02 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Well you are in the know. Absolutely no doubt.

It's exquisite how we all connected in this discovery. Could it be the practical Capricorn was the designated one to actually retrieve it and bring into form?

I want to pursue the luck theme and how to proceed from this magic moment. This is the start as the good fortune is obvious.
Maybe our positive turn is connected to our connectivity. This has brought us back (present) to a loved experience and innate skills that can serve us well as mystics in a downtrodden world.

I'm also interested in this aunt you speak so highly of.

30/1/07 4:21 PM  
Blogger jm said...


Saturn, Capricorn...bringing into form. Opposite Neptune...etheral, visionary, poetic.

It certainly does make sense.

30/1/07 4:23 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Also...Capricorn... I use

Maybe this has something to do with putting our talents to use. Manifesting the luck and spreading it around. Bringing the Neptunian grace into the tangible as a way to influence our fortunes.

30/1/07 5:06 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Interested in the creation e-mail."

A day or two after our fun with the challenging hand-foot coordination trick, I was musing about the idea of the universe as holomovement, and the implications. Shortly afterward, a correspondent I had not heard from in a couple of years sent me a message. She'd had some recent ideas which she felt impelled to share with others.

Her notes start with the idea of acceptance, that we have to be whom we are, even if what we are has had a share in creating "chaos" and disruption. From there, she goes on to outline the vibrational nature of everything, and connecting to images of wholeness:

"I discussed the links...and we now see the power of vibration and how our own anger and fear have shaped our world as each piece of the hologram contains the map of the whole.

"Each separate action (has a bigger action) is an echo of a larger or smaller action taking place at the same time, simultaneously.

"These actions only occur when requested.

"To request action requires absolute faith....*

     "Think 'net' -- Earth net 14th Feb 2003
     "Think 'Earth heal' -- charge net
     "Think 'balance' -- about us 61/49 them. This is not a war we need real ans.
     "Think of the all and not just the one [person]; be open to change. ...Be happy, don't just use it for yourself. Be militant. CHANGE THE WHOLE WORLD, not just your bit. Think BIGGER.

"(And yes, it is working. There are more of us than them.)"

[*She makes a terse notation at that point alluding to searching government Web sites; see following for details.]

She described her perspective on how we create experience through faith or belief.

"Basically, it seems that to create in this plane you must have faith. It doesn't seem to matter what you have faith in as long as it is believed within you. If you search for something in a place where you expect to find it then nine times out of ten it's there. When Christians pray to God they have faith that he is there, and the vibrations from their prayers in turn create the answers. Every vibration affects something in our world. (Sound vibration affects glass vibration.)
     "When we create a chair to sit on, it has to start with a thought. The thought then gets turned into the object by either trial and error, trying different materials, or by asking for plans and using others' ideas and information. So, if you want to make a chair, you have faith in finding the plans or being capable of trial and error to complete the task. You have faith that from the thought will come the chair.
     "When I wanted to get some further education, I knew that the courses that I wanted were out there somewhere. And, as I am never surprised by anything government does, I searched government sites for free courses on vibrational sciences and esoterica in my local area.
     " guessed it -- pop bang creation -- the courses appeared.
     "I took them and passed them. But if you search now you will find that at the moment I completed my courses the whole scheme just stopped. It was available because it was created; because I expected it to be there, it was.
     "I hope this makes some sense to you as it seems to be working, and I would like to think that the balanced amongst us could use this to create a better world so I wanted to share it with you.
     "There is a lot more about the hologram containing the plan of the whole in each separate piece and scaling things up and down so they affect bigger and smaller things.
     "Sometimes something needs to be created in a hurry but only needs to stay in place for a while to have a very beneficial effect."

I asked her to expand a little on the notations in her outline.

"I know it [the knowledge of manifestation] has to be given to all even though there are some who will use it to create chaos either out of ignorance or fear, but the balance has to come naturally from the people.
     "The Earth net was a project that I was involved in some time ago, and involved surrounding our Earth with a vibrational net of what looks like blue light.
     "But we only repaired the original and then left it at that."

"Think 'net' -- Earth net 14th Feb 2003"

     "This is the way I wrote it, and when I think 'net', I think of a diamond pattern made of blue light, similar to neon. The size of each diamond is about the same as used in fishing nets, but within each is the infinity of time and being. Each diamond is made up of and is part of infinitely larger and smaller diamonds all at the same time. This fracturing is what allows the Earth net to be used like a bigger, more grown up version of the World Wide Web."

"Think 'Earth heal'"

     "The original net was to heal the rift and to be available for communication. I have no more [on that] other than 'charge the net', which I don't know how to do's not a small job."

"Think 'balance'"

     "When I first sat and read this channelling I was...full of the human condition. I dismissed this once already as unworkable because I thought I had to just give it to those who would use it best. The thought journey that came from that showed me no peace for me and no solution, all hard work and making me responsible which would leave me with no time or energy to channel or go forward. Needed to understand natural balance and to accept that it would be chaotic for a while....
     "However, on balance, there appears to be a statistic I know not from where that says we slightly have the upper hand 61 of us to 49 of them. Therefore, it doesn't need to be a war, just a gentle moving forward with not too many big waves, so they don't even know it's happening until they are a part of it, and it is making their lives better, too."

