Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Spare Change

Hey brother! How 'bout a dime?

I need to make a phone call and I don't have my credit card or my checks. My cell phone's busted and so's my computer. So how 'bout it?

Yo! You! You gotta carry spare change.


Blogger Tseka said...

Cash! My preferred way.

27/1/21 3:42 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I like the purse rock solid against theft.

27/1/21 3:43 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Lovin' how the populist unwashed are putting wall street in meltdown.
Surprising and fun.

Hello...little guy is flexing his muscle.

27/1/21 3:45 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

What's tickled my funny bone is gamers using their own money against gamers using other's.

Who would have guessed the motley assorted could so easily pull one card and the whole house of cards would tremble.

27/1/21 4:21 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's easier than people thought. Creative inventive little geniuses,

Power to the gamers! The motley gamers!

27/1/21 4:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The flops ban permits for oil and gas development for 60 days.

Ute Indian Tribe responds."Your order is a direct attack on our economy, sovereignty, and our right to self-determination. Indian lands are not federal public lands. Any actions on our lands and interests can only be taken after effective tribal consultation."

So there.

27/1/21 5:39 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes! Stand your ground Utes!
The pipeline cessation is killing lots of good jobs and is going to really hurt Canada. Don't want to hear anything about environmentally better, hogwash, trains owned by Warren Buffet is a political thank you.

27/1/21 6:21 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Trump has given us some gumtion!

27/1/21 6:21 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

What's gobsmacking is we are 7 days in.

27/1/21 6:22 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Now, I am going to feel sympathy for people getting hit with retirement funds. I lost mine in 2006..

Real long term investment is great.
But the Casino Royale needs to be done.

27/1/21 6:25 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The whole sovereign self on sacred land comes from being raised on a reservation. Sovereign nation.

Unfortunately, so many tribes sold out with casinos and new agreements. There have been pluses and minuses with that. The insinuation of the BIA which is very corrupt has been hard to watch.

27/1/21 6:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Trump meeting with House minority leader. They're in a corner. T's got the leverage. We all do. This is going to be a wild ride.

What they are about to find out is that things are different from the Obama time as they try to relive it. We are not as compliant, masked or not.

I love the Ute's dignified response.

7 days in!!! The flops are outgumptioned!

27/1/21 6:43 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes, I'm very curious about this meeting.
President #2. He has never conceded.

We watch, wait.

It is certainly different than expected...though I am prepared for something completely unknown. The Trump factor : Sun, NN Uranus in Gemini his 10th.

27/1/21 7:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The country wants him. He's the one for the time.

The Republican party is his now and if they want to get elected they'll have to please him. That's quite a Uranian reversal.

The 10th house configuration points to great achievement, reform, and recognition in the end. Very very talented man.

Now Trump is unleashed. and boy are they in trouble. Had they left him alone they could have controlled him a little, so this is perfect. The flop set is the exact retro thing to work against. It's beautifully orchestrated. Life is amazing.

Everything is unpredictable. The Trump factor. Now is his time with the Aquarian leap. We know how to pick'em Stick.

28/1/21 1:14 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ja we do!

28/1/21 1:37 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

It sure seems like the flop set knows what's coming, they are racing like mad to get their agenda in place.
And as you say it's perfectly apparent the people are against it.

28/1/21 1:42 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The establishment republicans have yet to accept that the working class crashed their country club party and they aren't leaving.

28/1/21 1:46 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

This gambit by the reddit guys was a shot across their bow.
Money a politician's language.

28/1/21 1:48 AM  
Blogger jm said...

The race on the agenda is what encourages me. If they really were going to succeed they would go incrementally, slowly squeeze the vise grip. They aren't experienced in tyranny and this country won't tolerate it. It's Theater of the Absurd.

I'm heartbroken about the job loss. I'm not against environmental protection but it has to be done intelligently. The people out of work overnight for no good reason are terrified. They had no chance to prepare. Cruel, cruel, cruel. While the billionaires continue to suck up the wealth. Yeah, money, a pol's language.

I think the country clubbers know but they might be trying to influence Trump since he is the new boss. Or they're clinging to hope.

The flop set does know what's coming. What a game.

It can't hold. And the absurdity of the flops reveals their position. The country won't have it. The reddits are an indication of what's emerging in our country overall. Trump will be back but his brief absence gives everybody a window into the horrid possible future.

28/1/21 2:10 AM  
Blogger jm said...

It won't be easy, of course, but I'm hoping the longed for maturity comes to this country as a result of this madness.

28/1/21 2:14 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Right now we are in limbo, but I think the pause is valuable. Very shortly Uranus squares Saturn so we're probably preparing.

28/1/21 2:16 AM  
Blogger jm said...

