Sunday, January 17, 2021

A Fresh Establishment

Do you remember Aunt Hildegarde, the Virgo, who tragically found a fly in her torte while lunching at La Porte Verte?

Well, because of her accompanying Libran graciousness, she found a group of very nice investors and has opened a restaurant of her own. She uses only the freshest ingredients and the establishment is spotless. It's called The Garden Herb.

Cultivating herbs is a great interest of Hildegarde's, as is typically so with Virgos, and she's joined this enthusiasm with her fine cooking and baking, resulting in some very lively dishes. 
Virgos like cleanliness, usually, so creeping, crawling, and flying pests are handled correctly and efficiently.

The dining room is bustling. The investors are quite happy.


Blogger Tseka said...

Ah, Virgo, tidy, well fastidious might be better word and so onto healthy foods.

I'm sure her patrons are delighted.

Sadly my Virgo moon has shown little interest in cooking. It's a chore like others. Nothing pleases me more than having others cook for me. So far, little luck there so we put up with mine.

18/1/21 1:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I hate cooking!

Fastidious is a great word.

You? Virgo? Could be the SN. I'm an excellent cook but I find it tedious. I used to like it and thought of opening a restaurant myself. It's amazing how people change. Eating is not the most important thing in your slender life, so why spend too much time cooking? How 'bout your gorgeous guys? How do they make out?

18/1/21 1:48 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I love your Pisces NN and it's ability to know the other worlds. And live in them! This one is threatens to get on my easily excited nerves, but I know how to deal with it. My asc. conjuncts Neptune. I will travel the cosmos anytime.

18/1/21 1:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

In fact, I might hitch a ride with Winston when he comes down again!

18/1/21 1:53 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Your asc/neptune mates A's

The g guys are about the same as me. We're all just practical cats and deal with it.

The best cooks I know are Taurean tho mother and friend who share the Geminii sun cancer asc were/ are great cooks. They follow recipes exactly. The Taurean ones cook with more experimentation and flair. Sometimes they create huge failures but they had fun doing it.

Seems like NN Pieces would be very similar to Asc/ Nep seeing where others can't

18/1/21 2:39 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I'm laughing at my spelling errors. Oy. Matches, Pisces.

I do better with a real keyboard.

18/1/21 2:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

YES!!!!!! You are right. So right.

Crazy had Mars and Joop in Taurus and he was the best cook in the world. Same with my Taurus aunts. Same with my Taurus Moon cousin. Same with Taurus buddies.

I noticed they cook slowly. I think that's the key. Crazy could let a pot of beans simmer till they became a gourmet masterpiece. They know how to let food bring out its natural flavor. They also cook without ego, just love of the process. They don't slap, chop, and attack the stuff to smithereens. Very peaceful when Crazy cooked.

Yes again. You with NN 1st is exactly like my asc. Neptune. Vision beyond. the others. The visionary Pollyannas are vital. I've been getting a lot of insight lately. Much to talk about.

18/1/21 2:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I don't even notice the errors. I make so many. My mind reads around them!

18/1/21 2:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think the key to advancing the visions is to avoid much of the pain and horror, and crybabying, of course, and concentrate mightily on the alternative and the techniques to get them in practice. By not drinking from the well of cruelty, we can do much. Still remaining aware as you caution.

It's arithmetic. The fear-confidence factor. I am more confident than ever, even tho I know it will be tested.

18/1/21 3:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Neptune-Jupiter. Vision beyond into the Joop goodness of life. Mee, you, and especially A.

I am inspired by our Jupiterian alliance.

18/1/21 3:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Spelling!!! Mee! It should be Meeeeeeee!!!!

18/1/21 3:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The Constitution is going to triumph. It's too strong. It's way beyond people and parties. This battle is a re-creation of our country's original struggle.

One thing I find slightly different is the dependence on heroes. I think this time the heroic is going to find itself more in the individual, even tho there will be some important figures. We're on our own and we will do great. Eventually both political sides will unite somewhat. It's just a little fight against tyranny. We can do that.

18/1/21 3:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

However, I sense that the tyranny is not real. The sillies don't know how it's done. It's child's play.

so I'm not preparing for anything too far from the ordinary. Small and enjoyable political change would suit me. That's always happening though. It's all adjustment.

18/1/21 4:34 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I too believe the constitution will triumph. The world wills it. I am haunted by the umbrella demonstrations in Hong Kong. The very brave, very young students, the flying of American flags and singing of our anthem. They did not ask for a rescue, they said you have shown us the way.