"Think of the all and not just the one"

     "This just makes me think of things like class distinctions. And being 'militant' is more about bringing problems to the right attention, teaching them not to make mistakes but daring to be the the one who says, 'This is wrong.'

"This is not a war. We need real answers.

     "It's a school of vibrations which when used in harmony amongst the people will free them to think and to explore the next bit, rather than being stuck in this flat dull 3-D."

30/1/07 6:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Therefore, it doesn't need to be a war, just a gentle moving forward with not too many big waves, so they don't even know it's happening until they are a part of it, and it is making their lives better, too."

I believe this is the only way.

There is so much here and it might be the time to gather and consolidate. I always felt a network of the knowing whose members always find one another. I recognize them instantly when I meet them and I feel like they're kin. But they have been few and far between. Maybe now there will be some growth. Everything has changed for me in the last few days and this is very much to my liking.

The fact of faith is a huge part of the foundation, and this is where Moon joops come in. Their area of expertise. It can't be forced on others, or probably even taught. I think more like a subconscious flow underneath all the chaos and chatter. It's like a spigot and those of us who have an abundance of the precious fluid would do well to keep it flowing.

I'll be back shortly for a little more response. This is it. I think we can make plans now. The subtlety she recommends is good.

31/1/07 2:41 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Well, there you have two demonstrations, in this thread, from the universe.

Just to clarify, the government Web sites to which my U.K. correspondent refers are in the U.K.

"It can't be forced on others, or probably even taught. I think more like a subconscious flow underneath all the chaos and chatter."

I wrote a couple of years ago to my U.K. correspondent, "I think it would be very good to acknowledge how the universe is really inside everyone. I have thoughts about that, too. Sometimes people struggle too hard to get somewhere, which makes them think that they are separated and far away from their goal. It would be easier if they realize that it's an interior shift or connection and then they perceive an external event. (However, it is also taking responsibility for one's own emotions, reactions, and personal life situation -- some people may resist on some level.)"

I'll just add for now that in creating change, the doing actually comes first, then comes the conscious self-knowledge from experience, and the possibility of self-reflection. Some people are trained to try too hard to know themselves, thinking that if they assess themselves extremely well, then they will make good decisions and choose their path wisely. (Long-term planning of career trajectories is often a futile exercise.) But that is an attempt at predicting a free-willed being for whom we may not know all possibilities of enjoyment that can arise before they happen.

People will get more self-knowledge and learn to triangulate their direction better from experimenting with changes made in small increments -- testing the waters, so to speak. Many people who make rewarding major changes have in fact been extending themselves in new directions for some time, through smaller changes.

The epiphany, the moment of insight and realization that comes to some people is typically a culmination during the process, and while it may be a defining moment of choice, it is not the very beginning of possibility.

We could also talk about scientific research. For instance, people who seem to have fortunate lives have wide social networks, which could be regarded as a reflection of the underlying connectedness of reality itself. One key to change is to step into wider social networks that bring new energy and events into one's experience. Which is the idea of connectedness again of the personal self to larger systems.

31/1/07 8:12 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Sometimes people struggle too hard to get somewhere, which makes them think that they are separated and far away from their goal.

Amen Brother. Triple amen.

Many people who make rewarding major changes have in fact been extending themselves in new directions for some time, through smaller changes.

1000% right. This is one of my crusades. I've seen it too many times and have learned that change is highly overrated. Most of the time the inner increments are not there so the change is pushing food around the plate. Everything travels in the boxes and nothing REALLY changes.
I've found that the more internal change I achieve the less I have to fiddle with my life.
I stopped counseling others largely because of this. Too much emphasis on external change. Refusal to take resonsibility for their unhappiness. Total refusal in most cases. Usually blaming someone in a relationship.

For instance, people who seem to have fortunate lives have wide social networks, which could be regarded as a reflection of the underlying connectedness of reality itself.

Very very interesting. I have a lot more to discuss with you about this. The wider social network is new for me in this way and I'm learning a tremendous amount and starting to think seriously about social change. The idea of the network being a reflection of connectedness of reality is a great one. I've never been accused of being realistic, so maybe this is a start...:-)

More later.

31/1/07 1:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm becoming more and more aware of the alternative network that's always been working toward social change. Not the activists, but the spiritual planners and visionaries. I think the development is more elaborate and concrete than I imagined.

As I ventured into the socio-political realm recently I saw the juxtaposition of the screamers and the dreamers. They don't mix.

Now I am interested in this visionary world and your e-mail is wonderful.
I think your ideas about change are important.

I wrote a couple of years ago to my U.K. correspondent, "I think it would be very good to acknowledge how the universe is really inside everyone.

