Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Zelda Has Been Found!!

 Zelda, Myrtle Rae's Uranian chicken, is quite impossible to hold down. She behaves erratically and disrupts everything.

Mortimer, Myrtle's parrot, likes to watch TV so he can imitate all the voices. Zelda hates it! She calls in her favorite rooster to scramble the sound and it drives high strung Mortimer nuts. Myrtle Rae is pretty tough so she puts up with wild Zelda and everybody and gives them free rein..

When Zelda lays it's unpredictable. White ones, brown ones, brown and white ones, striped ones, floral ones, transparent ones, you name it. They taste fabulous though! Even crusty Mortimer loves them.

In these Aquarian days, Zelda will be right at home. She's a blast! Great to see ya Zel!!


Blogger Tseka said...

Just what we need.

19/1/21 6:23 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"She behaves erratically and disrupts everything."

She is so scrambled.

19/1/21 10:53 AM  
Blogger jm said...


A scrambled egg layer!

You are funny. One of the few who make me laugh.

Fun is health. There's an electrochemical circuit for it.

19/1/21 12:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

As a matter of fact, Tseka, you bring up a good point. As the so called "dark" days befall us, fun could be the resistance. A new political tool. Fun!

19/1/21 1:17 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Fun, good, life has been too serious. Led by a scrambled chicken - onward!

19/1/21 2:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yeaaaaay!!! Follow the scrambled chicken!

Fun or fear. Take your pick!

As I always say, "The world does what it does and I do what I do". There is some lapping and intersecting, fortunately or unfortunately. A lot of stuff going on to chose from.

Onward to the next adventure!

19/1/21 2:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Hee hee. Follow the scrambled chicken. How that's leadership I can count on!

19/1/21 2:42 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ha! Follow the scrambled chicken....jeez.

19/1/21 3:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Really. I think I'm getting it. Nowhere to align but with myself and my few choice compadres.

I don't like midway amusement rides, they are too brutal. That's what the public swirl reminds me of. Too much force.

I think I am getting a tiny bit bored with the sado masochistic madhouse. Maybe it's going onward but what a scrambled mess.

All are free to go where they want to, of course. Theoretically. Around all the RESTRICTION!

Tie me up, lock me in, cancel me, or even erase me. TRY IT! Jeez, indeed.

19/1/21 3:27 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

A pair of doves have taken up residence in a small alcove on my roof. My roof is metal. Eggs roll down the channel and crash on the patio while mom and pop flap with hysterical dove squawks. This has been going on for days.

I've left the scrambled eggs for them to connect the dots and up-sticks for another location.

How the heck did they ever earn the symbol of peace? Hor d'oeurves must have been taken.

19/1/21 3:33 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Meanwhile the cats inside find this new show on bird TV very entertaining.

It's just gonna be another mess to clean up.

19/1/21 3:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...

OMW! What a great question! The symbol of peace. Birds make joyous sounds but not all are nice guys. Crazy once recorded some birds, slowed it down, and it sounded like dogs barking!!!

Crashing dove eggs! It's a dangerous world!

So accurate. Just another mess to clean up. Babies are always making them. I'm gonna be like the cats and entertain myself. And maybe others. Not much anyone can do about anything. It's too vast. Just clean it up when possible!

19/1/21 3:50 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I really love that view, Stick. Just another mess to clean up. Excellent.

19/1/21 3:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It doesn't matter. If a thing does happen it probably leads to the same place it would have if it didn't. Nothing is that important. I do get carried away with enthusiasm sometimes But that's a simple joy ride, not related to anything.

Wait a minute!!! Working out is MUCHO IMPORTANT! Don't be silly.

19/1/21 4:10 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Bird sound slowed down sounded like dogs barking, wow. That is so interesting. I notice the cats are very attuned to the language of birds, coyotes and bobcats here. I'm envious.

I mostly understand the eyes boring into me from three o'clock on. Dinner? Purruup.
I'm def on the low IQ side in animal kingdom.

19/1/21 4:12 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Zelda's got it right, lay an assortment, be your true self and worry not.

19/1/21 4:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Love is in the air. If only we could get our little prehensile grasping machines around it.
There's some love! Grab it!

That damned Aquarius and his air.

19/1/21 4:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Lay an assortment!! Great idea!

Animal talk. Animal secrets. Secret codes. Messages?

Hon, I just got a telegram from that racoon who ate our garbage.

19/1/21 4:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

We're all pests. But I'm not as mean as a raccoon. They take over living rooms! Charge through patio doors!

