Monday, January 15, 2007

Professor Wisenhadt

Class, class. Attention!
Today we will be studying Diogenes' biography of Theophrastus, and the thermodynamic motion of the monofractal molecular nucleus.

Please be seated.


Blogger Tseka said...

Oh dang!
And here i was hoping to go back to froggy gazing into the pool with some thoughts, questions on the North Node and Narcissism.

The thermodynamic motion of the monofractal molecular nucleus sounds good though. You've got my attention Professor Wisenhadt.

Plasma flow rates? Curious about the source we are looking at.

15/1/07 7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you suppose this comet would qualify as a subject of thermodynamic motion, seeing as how it's probably flinging itself through space at a kajillion miles per hour? :o)

Comets herald great changes and I betcha this one is no exception.

15/1/07 8:54 AM  
Blogger Diane L said...

And here i was hoping to go back to froggy gazing into the pool with some thoughts, questions on the North Node and Narcissism.

ha, ha, ha!!! I'm paying attention, Professor Wisenhadt, honest I am! Understanding it, well, that's another story . . . :-)

Joe, that's a great picture of this comet. I'm with you wondering what it portend . . . impeachment proceedings?! :-)

15/1/07 9:44 AM  
Blogger jm said...

And here i was hoping to go back to froggy gazing into the pool with some thoughts, questions on the North Node and Narcissism.

Would you believe I almost posted another Narcissus instead of the professor?

I would love to have that conversation. Will do.

Plasma flow rates?

Comets are an intersting subject. A lot of times, though, the changes aren't extremely dramatic.

I think impeachment would go entirely against the new gains that are coming in the populace. He's the grain of sand in the oyster and it's not quite over yet as Pluto winds down. One more trip back to the G Spot.

15/1/07 2:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Anyhoo, between the crying of the Bushmen and throwing up in China, they don't have much emotional control. I wouldn't worry too much about them..:-)

There was one hilarious post on Mr. Bush's interview on CNN and he called himself, "the Educator". He's educating the public about war now. And he said again wha ta boss decider he is. Oh yeah! Moon/Jupiter in Libra. You can fool someone, I suppose.

It's tragic to have this game go on around war, but the 29 Pisces of this thing is part of it all. Thank god it's not like WWI.

Professor Wisenhadt could teach these caricatures of human beings something about "educators".

15/1/07 7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Throwing up in China? Are you referring to the Bushus vomitus ssp., which is peculiar (and I use that word advisedly) to the North American country known as the United States? Because, if memory serves, it was the Japanese Prime Minister upon whom this strange subspecies, um, well... lost his cookies, for lack of a better word.

Maybe it was the broccoli in the salad that day? Bushus vomitus ssp. is notoriously averse to cruciform vegetables.


15/1/07 7:50 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Of course, Japan! I knew it was somewhere over there.

it was the Japanese Prime Minister upon whom this strange subspecies, um, well...

Yeah. What in the world is this strange subspecies? Or anti-species.

15/1/07 8:01 PM  

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