I'm beginning to think less emphasis is needed for actual change and more on recognition of what already exists. Tapping inner potential. The flailing against outside negativity is useless. It remains because it's supposed to. Recently I read a spiritual leader's comment on alternative consolidation apart from the forces stalling progress. He talked about building strong structures separate from the failing ones. They will perish on their own and the building in increments that has been going on consistently will be ready to fill the space vacated.
I'm not a believer in crisis and revolution. It's needed for some, but I don't want to participate. If it happens, then that's that, but most of the time it seems to be a highly flawed solution. Probably because the incremental growth has been ignored. This is the most important part to me. I learned this in my travels. Going slowly overland, I adjusted and never got sick, even drinking the water all the way.

It could be time for the thinkers and planners to exchange information as the slot might be opening for entrance and influence. It is another realm from the usual mundane and probably those who are in the vanguard have no interest in these details. I'm beginning to see the picture.

Possibility and probability are interesting to contemplate.

31/1/07 2:50 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"It's so difficult to--really change."

"Difficult? Why, look here. Changing from bad to good is as easy as taking your first step. Put one foot in front of the other! And soon you'll be walking across the floor. Put one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walking out the door."

"...If I want to change the reflection -- I see in the mirror each morn -- you mean that it's just my election -- to vote for a chance to be reborn?"

"Just that!"

31/1/07 6:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

But why change?

31/1/07 9:35 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Could be like why walk out through the door, or why die and pass on to another mode of experience. ;-)

1/2/07 8:17 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Well, if your question has a serious core though a general one....Change is basically the creative power expressing itself. It's part of experience, and maybe it needn't have a reason that's fully calculable in advance. It's kind of like, for the painter, why pick up that camel hair paintbrush you spent good money on and mess up that fine white canvas. Well, for volitional things, you don't have to, but you don't have to resist them either. For seemingly nonvolitional things like growing up and getting older, well, I suspect we signed up for that experience. And why resist yourself if you could be irresistable? ;-)

1/2/07 8:32 AM  
Blogger jm said...

why pick up that camel hair paintbrush you spent good money on and mess up that fine white canvas.

Excellent question.

Change comes naturally, and you're right. Life expresses through change and so do we.
But related to what you said earlier; people have a tendency to try to hard at times. I feel this way about change. I agree it should come after inner change in increments, in terms of life changes.

Of course, I have that node in Taurus which is about staying put. The SN in Scorpio is about big change, but Taurus is contentment.

For example, some like to push the furniture around, change the carpet color, paint the walls on whims, etc. Some like to keep the chair in the same place for 65 years.

So it probably comes back to fundamnetal nature.

1/2/07 11:11 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Which could be like a habit, I suppose. Hmm.

1/2/07 12:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes. For some habit is good, and for some apparently it's a rut.

I think the ones that don't like a lot of external change live in the world of ideas more. My aunt is a Taurus and she's lived in the same apartment for 50 years changing nothing. She is a photographer and lives in her the world of books.

I've seen a lot of unsuccessful results with people and change. The inner turmoil remains and might even get worse because of the expectations and disappointment.

I think people use this word without really thinking. "Change is good" type of thinking. Not necessarily so. I still say it's overrated. Sometimes habit, the same repeated activity, brings security and well-being.

For me, an ungrounded type, lack of change seems to help me find gravity and stability. And seems to help me center in myself, the most important of my quests.

1/2/07 12:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Could be a question of exprimentation. Sometimes change brings improvement, sometimes not.

1/2/07 1:02 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

I was actually thinking that "fundamental nature," zodiacal or otherwise, could be likened to habitual patterns of vibration.

"I think the ones that don't like a lot of external change live in the world of ideas more."

That's interesting. Perhaps their activity is all inwardly directed, then. I wonder if there are different types, because techies live in realms of highly abstract thought, and they practically live and breathe change. For them, software particularly is malleable, moving from thought to creation with little friction.

My mother instinctively resists change. But she complains a lot, too, interestingly enough, so I think she thinks perhaps too much! :-)

I probably would not go to extremes, neither to resist it nor to force it. Change will come. Resistance is ultimately futile, because it will be caused by the movement of the inner self. A dance with a partner, now, is change delighting in active play with a partner. A conversation is a temporal pattern and is also change.

Well, this is what happens when we speak generally. :-) We're not necessarily speaking of the same things.

Change doesn't quite have the same connotations for me, perhaps, as for others. It can also be acceptance and releasing the knots that bind and block the natural flow of energy. Then, to change is actually to move beyond ego level activities, and to approach something that is more like a deepened state of being. That could result in either more physical action or in less, I suppose.

1/2/07 5:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I was actually thinking that "fundamental nature," zodiacal or otherwise, could be likened to habitual patterns of vibration.

Absolutely. This is why habit is actually a good thing. Necessary to survival. Repetition, like breathing and heartbeat, which are stabilizing elements.

