Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Friction and Explosion

Conflict: a clash between opposing forces
com-together+figure-to strike

With Mars opposing Pluto now the subject of conflict came up in the conversation within a deeper than ordinary context:
Recently I have been contemplating the brutal selfishness of my natal Mars conjunct my Sun. My desire for understanding this develops from attempting to minimize unintended fallout from expressing myself, a desire for waging peace in my life, not conflict. Only it is my experience that in minimizing this Martial brutality the reflection of that energy is strongest with others ignoring what I have to say even when I am addressing their concerns exactly. It is unlikely this is the case for anyone else who does not have this signature, but for me it reminds me that honest expression requires no restraint.
 I have Aries rising, born to thrust with full aggressive force, penetrate resistant material, and muscle through circumstance. All people with strong Mars placements have these characteristics to some degree. What does this mean in terms of conflict? When I blow my top I get a distinct chain of sensations in my solar plexus, a singular feeling that alerts me about an upcoming unstoppable event. It travels up to my head and usually exits at the throat, or these days, at my fingertips. There is no question about the completion of the act.
I often use the example of a germinating seed in the ground as an illustration of the thrust of Mars. The power is enough to crack the earth, the instinct that aggressive. Do you think the thrust can be controlled, withheld? Does pushing against resistance guarantee the strength it takes to survive? Life is based on friction. Friction: the rubbing of one thing against another. The source of fire, electricity, procreation, and probably all movement and creation. Peace and stasis come in-between. In looking at the earth one sees the explosions occuring periodically as pressures build and the crack and release provide the exit in volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, storms, wars, personal battles, and so on. One thing rubbing against another to produce usable energy and to maintain balance.
As Mars leaves Gemini, the Sun enters Libra where once again people wrestle with this idea of peace, cooperation, and harmony. Why the fear around friction, since we know that conflict is the only way to peace? What exactly are we afraid of, since most people are uncomfortable with these impulses? In terms of truth-telling, how much force is required, how much pressure to crack through, since it does appear that lies get the most attention in society. Yet I know there is also a search for honesty in humankind. Why the resistance? The interesting aspect of the word, "conflict" is that com: together is part of the definition. So the harmony is written into the action from the beginning.

And then the basic question: how much restraint should be applied, if any, when an individual has powerful Mars configurations. How much selfishness is appropriate? How much pain is acceptable in getting through obstacles? How much separation is best to bring togetherness to fruition?

Mars is not to be played with. It's as potent a force as there is and very sharp. Yes, it's dangerous, but those who have it also know how to handle it. Others invite it but have to adjust and recover from what you call brutality, but might be necessary. The receiver is just as responsible, always.
Nothing wrong with selfishness. The only thing wrong with it is trying not to own it. That's where the trouble starts. It's there for a reason. People who have selfish destinies have to learn to stick up for themselves and sometimes this is the only way. They are probably overcoming threatening timidity and feel extra pressure to survive. Trying to hold back Mars is more dangerous than its expression, unless you have Saturn involved. Then you have the tools to withhold it. Sun conjunct Mars is meant to illuminate the potency. Fuel it. It could take many forms. Restraint is not the answer. Possibly driving it well is the solution. Directing it and aiming accurately. Using the full potential.
 In truth, almost everyone is selfish. Fact of life and probably necessary. Some are just more successful at covering it up. I don't see why this has to be denied while humans are trying to evolve to better behavior. I think conflict serves to send people back to themselves to re-establish identity. With a firm sense of self is the only way ongoing peace and harmony can be created. There will be many immediate opportunities to test this as Mars goes into Cancer for emotional conflict squaring peace brokering Libra. Lay down your arms or pick them up, whichever you prefer.
Illustration: Thomas Locker


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what synchronicity! was just thinking about it today, since I exploded with verbal rage on two people. The moment that rage isn't vocalized, I actually fell it going into my solar plexus and suffocating me.It was the discovery of deep buried rage and its release that got me out of a depression.
Although with a Mars in Scorpio,and Sun sextile Mars I used to be very passive-aggressive. But when I choose to own my rage, the moment it is out in the open it crystallizes and illuminates whether the problem came from me or them, or the in between. Mars feels like a pure, truthful energy, when it is abused it is easily noticed.
without that friction and explosion all we would have is potential energy, and that can get boring quickly.

20/9/07 6:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Elena, once again, you hit the spot.