People overall are anxious and disturbed, even the unaware ones. If a few executive orders came out, I would be disturbed, too, but this is ridiculous, so I trust in my usual something that things will be OK. The flop game has no substance.

28/1/21 2:24 AM  
Blogger jm said...

So the wall street incident is classic Pluto in Capricorn and our top heavy situation. Same with the climate change game which is just a transfer of wealth to favored multinationals. The banning won't work. Some sort of financial reset is in the works with Uranus in Taurus and it's not the one the plutocrats want. I think the beginning Aquarian transits are opening up the path and it's too soon to know exactly what to do.

The wealth has got to reallocate somehow. The reddits are part of an awakening.

28/1/21 9:08 AM  
Blogger jm said...

They'll soon throw some money at the peasants hoping to mollify them and that will be revealing. At the same time the international cartel is doing its madness and there is great Uranian instability there. So the monster is big and the smashing of structures is happening in ways to be seen.

I've always thought with U in Taurus and Pluto in Cap that the wall st. main st. dilemma would have to be addressed. We need both.

28/1/21 9:18 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Aquarius is giving us a taste of free people. This ride on Wallstreet is the perfect revolution. No violence, just beat them at their own game.

28/1/21 9:28 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ha! You are up, I should have refreshed.

So well put.
My optimism has gotten a big boost.

28/1/21 9:30 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm up!!!

We are coordinated. In synch. Sympatico.

I agree about the perfect non-violent revolution. Again, this space without leadership gives us freedom and room to think and see. More people are doing that. I've always championed the beat them at their own game approach.

It's far beyond pols and party. T. was right about throwing money elsewhere and ignoring Americans, but that's part of the multinational stranglehold. We want equality fraternity and fair distribution, so we say. He brought preparation. Soon the reallocation might be necessary. Our collective desire for cheap goods has a long history. It's equal to the corporate greed for cheap labor.

I'm always optimistic because survival is so powerful a force of nature. The details are painful but the human species makes it through and things right themselves. They wrong themselves, too, but that's the ride we're on!

28/1/21 9:50 AM  
Blogger jm said...

In Taurus comes desire and Scorpio is about self mastery and controlling desire. So you see abstinence, controlled food intake, yogi type stuff, and other things in Scorpio. Or it can go all wrong and Scorpio gets way out of control wealth wise, with extreme hoarding, inheritance issues, and things like that. It's the gateway to Sagittarius, the start of freedom and the spiritual life.

Now with Pluto in Cap, and excessive corporate wealth mixed with gov't, comes Uranus in Taurus and awareness of collective acquisition desires, so we still have the basic problem running through the race. How do we achieve satisfaction?

28/1/21 10:10 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Ha! A headline today.

"Populism Is Engulfing Wall Street…And They’re Not Happy About It"

28/1/21 10:14 AM  
Blogger jm said...

There's no way the flops or anybody are going to be able to control this. They'll get it under control for a minute but the lid is off. The genie is out. I love Uranus.

28/1/21 10:26 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Very very interesting. Pluto Merc. So who controls the internet? All that ridiculous censoring is child's play. Tech companies. Meh! Could it be that the internet is really everybody's possession?

28/1/21 10:31 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Love Uranus my ruler. Been ever so excited by Uranus in Taurus the potential seems so perfect for rebuilding.

Ja, the greed and mindless consuming. We are out of that loop personally thank heavens. It's gonna be a shock for Americans to return to what we grew up with.
One pair of shoes built to last but a pricey purchase. We are set to sew again...once the mills restart. Fabric in last many years has been horrible.
Well built houses not the slapped up stuff that falls apart quickly.

Not to go back, but forward with innovation.
I'm thrilled to see interest in Nicola Tesla and the great minds of that era. Innovation from the ground up with the people as watchdogs against usurpation.

28/1/21 10:43 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The internet is everybody's it got sold out under Obama. People like Jon Postell who were the innovators believed that each of us co-created the internet. Which was why it was free content sharing. .

28/1/21 10:48 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The collusion of the oligarchies becoming apparent to even the disinterested.

28/1/21 11:01 AM  
Blogger jm said...

A lot of people are getting it. It's compulsory education at this point. The oligarchy is scrambling like mad right now to protect the hedge funds. I knew the plutocrats were in trouble.

Tesla. Fascinating man and the interest never wanes.

"Innovation from the ground up with the people as watchdogs against usurpation." Couldn't be better stated. You are right about learning the value of things. Pure Taurus.

We haven't found the right alternative energy source yet but we will. Meanwhile the reality of fossil fuels has to be accepted. More flopping of the flop set.

The oligarchs will have to come down to earth. Taurus Capricorn. All next month Uranus squares Saturn. I can hardly believe what I'm witnessing. The wall st. plutocrats are crybabying like crazy. They were so smug and cocky. Of course they'll try to get it back right and it will seem that way, but life has other things in mind.