When habit chokes life, then there's trouble. So each case is unique. I think some of the human fear of boredom leads to this romanticized vision of change and the negative characterization of habit.

You repeated my belief. That change comes naturally. One can breathe with it.

I think the flux of events moment to moment can be ridden, resisted, embraced, or possibly directed to some extent, but it's a constant rhythm driven from an unseen source.

1/2/07 5:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The highly aware person can come to know this source maybe, but if one does, I would think the person would leave its power intact and trust the machinations. Therefore possibly needing less change.

Hard to say. Sometimes change is simply an exercise of will and some need to develop this ability.

1/2/07 5:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...


My bedroom has been the same for years. But the furniture was all moved in order to dry the carpet this week. I immediately saw the inner change when this occurred.

In the emptiness I saw what I thought would be a better position for one of the chairs. I tried it, and sure enough, it's working.

I didn't impose the change but I saw the possibility when the change came naturally. Of course the change was motivated from my psyche, but being lazy about these things, I don't mind waiting till it comes.:-)

Sometimes an urge to rearrange will come in and be irresistible.

In my music, however, I am constantly changing things. Never satisfied. I'm only satisfied in the creative act, not the finished product.

1/2/07 5:52 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"The highly aware person can come to know this source maybe, but if one does, I would think the person would leave its power intact and trust the machinations. Therefore possibly needing less change."

I think "change" is a word with many connnotations. I don't read the words "change" and "habit" automatically in positive or negative ways. I'd say the rule for either is, if you don't enjoy it, then don't do it.

Change in the sense of external activities is also positive on a broader level, even when it seems negative.

The curious thing, it seems, is that people come to know the deeper state of being through lessons from ego level activities, with all their ups and downs. That is, they learn to release the energy, more and more, which is not more manipulation of it but less distortion of it. At some level, there is no real conflict between activities and that which is more like a state of being.

"In my music, however, I am constantly changing things. Never satisfied. I'm only satisfied in the creative act, not the finished product."

How interesting! You're probably after something beyond the heard sound itself. Is the doing more fun? I tend to be impatient with doing some things, because they take time. I do enjoy the results, though, after I go through the process.

1/2/07 6:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

they learn to release the energy, more and more, which is not more manipulation of it but less distortion of it. At some level, there is no real conflict between activities and that which is more like a state of being.

This is the ideal. I love the less distortion idea. The acceptance of the naturalness and the lead-up to the next thing.

This state of being is exquisite. The unpleasantness of some events is often mitigated quite a bit. The ecstasy on the on the side, maybe is reduced too.

You're probably after something beyond the heard sound itself. Is the doing more fun?

Way way way way more fun. Way more.

Very good point about seeking something beyond the sound itself. There is something about vision in its trip to the material that I love. I always wanted to be a photographer using a darkroom to experience the photo materializing in the dark like that. Dancing with the image is a joy for me. Once it's caught it's lost a lot of its magic.

There is the virgin experience for me every time when I'm creating a piece. This I love. Also the unfinishedness is something I like. I often don't complete songs until later in preparing for performance.

Same with sewing. I love the idea coming into form and the cutting. After that, I lose the full joy. It becomes practical mundane exercise, not my area of expertise. My mind is leaping ahead and wanting to change something.

This is one of the main reasons I'm solo, so I can improvise whenever I want.

1/2/07 9:58 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"It becomes practical mundane exercise, not my area of expertise."

Yeah, that 1% inspiration, followed by labor! Oops, I'm making creation sound like procreation, ha ha.

(Repeating: "Work is love made visible. Work is love made visible. Work is love made visible.")

2/2/07 6:54 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Work is love made visible. Work is love made visible.

Gradual progress. Gradual progress.

2/2/07 3:29 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Persistent effort to build a foundation. And then sometimes, bang, resulting in a breakthrough. Hey, Uranian stuff happens. :-)

2/2/07 6:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That's exactly how it happens. I remember vivdly when I was studying voice the moment of breakthrough.

What I'm working on now, though, is not as tangible. Still the moment of recognition could/should come.

2/2/07 7:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is interesting.
I could be having one of those breakthroughs now. An experience I'm having tonight.

I used to hook on what others were doing and thought I had to imitate in some way. That's probably part of learning at first.
Then over the years I was bothered by this and felt it distracted me from myself and my search. Many years I worked on this. Gradually in the CD's and videos I've been seeing more and more reality and how short they all fall of my perceived goal. It's just that it's not mine. Not at all.

Tonight I put on a tape of an artist I used to like, and BANG! response. Nothing much there as far as what I'm seeking. Pretty empty, really.

I surely do hope this is the sign that I can incarnate fully into my self as an artist.

2/2/07 7:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's something like this.

I'm bothered my the flaws in my singing voice, but when I hear the others, I think, OMG, how bad can it get? You know how I've talked about their lack of openness and breath. That's almost universal. They squeeze and force, rather than open and release.

I have the openness. but with that there is more difficulty with intonation. More bass, more wobble. But the sound is richer, deeper, and fuller. That's my ace.