19/1/21 6:00 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Better than bears, if I get a choice.

19/1/21 8:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Bears! They eat their kids!

I'm feeling OK, Stick. This Pollyanna will never give up. I'm hearing Constitution talk out there. A lot more people are beginning to understand the dilemma. Maybe this Cancer country will mature a bit. Hope exists for good reason.

19/1/21 11:54 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm also changing my tune a little bit about the possibility of something actually happening. It's too close to the Pluto return to ignore. Something unusual is taking place in the body politic I think.

20/1/21 1:55 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Not nice guys? Well, birds are a surviving form of dinosaur, after all. They do seem more closely related to the Tyrannosaurus Rex than to fur-kind.

I mean, just check out the drumsticks and the long clawed feet on the T-Rex. I bet it tastes like chicken.

20/1/21 7:17 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"You are funny."

Oh? A new co-worker recently said the same thing. I think that some people bring out the funnier sides of other people. That's quite a feat.

Still others have said that I seem very serious to them. Or, one will say that I'm very sweet while another will say that I'm very critical. Perhaps an astrologer will say that they are all confused by the Pisces ascendant. I might aver that many people can only see what they are able, and they expect to see only what they themselves are capable of doing.

I do remember one bigoted gentleman who declared that I have no sense of humor. I responded that from all appearances his supposed humor has always been a poor excuse for verbal cruelty to the young and innocent.

It's quite interesting how people have different seemings. One person will say that I and my sister are "hard to read". Another will object to that and say, "No, you're very clear!" To be part of this plane of existence, everyone must construct their reality, and then must use their construction in order to perceive and to filter the reality of others.

My sister has said, "This is why I have so many friends. It's not possible to share everything with one person." We all have a piece, or maybe several pieces, of the whole puzzle, but never all of it.

"Fun is health. There's an electrochemical circuit for it."

I'll agree with that. That's such a good point. A fun circuit in the brain, like a funny bone in the arm. Knock it just right for best results. Supposedly, one can even knock some sense into people, sometimes. Play is essential to learning.

20/1/21 10:30 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Haha! Dinosaurs! Of course.

Capricorns are noted for their humor. I think it could be an antidote for the harsh reality they understand so well. I find a subtle knowing humor in Caps.

Very true about people's mixed up perceptions.

"A bigoted gentleman". HA HA HA! There's the humor. Your response was tough. And right. I like it.

Very accurate about reality construct. Which actually means there's no such thing as reality! It's too plastic.

The funny bone. Of course. Knocking sense into people? Good luck. I'll leave that to you.

One can be serious and sweet at the same time. I think you have an unmissable sweet streak. So there.

20/1/21 2:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The criticism of Capricorn diverges from that, say of Virgo. Virgo notices every detail and wants to get things in order, so it picks on things and points out flaws in search of perfection. That can be annoying to some, helpful to and appreciated by others.

Capricorn also wants order but it's in a larger sphere. Capricorn has a sort of grand perception of flaw so it can appear to the other that their whole self is criticized. Cap validates, so some with insecurities can feel terribly invalidated. It hurts! It pricks their self esteem, which is their responsibility to build. "Achieve and get it!" says Capricorn.

20/1/21 2:36 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

“ you have an unmissable sweet streak”
A mile wide! A shining heart and yes humor!

Adding a 'so there' from me too.

You are quite right about the dinosaur pedigree Kadimiros, if you've ever met a roadrunner you'd know that in their pea brain they consider themselves a pterodactyl. Wicked guys when you get in front of what they consider theirs, as I learned when one nested close to my kitchen door. An arsenal of pebbles and a big stick were kept next to the door. Later a big bazooka water gun was found to be more protective.

20/1/21 3:52 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes, Sw T. It seems we get a bit more from Pluto conj
Pluto for this country. Jupiter and Saturn followed by Mercury provided a lot of information, some awareness, and maybe some resolve. I hope I'm wrong but it looks like we'll need our grit going forward and our sense of shared circumstances.

20/1/21 3:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So Funny!!!!! Bazooka water gun.

I think we can go ahead safely just as is. Another chapter, I stay the same with constant slow improvements. Got my friends.

Of course some of us are lucky enough to be accompanied by Go-lucky Jupiter. Let's go!

20/1/21 4:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Capricorn. Government. I think it's time to learn what it is.

And the Pluto money? I ignore it.

20/1/21 4:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Very entertaining about the road runner. Thanks.