Mars feels like a pure, truthful energy, when it is abused it is easily noticed.

Great statement.

When Pluto conjoined my Mars by transit many years ago I got the lesson of deep inner rage and explosion in a way that influenced the rest of my life probably more than any other event.

You Mars in Scorpios know all about this. The repression and the path out.

But when I choose to own my rage, the moment it is out in the open it crystallizes and illuminates whether the problem came from me or them, or the in between.

This is so well put. It really doesn't matter where it comes from. Everywhere, probably. We're like lightning rods sometimes.

20/9/07 6:17 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

this is amazing, you've both expressed it so well. it feels like it's only just begun.

20/9/07 9:57 PM  
Blogger jm said...

it feels like it's only just begun.

I feel that way all the time.

20/9/07 10:31 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Friction and Explosion.

A spark from a train.

Add winds and steep bluff.

A raging fire.

Five homes destroyed.

No phones.

This morning, my father is safe his house still standing.

Big things have a way of distilling all the little stuff to unimportance.

21/9/07 10:27 AM  
Blogger Nathan Kibler said...

Guilt has always been a mechanism keeping me from expressing myself and guilt around selfishness has played into that. My parents expected me to be selfless at an early age because they adopted my sister, who is only a year younger than me, when I was still a toddler and her needs seemed to eclipse mine entirely. It has been very tough as an adult when my parents hold expectations of me that are removed from this restraining guilt they established. It puzzles them that I continue to struggle, while I have only been able to cope and move beyond these expectations by deeply forgiving myself for swallowing the guilt whole at such a young age.

At times in my adult life I have found myself consciously giving up power in order to achieve things I believed were necessary for growth, only to find myself powerless to redirect mistakes in my perception. These mistakes, while easy to make, devastate my self-confidence as they play out as repeated failure. In retrospect, loosing and regaining power is how I grew, not the solutions I originally planned for, which lost their effectiveness the minute I achieved them.

JM, thank you for pointing out the tendency of my Scorpio SN "forever relinquishing power in serious ways others don't comprehend". I think I grew up not recognizing my own power because I often felt marginalized by adults, who perhaps saw the resiliency of my ascendant in Sagittarius to work through limitations and assumed I always would. I've only been able to access that ability in my life through an uncommon, almost super-human self-confidence, requiring a rigorous daily practice in self-care, reminiscent of my NN.

I know I must own this as it is tied to my personality which refuses to be marginalized and forces me to keep my confidence visible and above the surface. Years of suppressing this must be stripped away otherwise I will not meet success. Those who do not recognize my primacy can only suffer in their ignorance and I will only loose my own power if I stoop to help them beyond what I already offer. In this case, I must pick up the surgeon's scalpel and in the most gentle, skillful and Taurean way, cut away the restraint that would otherwise smother me.

21/9/07 11:17 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Big things have a way of distilling all the little stuff to unimportance.

And of pointing out what safety is and where it is.
Great relief.

21/9/07 2:37 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Guilt has always been a mechanism keeping me from expressing myself and guilt around selfishness has played into that.

For all of us in some way. You admit your selfishness with no justification which I think is outstanding.

JM, thank you for pointing out the tendency of my Scorpio SN "forever relinquishing power in serious ways others don't comprehend".

I could write a book on it. Just this node. The SN is a hard one for people to face. They do almost everything to justify the behavior, since it is so hard to release from the addiction. With the Scorpio one, the pain is so direct and obviously connected, maybe it's easier to recognize. I don't know.

The nodes operate differently from everything in the chart. In this case for example, many people with Scorpio placements are learning about exchange with others, and what we call power, but they have no idea whatsoever of the magnitude of the dangers, etc. like a SN in Scorpio does. No clue in comparison. Child's play. The games and their potential destructiveness. The real seriousness. All that. They know not. The SN in Scorpio misses nothing, while the other Scorpio types don't get it until later. After they've experienced fully what the SN in Scorpio already has. Keeping control of our emotional-reactive bodies is paramount. Absolutely paramount. And power over others is not at all desirable. Not at all.

The major aspect of the SN is not that it's good or bad. That's not really an applicable approach to anything in the chart. It's that we've done everything there is to do with that lesson. We have mastered it, and all that we do now there is unfulfilling. Prevents focus on growth and potential. It happens automatically at the South, my main point, so it needs no energy input.