So I think the time has come to stop all the comparison, mostly to my own idealized version that will never be attained. The human imperfection must be accepted and the voice allowed to fly out. This would be a major breakthrough.

Interesting that it's not really a matter of technique in the usual sense. It's a deep understanding and relationship with myself.

2/2/07 7:35 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

So I think the time has come to stop all the comparison, ...
Interesting that it's not really a matter of technique in the usual sense. It's a deep understanding and relationship with myself

True, true.
Simple and elegant: it is YOUr gift.
Others will listen or not. Like it or not. Be moved or not. Based more on THEIR experience and ripeness, not on the perfection of you/ your gift.

I see this so clearly. Crap is venerated. I look at artist friends who have stooped to the commercial. Everyone must make a living we are all running faster, working longer, exhausting our reserves. Losing our gift, or at least setting it aside. It is a great sadness.

I personally choose a humble life. The trade seems easy to me. Lost in solitude and work out balances the scurrying efforts to create "sellable work" in the end both choices take us to approximately the same place. I like my trail better.

2/2/07 8:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I see this so clearly. Crap is venerated.

Ha ha ha!!! Oh oh, so damned true and well put!

Lost in solitude and work out balances the scurrying efforts to create "sellable work" in the end both choices take us to approximately the same place. I like my trail better.

You know, dear tseka. I think I'm beginning to really know this solitude and recognize its grace. From here there is a chance that I can do the work I dream of. It is outside of social connection in its inception. The sale is the social part, and I agree. No diffence either way, choicewise.

I was thinking long and hard yesterday, about giving them what they demand, or just giving and leave it at that.

scurrying efforts to create "sellable work"
Very much like rats.

2/2/07 8:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think I'm at a crisis and crossroads as an artist. I had the recognition before, it disappeared, and I was sent on a journey to find it again in myself. Eros.

If this can be mastered, then what the market is doing, and whatever piles of crap mount, will be insignificant.

It does bother me to see them eat at these plates with such gluttony, but I will have to be as philosophical as I can. They need it for some reason. And it doesn't really interfere with my destiny.

So let them gorge!! Venerate away!

2/2/07 9:05 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

They need it for some reason. And it doesn't really interfere with my destiny.

Doubtful that they need it. But it is what they have been trained to understand, accept, appreciate. It is a reflection of themselves. They can only receive what they know.

Gradual Progress. we offer, wait. some come. more. enough.

2/2/07 10:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

we offer, wait. some come. more. enough.


I think the some leading to some to some is the real way. Organic, natural. 'Enough' is the heart of the matter.

Beautifully expressed. My dreams are pleased.

3/2/07 4:26 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"I'm bothered my the flaws in my singing voice, but when I hear the others, I think, OMG, how bad can it get? You know how I've talked about their lack of openness and breath. That's almost universal. They squeeze and force, rather than open and release."

One time, I thought that I had overworked a painting. It still impressed my instructor and other classmates, but I knew I ran into problems during the painting process. The unfolding vision I pursued didn't entirely make it onto the watercolor paper. I managed to get its expressiveness back to a fair level of spontaneity and freshness, but it was interesting at the time to compare my focus on "the big fish that got away" to other's reactions which were more like "what a remarkable catch!"

We've had this conversation before, about the eccentric manifestations within time of the idealized forms. The manifestation is really an extension or expression of the ideal, and add to its richness in ways we don't fully follow. As conscious beings, we make certain distinctions that are sometimes useful and, sometimes, not so much.

It's like the multiverse theory. We imagine there is one creation, and wonder how it came to be, but there may actually be many. The cosmos may be like a constantly branching tree, or an infinitely extending network, and we mostly just know the tip of our one twig and wonder about the rest.

There may be many versions of each personality we can know, too, existing somewhere, somewhen. Every person is on a hero's journey, even the one we might call a lost soul.

"I have the openness. but with that there is more difficulty with intonation. More bass, more wobble. But the sound is richer, deeper, and fuller. That's my ace."

Yes, people have varying degrees of natural ability, so they compensate with effort. Their achievements are imperfect because creation particularizes. Each quality tends to sacrifice other qualities to some extent. But it's good to stretch to have options, and range among them to create variety.

"So I think the time has come to stop all the comparison, mostly to my own idealized version that will never be attained. The human imperfection must be accepted and the voice allowed to fly out. This would be a major breakthrough."

Heh, you do have more of a tendency to compare than I do.

"Interesting that it's not really a matter of technique in the usual sense. It's a deep understanding and relationship with myself."

A post with beautiful and amazing implications on many levels.

3/2/07 7:14 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Release distortions impeding the flow of energy from the center. Untie the knot. Let go and live.

3/2/07 7:27 AM  
Blogger jm said...

The manifestation is really an extension or expression of the ideal, and add to its richness in ways we don't fully follow. As conscious beings, we make certain distinctions that are sometimes useful and, sometimes, not so much.