20/1/21 5:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm not worried. They're just inept. Lousy administrators. They'll flop around as always until something really serious happens.
I think they'll end the covid game because it will be too much of a liability. They already are ending the lockdowns, but they have to do it gradually so people won't feel like the suckers they are. The vaccine game is flopping badly.

So I think probably things will bumble along and the new freedom alliance will grow. It's just begun and there are already a few people in the House. I think the plan is to get more freedom constitution people into office.

I think we're pretty safe now. Both parties are a wreck. It'll show more and more. So they probably won't be able to do much, one way or the other.

Meanwhile, the coalition I was telling you about made up of Liberals, Conservatives, Libertarians, and Independents (I'm an Independent) is emerging. Money is going there. I sense it's going to be a strong voice for our constitutional freedom. People will join. The message is good. It will be well presented.
So all in all, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

20/1/21 5:27 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Agree. The message is good and many heard it.
This coalition will be as you say a reflection of the citizenry with multiple backgrounds and persuasions.

A band of constitutionalist patriots. This alone is powerful; the shucking off of divisions.

It will likely be hard times financially for many. Not much new for me, daughter of the depression, had skilz drilled in.

Looking at the new administration, I have to agree, flop. But hidden hands can do a lot of damage. Vigilant we shall remain.


20/1/21 5:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Absolutely. The shucking off of divisions. It has to be, for balance. So happy.

I agree about the hard financial times but that will benefit us. I'm buying less and less. It's weird. I'm also getting more excited about the world of the mind so I'm less interested in commodities. Taurus vs Aquarius. Material and mental.

Yes!! The vigilants!! Whatever damage is done can be repaired generally.

Hard times? Show'em how it's done!!

20/1/21 5:50 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Flop yes. Just a bridge to 2024 which is the spotlight to watch. End of Pluto in Cap, changes in make up of Congress already underway. The flop time is a good time to breathe and maybe relax.

20/1/21 6:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

There's a lot of money coming to support the freedom alliance which means media developments, marketing, etc. Pluto Mercury. I'm particularly interested in seeing what the media talent (there's lots) comes up with. We've got the whole year of Pluto help. The destruction has already occured basically. The new freedom movement comes at the right time.

20/1/21 6:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

"skilz drilled in" HA HA! Mucho poetic.

20/1/21 6:25 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I agree about the new media and am hoping for a renaissance for the arts in general. Less faux artists, facebook, more real appreciation for talent and training.

I don't know of you know about Gab a social media company started by a silicon valley escapee. He has created from scratch a free speech alternative to twitter. He now has tv and is creating an alternative to zoom. He and a few others with seed money from a few of us who thought it a good idea. I personally don't participate but did trow some cash in at the beginning. Point is it was grown from the ground up grassroots.

I'm for more of it.

Years ago we danced round galleries and created fairs and festivals to show our work.

Farmer's markets.

20/1/21 6:57 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The arts always struggle no matter what. Authenticity is not common. We make our way nonetheless. I feel as long as I remain authentic and good, it works out. Either way. If I get recognition, that's wonderful. If not, I can rest in the knowledge that I'm still great and remained honest. The false is part of the whole deal. I endure it, or try to. I'm glad I'm not them!

A lot will break open when we get back on the streets after people have had their fill of the covid nonsense. Fairs, farmer's markets, and all always thrive. Big part of culture .

Yeah, Gab. The media monopoly has to go down. It's physics. We're top heavy.
Lots of grassroots are coming. But the interesting part is the big money alliance with the commoners. The grassroots are having more say this time. While the old guard still is dictated to by big money. All part of Cap Pluto and Aquarius.

This time big money just wants to get in on the action. It's really exciting.

20/1/21 8:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The struggle is part of what makes artists so good. Success actually bleeds authenticity and freedom. So artists have a push pull relationship with success, I've found. They're intuitive and smart. They know the dangers.

Crazy was as good as it gets and he pursued success a little, but painted till the end and reached fruition way at the end. I'm finding the same thing. Here, late in life, I'm finally creating the work I always wanted to.

Though some success brings good stuff out into the world. Some always gets out. It has to. Can't worry about the world too much.

20/1/21 8:37 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"The struggle is part of what makes artists so good. Success actually bleeds authenticity and freedom."

Oh, what a bloody business it is.

21/1/21 4:26 PM  
Blogger jm said...


I wonder what it is that makes it so.

21/1/21 4:37 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Well, speaking as a Capricorn with an art degree....

There are usually multiple levels of analysis possible. Here's a few general thoughts, if we are weighing arts and business. Disclaimer: I chose not to be in the business of fine arts, so I can't address what goes on there although I have of course heard rumors.

