Monday, September 01, 2008

Pressures, Cracks, and Rebellion

So who's in charge anyway? George Bush? Karl Rove? Me? God? Gustav?
The whole thing is a huge complicated mess from human perspective, and astrology provides a map of the moment so you can kind-of see what's going on. The theory is sometimes called, "As above, so below." I extend it to say, "As it is here, so it is there." The weather is a perfect clue to the metaphysics of the moment.
Uranus has just gone retrograde, headed for the opposition to Saturn, and the intensity is increasing as the USA nears her election. The Uranian rebellion against the Saturnian status quo is reaching many quarters and the Republican Party is not the least of them.
Perhaps the VP pick was the trigger to get it going. The right wing of the party has become increasingly powerful and extreme over the years until it finally reached psychotic breakdown with the last administration. The cracks have been there for a long time and they could be ready to blow. They are not happy as a group. Many Republicans want their party rearranged.
Enter Gustav like some 300 pound socialist from the North. Hell has broken loose on the Republican Convention. Kind of strange that the current President and Vice-President will not be speaking. Unity appears to be absent.
Here's what's interesting. The New Moon just occurred on transiting Saturn and the Full Moon will hit Uranus in less than two weeks, highlighting the Saturn-Uranus opposition, just as the tense, depressed, ready to explode Republicans are celebrating.
It looks pretty confused. The "not ready to lead" attack has morphed into "reform". The vp pick was so sudden that its wikipedia page was jerked, amended, and replaced within 24 hours. The idea of choosing an excessive right wing Christian anti-woman woman seems to be misguided, if not ludicrous, with Pluto at 28 just about to leave Sagittarius. At least in terms of near future synchronization. Hmmm ...... 12 years too late. Rhythm appears to be lacking.
Meanwhile the Democrats have been sent into another emotional horror swirl, being easily spooked, a problem I have no hopes of seeing corrected. But the weather sure did smile on their love-in. They forgot already.
And Gustav swirls with an intention no human can understand. Weather is based on shifting pressures seeking equilibrium, as is human activity. The Saturn-Uranus opposition will find schisms and alter the structure accordingly, so it can be rebuilt with improvements and adjustments to the changing times. And changing times they are. As much as Republican Conventions exceed my sense tolerability, I am interested in what the procedure brings. Or causes. The seeds of rebellion are almost bursting, and the current campaign does not appear to be in control.

Let the festivities commence!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A pair of delicious breakfast tidbits for you, jm:

Yesterday I went to the Minnesota State Fair, which is the biggest state fair in the Midwest and a place you have to be if you want your political campaign to survive. In the Democratic Farmer Laborer campaign center, they have been sold out of Obama campaign buttons for a very long time.

There are plenty of McCain buttons available in the Republican campaign center, however.

1/9/08 5:44 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Exactly what's been going on all over the country, and has been for some time. It's an invisible ground operation except to the millions who are in on it. And it's potent.

He's an organizer. Professional. That's why his convention was so astoundingly well run, as are his campaigns. He does it as an art, and doesn't play games that distract him from his job.

Delicious tidbits, joe. Thank you kindly.:)

1/9/08 6:24 AM  
Blogger Diane L said...

The idea of choosing an excessive right wing Christian anti-woman woman seems to be misguided, if not ludicrous, with Pluto at 28 just about to leave Sagittarius. At least in terms of near future synchronization. Hmmm ...... 12 years too late. Rhythm appears to be lacking.

Totally lacking rhythm!! This move has me wondering if those astrologers who have predicted a repug win based on the correlation with Saturn may be off base. This particular choice smacks of Uranus in extreme mode, the "maverick" in action.

Your reporting on the Dem convention was so fun!! :-)

1/9/08 8:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously, the Lord God missed the memo to send biblical downpours upon Obama's acceptance speech.

And yet a hurricane, which is nowhere near Minnesota, is disrupting the Republicans' convention.

My, oh my. Delicious irony.

1/9/08 1:41 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Well, American politics is definitely a spectacle these days. Today's headlines add to it.

I am reminded of a UK columnist's comment, "[W]e don't get to vote: we can only watch in fascination. Indeed, starved of entertainment at home, British political junkies have seized on the US election like a new season of The West Wing."

1/9/08 1:42 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"My, oh my. Delicious irony."

Yes, well. Prayers to the Father notwithstanding. They forgot that Nature is a mother. ;-)

1/9/08 1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, Kad. :o)

As the saying goes, "If Mama aint happy, aint NOBODY happy."

1/9/08 1:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This move has me wondering if those astrologers who have predicted a repug win based on the correlation with Saturn may be off base. This particular choice smacks of Uranus in extreme mode, the "maverick" in action.

How many times are the astrologers right?:) Uranus is really taking over right now. But I think it's designed to motivate people to get the Dem into office. Lots of people are getting even more fired up. Going against the system is a huge endeavor and as many people as possible need to put energy into it in some way. Unity and all that.