Very good point. The need to judge can be just that...a need and not necessarily a call to action.
A constant exercise that serves some purpose, if only to maintain the skill of discrimination and preserve autonomy.

Yes, people have varying degrees of natural ability, so they compensate with effort.

They should stick to what natural talents they have. Then I could go to a restaurant again sometime in my life. Waiting for when I can have a pleasant, satisfying meal without the voices shrieking. Or maybe it's better this way..:-). It's in the grocery stores that it really gets to me.

Winning is so revered in this society that they go to extremes to achieve this. This "I can do anything" approach. Some people just don't have the vocal chops. And for those that do, training has to be used with caution so as not to squelch the spontaneous creative expression.

Untie the knot. Let go and live.

This is good in theory, but when one knot unties, another forms. We live anyway.

The main problem with knots and impediments is that when we're inside of them, we can't really see their value. The situation we find ourselves in at any moment is just right. Perfect, I daresay.
It's recognition.

3/2/07 2:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is an example of the orchestration:

I have a North Node in the 1st House which is a search and establishment of identity, thus the tendency to compare. Problematic, only in a case like mine.

But the tendency serves a great purpose. the discomfort leads me to establish this temporarily lost identity, and the comparison delineates my individuality. I prefer to think of it as the grain of sand that forms the pearl.

It's hard sometimes to know whether the irritants in our lives have a purpose that will reveal itself and bring benefits that wouldn't come otherwise. I think they might all be this way. So keep them, work with them, escape them, reject them, hate them, love them? Whose to say?

3/2/07 2:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Look what message I just found in my e-mail!!

The World IS your oyster, so when you see this card in your
readings, remember to keep your heart and mind open to greater possibilities.

Referring to the Tarot card, the World.

3/2/07 3:10 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"A constant exercise that serves some purpose, if only to maintain the skill of discrimination and preserve autonomy."

That's a excellent point. The East talks about diminishing ego, and the West builds it up for mental health. (Perhaps that is analogous to contemporary astrology's dualities, such as the one of Neptune and Saturn.) I tend to think that both perspectives are incomplete if taken in isolation, and there seems to be a new synthesis growing.

Interestingly, it's been asserted that the ego that has real strength and vitality will have been growing beyond the need to separate. It is already individuated through experience and can open to the internal source of its power without fear of being overwhelmed by the release of energy. Part of its task is to release patterns that are seen to be no longer useful. Like the Sun, the astrological ruler of Leo, it will shine.

"Or maybe it's better this way..:-). It's in the grocery stores that it really gets to me."

All a part of the experience. Or not, as one chooses. :-) The world is rather crowded at present. People who want to attune to higher, finer streams of inner information and energy typically turn off the clamor of the world at least to some extent. Nevertheless, the crowded nursery is noisy, and perhaps that's the way it has to be.

"This is good in theory, but when one knot unties, another forms. We live anyway."

Not a problem, ha ha! There are always more lessons, and perhaps subtler ones. Not a bad thing to look forward to, I suppose. I do sometimes wonder why so many people complain about the knotty aspects of life.

Maybe we untie knots just so that we can make more knots, perhaps of interest to us. The binding and releasing of energy is what makes life happen. Too much of either order or chaos makes life impossible. The movement is interesting, and I'm inclined to believe that there is no end to growth and development. Some philosophies appeal to the sense of the unchanging absolute, trying to go outside creation in a way, and others deny that anything endures forever. Whichever may be closer to the truth, I do feel that we are incarnated with purpose and the ability to act.

"The main problem with knots and impediments is that when we're inside of them, we can't really see their value."

I think that we contain them. We're never really inside them, except as an illusion of perception. My take is that when we have received their value and learned what we needed, we can release the experience and go on. But people are not merely puppets moved hither and yon by life. They are part of life. And sometimes people can use encouragement. Conditions, by their nature, are impermanent, but we can extend them through action or inaction. The choice is each person's.

"The situation we find ourselves in at any moment is just right. Perfect, I daresay. It's recognition."

In one sense, everything that seems "bad" will somehow be made use of by a higher "good". Which is good. :-)

Some choices (whether of action or inaction) offer more creative potentials than others, in that they open the way to more possibilities.

We are free to work with what we have in the present. And that may be part of the perfection that some people do strive for something more than what the illusion suggests is real. And it can be done with fuller consciousness. The illusion of maya can become the play of leela.

I think that there is a Middle Way between passive acceptance and denial of what appears to be real. When I create a new drawing or software application, it could be said that there is a sort of denial of the "present" to visualize possible "futures". But on a broader level than linear time, it could also be seen as not a simple exclusionary denial but an inclusive embracing of more than the "present". That, to me, is freedom. Another perspective is that we are always faced with the choice of recreating the past in a new present, or creating a different present. But so long as we are embedded in process, we are always creating new presents. It's just that some new moments resemble past moments more closely.