When here at home the pussyhats were marching, I asked why? No one seemed to have an answer but they all recorded it on their phones and were quite proud of themselves.

My hope is that we are in for a correction of acts of betrayal that took place in 1871 which sold us into bondage. I see signs but it may only be my pollyanna imagination.

Glad to be with you for the show. Even if none of us are too interested in cooking.
Wonder if Myrtle cooks? She and Zelda have been missed.

18/1/21 4:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

HA HA! Cooking! Myrtle's coming. I just spoke with her. Zelda? She's god knows where!
I'm glad too. It's great to get the show with your just right commentary and post show analysis.

I Think a correction is exactly what we're getting.

The pussyhats were ridic. They were ugly! Hate to see pretty women with such ugly hats! I'm glad they don't know real oppression. Silly girls.

Yes the international stuff is real, from the heart. People inside the country don't know what a beacon we still are. That's our role. It stays.

18/1/21 6:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

yep. Selfies and such. Pussies and selfies. Long may we live!

18/1/21 6:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The state sovereignty issue and DCs control are the thing. I think the Corona deal was the kick-off. I get the distinct feeling that the new whatever and its ersatz authoritarian control is going to rile up and motivate the states. They are just finding some newborn power.

18/1/21 6:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Its all coming up. The states need the civics lessons. Need to remember what a federation of sovereign states means.

18/1/21 6:32 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Sun leaves Capricorn for Aquarius.

Should be interesting days ahead.
The timing!

Zelda appearing would be right on cue.

18/1/21 7:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Stage left!

19/1/21 2:57 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

My goodness, so many thoughts buzzing about these days. But no buzzy flies on the menu, it seems. How about snails on the dinner menu?

19/1/21 9:57 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Cultivating an attitude of divine equanimity and nonchalance is usually best, I suspect.

Where evolution is concerned, I say, trust in process. There is no plan.

It's been said that the best-laid schemes of mice and men often go awry. Whereas a plan is often just a man (or possibly a mouse), the overall process of life is a goddess.

The image that comes to my mind this morning is the World card. The World in the psychological sense is an interesting drama with many subdramas, and I think that our actors who play on the world stage should indeed invest themselves wholeheartedly in their roles. But it's also good to remember not to be lost in the productions of the mind forgetting the collaborative nature of it all.

The card of the World is at the end of the circle of Trumps, the cards of the Major Arcana. In my mind's eye, I can see that she contains them all, like a kind of atemporal or extratemporal hologram, the oversoul of humanity who can look through all her living memories (whether past, present and future), her incarnations, and know herself in each personality from Fool to Final Judgment. Each is alive in its own time. Each of them is limited precisely so that they can intersect with space-time to live out their lives, and yet she comprises them.

She becomes them, is always becoming them, so that they may become her.

19/1/21 9:59 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

There is always a necessary process of translation from inner reality to outer. I see that on different levels in the Tarot, in the hero's journey of the Major Arcana from Fool to World, and in certain cards that mirror or parallel each other's iconography.

For example, the High Priestess (or Papess) and the Hierophant (or Pope). Both depict figures seated between columns, suggesting the position of consciousness with respect to polarity and duality, the division of consciousness that allows individual things to be seen and known. The Priestess, a female figure, symbolizes inner knowing, hidden truths, and insight; the Hierophant, a male figure, symbolizes outer structures, hierarchy, systems of knowledge.

I see the two cards as two faces of the same thing -- the inner face and the outer face. To emerge into the world and have an effect, the knowing must go through a process of translation, the taking on of an expressible form. Translations, no matter how inspired, inevitably introduce distortion, the products often seem to fall short of the inspiring ideal. But stand too close to the source of inspiration, and one is struck mute.

In the hands of the discerning artist or craftsman, the artistic product can serendipitously exceed the original vision which was cramped in comparison. The vision was a glimpse of possibilities dimly seen. But surprises await and may reward. There is joy in being one with the moment; though it may sound paradoxical, there is transcendence with embracing reality as it comes to us. There are new translations, which every moment not only contains but is.

The lessons of chthonic and Uranian gods are humbling and admit the working out of process over time. Even the naturally Uranian can be surprised by shifts in weather. Uranus's name, in earlier forms, meant "lord of rains" or rainmaker in long forgotten times. In those days, he represented a natural order that was above and pre-existed that of men.