When planets surround the SN, the same addictive problems are there. Saturn makes a repeat of the lessons necessary and it is a very very very hard destiny. People sense the desire to move ahead but they are held in the undertow to relearn. A place they don't want to be anymore.

With other planets around the SN repeats are involved but the choices are there to move to other parts of the personality, especially as people attract others who touch the NN and other points. People vary greatly as to what parts of their personalities they live in.

The thing I love about the SN is how simple it makes it for us at least to recognize our own sabotage.

I think the point of the astrological chart is to give us the tools to make conscious decisions in our behaviors and help map routes to our destinies. We can pick and choose. And the SN points it out the most.

Be back for more in a moment on this fantastic comment. That 29 Jupiter Gemini sure as hell knows where the words are located.

21/9/07 3:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I will do a post on this. I've never failed to see this resistance to the truth of the SN. That's why your courage is such a relief, nathan. Those of us who have experience the negative reality of Scorpio do not want to revisit.

I often felt marginalized by adults, who perhaps saw the resiliency of my ascendant in Sagittarius to work through limitations and assumed I always would.

Very very interesting statement. Plus the desire for freedom with Sag which you probably project. They were correct about the resiliency. I was left on my own completely. Why? Aries rising."Don't need nothin' from nobody". I can take care of myself. Little did I know how much I would be called upon to do this. So we start immediately mapping our destinies through the ASC, probably the most important part of the chart. Know that, you know yourself. Every action is filtered through the ASC.

I've only been able to access that ability in my life through an uncommon, almost super-human self-confidence

Touche! That's why you have a Sun-Mars conjunction in Taurus. To be used to the max. Again, timidity and powerlessness are in your past threatening your survival. You know that well.

I know I must own this as it is tied to my personality which refuses to be marginalized and forces me to keep my confidence visible and above the surface.

The illumination of the Sun.

Years of suppressing this must be stripped away otherwise I will not meet success.

Moon-SN-Neptune in Scorpio. Repression opposing the Sun-Mars. The choice? Obvious.

Those who do not recognize my primacy can only suffer in their ignorance and I will only loose my own power if I stoop to help them beyond what I already offer.

You got it. They don't want it and won't benefit. Self sacrifice is highly highly overrated. It's the stuff of novels. Your life is about you and once that's established, the helping of others will really begin. They will be drawn to your healing by instinct. Self sacrifice is not necessary. It's only necessary in those who are leaning to relinquish. Who grasp too much. This is not the SN in Scorpio. The NN in Scorpio is the one who really benefits from giving things up, parts of the "self" included.

I must pick up the surgeon's scalpel and in the most gentle, skillful and Taurean way, cut away the restraint that would otherwise smother me.

With Pluto in the GC opposite Mars, the full moon in Aries on deck, and Mars retrograde in Cancer going into the past with the scalpel, your opportunity had arrived.

Excellent, nathan. Excellent. Thank you.

21/9/07 3:49 PM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

It seems to me that people who accuse you of being selfish always want something from you, usually money. I've learned to just say no with finality and if the pleading does not stop, I just cut the connection rather ruthlessly. This is a two way street though. Sometimes it hasn't been easy because I'd been getting something from the person. I've cleared those types of connections though and I don't allow other ones like it to form. I don't like others telling me where I should put my money or time. If I feel like giving it, I give it, but anyone taking a demanding tone is pretty much out of luck -with prejudice. This is different than in my marriage, where there is a give and take team mentality. In any case it's never been a problem in my marriage for which I'm very thankful.

21/9/07 3:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The suck of the SN Scorpio to strip a person of power is beyond comprehension. Other people always always try to do this, but alas, it's not them. It's us being so habituated to overpowering circumstance that we keep drawing them to perpetuate it until we're ready to embrace the absolute center of Taurus. I know no other sign as selfish as Taurus. It's for good reason. All that we have in our personalities is designed for our survival.

Just look at it. Some say, "Oh, she's so selfish. How bad." Others say, "He's so selfish". How lucky he is to be able to live that out. My favorite phrase about the SN Scorp is "Their business is none of my business." The training of how to stay uninvolved is the aim. Don't even look at most of it. We've already seen it. Enough.

It might seem to others that we overdo the selfness, the bolstering of confidence, the rejections that are inevitable, the intense reactions to the games, but they do not understand why. So? Do they need to understand? Those that do are the ones that you want in your life anyway.

