Sunday, January 03, 2021

The Rise of the Crybabies

The United States of America has four planets in the astrological sign of Cancer - Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury. Lately the crybabying has been building up to astronomical crescendos. It can be ear splitting. I hate you! is one common refrain when the kids get rattled. Or "I'm scared."  The meanies are here! You got cooties!!
When in Cancer, people like to stay protected from the cold, harsh world of earthly reality, choosing instead to indulge their feelings, and have their needs taken care of by bigger creatures. They are loathe to venture out of the maternal cave lest some danger overcomes them, and sometimes they are reluctant to grow up.
Across from the Cancer stellium sits Pluto at 27 Capricorn. Being Pluto, it, of course, presents a looming threat. The awful threat of maturity.
The convergence of all the big planets in Capricorn that just happened  occurred exactly opposite the people's Cancer Mercury, reflecting breath and speech. The squeeze was on. The crescendos ramped up. "I don't want to hear it!", many cried, along with the ever constant I hate you!  They put funny things on their faces and still the crying continued. The cacophony was maddening with the excited brats shouting all at once.
Well, I'll rest assured. In time, the baby evolves and acknowledges the outer world, takes it as it is, faces coming threats, even ventures out there to complete its development, take responsibility for itself, and fulfill its destiny.
It's possible. And there's that Pluto in Capricorn to bank on.


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