But as humans understand such things today, too far toward the Order end of the spectrum and time becomes frozen, too far toward the Chaos end of the spectrum and it becomes equally impossible to build or to evolve. Life does not happen at the extremes, but there is just enough space in the middle for something new to develop, for children to build together and live in the house of tomorrow.

19/1/21 10:21 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

The other image that comes to mind today is Mother Nature, who feeds living things from her bosom with the Water of Life, who symbolizes an unfolding process. She personifies nature, embodies the life-giving and nurturing aspects of nature.

(Interestingly, I suspect the very Aquarian-looking card of the Star in the Tarot is one of her aspects; the starry crowned Empress is another. When you arrange (using the older ordering not the newer) the Major Arcana in the form of a lemniscate, the symbol of infinity, those two cards sit directly across from one another; other such pairings suddenly become apparent as well: The High Priestess and the Moon, The Lovers and Temperance, The Pope and the Devil, the Fool and Judgment Day among them.)

Today, if I follow that energy, then Nature has a lesson for me about extremes as well.

First, I see that Nature has what humans would see as her chthonic aspects, a hint of which Westerners inherit in the myth which few fully appreciate of Persephone, Nature's daughter, who was forced to preside half of each year in Hades' underworld, hence the fall and winter following cyclically after spring and summer. Westerners particularly have a kind of basic division in consciousness, which allows for all kinds of interesting projections onto life. People think, Oh, how horrible it was that innocent Persephone (Kore) was nabbed by Hades (Pluto).

But all of the seasons come from the tilt of the planet with respect to its orbital plane, as we have all heard and been shown, as the energy of the Mother Nature symbol is next reminding me.

I am reading now that a world without seasonal changes would be a much harsher world, with livable climate bands only around the equator.

The poles would be colder and more lifeless than we know, and near the equator the unrelenting rainfall might be such that dense population and agriculture, the golden fields of wheat we associate with Mother Nature, might never develop.

Humans would live in sparsely scattered small groups; if they had agriculture it would be disrupted and shifting constantly as nutrients too quickly wash out of areas to support sustained use. Humanity could not build much in a world more suited to the dinosaur, the insect and the virus than the mammal; without population density, the crafts, the arts, the accumulation and sharing of wisdom would not outgrow their niches, not follow the accelerated growth curve of the human history that we know.

When I see people fret about changes in the world, I remember again that history has seen civilizations come and go. The longest that we know of historically lasted three thousand years. We'll see how long the present one endures. Perhaps in one parallel timeline, one offshoot, one twig of one branch of the World Tree, it will last longer, though in another twig it does not. But I think the odds are good, though, in the long run for continued and sustainable development.

There is something emerging, being born and developing over time. The work is not finished; perhaps because it is alive, it is never really a finished product. And though it seems not to, that may be something that saves, that makes it all worthwhile, that is the nature of spirit. Of my knowing, it can sometimes be glimpsed, the encompassing perspective of the forces that intersect but know themselves outside of ordinary time and space, which births the compassion and love of our divine selves for our mortal selves.

19/1/21 10:45 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Equanimity is one of my very favorites. And of course there's no plan. As a group, we're winging it.

People trust whatever they can and that is often in flux.

As I always say, each one of us gets safely to our deaths. And the human race is remarkably successful. Now that's a plan!

19/1/21 12:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Good discussion about translations. In translations, which are constant, lie interpretations. In some ways people are all speaking different languages. The language of individual experience is unique.

So Mercury takes the first impressions of the moon and translates them as language for the body. Then comes the translation to others. Inner to outer, translation, then back to inner.

Humans are built well.

Inner and outer "reality"? Hmmmmmm.

19/1/21 1:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I disagree. I think life does happen at the extremes. It happens everywhere. Humans gravitate toward the middle naturally. The extremes point out the value of equanimity. We little creatures don't know where life happens in total. We are researching.

The Great Extinction was extreme, but the ferns in the forest led the way to revival!

Order and chaos go together hand in glove. They are always operating. Equilibrium seems to be the crux. Neutralization, maybe.

19/1/21 1:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's a series of trade offs. That's why I trust the sequence. Contrast seems to be life's spotlight.

The horrible things seem to come in pockets. No matter what the disaster, there are places untouched. People hook to horrors for various reasons.

In a horror, a lot happens. First the creature has to deal with it logistically. Then humans wonder why. They question whether our not they are being punished, or if others are out to get them. Life too. They wonder what they can do to avoid it in the future.

They cling to disasters via tv and other media, I think in part to verify they aren't being singled out or victimized. The horrors they see there are much bigger than their own. Of course, there is the ever present thrill in being scared. All kinds of things go on in the body. People survive well.