My aunt. Sun in Taurus, NN in Taurus. 96 years old. Single all her life. Content in the same tiny apartment for 50 years. Her words to me repeatedly?

"Who cares what they think?"

She was severely and constantly criticized by her entire family of 8 siblings and she never paid any attention to it at all. She hung out with them and enjoyed herself, doing exactly what she wanted to do all her life. Ended up with one of the best relationships I've ever seen. Her niece. Pure, satisfying, and unfettered. No games and subterfuge. Honesty. I like this woman.

21/9/07 4:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...


It seems to me that people who accuse you of being selfish always want something from you, usually money.


21/9/07 4:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I've learned to just say no with finality and if the pleading does not stop, I just cut the connection rather ruthlessly.

Hallelujah! Amen, Brother. God in heaven, and Om Shanti.

21/9/07 4:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Everything you just said, mpk, describes the NN1 perfectly. I'm beginning to get really hopeful. It can take a minute but when you start to pay attention you can start to see the connection. Trouble in our lives always coming back to the habitual behavior of the SN.

As we communicate our experiences here with this surprising honesty that's cropping up, I see a chance to improve our lives, diminishing the accusations and building the encouragement. It is within the realm of possibility.

21/9/07 4:18 PM  
Blogger Nathan Kibler said...

mpk, you have some very clear policies in place which sound as they serve you well. In fact, it is rare that I am accused of selfishness, but I am seeing how it works in my life as a positive force, thanks to everyone posting here. I suspect Mars in Taurus dampens the volume for others and sustains it for me.

Thank you, JM, for your thorough response. You always explain the nodes very clearly. If I'd had eight siblings I might be more like your aunt. As it is, I tell myself not to care what other's think, but I don't always follow that.

21/9/07 4:37 PM  
Blogger jm said...

As it is, I tell myself not to care what other's think, but I don't always follow that.

Keep talking. Following will follow.

21/9/07 4:40 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The biggest problem comes not from acting out our natural tendencies, but by fearfully stopping their expression. There is a point where this becomes especially destructive, perhaps right before the release. They lose their spontaneous health. Once we let these character traits free, I usually find that the benefits are far greater than what was anticipated. Saturn is always there for useful control. Life is daunting, the environment intimidating, but full manifestation of each individual in the human family can do nothing but increase the glory of life, I feel.

That's why I think maybe pushing against resistance is required for the strength to live.

21/9/07 4:50 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And this is why I treasure the metaphysical perspective.

People accuse people of being-doing wrong. The diminishing goes on unabated. The fantastic anxiety. What are we supposed to do? Believe it? And if we do, then what? The fact is, we are doing a million things wrong every second. Does anyone truly believe this can be prevented? We try to learn. To be better.

Is global warming, the current wars, and all of the wrondoing really "wrong" if it's part of the path to something else. If it's unavoidable? Does the blame solve the problems? Is anyone really in control of the passage of life? Do we really know what is happening? It's all part of an infinite system.

So my latest question when I realize my own misdemeanors, is "So what?"

Remember the old saying' Two wrongs don't make a right?" Well, that could be, but I would say, "One wrong does makes a right."

21/9/07 5:39 PM  
Blogger Don said...

there is a nice balancing paradox when the Taurus NN is in the first or conjuncted by a Taurus mars. when you really let yourself go - you are naturally magnetic and attractive - you assert yourself - but its venus that is bound up with that assertion.

21/9/07 5:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Don, that is wonderful. I have NN Taurus in the first and from now on I'm going to let it go. All is well.

21/9/07 6:02 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

The problem of selfishness is rooted in the unconscious contracts we've made with people. They have a hook into us and we have a hook into them that allows this to happen. You'll know it as an uncomfortable tug at your gut or heart chakra even if the pattern is still unconscious those are signs. These contracts have to be released. There are countless ways to drain our energy. There are people that live by sucking the energy out others. The mythical vampire is very real in an energetic sense. There are more causes than anyone could possibly support. There are people who will take everything until you have nothing left of yourself to the point of illness if you let them. Even then they'll still think you're selfish, even when it's they who were trying to steal. If you have a negative contract, where this is happening bi-directionally is when it takes a lot more awareness to dissolve it. One has to be able to say enough is enough. I allowed this in the past, but going forward I can't do this to others and I can't allow them to do it to me. I don't think the freedom is there until we no longer allow others to do it, nor do we allow ourselves to do it to others. It stems from a failure to realized that we don't need energy like this from other humans. We can drink straight from the divine source. There is no end to it until it's realized that's it's just a bad way to exchange energy and we fix all the negative contracts.