Here's an interesting comment I found.....

"THIS is proof positive; in a straight on contest between AI and real intelligence, AI will LOSE, every time.

AI is not nimble enough, nor is it capable of “thinking outside the box”; it IS a box, a big, dumb fast adding machine; algorithms are NOT true logic.

This is important because the technocrats eventual goal is based on the notion that eventually the World will be subject to the control of AI.

SKYNET will never happen, because this transformational event, estimated to be 20 years off, where computers will exceed human intelligence, will never happen.

Like the global warming prophecy of end of the World, its a delusion, that the idiots who want to be in charge” are betting the farm on."

Intelligence, technology, and Aquarius. Taurus is earthly reality. The hopes of technocrats might be tempered.

28/1/21 11:30 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Love the quote.

The autists have named #1 potatus. These guys are gonna be alright taking some lead going forward. They have little to lose.

People have asked me how did I find the courage to commit to my art career. I already knew firsthand where the bottom was. People have no idea how poverty can be a springboard.

This age group has been denied much but the internet has made them massively capable and empowered as a group.

Maybe the spark of the Mother's night conjunction was just flipping the switch on.

Silliness on the boards has given way to determined maturity.

28/1/21 12:04 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

USA Saturn in Libra does not like a rigged system.
I love how all this is happening and it's only day 8.

28/1/21 12:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I am very psyched. Day 8 Wow. People are not in charge thank god.

Good point about Saturn. Justice and fairness, baby.

Yup. The autists are the start where many others will follow. I'm counting on the kids. I always do. I hang out with them. If money tightens the kids will do even better coming up.

The little to lose is so great. That's why I prefer being on the bottom and I've always pitied the billionaires. They are so empty and lost. Nowhere to go but down. I can't imagine living with that kind of spiritual impoverishment.

I think you are exceptionally talented and your art is the most important thing. Uranus in the 5th is energized now. I can't help but believe you have good things coming. You've paid the price. Thrilled about your new studio. It's something you do largely for yourself which makes the NN 1st happy. That's the best path to healing others, I also think.

Wonderful wonderful thought about the Mother's night switch. It's a great thing to keep in mind as things go back and forth.

I embrace poverty as long as I have just enough. It gives me time and freedom. I get freer from want as time goes on. That would be my utopia where people love life as is and need little more. The wealthy go on but as long as we appreciate ourselves and each other life is good.

Very very interesting on the boards.

28/1/21 1:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The tricky thing is not to get caught in the web of others desire. Sometimes it happens and leads to war and such, but I go on detached until then. When I see all those big shiny new cars on the road with endless payments I'm glad for my 1986 Honda that cost next to nothing. I love my car. Couldn't find another one I love more, even though it stalls until I get going!

28/1/21 1:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's a rigged system but we all created it and are all responsible for making repairs. I'm beginning to think the rigged election was a good thing. It was so obvious. Some maturity could be here. A drop.

28/1/21 1:50 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Gave away 1983 pick up to my mechanic. Am driving a 23 yr old F150. Been mine for nearly that long. Happy as can be with it.
B has older model too. We have a good mechanic and can back each other up. That's part of it. The mindset of maintenance, repair not replace.

Daughter of the depression mentality.

28/1/21 3:13 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Thank you JM or your words about my work, it means a lot. And, I know you are in the know.

28/1/21 3:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think you're great.

28/1/21 4:49 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's not really the paintings themselves. It's the after experience. The impression. The memory, and I remember them more than others. The feeling comes back.

28/1/21 4:58 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Oh. From the deepest part of my heart thank you.
I'm welling up

28/1/21 6:01 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yowzers, just reading how big the short squeeze is, basically limitless. This means investment banks already wobbly might topple too. It will make 2008 look like nothin'

We are well poised at the bottom to survive.

B & I were talking about some of his clients who are very wealthy. If their pension funds go it's going to be a disaster. Their property taxes are more than I make in a year! Those ocean view homes might be worth very much less if you can even sell them. This is looking like a potentially wild ride.

Just as you predicted.

28/1/21 7:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Financial shake up time. There are natural laws that determine events and I trust them. It was really odd how main st. just got clobbered. Maybe it's time for wall st. Fair is fair. Back to the top heavy thing. It's just physics.

28/1/21 10:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm not surprised. Something about the trigger of the Capitol storming made me think real rebellion is happening. Uranus is very powerful when there are structures to break through. Stability can be shaky!

The storming sent a tremor through the House that is still reverberating. I should have warned them about rebellious Americans. My bad.

And now a permanent fence is going up around the Capitol. The people's house. That's quite a symbol. Maybe they need a moat too. They've already got the armed guards.

