Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Terror Attacks Again

It's September 9, two days away from the September 11 so-called terrorist attacks on the United States bringing in a new era of paranoia. Here on the anniversary, with Pluto in the most intense part of the transit, the last station, it feels like terror has returned.
The idea of an extremist as president reminds me of the ideological warriors worldwide who would thwart human evolution, not an easy task. Of course, the terror is in the collective consciousness and periodically needs to be addressed. Now is as good a time as any.
The original attacks took down the Trade Center heralding the beginning of a transformation in America's position in the global market. The threat of financial collapse is apparent now, just as Pluto moves ahead for good, and wouldn't you know it? Jupiter has just gone direct too, in Capricorn, the sign of financial institutions. No mistake that the housing market failure is the symbol of the insecurity.
Pluto just started going forward today and is digging in at 28.7 degrees until guess when? Yep. September 11. Here's the interesting part. Jupiter is halfway through its 12 year cycle, exactly opposite the Cancer position in 2001. Mars and the South Node were conjunct in Capricorn at the time. Pluto will be there soon.
I think the question is, "Are people going to cower and hide like Cancer loves to do, clinging to the familiar, or are they going to mature and face what's ahead as Pluto goes directly into Capricorn?" And can those who have confidence in natural events help the others who desperately fear a descent into the dark and dangerous spiral of destruction with no choice or avenue out? Who will be in charge? Are we doomed or will the collective emerge triumphant?
It remains to be seen whether or not ideological extremists continue to rule the day, if they'll give way to level-headed pragmatists who are prepared to deal with the country's economic crisis. Pluto teaches survival lessons and by the time it reaches 0 Capricorn, we'll have the next answer in the infinite riddle. Terror is actually not meant to be an end it itself.
Oh, and BTW. Neptune is exactly where Uranus was in Aquarius on the 11th, so a little bit of collective confusion is within the normal range.


Blogger jm said...

Good news. Others are getting it.

In the wake of the collective trauma of 9/11, Americans became much more susceptible to "resurrective ideologies" that promise to restore the grandiose illusions that have been lost.

9/9/08 5:08 PM  
Blogger Fernmountain said...

I am so aware today of 'threats'....the polls warping over to the Pallin phenomena, the super collider....on & on & on

I feel the tension building in my body. Soul says to me...this is it, the purging of your fear from Atlantis and the destruction you experienced there, it is still in your DNA.

Cleansing came when observing a young philipino girl, singing on Oprah today, heart chakra open, tears flowing at the beauty in this childs face and heart, pouring out through her song. This child is so unaffected by politics, she is taking action toward her dream. Living her dream.

I had the same physical reaction to Michelle Obama's speech.

I asked a long time spiritual advisor once, at a wedding, why I instantly cried when I saw the bride, even though this was a re affiriming of vows taken long ago for the couple. ( I am typically not a crier.)

She said, it is a sprit union, a holy moment when the heart chakra is wide open and spinning at full speed. It is your soul responding to love.

9/9/08 7:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I had the same physical reaction to Michelle Obama's speech.

That's amazing, fern. You are the only one who had the same reaction as I did. I feel her speech was the most important one of the convention.

The threats come and go and strike here and there. We carve our own paths within it. I think a grand purging is going on. We'll see. The ability to respond to love is increased, I think, when face with the magnitude of hate.

Music is a saving grace.

So far the state polls aren't falling into the orgy, so it could be a necessary ritual. Murdering the monster. It's the ugly part. The depths of the sewer. People maybe should look away or at least remember the possibilities of love.

9/9/08 9:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

For the sports enthusiasts among us.

Sometimes the Aries in me can't resist.

Obama is a great poker player, particularly when it comes to holding his cards.

9/9/08 11:50 PM  
Blogger Jupiter's Girl said...

I got an e-mail the other day telling of suffragettes ordeals trying to get women the right to vote. If I don't vote, I am shrugging off the abuse these women went through and the sacrifices they made. Emotional blackmail coming from a cousin that I would guess will vote Republican. S.P. seems like a representative for "natural order".

Yesterday, my daughter came home from her friend's house. The mother asked her who I was voting for and then excitedly told her she was going to talk to me about that. Apparently, she thinks voting for a black man is going to give blacks an advantage. She told my girl that Michelle Obama said when O is in the white house, blacks will come first.

Today, my e-mail contained a letter enumerating S.P.'s ignorance and bad choices, and implored I write a letter to whomever - announcing my outrage at her candidacy.

I don't really like elections and how it seperates us from each other. All of the traditional polarities are represented in this election; black/white, male/female, republican/democrats, crazies/sanists. It pushes all the internal buttons.

After reading a few of your posts, JM - I am less reactive.

10/9/08 5:11 AM  
Blogger jm said...

That's one thing about Jupiter. It can inflate. I have a Moon-Jupiter conjunction and I've always over-reacted, so maybe I've learned to tone it down a bit just from age old weariness!

I don't like elections either for the same reasons. But I think those divisions are there all the time.

All of the traditional polarities are represented in this election; black/white, male/female, republican/democrats, crazies/sanists. It pushes all the internal buttons.

I think that's the good part. No wonder it's hyper. Despite my trepidation I'm finding something refreshing and exciting about this election. I've never been as interested in all the goings-on as I am now.

I think the republican convention and got me into less-reactive mode! My agony spectrum is not that wide.

I was much worse during the primary so maybe it taught me. Amazing thought. To think that there's some real personal growth from all of this!

10/9/08 5:59 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Politicians strive to leverage differences between groups to political advantage.

It is precisely because society has become less a monoculture that the ever-shrinking social conservative group feels its identity threatened by diversity, and so politicians pander to those who feel reduced but are still numerous enough, if barely, to tip elections. Eventually, they become too small to exert an outsized effect.

The fluctuations brought by elections come and go, but the larger trend continues. The world will continue to change. Individuals clinging to rigid identity structures will adapt poorly.

I felt Obama had some challenges yet ahead of him. Obama must now apply well the lessons he learned along the way, including from the primaries.

10/9/08 10:18 AM  
Blogger jm said...

It is precisely because society has become less a monoculture that the ever-shrinking social conservative group feels its identity threatened by diversity, and so politicians pander to those who feel reduced but are still numerous enough, if barely, to tip elections. Eventually, they become too small to exert an outsized effect.

Exactly. The repub party is in a fight for its life sensing marginalization, as anglos become a minority in this century.

10/9/08 2:14 PM  

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