I do feel that philosophies and theologies diverge because it is difficult to reconcile strong statements about existence without looking closely at the context of specific situations in question. A thing I learned from work is that people start getting into "religious arguments" because they start moving away from the specifics of reality. Which, if any direction, is closer to ideal is often best answered by quantifying and measuring the wonderfully unique situation at hand. Perhaps a way to move past the wave/particle duality, to borrow a metaphor. And perhaps processive life itself is also the best measure of and the calculation of itself, there being no better demonstration possible.

You seem to have strong underlying feelings about some very interesting topics. I think that you're engaged in some intriguing processing yourself!

4/2/07 11:58 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"It's hard sometimes to know whether the irritants in our lives have a purpose that will reveal itself and bring benefits that wouldn't come otherwise. I think they might all be this way. So keep them, work with them, escape them, reject them, hate them, love them? Whose to say?"

It's just great to have all of those options! I think I've tried them all, as a matter of fact. LOL!

"Look what message I just found in my e-mail!!
"...Referring to the Tarot card, the World."

Isn't that amazing? You and the universe created that experience together, co-creatively. How did you do that? :-)

And part of its greatness is the meaningful ambiguity -- the "world is your oyster interpretation" of the card is so open to interpretation itself. Very nice!

4/2/07 12:06 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

To put it simply, I used "untie the knot" as a metaphor for releasing the energy of one's essential state of being. So it is about allowing, and embracing reality, it is not really about struggling with outer circumstances. It is about the opposite of denying one's life force. So, in that way, I have no worries about undue entanglements or inappropriate use of force. Nothing can happen that isn't allowed for by the design of all that exists, in any case, as you seem to be saying in a different way.

4/2/07 1:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

As usual a mountain of insight here. Will be back, of course. Delightful.

4/2/07 3:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The ego. Lots to say on that. It's the lack of development that causes the problem, I think. It should be respected as much as any god. I don't know why the denigration. This is where I part ways with almost all Eastern religious philosophies. Way too simplistic. Ego bad. Ego is a key, really. It pumps our blood, for petesake.

The knot discussion is good. More coming. The gordian knot is one of my favorite images.

4/2/07 3:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The Sun is the central battery. There is no system without it. All the planets serve a purpose in the whole.

So the idea that Saturn is bad, The Sun/ego is bad, etc., is ludicrous. It's not that complicated. Just realize the function and get with it.
People who push the idea of diminished ego are only those who have guilt and personal problems with self. Denial, so the loss of ego becomes the solution. Doesn't work.

Nevertheless, the crowded nursery is noisy, and perhaps that's the way it has to be.

LOL!! Yes, it does have to be that way until they stop banging in the pots and pans a little later.

Maybe we untie knots just so that we can make more knots, perhaps of interest to us. The binding and releasing of energy is what makes life happen.

In total agreement. One of my major theories. This is why we get trapped in bondage, whether it be to bad situations, oppressive people and governments, body tensions, whatever...the entrapment makes the act of getting free ecstatic and we purposely seek restriction to experience this.The necessity of contrast. Contrast often manifests as conflict.

Some philosophies appeal to the sense of the unchanging absolute, trying to go outside creation in a way, and others deny that anything endures forever. Whichever may be closer to the truth, I do feel that we are incarnated with purpose and the ability to act.

Don't think it matters which is supposedly true. We function from a position of change and movement. I also believe in purpose, if only as a means to total progression, species-wise.

I think that we contain them. We're never really inside them, except as an illusion of perception. My take is that when we have received their value and learned what we needed, we can release the experience and go on.

I agree with this. I have found, though, that the time to untie reveals itself outside of my conscious control.

it could be said that there is a sort of denial of the "present" to visualize possible "futures". But on a broader level than linear time, it could also be seen as not a simple exclusionary denial but an inclusive embracing of more than the "present". That, to me, is freedom.

This I agree with too. A delicate place in the present that incorporates a look into the future as part of its fullness and pertinence. The present is connected to something else, and looking in those directions is not a denial. Only if it is an attempt to obliterate the present or escape it. There is a connective tissue we are trying to see, so we have to look at past and future, but only as conjecture. I think the motivations for actions come from different sources.

Perhaps a way to move past the wave/particle duality

This is a large part of it. I learned about it through analog and digital with music. One thing I work with is connecting the digital breakup to mimic analog. Very interesting pursuit for me.

Oh this is all so enjoyable! Great minds meet.

You seem to have strong underlying feelings about some very interesting topics. I think that you're engaged in some intriguing processing yourself!

Where do I begin on this. I have a genius-type mind but not much of an interest in following everyone else's theories as they are explained in obtuse and complex intellectuality. This limits me in the sharing. My genius is perceiving tangents. Nothing is as it seems, and the processes are infinitely alluring. I love following my mental paths. There's a lot to figure out about how I incorporate all the others, if they continue to be around. My thinking is a direct route to my self actualization. I trust it as a guide.

I certainly do enjoy these conversations. Your advanced mind and the fact of writing it out. Extremely enjoyable and enlightening.

5/2/07 2:18 AM  
Blogger jm said...