It happens. People rise up. Wall St. tries to block little guys from the game and the little guys finally barge in. I don't know where the financial situation is headed but I do feel an unusual nervous something or other in the country. The election and new regime are at odds with the populace. It doesn't fit right. Very uncomfortable.

How wonderful if we would set up our own trade networks on the streets.

29/1/21 1:29 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

B was thinking how similar to French revolution this is, not in manner of revolt but causes.

Yes, some in congress are very afraid. The people are not going quietly into the night. They've misread us.
Americans are rebels, independent. The reddit gambit showed just how weak the system is.

The financial system globally is tied together. It's a big leveraged ponzi.

I felt it coming which is why I sold the land @30% discount. Money in a small regional bank seemed like a good idea for my extended family.

Returning to an asset based monetary system was part of Trump's second term agenda.

Trump says, we are not done yet.
I'd be willing to bet he and his team have set a lot of this in motion.
His support is higher now than when he left office. Compare to 17% approval of congress. The people are not yielding.
Tossing some money at them is not going to be met with applause.

What was rolling around in my thoughts during the night was how in 1871 this republic went bankrupt, the international bankers bailed us out with a disastrous solution, we have not been in control of our money since. Now the fiat currency is at its natural end.
I can't see Americans agreeing to a credit system like China's based on personal behaviors.

Asset based currency makes sense. No matter what comes the bumps are gonna be hard. We'll all wish we were Amish.

29/1/21 4:58 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I agree with everything. The sale with money in the regional bank is smart. The more we bypass the ponzis the better. I think when the streets open up people will be talking, supporting each other, and coming up with solutions. My friend stopped by yesterday and we talked politics the entire time with more intensity than ever. It's a survival thing. He especially focused on the asset based economy.

The social credit system in China is disgusting. And I agree about people not appreciating the crumbs thrown down. You are so right. Control of our own money. So much can be done if we use our intelligence and cooperate.

People are finally realizing that Trump is the good guy. He will help us. They are longing for his care and protection. The new people are cruel. There's no hiding it. Hopefully whatever it is Americans are punishing themselves for will be resolved. Enough is too much. Double masking is not going to cut it.

One good thing so far is that people are learning a little more about wealth.

HA HA! The Amish. Remember their Trump parades? Beautiful.

29/1/21 11:22 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Hard bumps are easy for us. We have good shock absorbers.

29/1/21 11:27 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I think what's coming is a real resistance unlike the last four years with the sissies and pussies. White Skin Bad won't sell here. Too bad after we supposedly learned to judge a man by the content of his character. Good idea.

We are ready.

29/1/21 11:50 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Does your friend have any insight re asset based currency?

Yes! Those Amish parades! I was so surprised and pleased. Not surprised by their alliance but that they would show it.

29/1/21 12:26 PM  
Blogger jm said...

No. He believes the banking cartel is failing and that we will return to the gold standard.

He's fantasy based in much of his hopes and is still waiting for the top to take care of it, but the desire and will are there for correction. He's a musician and is already getting gigs, so the time is coming.

The bars are crucial. They are based on cash flow and we need it. I suspect there will be heavy political discussions there and plans made like the old pubs in the first revolution. The further we detach from the idiots in DC the better while keeping an eye on them. Too much of the internet chat is gossip and we need to get away from personality based politics. This time right now is a good lesson in leaderless self reliance which can be developed and put into practice later.

We have to see how it unfolds. Precious metals are usually a good investment and I think mental focus on hard asset based currency and mental rejection of digital is a start. The financiers can't force their will on the universe. I don't think they have the power that others think they do.

So honest networking in the real world is essential. I'm not happy about the addiction to cyberspace so I think physical living mixed with mental is part of it. Taurus Aquarius. Real asset based Taurus can be used now. It can happen with our effort.

If main st. revitalizes we'll know more. We need to get main St. In harmony with big money. The body politic will figure it out. I don't see major collapse, just a series of corrections and adjustments.

Art is always a great asset so you're in good shape. There will be buyers. The whole world won't fall apart. Best to insulate one's self against the melodrama and be reasonable.

29/1/21 1:30 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The show of the Amish was proof of the power of love. Much to be done about our Leo NN. No better place than in the midst of hatred. It's all part of the whole. There are many things that are our birthright and can't be taken.

29/1/21 1:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

We need some strong personalities in leadership but the ones now are too childish and stupid. And selfish and greedy and other things. It's us. We need to wise up, grow up, pare down, and express our love. Then leadership will come. For now, we need leaders among our little selves.

29/1/21 1:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'll admit that some of the people behind the scenes are smart, but they are not omnipotent and not to be feared. Just outsmarted.