It interesting how some say this is the worst that ever happened, while another says no big deal. I can handle it. Then, surviving horror leaves courage in its wake.

19/1/21 2:28 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"I disagree. I think life does happen at the extremes."

Hmm, we are not that far apart, I think. We were using the word "extremes" in a different sense. In a physical sense, one absolute extreme is where because of extreme cold (lack of thermal energy) there can be no motion of atoms. (More motion means more heat, as in boiling water.) Under that condition, if there is life, it is not physical life that moves. It is potential, like spirit. Life really makes use of both creation and destruction; the states of things are always changing.

We do need some wiggle room for physical life, after all. But if wiggle room turns into a complete lack of structure, then there are no forms to speak of.

Basically, one point I wanted to emphasize, with that, is that the window for evolution is not locked and rigid, but moves, much like how the physical organism itself can move with intention because its form has both support and flexibility. It's a timey-wimey, weebly-wobbly, sort of thing that is and isn't. Watch it and it never stops boiling.

I tend to be suspicious of Utopian visions of completed, finished states, lovely though they appear in the glossy brochures handed out on the street corners.

Although, I might buy a property in one of them if it comes with solar-powered robots to do all the cleaning, polishing, and general upkeep.

20/1/21 9:23 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Inner and outer "reality"? Hmmmmmm."

Ah, remember — language, ha! Those are probably best regarded as relative terms, perhaps like the phases of water.

A big problem is that our verbal languages are based on physical descriptors and metaphors. We speak of "heavy" emotions, for example, or of "higher" goals. We apply physical terms to more abstract phenomena, and hope that enough meaning is conveyed. Isn't that odd how so much is framed in physical metaphors?

English is so colorful and expressive, and because of its ambiguities so entertaining.

I suppose we could speak of the emergence of something, via translation, into a clothed form perceivable by the conscious mind, but words have many points of potential failure.

I could say to someone, "Watch what happens when an internal feeling leads you to, by process of mental association, mental images which you then express as the words of a poem."

But on the other hand, a good percentage of the general population are aphantasic and are completely incapable of mental imagery. They have no memory of their loved one's faces, nor of what their own homes look like. They find their way home without recognizing landmarks, and they recognize their loved ones from context.

Aphants tend to assume that when other people use phrases like "Picture this..." or "His face is burned into my memory" that they are purely metaphorical expressions. They are quite shocked to learn that most people actually do see images that don't come from their physical eyes, and that memories have a visual aspect. Some aphants have no internal mental voice, either; when they think, they do not use words nor images. And yet they physically speak and physically see as most do.

Novels with long passages of descriptive imagery don't appeal to them; movies are better. The invention of the camera is a great boon to them; by means of photographs, they are able to "recall" or re-experience the vacation trips they took in far away places.

Mystics exhort us to live in the present and cease from regretful rumination over the past or fearful expectation of the future. That is good advice for the surprisingly large percentage of the general population who have obsessive tendencies. Some aphants who live in the moment, so to speak, envy the cognitive freedom that non-aphants have from being less time-bound. On the plus side, aphants do not recall past traumas emotionally; the horror becomes just a kind of abstract story, as if it happened to someone else. At the other end of the spectrum, we have the hyperphants, whose mentally sourced visions are as vivid as those from their physical eyes.

I can't fully assume that there is only one way of constructing reality (whether we call it inner or outer) shared by everyone. Everyone constructs reality at least a little differently though there is much overlap. Some singers' physical voices are heard differently by different ears in differently shaped skulls, sounding pleasant to some and too grating to others, leading to a sharp divide between fans and non-fans. So, meaning and experience are communicated with hope and interpreted through guesswork. That may be a very Neptunean point of view that won't endear me to the righteous, of course.

20/1/21 9:50 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Good point about life in extremes and spirit. It points to something about life that came after the extinction event. I'm fascinated by the worms that exist in the extreme cold spots of the ocean.

Hahaha! Glossy brochures of utopia. Very well put. A property in utopia with cleaning robots! I'll pay you a visit from boring unkind reality!

Be back on the last comment.

20/1/21 12:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

"We apply physical terms to more abstract phenomena, and hope that enough meaning is conveyed. Isn't that odd how so much is framed in physical metaphors?"

Not odd at all being that the physical body is the mainstay of our universes. We trip around other dimensions but physical reality is where we reside. I think we use the physical applied to the abstract for grounding, security, familiarity. It's a bit to vast for normal taste.