21/9/07 7:42 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

Is global warming, the current wars, and all of the wrondoing really "wrong" if it's part of the path to something else. If it's unavoidable? Does the blame solve the problems? Is anyone really in control of the passage of life? Do we really know what is happening? It's all part of an infinite system.

So my latest question when I realize my own misdemeanors, is "So what?"

Remember the old saying' Two wrongs don't make a right?" Well, that could be, but I would say, "One wrong does makes a right."

I just love this because I often get emotionally caught up in these big dramas from the media bombardment. It's so refreshing to see it the way you present it here.

21/9/07 7:55 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The problem of selfishness is rooted in the unconscious contracts we've made with people. They have a hook into us and we have a hook into them that allows this to happen. You'll know it as an uncomfortable tug at your gut or heart chakra even if the pattern is still unconscious those are signs.

You are absolutely right. I'm so happy I've found someone to articulate these things. My overall theory of life. It's all contracts we make. Every single relationship and situation. We are in agreement with what we experience. It's so completely fundamental to understand this if people want to evolve consciously. We are never ever victims.

Everybody knows exactly what you man about the uncomfortable tug.

21/9/07 8:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I often get emotionally caught up in these big dramas from the media bombardment.

Me too. Major major issue. You and I, mpk, especially get this having a Mercury in Cancer which absorbs profusely without a filter and feels everything to the maximum. And I don't have a TV, just like you. Still it gets in. We have to know what's going on. Nothing will stop that. I do best with the newspaper which is slightly less alarmist. The pace out there is far too breathless.

This is something that merits a lot of discussion in my book. The media represent the town criers, the big warning horns, the control elements, the connections to the outer world, etc. Advertising dominates and mind control results, no matter how evolved we are.

How do we get our information and keep up with life around us without participating in this psychosis, based on butchering of the truth? Sagittarius rules both advertising and the search for truth, so somewhere in it are things we need.

But the "big drama" is nothing. The president farts and war is about to be declared against Iran or some such mythical front. A hurricane comes and the earth is being destroyed. When nothing is happening, some murder is trumped up and given headlines.

Pluto in Sagittarius is trying to teach us how to participate with joy, and understand this low level outer wheel turning of events that is part of the peripheral, making it essential that we know the center. The eye. The I. And check in there all the time. The outer part is necessary too. They have to have this panic in motion all the time. It is always always there.

It's not altogether a bad thing that we are sensitive and easily frightened. That's part of survival and full experience. So we have to live with it and ignore what we can. I'm practicing picking and choosing. No one knows what's happening. We have to always remember that. everyone's afraid. everyone's lost. No one's in charge. I happen to believe in cosmic order so I rely on that. People are just people doing what they are supposed to be doing. No one can hurt us unless we enter the contract. Each one is playing the right part. We can slip in and out of the moments of fear and "big drama" with wiliness, cleverness, agility, smarts, keen senses, health, and other ways like this. Companionship. Good intentions.

21/9/07 8:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's so refreshing to see it the way you present it here.

I do this often with current events and I definitely am swimming upstream. I tried to explain over and over the reality of the Iraq war and how it's not what it appears to be and we are stuck for awhile. It's not up to the USA to withdraw. It's not at all in this country's control. There are many complications. We are bit players and the thing will resolve itself when the time comes.

So all this hullaballoo is just filling time with some fake excitement. Can you imagine? Congress stuck with a war and all it can do is try to pass legislation on an ADVERTISEMENT??? It's absolutely ludicrous. Nothing to fear. I'm glad we're REALLY not in trouble.

This is the most reassuring part to me. The absence of real danger since they have all this time to play these games. When genuine trouble is around, you know it. Thank god, for now.

We're part of a massive universe and we're in the right place doing what we're supposed to do. I find it a comfort that humans are not in charge. No way could they be at this stage, poor things.

21/9/07 8:55 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

The one I just can't get right with now is a lot more mundane. Taxes. So much of that money is being used for really awful things. I'm thinking in regards to the war mostly. I'm really looking forward to not making enough money to be taxed worth a damn. That day is coming eventually, but I'm not sure if I'll decide to stay at that income level or not. I want to withold my energy as it would manifest in the form of money and see what else comes about with it.