29/1/21 1:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The lessons of covid are yet to be comprehended. We cannot live entirely in a virtual world. Taurus Aquarius will point that out. When we return to the 3D world I expect great relief to take hold. We're animals and need real dirt. We need air. We need to smell the world and each other as unpleasant as that may be sometimes. The ridiculous horrible masks need to come off and that's going to be a hard one. We have 5 good senses for a reason. Taurus.

29/1/21 1:49 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Also, Trump is planning to revolutionize the Republican party and I am looking at that. Liberals have dominated for a long time so the natural balancing mechanism is correcting and conservatives are swinging up. It's a perfect time for revolution in the party. Liberals will still have their power so all is well. The balance will improve and maybe we can get back to real effective politics.

29/1/21 1:58 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I'm thinking a basket of precious metals, maybe other assets like Thorium.

My heart leapt with joy over the Amish public show of support. Just like the Utes, my family...we know the difference between constitutional patriots and freedom destroying flops. Real diversity does not survive under administrations such as current.

Yes, the bars and pubs and other real life gatherings essential for exchange of ideas information.
I'm forever shocked that my open studios are well attended (500-700). They mostly come for the stories.
How you describe knowing myths and the planets become real life individuals is exactly similar to the old sagas. Different animals, faces, carved into masks and totem poles are a gift of wisdom from our ancestors. It crosses cultural boundaries.
Fairy tales are real history.

As musician, artist, poet, we recreate them, entertain, drop a seed.

29/1/21 2:02 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Wow!! 700! Good god. So true and wonderful about fairy tales. I love them so much. The goodness of life is all about parable I think. Messaging, you know.

This current idiocracy is absolutely absurd. The flop is going to be bigger than I thought. You are right. Real diversity is onstage now. They truly are behind the times, while real diversity happened outside their consciousness these last few years. We gathered happily. Happy just to be together.

Native intelligence and instinct guide to the right assets. Survival is a mother.

The seed drop! Yes. Leo loves that and my Leo planets are getting Pluto's revelation. Watch out for germination, world! The whole Pluto in Leo generation is getting T squared by Taurus Aquarius now. That's one solution to hard nosed Pluto in Capricorn. Real love and self expression. Musician, artist poet right at home.

29/1/21 2:36 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Not all at once 700 over 2 weekends that's my high, average is 500. Exhausting. Once a year is enough.

Oh my. The boomers get the stage, I hope we measure up. We will. We must.

One of the biggest surprises hanging with the autists is their love of JFK. They have researched they know his policies. My son is one. It took a moment to grasp it was not Camelot but open connection. Vision. They see this in Trump.

I mention because they dis boomers all the time but their big heroes are JFK and Trump.

29/1/21 3:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yeah, people are a mish mosh.

Well, my first president was "I like Ike" so that's what I did. I was very very very veeeeery young. After that I didn't like any of them. Their faces are ugly. The tension of the trap they're in shows on their faces and I can't stand looking at it. Even Trump. But I like him anyway. Good president, too.

30/1/21 3:44 AM  
Blogger jm said...

The good news is prominent liberals are inching over to the freedom alliance. They are discovering how tolerant the people are, many of them on the right. The freedom lovers welcome all kinds so the libs are getting comfortable, and it's a reversal of what's supposed to be. I love the mix. Or the mix-up.

30/1/21 3:44 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I have three planets in Gemini in the third house, Uranus included.

I'm always on the streets of town wherever I live. I want some more good times. Great times. That means good municipal government and a productive mix of corporate and home-grown money. Jeeze. So simple. And keep those roads perfect!

30/1/21 3:45 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ja, perfect roads for JM's Honda.

Less middlemen too.

30/1/21 6:50 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Government is important in many ways. Roads are my big issue. Schools for many are big. We have more control over tax expenditure in the states and counties. We vote on tax increases here and the votes are emphatic. If we get involved on the county level change could come. That's the best way I think. People still vote for idiots and criminals, but some good people sneak in. We just keep at it.

A huge event concerning our sovereignty came when Colorado legalized cannabis. The people just did it and flew in the face of the feds. Very bold move which left the next move up to the feds. Hey!! What are you gonna do federal government? They left the people alone and look what happened. The rest of the country is following suit. It's not the issue itself, it's the courage to defy the federal government. I'm convinced there's going to be a big push in that direction. The DC breakdown is absurd and very very obvious. People cling but necessity should take charge soon enough.

30/1/21 12:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think the flops are going to shake up the country so much the people will sort of come to their senses. It's all meant to be.

People like living in this country so they'll have to protect it. Enemies are always busy, within and without. Political strength and immunity are good to develop. First and foremost is taking Myrtle Rae's advice and not let the fools scare you. Power never stays in the same place.

Part of our responsibility as constitutionalists is to demand our rights when threatened. It works.