I find it hard to believe that aphants are that numerous. But then again, the addiction to movies might bear that out. Or maybe it's simple laziness.

Correct. The shaping of individual bodies determines construction of reality. Just look at the internet. An event occurs and they are all over the map in interpretation. Whatever it is, it triggers body reactions, memories, fantasies, and so on unique to each. It's a wonder we find common ground. Maybe that's a fantasy too. I do believe life is basically guesswork.

As to hope, well...... Your guess is as good as mine. I guess.

20/1/21 2:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The body houses the basic senses from which we construct our reality. Other senses are around but I don't think they provide the building rocks as the basics do. So when the senses get toyed with, reality shifts. That happens with insanity, psychedelics and other things, where you smell music, hear colors, hear voices that aren't there, and so on. Reality is pretty tough to crack though.

20/1/21 2:34 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

I find the differences between people quite fascinating at times. I marvel a bit at the inability of some persons to shift focus, and at the ability of yet other individuals to switch with great fluidity between multiple personalities.

On aphantasia, there's no Census form question for it, but some researchers estimate that as much as 5 percent of the general population is aphantasic or nearly so. That's about the same range as estimates of gay people. We probably have all encountered aphants but neither they nor we noticed our differences under normal conditions.

Normal teaching methods in schools disadvantage them; for example, learning the multiplication table is harder for them than for students with visual memory. But despite the educational challenges, a study of thousands of aphants found that 20 percent of them are in STEM fields — science, computing and mathematics. They are better at abstract reasoning than most people who use more sensory, concrete forms of thinking.

At the other end of the dimension, 25 percent of people having strong mental visualization abilities end up in creative or artistic fields.

I have strong skills in both artistic and technical areas, which may be why I preferred design studies. Performing music, too, engages more parts of the brain than many other activities.

"Reality is pretty tough to crack though."

Hmm, yes. And seems risky, but making a crack may be worthwhile if people can get the yolk.

21/1/21 9:23 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"It points to something about life that came after the extinction event. I'm fascinated by the worms that exist in the extreme cold spots of the ocean."

I think that the potential for life is always waiting for an opportunity to emerge, like a cloud of sparks seeking receptive material to ignite. Practically speaking, it's unknown whether absolute zero can be achieved. And though the vibrations of subatomic particles slow and become minimal approaching that point, there may be quantum-level loopholes.

I find the evolutionary tree entertaining.

I told my godchildren at the restaurant, after we ordered a fish meal, that I thought it quite funny that, according to the evolutionary tree, our remote "great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great—so many greats that you can't even say them all, that many greats—grandparents" were fish. Just imagine, I said, having framed family portraits of two fish on the wall. Fish that ate other fish. And we mammals were about to continue the family tradition.

Further back on the tree, the ancestors of fish were worms. When my godson was an rolypoly infant, and people were pouring milk and cereal in one end of him and cleaning him up at the other end, I said to his father, "My god, he's like a big worm. You can just see the evolutionary connection." "A wormle," his father agreed.

Most people seem conscious of only one instant of time like one frame of a movie filmstrip but, from another perspective, we are time worms, energy vortexes, spiralling through the space-time continuum, like bright strands weaving through a marvelous tapestry.

21/1/21 4:23 PM  
Blogger jm said...

We don't know what life is. Its real origin. Quantum level loopholes sound logical.

Ha Ha!! A big worm. Pretty accurate.

I feel the undulations of the earth through music and other things. Worms move like that. I decided that undulating waves course through everything.

21/1/21 4:47 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Yes, waves and fluctuations — the conjunctions, and so on, of planets feel like that. They activate portions of the mind-body system that are sympathetically resonant to them, so the energy complexes, psychological patterns or issues, wiring and chemistry are energized or enervated. Quite interesting to feel when they are particularly strong and one is paying attention. Gifted astrology students, perhaps in the far future, should ideally be taught to sense them directly.

21/1/21 8:29 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Not odd at all being that the physical body is the mainstay of our universes. We trip around other dimensions but physical reality is where we reside. I think we use the physical applied to the abstract for grounding, security, familiarity. It's a bit to vast for normal taste."

Hmm, I see. I seem to have got it backwards early on, feeling my body within my awareness rather than the other way around. Just couldn't stuff it all in. Well, everything still works, and nobody can tell, so perhaps it's no matter.

21/1/21 9:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Right. Body within the awareness. Well, I find it all mixed up and I'm not sure if they can tell. They don't tell me.

21/1/21 11:23 PM  

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