21/9/07 9:10 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

So much of that money is being used for really awful things. I'm thinking in regards to the war mostly.

Maybe this is OK in some larger sense. It's a blind spot for me though. I don't see how it fits in.

21/9/07 9:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That is an ongoing big big one mpk. I'm in that category. I don't make enough to be taxed. I fix things myself, make what I can, shop in thrift stores if I need anything, drive very very old cars which are cheap to repair, don't travel, use the library, on and on. The less I buy, the less I desire. It's amazing how money creates more desire. Unfillable at that.

That day is coming eventually, but I'm not sure if I'll decide to stay at that income level or not. I want to withold my energy as it would manifest in the form of money and see what else comes about with it.

It's all changeable at any time. There's plenty of money around if you want it. I have found incredible gain by doing this. Manifesting energy in other ways. People say money brings freedom. I've found the opposite to be the case. Not having money, not spending, and ultimately desiring little have freed me to live in the mental realms I love so much. I prize freedom most of all in life, along with health. For me they come together. Making money means you have to please someone and do what they say, not my favorite activities. What would happen if Raging Universe were paid for? Would it be so airy and free? So spontaneous?

I love love love being unattached to money. Others envy my position, my freedom, but they know not. They would hate it. Never eating out, going to stupid movies, not lugging plastic bags home every day filled with more plastic. Especially not traveling. They couldn't do it.

Money is largely needed in people exchange and I find I don't need that so much. That's why I've sort of taken to Blogland where I can carry on mentally, cost free.

This country was founded on this dislike so it's in our protoplasm. Republicans have a point. We're fundamentally like this.

21/9/07 9:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So much of that money is being used for really awful things. I'm thinking in regards to the war mostly.

Maybe this is OK in some larger sense. It's a blind spot for me though. I don't see how it fits in.

It's completely impossible to say if it's OK or not. In the larger sense, it's probably right. We can't control where money goes after it's out of our hands, anyway, so maybe it's better to have little.

It's like a sevice, but most sevices are paid for after, satisfaction guaranteed. With the gov, we really have little say. And the truth is, they are probably doing better than we think. Governing squirming, mad, desiring humans is not an easy task. People think it's all the government's fault. Think again.

The government and the economics of the world are not understood by us. And the truth is evasive. So it's frustrating to try and stop this huge machine as it is now and on which the entire planet of humans depends.

21/9/07 9:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

You have to play along really. We were born. We got ourselves into this. The clever among us, slip and slide in and about, in between the lines, hiding in the cracks when necessary, so the system doesn't oppress us. It's fairly easy to beat the system. And it's fun.

As far as group horrors and tragedies go, these folks have made the contracts. There is something in it it for them that we can't see. Not our business. Nothing we can do.

21/9/07 9:48 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This country is particularly easy to beat and boy howdy, are its citizens spoiled. I was just thinking about this.

Take the capitalist retail system and its satisfaction guaranteed return policy, unlimited in many cases. People here have no idea what it's like out there where they have to stand in line for limited commodities. The thought of years of usage and then a return. Are you kidding?

People can survive relatively easily in this country if they don't have all kinds of huge expenses due to greed and acquisition. They should be appreciative of the free society we live in.

21/9/07 11:29 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

It's all changeable at any time. There's plenty of money around if you want it. I have found incredible gain by doing this. Manifesting energy in other ways. People say money brings freedom. I've found the opposite to be the case. Not having money, not spending, and ultimately desiring little have freed me to live in the mental realms I love so much. I prize freedom most of all in life, along with health. For me they come together. Making money means you have to please someone and do what they say, not my favorite activities.

This is so inspiring. I feel the same way. I am the same way. It's where I'm headed, as soon as my house is set up, I turn the channel inward even further. From that center, I move outward as inspired to do so.

"Without going outside, You can know the whole world"

I will to take all the energy that could be projected outward, which most people solidify into material things and stoke the fire within. From that, to radiate outward, as an incredible exuberance of creativity. I can feel it blazing already, it's an attractor. Once our basic needs are met, and we don't doubt our power anything is possible. Taking the power within we keep it from feeding the machine.

I can't believe how much bliss is in the here and now. The smallest things bursting with existence.

22/9/07 8:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Hey, mpk! Just got in. I like the track we're on.