30/1/21 12:49 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Most of what I'm getting on the internet is fear and helplessness, but that might be what the medium attracts. The view of an all powerful entity out to get them runs deep and highlights the spiritual component. Does one believe in a benevolent god or a malevolent one? The truth is probably in between but the propensity for humans to look up for guidance is innate, whether they face it or not.

So it comes back to sovereignty over self which will take time to catch on with the crowd. Patience, patience, patience.

Some dude in some town that votes for some candidate is a domestic terrorist? The absurdity is fantastic. That's what calms me. The total absurdity of it all at this point. The fear expressed of the average American is a good sign. The self recognition of Leo is part of the antidote.

30/1/21 1:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Anyway, the prediction of our founding fathers concerning the fallibility of humankind is in full swing just in time for the Pluto return. It's time for courage and civics lessons.

30/1/21 1:24 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

We've still got a coupla years to go with Pluto/Pluto.
I was curious if Venus over our USA Pluto might have a little message in this mix. Maybe. The Reddit gambit happened then.

One result of the Plutonic $bags response to the reddit guys beyond their melt down and complete show of hand to grab back “their” money, was how two sides quite polarized came together. Reddit guys are lefty mostly Bernie supporting Populists. The Trump populists have been brothers in support.

As the current dramas unfold with ever more blatant un-American absurdity more unity will build. The mandatory immunizations has really shaken my acquaintances. One shift starts an avalanche.

30/1/21 4:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That's exactly exactly what I'm talking about. The brand new unusual alliances. In tense circumstance people unite but this, I think, goes beyond. It might lead to amalgamations of policies and some innovative government. In time.

The flops are shocked. They knew not what they were getting into. The citizens are aroused and they're finding themselves on the other side of it and they can't control it. Their fear is all over the place. People are excited and incited.

Unity is coming. It's about balance. You gotta stay balanced. We're bipeds. Enough discord already. Food fight crap. Getting stupid. Getting? some ask.

The reddit gambit was another real tremor in the Uranian earthquake We're experiencing presently. It frizzed the hair on the ends of people's nerves.

Those Plutonic $bags! Go girl!! That Bad mouth!

30/1/21 5:26 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Er $bags = money bags but I like your interpretation too!

30/1/21 6:47 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Right now both side have so much anger burbling up
Frizzling the hair on the ends of people's nerves !!!!!! Love that!

It needs a scapegoat, outlet, something...Brilliant Trump stays silent and out of sight. $bags (take that anyway you like), the Silicon Valley Oligarchs with their over the top censorship are perfect new receptors.

Uranus plans to keep the synapsing going

30/1/21 6:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Uranus will keep it up.

30/1/21 7:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Taurus is fixed earth and represents stability. It looks like Uranus is going to upset a lot of financial interests but the unpredictability of Uranus, and the reversals, make me think that some will be shaken up terribly while others might find more stability.

I'm wondering If Uranus simply levels weak structures and leaves stable ones alone. Destruction is selective. Anyway, all next month when Uranus squares Saturn people might understand more.

It seems quite impossible to put a lid on Uranus with censorship or other attempted controls. The control worked last year with the Capricorn convergence, but not now.

I get more and more interested in Taurus Aquarius Uranus as this story unfolds.

30/1/21 11:51 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"It looks like Uranus is going to upset a lot of financial interests but the unpredictability of Uranus, and the reversals, make me think that some will be shaken up terribly while others might find more stability."

Today I learned a thing they did not teach in standard astrology. The name Uranus descends from the sort of ancient words — in languages ancient to the ancients, or ancient to the ancients of the ancients — that meant rain, moisten, water, milk and ... "make water" or urinate. Water and udder, Uranus and urine do retain similar sounds; they are related words if one looks back far enough.

Though few myths survive featuring him, the god Uranus was once the lord of rains and lightning, a very old god indeed. He was castrated by his son wielding a flint-bladed sickle; the story apparently predates the use of metal. Uranus may be a Neolithic, stone age god. (Which much explains his uncivil manners, now that I think about it.)

In modern parlance, "rainmaker" can mean someone who produces fresh sources of income for a business through negotiation or promotion. I suppose a rainmaker could also "rain on someone's parade", act as a spoiler. Not to take the Uranian rainmaker connection too seriously but if it is of concern to anyone, I might suggest either staying clear of Uranian showers or dressing sensibly for them.

1/2/21 11:16 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"I'm wondering If Uranus simply levels weak structures and leaves stable ones alone. Destruction is selective. Anyway, all next month when Uranus squares Saturn people might understand more."

It's always interesting to see how matters develop specifically. We know going in to the theater the theme of the story, but we're still fascinated by the twists and turns of the drama. No doubt the gods observe us with great interest too.

Generally speaking, all forces effect change, but Uranus has been pegged as the most dramatic.