If you are an entrepreneur, especially if you are in a highly specialized area with unique products, you struggle until you find and reach your market, or it finds you. Artists are often entrepreneurs, and they have unique products, so risk and struggle comes with the territory.

But, the artist's position in business relationships has been weakened.

Artists used to be real businesspeople and had to be good at that. Dealers sold frames, while artists negotiated their own fees doing only commissioned work. In recent centuries, the identity of the artist has lost that traditional component.

Business and marketing were not covered at the art schools I saw — not even in courses taught by award-winning commercial artists with their own businesses in advertising, illustration or graphic design.

Whereas artists like Michelangelo hammered out deals directly with kings and popes, we later became relegated in the culture's belief system to being sensitive loners needing middlemen to succeed. It is partly a form of mass hypnosis.

The expectation is very different from the relationships shown in Pamela Coleman Smith's illustration of the Three of Pentacles, the card of the master craftsman. In that card, you can see the monk, the architect and the skilled tradesman, with the latter in the highest, apical, position — physically and symbolically — of the three.

It makes it difficult for others to take the artist seriously as a businessperson, and difficult for the artist to want to spend time on developing the creative mastery over her life that she already has over her other creations. Each work of art is the offspring of creative problem-solving, and one's life is also an ongoing exercise of creative abilities.

"The struggle is part of what makes artists so good. Success actually bleeds authenticity and freedom."

It is often assumed that mixing business and art will detract from the art. Understanding the client's needs and then working to provide a unique solution that fits can be very demanding and therefore stimulate much growth of one's creative muscles. It is also good for ego strength and confidence to learn to push back against the client when they have a really dumb idea, and steer them in a better direction. And, people spend more of their time on what they prefer, but if one is running a business then one ought not to give it short shrift. Having the money side of things in good order can mean more time and freedom to be creative.

At a broader level of analysis, I would consider the concentration of economic power by the few over the many, which is — just as a matter of mathematical reality — the natural and inexorable tendency of free-market societies. According to physicists and mathematicians who have carefully modeled real economic systems with unprecedented and remarkable accuracy, wealth most naturally trickles upwards towards the top of the pyramid. Trickle down is just a fantasy; free markets do not lead to more freedom. Other things being equal, an advantage from sheer random opportunity sets up an imbalance which grows systematically toward oligarchy.

The thing that has so far saved us from total oligarchy is wealth redistribution — such as public education, Social Security, public works, etc. Redistribution should not be thought of negatively as from government to undeserving people, but rather as a flow of wealth from people to people to compensate for the inherent unfairness of market economics, and to ensure the sustainability of the system and upward mobility for the young.

It appears that more change is coming, as new approaches compete to gain mindshare in the mass consciousness and disrupt established players.

21/1/21 8:17 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Bazooka water guns. If only they'd known that in Jurassic Park. (Shakes head sadly.)

21/1/21 8:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think disruption of established players is inevitable, but distribution of wealth remains problematic. Mass consciousness will take plenty of time to advance.

One problem is the tendency of societies to almost encourage wealth transfer to the top. I think they create hierarchies to have something to aspire to. But it gets out of hand. It's not trickle up or down, it's trickle every which way. It's not stable. A human race full of desire and driven by compulsions has a tough time sharing wealth equitably. Some sharing happens, some grasping happens, some stealing happens, some hoarding, and so on. Sometimes it works for awhile and then reverts. Still the desire to share is mixed in with it all. But some vast insecurity move humans to take and take and take. The unfillable void.

It seemed to happen when humans became agrarian and began banking goods. Once the taste of possession came, they were smitten. Acquisition gets out of hand but something always comes to settle the score eventually.

Fairness and unfairness exist side by side and are always in flux. If we can consciously direct distribution in healthy ways, that would be great. It's still a tough nut. We work on it while we evolve.

Riches move on their own.

22/1/21 1:06 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"It seemed to happen when humans became agrarian and began banking goods."

Yes, that's exactly when. Patriarchy and dominance became a thing at the same time because of agricultural lifestyles and the consequent importance of control of property and territory, reproduction and other aspects of life. Egalitarian and cooperative lifestyles typified earlier hunter/gatherer societies, some of which actually labored much less and played much more in their respective, bountiful, Gardens of Eden.

There is a lot of tumult in our present lives, which implies that much is in flux and is giving way to new forms and processes, though of course there is much more complaining as that happens. Ah, change.