"Without going outside, You can know the whole world"

Maybe even better from the detached perspective. I'm at a crossroads with this and I've been giving it plenty of thought. Circumstance is propelling me out more than I have been and I have to adjust. It's the only way my music will get out, and I guess it's supposed to. Conceivably, if I weren't forced, I probably would not have any desire to go out, so I'll have to swing with this. The cards are falling in that direction.

Once our basic needs are met, and we don't doubt our power anything is possible. Taking the power within we keep it from feeding the machine.

I have to figure out a technique for traveling through the density and chaos of the outer world and refrain from being lured into the machine to be butchered. Doubt is the thing to leave behind. I can always come home and indulge in it. And clarity about my own desires.

From that center, I move outward as inspired to do so.

I'm waiting for the inspiration. I feel like you do about the healing of the collective consciousness. You have Pluto, the healer, on the MC, the most public part of the chart, so you're a natural. It's takes tremendous inner strength and separation from the crowd, and I hope to have these for use soon, as Pluto heads to my MC by transit.

The smallest things bursting with existence.

This is so true. So it should be in society just as much. It's my attitude, I think. That's all that needs adjusting. I'll have to trust my capabilities.

22/9/07 8:57 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

I'm waiting for the inspiration.

Meanwhile you are merely deeply inspiring. ;-0

22/9/07 9:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I will say this. You are fairly young and I'm not so young, yet I feel we are in the same place. I have things to learn from you. If this is an indication of what I might find in my path outside, it could be rewarding. I'm looking out now, unable to focus on my path, but hopefully, it will soon be illuminated. I want most of all to drop my old outer defenses and replace them with a new inner one, applicable to the real dangers I face, not trumped up illusory fears.

22/9/07 9:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh, thank you, mpk. You know, maybe I'm closer to ready than I realize. Inspiration is what I'm always looking to connect with. It's there.

22/9/07 9:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I know full well that nothing will hurt and obstruct me unless I want it too. It's my own subconscious that concerns me. I will really really have to trust myself.

22/9/07 9:11 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

You are fairly young and I'm not so young, yet I feel we are in the same place.

Some of the places I've been have lasted a thousand years. I've had dreams where I lived out entire lifetimes... My real age is old enough, I'm not that young. I just saw you from where I'm at today for the first time in a new way. I don't know if it has anything to do with your path but for me all the lights just went on. I was exhilarated.

22/9/07 9:39 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

Nearly everyone who's inspired me is within a few degrees of separation. Sometimes I feel the whole web of connections around me vibrating. It's so close, all that energy is right here.

22/9/07 9:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

My real age is old enough, I'm not that young. I just saw you from where I'm at today for the first time in a new way.

No. You're not young. I got that from your first comment. I always see that in the inspired, that ageless quality, maybe from not picking up the habits of the contemporary group.

I'm thrilled about the new insight. This week was pivotal and I might have crossed a bridge. I don't go back when it's really crossed.

I've had dreams where I lived out entire lifetimes

I don't recall having any with that much scope.

Energy is what I'm after, that feeling of being super alive. That's why I've been not one for a lot of material things since they are weighty and take energy downward and away from me. I feel the urge to levitate pretty much, the way I felt when I took some real psilocybin for the first time. Upward was definitely the direction. I felt like a vapor. It was something I aspired to from then on. Probably why I study the stars and understand them so well. They're kin.

22/9/07 10:00 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

Energy is what I'm after, that feeling of being super alive.

Here are some lines I like:

joseph campbell
The goal is to live with godlike composure on the full rush of energy, like Dionysus riding the leopard without being torn to pieces.

There's something magical about the person who says "I get in there and I do it" as opposed to "everything's OK and I submit".

Energy is eternal delight.

I have learned to walk: since then I have run. I have learned to fly; since then I do not have to be pushed in order to move. Now I am nimble, now I fly, now I see myself, now a god dances within me.

I flew, an arrow, quivering with sun-intoxicated rapture: out into the distant future, which no dream has yet seen, into warmer Souths than artists have ever dreamed of, there where gods, dancing, are ashamed of all clothes...

Preserve me from all petty victories! ...That I may one day be ready and ripe in the great noontide... a bow eager for its arrow, an arrow eager for its star- a star, ready and ripe in its noontide, glowing, transpierced, blissful through annihilating sun-arrows.

23/9/07 9:50 AM  
Blogger jm said...

This is wonderful. Nietszche always gets to me.


23/9/07 3:13 PM  

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