In the natural world, physical forces of interaction always come in pairs, like yin and yang. If there were not an equal and opposite force, we could not feel a chair as we sat down on it, the chair would simply move away and the floor itself would sink.

The reason that most people think in terms of a singular force is that they are accustomed to seeing one force overcome another. The forces are actually equal but differences in structural integrity between interacting things facilitate one force more than the other. If the chair is unsound (e.g., has a weak joint or a crack) then, when a sufficiently heavy man sits on it, it is unable to effectively channel and support its force vertically against the man's force. The force then spills out sideways and the chair breaks, scattering pieces in horizontal directions.

As with other forces, it appears that how Uranus affects individuals depends on to what one is clinging for shelter or support — or in the psychological domain, one's psychological attachments to things that no longer serve one.

However, lest we think only of stability, there are evolving forms that make smart use of a combination of stability and instability to deflect or make use of forces acting upon them. This is done in those movement arts that are known as the internal martial arts rather than external.

1/2/21 11:20 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

The precursor to the release of lightning is a build-up of polarization between clouds and earth. (Uranus was the sky god who had fun with the earth goddess, Gaia, every night.)

As we know, because Uranus overreacted to earthly reality with tyrannical behavior — he was a bad father who hated his imperfect children and thereby pissed off (urine allusion unintended) their mother, Gaia — he was overthrown by a son who was in turn overthrown by a son who inherited the power to throw lightning. From his spilled blood and dismembered parts, new powers and gods arose. This yes-to-the-mess story suggests, let's call it, a Uranian cycle of creative destruction wherein change came to those who effected it and may come again to affect them when they no longer want it.

Of course, any one who attains great power ultimately loses it. Some may consider this a feature rather than a bug. And some may say outright, Blessed are the bugs, for the meek will inherit the earth.

Small schoolchildren in the U.S. learn that George Washington, the Revolutionary War general and U.S. President and Founding Father, famously set a major precedent when he stepped down after two terms. Fewer recall that he had wanted to step down after one term. He did not want to risk serving so long that he might die in office without showing the nation, by his example, that the commander-in-chief ought to step down instead of holding the office for life.

But Washington was persuaded to serve a second term because his associates begged him to do so for the sake of the nation which was beset by emerging political divisions and growing violence that threatened to tear it in two. (Lather, rinse and repeat.)

After an incident in Western Pennsylvania involving hundreds of armed men attacking the home of tax inspector General John Neville, Washington initially responded by sending peace commissioners to negotiate with the rebels. But he eventually organized and rode at the head of a militia to quell them. He was a revolutionary leader who found himself trying to preserve the young nation against a new insurgency of disaffected revolutionaries.

Many of the rebels were war veterans who believed they were fighting for the principles of the original American Revolution. However they saw themselves, the rebels dissipated before his approach and could not be found. The rebellion ended without further violence, and the U.S. moved on and continued to grow in breadth and power as one nation. One historical perspective says that those early, divisive events accelerated the formation of political parties. Another historical perspective is that their outcome ultimately strengthened American nationalism (because most people approved of Washington's handling of the conflict).

Both views can be true. A complex entity must have means to manage and choose among competing impulses to survive and thrive overall; there must be enough change for renewal while avoiding the extremes of stagnation and destruction.

Perhaps Uranus shows no favor. Perhaps things are Uranian until they aren't. Computers were Uranian, but after they got practically everywhere and into everything (including light switches, door locks and refrigerators), they're part of our everyday communications domain subject to Mercury retrogrades. The heretic and the revolutionary become the establishment, their innovations become status quo, and the fresh new perspective over time becomes encrusted with obscuring accretions and dogma. If there is too much obstruction, then the time grows ripe for new channels to form. The window of normality shifts.

Uranus is beyond the sphere of Saturn. One can speculate that, like the polarization that leads to lightning strikes, one charge is built up at one end reality while at the other end, the opposite charge is from the farther end, relatively speaking. New ideas may seem abstract to us but perhaps we are less fully dimensional until they energize us and, depending on our polarity to them, draw us into the future or the future upon us.

1/2/21 1:30 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Polarity, electricity, lightning. Yes, that's Uranus.

I think Uranus identifies the cosmic nervous system. Lightning even looks like nerves. Nervousness, nervous impulses. It's a heightened alert state, so that's why the sudden lightning flashes of insight are indicated. Brain stimulation and shocks come with the energy and sometimes destruction is a by-product.

When nervous, people also disrupt things. They drop them, knock into them, topple them, and bring about all sorts of upsets. So it's something about nervous energy and what is transported along nerves.
Polarity pushes life's movement after sparking mythological creation.

2/2/21 12:12 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Yes, that's it exactly. I would look for the ones who are not only unafraid to reach for the brass ring, but have some practice with effectively batting life's curve balls. More broadly, many workers have been displaced from their normal work and occupations, and may find new ways to work or new lines of work.