22/1/21 8:19 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

I remember a fellow fine arts student talking about how he regretted the loss of the ancient green woodlands as it became settled by Europeans, and a concrete jungle replaced the natural environment.

I said, "They still feel real to me, when I look with my mind's eye. I think they're gone from our perception, but not from the perception of others in another time. Those people exist and live in their own present, their own portion of space-time. The skyscrapers and concrete exist in another time, and it does seem to me that they have something of their own to offer, and stories to tell that is part of a longer narrative. They're like alternate reality versions of each other, parallel worlds. The buildings and the land are not as separate from us as we might think."

When I looked at the neighborhoods as I walked them, the lay of the land was predominant and came first to my attention; the phallic works of wealthy businessmen was clearly a secondary layer, growths like a kind of indigestible lichen. The tall buildings, concrete sidewalks and paved streets looked to me like a fragile crust laid over the more permanent sloping contours of the Earth's surface. The Earth spun and rolled along the curvatures of the space-time continuum, and yet gave me a palpable sense of support when I lay on the grass and saw the clouds fly by in the spinning heavens. I wrote, "And Earth spins in orbit, falling through space. / Between darkness and light, find infinite grace."

I think my classmate found my reactions and responses puzzling. In the same conversation, he asked me, "If you had to lose one of your five senses, which would you rather lose?" I immediately said, "Sight."

"I thought you would say 'smell'," he said, shocked to hear a fellow visual artist prioritize smell over sight. "I can see a lot without physical eyes," I explained. "I already have more than enough in that regard. If I lose physical sight, I will still have worlds to explore with inner sight. When I mentally trace what my brain is doing, the sense of smell feels connected, in a way that most don't recognize, to the experience of nostalgia, and to rich subtleties of experience that exercise that part of the brain. The parts of the brain are multi-functional. Without physical sense of smell, those parts of the brain would be co-opted by other senses. That would amplify those senses. You know, like when blind people have better hearing? Without sight, I might appreciate music better. But without smell, I'd lose some of the richness of life that seem unrelated. And my sense of smell and taste is good but not as extraordinary as my sister's, so I'd like to keep what I have."

Decades later, I would read that the sense of smell plays a major role in mood, memory, behaviour and emotion; it is highly emotive and it is more closely linked to memory than any other sense. People who lost smell and taste report a blunting of emotions, and a feeling of isolation and disconnection from the world. It is a most ancient sense, an ancient part of the brain, and functionally supports much built over it.

It seems to me that each era and transformation of reality prioritizes different aspects of humanity. It's an explorer's journey of discovery and adventure, full of tragedy and comedy, failures and triumphs. The contrasts, when they come, make us more aware and more appreciative of the preciousness of what we have. Maybe eventually we will delight in subtle contrasts and rich subtleties, and treat the dramas of more extreme contrasts, when we choose them, as our creations for which we take responsibility.

22/1/21 8:38 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I absolutely agree about the value of skyscrapers and the natural earth. I believe in the value of everything.

"The tall buildings, concrete sidewalks and paved streets looked to me like a fragile crust laid over the more permanent sloping contours of the Earth's surface." Nice. I also like "indigestible lichen".

Losing smell? Are you kidding? That's a horror of high degree. Ouch!!!

You are right about smell, memory and emotion. It is very very prominent in the limbic system which governs these things. It's fascinating how the bulbs come out of the brain. Plus, one tract goes directly through the amygdala, where emotion is intense. Maybe that's why they say we can smell fear.

"The olfactory bulb is also a brain region of interest because it is one of the few places in the brain where new neurons appear over the course of the lifespan." Not proven in humans yet, but I suspect it's so.

Smell is so intrinsic to our enjoyment of life, and it's one argument I have with cyberspace where smell is absent. Too much time in virtual reality shortchanges human experience. The streets are full of smells and sounds and people are probably discovering the deficit now. Maybe that's behind the weight gain.

Interesting. I very recently wrote a piece on this subject.

22/1/21 1:26 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Plus, one tract goes directly through the amygdala, where emotion is intense. Maybe that's why they say we can smell fear."

Aha. I had not thought to look at exactly how that sense is wired. My sister would likely know it, since she is a physician. She has excellent sense of smell and, in several senses, taste. Perhaps there is a connection there.

"Smell is so intrinsic to our enjoyment of life, and it's one argument I have with cyberspace where smell is absent. Too much time in virtual reality shortchanges human experience."

I was hoping to see the introduction of smell-o-vision for homes at some point!

22/1/21 7:08 PM  

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