Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Free in Florida

The state of Florida has moved counter to the established order in dealing with the coronavirus situation. The state remains open and restrictions are not much different from what they normally are. The virus statistics are very good.

So curiosity led me to crack open my trusty book delineating horoscopes of American states and cities, and there it was! The Sunshine State has four planets in Aquarius -- Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Neptune. That indicates independence, sometimes rebellion, uniqueness, and the reverse of what's expected. Added to that are Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Aries. Pluto is in Aries also. The bold Aries placements reflect Florida's drive to stick up for itself and make its own decisions. The state knows what's best for the citizens and will act to protect its autonomy. The people themselves are entrusted
with decisions regarding the coronavirus.

Florida went ahead on its own until recently. Now the federal government is threatening the independent state with authoritarian commands unrelated to the local situation. The governor is resisting vigorously. It could be the movement of planets into Aquarius that has set this state's natural inclination toward liberty into motion, as well as the general Aquarian backlash to the recent authoritarian Capricorn squeeze.

In the United States republic, a federal government oversees a collection of independent 
sovereign states. The amount of power each has is often in question and is probably the defining challenge of the country since its birth. With  America's Moon and south node in Aquarius, freedom provides safety. The country fought against great odds to establish her independence and happened to choose a Moon in Aquarius to set the pursuit in motion. 

It's not at all surprising that Florida is taking the lead in this moment herald
ing many years of Aquarian influence. 


Blogger Tseka said...

Moon and south node Aquarius plus a whole bunch of planets. Talk about getting the Solstice gift this year. They are going to show the rest of us how it's done. And they are doing it with bright cheerful normalcy.

In many ways Florida seems more like Texas than it's neighbors to the north. The deep south kinda stops at the border. The astrology is incredible.

Hurricane survivors.

23/2/21 7:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Bright cheerful normalcy. Well said. I really like that. We get so hyped up about change but it's often not so great. Funny how the world is longing for normalcy now. I've always enjoyed nothing much happening. Hope to get more of that. Nothing much is enough!

Amazing parallels between the two states astrologically. They're leading in different ways. The Florida phenomenon is confusing the heck out of the crowd, with the media attacking, but the people noticing something good going on. Unfortunately most don't have the courage these two states have. But they can follow the lead. Florida is right and there is nothing the flops can do about it. People love Florida. And freedom, even if it has temporarily slipped their minds.

That's one thing I love about astrology. It reveals things unseen and erases blame. People and states are acting like they're supposed to. Texas misbehaved, though, and got into trouble. Nobody's fault but Texas's.

I agree about showing the rest how it's done. We have to get out of this knot ourselves.

It's wonderful waltzing around the stars with you. I got lucky.

23/2/21 10:42 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

❤️💓 Luck is mine!

Back later. It's forecast to be 70+ today and even in the pearly first light it's easy to see a fine large day unfolding. Get after the outdoor work before snakes emerge is always good. I'm not a fan of that which slithers.

24/2/21 6:24 AM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG!!!! Snakes! Terrified of 'em. Watch your step out there!

24/2/21 12:08 PM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

Hey jm, I just see now that your are blogging again. Hurray! Excited to catch up on your writings.

25/2/21 9:41 AM  
Blogger jm said...

M.p.k! I was thinking about you. I always loved your comments. So very very glad to see you!

25/2/21 11:59 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Here's one to warm your heart Sweet T.

More news about people seeking normalcy.

West Covina seceded from LA county today.

People are fed up and finding ways to move forward.

Federal, state, county and now city rights, right down to community where people's voices are strongest.

25/2/21 6:57 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Good god! Seceded! That's a bold move. Fantastic.

That's exactly what needs to be done. Move forward anyway. Our destinies are our own. Nowhere is it written that we can't live well. The sovereignty issue is going to be big.

Excellent news. If we get it right in our own communities the rest will follow. Ye olde civics lessons.

25/2/21 9:14 PM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

My brother lives in Florida. He keeps trying to get me to come visit. I’ve said no so far, “you know, COVID”, but he just replies “we don’t do that in Florida”...

9/3/21 6:57 PM  

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