We could regard the human nervous system as akin to electronic circuitry; it transmits information and efficiently needs little power to do so. A difference is that the power is created inside each cell. The ego identity that is one of the collective collaborative projects of the cells is mainly unaware of the activity at their level; it's first order of business is to physically navigate and orient within time and space, for the survival of the whole. If it functions successfully, then it has opportunities to develop further and know more.

I picture the planets moving within fields, and making ripples, currents, and nodes of stronger vibration where waves intersect. Their power carries information as sound can.

The human nervous system is more or less sensitive to them. Well, some humans are sensitive to them. Some are more tone deaf to them, and therefore encounter the subtle forces through other people and perplexing events that they don't fully understand. Or, I picture a radio receiver that can pick up different radio station — music, serious or humorous commentary, educational programs, news reporting, inspirational or motivational talks, etc.

There are on average 40,000 neurons in the heart, and people who have more, or who learn to make more use of what they have, are abler to receive and radiate a force from the subtle energy center of the heart. The heart will have more sympathetic resonance to some planets than to others. Other parts of the body have their own sympathetic resonances, like different parts of a musical instrument. So, I think that individual biology has some say.

Maybe 10 percent of the general population are on the alexithymic spectrum; in an extreme case, a married, alexithymic man explained that his only emotions were either anger or fear — the basic, primitive fight-or-flight reactions that evolved for physical survival — and that he lived a lie by pretending to have positive reactions to get through social situations. He will have a more emotionally detached experience of Venus than the average person. One biological connection is that alexithymia is associated with a lack of introception, with an inability to perceive the body's internal state, thus preventing higher order cognition. The ego is disconnected from the heart; for whatever reason, the two groups of neurons cannot effectively communicate and therefore each group ends up beggared.

2/2/21 12:04 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

The phrase "yes to the mess" came to mind when I was writing the previous comment about Uranian cycles and the downfall of Uranus and his son. I found out this morning that there is actually a book titled Yes to the Mess: Surprising Leadership Lessons from Jazz, about dealing with complexity and change in the workplace. "A new model for leading and collaborating in organizations." Hmm.

"[L]ike skilled jazz players, leaders need to master the art of unlearning, perform and experiment simultaneously, and take turns soloing and supporting each other. [E]xamples that range from manufacturing to the military to high-tech…illustrate how organizations must take an inventive approach to crisis management, economic volatility, and all the rapidly evolving realities of our globally connected world."

2/2/21 12:16 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Following up on mental perceptions can lead to surprising connections. That reminds me about the image of Janus coming to mind earlier this year as I mused on Aquarian contradictions. I find Janus very relatable to the co-rulers of Aquarius.

Janus, of course, was the ancient god with two faces who could see both the past and the future at once, who contained within himself dualities, endings and beginnings, and for whom frames, thresholds, passageways, doorways, gates — all things that look in two directions — are his symbols. Janus is also the name given to a moon of Saturn.

So, I did a bit of reading and discovered a number of illuminated parchments from the Middle Ages (such as this lovely, richly colored, one, 'January', early 15th century) pairing the images of a feasting Janus with an intent Aquarius pouring vitalizing waters on the earth. There are also illuminated parchments pairing Janus and Capricorn.

A god of motion, Janus presided over all spatial and temporal transitions and passages, over the beginning and ending of conflict, over war and peace. In ancient Rome, Janus's presence was acknowledged throughout the year; he was invoked at the beginning of every ceremony regardless of which main deity the ceremonies honored. As gatekeeper of the heavens, he was the route by which to reach all other gods. He was uniquely Roman in Roman myth and religion, preceding the introduction of the gods from Greece.

His name in Latin Ianus ("archway") is etymologically tied to the Latin word ianua ("gate, passage, door"). He was the guard at the gate to the heavens. I was amused how this put my "clever door" dream into a bigger perspective — the clever door that could, if re-opened with knowing intention, reveal a different reality than it did before.

Janus is an interestingly liminal god. Our years begin with the uncertain, wintry month when people, generally, are more Janus-like. They reflectively remember the previous year's events and imaginatively, hopefully, project their futures.

I continue to wonder at the process of … shall we call it Janusian … cogitations. …Ah, it turns out that "Janusian" has a specific definition: "Having or relating to the ability to conceive and use multiple antithetical or opposite thoughts simultaneously." There is a paper. "Janusian thinking — the capacity to conceive and utilize two or more opposite or contradictory ideas, concepts, or images simultaneously — is discussed in relation to its role in the creative process in art, literature, architecture, music, science, and mathematics."

Well, perhaps it's no wonder Aquarius can be difficult to corral. Hmm, perhaps there is a clue there for the rest of us.

2/2/21 12:48 PM  

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