Thursday, January 07, 2021

The Role of Uranus

    Uranus and Aquarius are tasked with job of breaking bonds, shattering barriers, and introducing the native to dimensions unlike those ever experienced before. It's like being estranged until one gets habituated to the new place. It can be uncomfortable, nerve-wracking, actually, and sometimes the path out is destructive, with wide variation.

    In Capricorn, ruled by planet Saturn, solid structures are built and protection is enforced through rigid enclosures. The planet, itself, is bound by an extended border. Human behavior is regulated by strict rules and sometimes inhibiting patterns of correctness. After this restriction, the person is eager to break out, to say the least. In comes Uranus.
Uranus breaks these barriers and the degree of force is influenced by the strength, density, tightness of the obstacles.

    Uranus can obliterate structures to smithereens when so inclined, which is unpredictable. People call on Uranus when they feel inexorably trapped in these strictures that block them from the expanse of the universe and the extension of their minds. At the same time, they often are extremely dependent on the protection and the length they go to, to preserve their entrapment, describes the quality of the Uranian break-up.

     While Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars were in Capricorn, Pluto had help squeezing things into his desired shape. But now his pals have moved on to Aquarius and he is alone. This changes the story a bit. While lingering authoritarian behavior  still seems to prevail, Uranian freedom is just getting its air. The conflict is presenting itself and it's easy to be unsure of what to do.

     But think about it, see if you agree. Pluto is coming to Aquarius in a few years. What a perfect opportunity now to get with the lay of the land, and practice some techniques regarding liberation. I'll be prepared.


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