Monday, February 05, 2007

Evening on the Nile

In my travels around the world, sunset was always a beautiful, pleasure-filled time, as the doldrums of the afternoon turned into the lively hum of the evening hours. Humanity comes to life in a whirl of business, socializing, snacking, drinking all sorts of colored liquids, filling the sweet shops and streets with activity as the marketplace buzzes into the night.
I used to love to sit in the tea shops and listen to the sounds. The smells were wonderful too.
Even the elephants stop their jungle jaunts to contemplate the setting sun. It's like a wave that travels across the whole world.


Blogger Diane L said...

I like evenings & sunsets too. Especially in the summer in the Northern latitudes where the light seems to linger forever. An enchanting time . . .

1/2/07 9:31 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I wonder if I'll ever be outside enjoying one of those lingering sunsets?

More snow is on the way!

Interesting how some like solitude at that time and some like excessive social activity.

1/2/07 10:56 AM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Interesting how some like solitude at that time and some like excessive social activity.

Those who choose to start their days at dawn are often ready for time alone . . . and those who are just beginning to hit their stride are ready to party, or whatever!

Libras are supposed to like the sunset hour, which I do. And my Aries, like tseka, is nuts about the dawn!

We need to have serious discussion with that groundhog about limiting this Winter stuff! Time for it to melt away . . .

1/2/07 11:17 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm about ready for some global warming!

Those who choose to start their days at dawn are often ready for time alone . . . and those who are just beginning to hit their stride are ready to party, or whatever!

That's a thought. Around the world they sleep in the afternoon and do most of their business in the evening. Completely diffent from here, going at full tilt all day. Kind of takes the wind out of the sails at sunset..:-)

1/2/07 11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your dreamy image jm. Did I tell you that in Greece we went to watch the sunset at a famous place, it was beautiful, but my son, then age two, wept when he realized it was gone. I love those times in the evening, but it does help to have long, warm days. This winter especially seems like time for hibernation. Is there really more snow coming? Yikes.

I read your post on Saturn and Neptune -- I think I have Saturn in the 2nd house. I haven't been able to get any insurance money for my neck injury -- could this be related? I just want to be in some dreamy space and my life is eaten by practical things.

1/2/07 12:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Juju! Perfect illustration of astrology in action.

Insurance companies are ruled by Scorpio, and the neck is ruled by Taurus, the natural ruler of the 2nd house. Your Saturn is in Scorpio in the 2nd.
Some pain in the neck concerning money matters and other people! This always amazes me.

The transit is different. The Saturn is in the 11th and Neptune in the 5th right now, so read that one for the current situation. The 5th house is also about children, so something could be happening there.
Your transit is the second from the last in the post.

Saturn is on your Sun in the 11th now stimulating issues of friendship, future, and the world beyond your intimate circle. Not time for dreamy esacpe quite yet, but that's coming up next, when Saturn gets to the 12th house. Pretty soon.

in Greece we went to watch the sunset at a famous place, it was beautiful, but my son, then age two, wept when he realized it was gone.

That is so beautiful.

1/2/07 1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*busy taking notes* Gemini = ruler of 3rd, Taurus = ruler of 2nd Then is Aries the ruler of the 1st house since Aries is the first sign in the Zodiac?

You'll be happy to know I made my flashcards as I half-seriously mentioned last evening. :o)

1/2/07 3:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Joe! Really! You are going to enjoy this thoroughly. It's not really that complicated, and every bit of knowledge is applicable and helpful.

I'll plan some specifics and get to them after the nodes.

Yes, yes. Aries is the ruler of the 1st.


1/2/07 4:49 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So, for example..your Saturn in Gemini in the first is a Saturn, Mercury, Mars thing.

Your identity(Mars/Aries/1st) is equal to your thinking. speaking, knowledge, and articulation.(Mercury) Saturn is the block and heaviness but also the urge to perfect.

You can separate them and see everything..Saturn(block)/Mars(projection into the environment). This makes for an cautious individual who calculates his actions. Has difficulty moving forward, but can consolidate energy and accomplish a lot.

Mercury(Thinking/speaking)/Saturn(block) the hesitation in speech, but profound mental abilities.

See what you come up with.

1/2/07 4:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And Mercury/Saturns are prone to pessimism, so being around uplifting people and things balances this trait.

1/2/07 5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Mercury/Saturns are prone to pessimism

I can just hear my Libra saying, "Gee, ya think?" :o)

1/2/07 5:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

You have Venus in Sag in the 7th, meaning good karma with upbeat people (neptune aside:-) and all that Libra balance.
Sometimes those quiet down times are valuable. Answers come.

1/2/07 5:32 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"And Mercury/Saturns are prone to pessimism"

That makes me think of Dr. Zachary Smith going, "We're doomed! We're doomed!" On the plus side, that would mean we can always party today like there's no tomorrow.

1/2/07 6:42 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Sometimes those quiet down times are valuable. Answers come."

There's a great law of rhythm at work. Even sad times can be beneficial, because they help people reflect deeply. The rhythm of both rest and activity is important to sustaining health.

1/2/07 6:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

that would mean we can always party today like there's no tomorrow.

Hey!!! That's too optimistic! today is bad too, ya know.

1/2/07 9:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Even sad times can be beneficial, because they help people reflect deeply.

Sad times are highly beneficial. The demands of response to outside stimulation can reach a limit. Sadness is a way to withdraw, linger in feelings, and get away from performance pressures. Energy goes in and circulates.
All good.

Sadness is equal to happiness. The societal push toward fake happiness is self-defeating. Ridiculous. We have to experience all emotions for that state of health you mentioned.

1/2/07 9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's morning now, and the full moon is setting, but this post is a reminder of yesterday's evening wonder. I stepped off the bus into a surprise swirl of snow -- as we'd crossed the Great River, minutes before, I'd noted clouds overhead and clear sky in the west. After crossing the busy street, I looked to the east to see the full moon shining through a hole in the cloud, then began walking westward with Venus winking at me.

2/2/07 5:35 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Thank you pd.

2/2/07 3:07 PM  

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