So it is about allowing, and embracing reality, it is not really about struggling with outer circumstances.

Very interesting and graceful relationship between flowing with and pushing against the outer reality. Both are necessary.

I think the knots and all the entanglements we find ourselves in every day give us ballast, purpose, bring us fully into the present, and most of all, give us something to do.

They keep us from disintegrating.
There is a density and involvement in dealing with these entanglements. Maybe this is life in the material.

5/2/07 2:21 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"LOL!! Yes, it does have to be that way until they stop banging in the pots and pans a little later."

Oh, goodness! Noises galore. Time to start music education. Last month, I bought my godson a child's guitar. Scary how hard he tugs at the strings, though!

"This is where I part ways with almost all Eastern religious philosophies. Way too simplistic. Ego bad. Ego is a key, really. It pumps our blood, for petesake."

Yes, I think all religions fall a little way short of truth. That is, though they serve to remind us of inner wisdom, they all accumulate some error, and truth connotes an immediacy of perception that accumulated knowledge sometimes obscures.

"Denial, so the loss of ego becomes the solution. Doesn't work."

Wise management is good. But extreme denial runs the risk of trying to cut out too many steps, I think.

Like the swami who could control his brainwaves and heartbeat to a fine degree. A curious incident happened when a scientist asked him to put his brainwaves into a range called alpha.

The alpha frequencies are typically associated with states like relaxation, daydreaming and light meditation.

When the session was over, the swami emerged highly agitated. What a horrible, hellish state of consciousness, he declared! Greatly surprised, the researcher asked him about it.

The swami explained that all of the things he meant to do but never did, every thing that anyone had ever wanted from him, broken promises and disappointments, his parents' wishes and expectations, relationship problems, etc., etc., etc., all arose as a HUGE CLAMOR in his mind, all demanding his attention at the same time!

He stated that he normally turns all that stuff off!

So, of course, we can predict that a certain level of teachers (though not all) can achieve and teach something about the power of concentration, but obviously something remains primitive in their psychological development, and some have had sex scandals or do not understand the needs, purposes, and wisdom of the West. People can enforce peace of mind for a time, but at a certain cost of energy which they may not fully realize.

"Oh this is all so enjoyable! Great minds meet."

I know that many arts and pursuits demand a lot of alone time, but it's great fun elsewhen, isn't it? I wonder if a highly telepathic society might experience the alone time without feeling too isolated, and if there will be heightened forms of creative collaboration that will surprise us. Perhaps that is what some people will experience in some alternate future, a synthesis of what they learned in isolation, like the breaking down of steps for study that we talked about in the earlier thread.

"My genius is perceiving tangents. Nothing is as it seems, and the processes are infinitely alluring. I love following my mental paths."

Well, your blog is quite attractive for that reason. Like a winding stroll in those autumnal woods, or down the garden path to see where it leads. In the past, it's been fairly unusual to have the kind of mind that can feel and explore the less tangible shapes forming beneath the surface of consensus reality. Not everyone can understand on a conscious level, but I am convinced that all such explorations have an influence, nonetheless.

5/2/07 9:57 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes, I think all religions fall a little way short of truth.

I think their purpose has little to do with it.

truth connotes an immediacy of perception that accumulated knowledge sometimes obscures.

Very very good point. Lot to think about here.

Also interesting swami story. Makes complete sense.

People can enforce peace of mind for a time, but at a certain cost of energy which they may not fully realize.

Enforce is the word.
Anxities and fears are part of the package. I'm working with techniques and lately I've been thinking about avoiding situations where I know there will be a needless increase, but also allowing entrance to those that come, knowing they will leave. So I'm trying to feel them but not overreact. They are just entities of my making, not that harmful. A relationship can be workable.

wonder if a highly telepathic society might experience the alone time without feeling too isolated, and if there will be heightened forms of creative collaboration that will surprise us.

Yes, Yes. I know that's what we're doing right now. I saw the change as people gathered around fear and chat and it compartmentalized into pockets of great discovery. A big surprise. What a beautiful thought about the artist's isolation finding balance in telepathic knowing. Gorgeous thought.
This partly explains my change lately.

Not only does it balance the isolation but I think it improves the work and self expression.

but I am convinced that all such explorations have an influence, nonetheless.

Thank you for your wondrous description of my blog, kadimiros. I know the influence happens. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been drawn out to form a broader circle. This always intrigues me. It takes a lot to get me out of my privacy. It has to be something great.

We will see soon enough.

5/2/07 3:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

it's been fairly unusual to have the kind of mind that can feel and explore the less tangible shapes forming beneath the surface of consensus reality

Yes. consensus reality.

I also feel that this unusual development along social lines is the real seed of political change. Not attacking the system. The system is actually the sand in the oyster once again. It's fascinating how this all came to be within the political framework. At first I despaired, having always believed that change came through the propagation of positive attributes. But now, I am renewed, optimistic, and excited.

5/2/07 8:49 PM  

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