Because of the NN in Aquarius a good Uranian result can be expected. The Moon and Jupiter in Capricorn trine Saturn look like a good day for both sides of the opposition. A candidate that represents both well. The important thing is not to fear the Repugs. That's how they win. But with Pluto positioned as it is, I doubt that religious fanaticism will rule. It's just going to be a wild ride.

Your reporting on the Dem convention was so fun!! :-)

I'm so glad you enjoyed it neith! It really was something.

1/9/08 2:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The irony is even more delicious than the breakfast tidbits joe!

It's so amazing. This is why I maintain my faith in the cosmos to guide the planet correctly. It's tragic that people get implicated but there are karmic reasons. The timing of the hurricane plus the galactic center factor have given me a lot to admire about cosmic orchestration. Pluto leaving was destined to show us.

1/9/08 2:48 PM  
Blogger jm said...

British political junkies have seized on the US election like a new season of The West Wing.

I'm going to find the article that tells how one of the characters in the West Wing was modeled after Obama. Axelrod, his political advisor, was involved in the making of the story line.

Amen, kad. What a mother!

1/9/08 2:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think the main reason for all this excitement is to get people involved. It's not easy, but the Uranian times ahead point to the grassroots addition to the political process.

The evangelicals have a perfect right to believe and live as they do and even affect political decisions within their own realm. But as far as the federal gov. goes, it's not advisable now. The turning point, I think, was the Terri Schiavo event. Live and let live is the best approach.

What's interesting here is how much support O was getting among religious people and probably still will. So the Uranian schism between extremists and regular believers is at play. A lot is going on. The simple truth is that O represents genuine faith to an extent while M seems to have no particular faith but is willing to use those who do for political advantage, We'll see if they sense the truth.

Will "God" be used?? Tune in as we go.:)

So we have to wrap up the Pluto transit at the same time get going on the Uranian, plus prepare to transform the government. No wonder things are a little revved up.

It did make sense during the Pluto transit to have religion in the forefront. Tests of faith, tolerance, emotional excess, and questions about individual beliefs. But Pluto in Cap is a different story. Obedience to the system is coming into question, not god and ideology.

1/9/08 3:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Another important factor is how lackluster M's campaign was and the lassitude of his base. We need to have the whole country involved in this to make the evolutionary step.

1/9/08 3:11 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"The simple truth is that O represents genuine faith to an extent while M seems to have no particular faith but is willing to use those who do for political advantage."

Oh, excellent point.

I'll enjoy seeing that article about the West Wing character. Art imitates life. I had a professor whose perspective was "Art is Life is Art is...."

1/9/08 3:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That article is amazing. Coming soon.

Yes, art and life are one. I think that's where trouble comes in. When desecration of ideals overtakes the higher aspirations. One can probably see art in it all, though.

That's one thing that struck me about the Dem Convention. It was a beautiful work of art from beginning to end, the grace and beauty were impossible to ignore. I worked within and was stunned by the flow and humility, both from the conventioneers and the townsfolk.

O is an artist and his performance proves it. I watched the entire production on Thursday and I've never seen a public event as loyal to art as that. So the idea of bringing art consciously into politics excites me tremendously. It could mean that the public arena will be more conducive to my own successful expression. I feel like I'm dreaming, that convention was so different. It's been a longtime dream of mine to have beautiful artistic public rituals. I never thought I'd see the day so I'm psyched.

1/9/08 3:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

As far as prediction goes, that's not the point. the point is NOW and the process to get there. To learn what we need to learn and get the most out of the journey. Then the result will be to our liking. People should feel the power of participation not letting the planets dictate. Astrologers need to learn this to get with the changing times.

The planets aren't voting. The people are. They are making the decision. The fact is, the majority wants Obama to be our next president and if we vote, he will be. Maybe Saturn gets one vote!

1/9/08 3:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Art and Life

1/9/08 5:34 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Yes, art and life are one. I think that's where trouble comes in. When desecration of ideals overtakes the higher aspirations. One can probably see art in it all, though."

It's an ongoing process.

An artist's work is never done. ;-)

Thanks for the link to the article! Explains a lot. I think there are reasons for why these things happen. The mass consciousness is trying to put forth a new shoot, and it's planned in the mind's eye first.

The dramatization paves the way. And isn't ritual a kind of dramatization?

2/9/08 10:35 AM  
Blogger jm said...

The mass consciousness is trying to put forth a new shoot, and it's planned in the mind's eye first.

I agree. It's like a seed germinating and cracking the earth. Takes effort. I do think humanity aims before acting.

And isn't ritual a kind of dramatization?

And how. The word "Thespian" for actor comes from "Theos": god. There is really no separation between spirituality and theatrics. Even sports rituals include human aspirations. I think the exaggeration in group ritual is a way to connect.

2/9/08 2:48 PM  

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