Thursday, February 11, 2021

Gracious Relationship

America's four planets in Cancer - Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury - make for a variety of emotional responses. "I hate you, I don't want to hear it!" is one. But in square aspect to the Cancer stellium is Saturn in Libra, which says, "I disagree, I like you, let's discuss it." It's easy to see both approaches on the public stage with some talking fast and loud, interrupting and talking over one another, while others have civilized respectful conversations.

The country's combative Mars in talkative Gemini contributes to the belligerence, and sometimes speed can interfere with relaxed give and take in conversation. I always enjoy the Libran ability to listen, comprehend, and respond in kind, true to its love of balance.

The Cancer influence, and Mars, sometime create a fearful breathlessness in public discourse. People seem to like the excitement, the high emotion, the cruel put downs, and the wild hyperbole, possibly to avoid boredom. The Libran even pacing and lack of heart tripping and flipping leave some out in the cold. Still, these reason based exchanges occur quite frequently.

Saturn in Libra requires time and effort to develop polite skills. One would think 245 years would suffice, but who can tell?  No matter what, the end result is substantial, intelligent, and respectful discussion and debate. Logical problem solving is also a Libran specialty.

The mental dry Libran approach is one of good manners. With those come kindness, cooperation and all around gracious relationship, with equality at the heart.


Blogger Tseka said...

B & I spent the drive home talking about your brilliant analysis.

It adds a lot of texture to the current play upon the Senate's stage.

Your description of these distinctly different styles were a lightbulb moment for me.

My mother used to say no can tell when when you (me) are angry even when I was over the top outraged.
Same could be said of my father....also my son. We are all Saturn in Libra.

If this is typical of Saturn in Libra rather than familial it might explain why we all seem to have difficulty understanding each other in our body politic.

11/2/21 6:42 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I see that several states have put the Biden administration on notice that they will not comply with federal mandates they consider unconstitutional.

Just as we were hoping/ thinking what is coming.

11/2/21 8:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I love having B as part of our friendship and conversation. It's wonderful sharing ringside seats from our combined perspective.

Amazing. In my family everyone can tell when we're angry. We all have Mars in Libra. My sister has Jupiter conjunct and she's impossible. Saturn calculates and holds back immediate expression while Mars blurts it out with hurt participants and some lack of rationality. Then we really really make peace afterwards. But sometimes Saturn's input can be even more troublesome because it's the truth.

That's a good thought about Saturn and difficulty understanding one another in our body politic. One thing about anger in our country is the superficiality/thoughtlessness often expressed. Saturn wants real and substantial disagreements about important things. The Senate play is about the superficial and dishonest. It's not about one man. Our problems are much greater than that. This is all a dodge. The two parties of the political play will never meet until we use that Saturn effectively. The failures of both the rulers and the ruled are probably the real play. Not many want to face it. We might have to. Saturn is like that, also remembering that Saturn rules Capricorn where Pluto is doing his plumbing. The Saturn in Libra is a key to resolution. It's the T square in the Cancer Cap opposition.

Some astrological thought sees the failures of a sign as being out of phase which leads to the opposite behavior. Aries. Useless endless combat in this case. In Libra combat is for the purpose of gaining peace. But the jury is still out! It'll go beyond this foolish trial.

I'm very fond of Saturn in Libra.

I do believe the states are getting it. I came across some fascinating info regarding this, so I'll collect my thoughts and post. You will love it.

12/2/21 1:00 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Looking forward to your thoughts re state's rights vs federal.

The topic has been an ongoing conversation of decades between myself and a friend who recently retired as a circuit court judge.

12/2/21 6:54 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

PS B feels some affinity with you....Jaam. Rarely hear his Texan but for you. Tickles.

12/2/21 6:56 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

A & I have Mars in Libra with our Saturn.
We've both been pushed into roles of conflict resolution. We sometimes wonder at our success, we dub it a kind of aikido. If offered a path out of resistance people fall into their own solution.

12/2/21 7:02 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Exactly. The path out and people choose. I've found this to be true with Libra in general. The ability to see all possibilities objectively is helpful to others who are immersed in their narrow views. Libras, when not afflicted, walk people through their problems methodically and intelligently. They can be quite combative, often acting the innocent, knowing that conflict is the path to peace. Sometimes others quarrel around them but they stand firm in their supposed peacefulness.

My Aries rising ruling Mars is in Libra so it's big for me. I used to work it out with my Libran family, but oddly, since Pluto finished with me, I'm not so interested in that. I'm going pure Aries!

Jaam. So unusual and amusing. What does B do workwise?

12/2/21 12:08 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

B is a sports rehabilitation specialist. Hands on body work, he's developed his own techniques, very deep healing work.

Pure Aries, a warrior like none other.

12/2/21 12:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I really like this gorgeous guy. That is fantastic work. I admire physical therapy. I think lessons of trust are involved. And relationship. His healing probably goes beyond the physical.

12/2/21 12:33 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Saturn in Libra requires time and effort to develop polite skills. One would think 245 years would suffice, but who can tell?"

Well, I did hear it suggested that Saturn in Libra has something to do with the U.S. being called a "nation of laws"…and the glut of lawyers trying to run the place!

"The mental dry Libran approach is one of good manners. With those come kindness, cooperation and all around gracious relationship, with equality at the heart."

Sounds like you have something there. It's something in the air, balanced behavioral patterns, social norms more than legal codes, and the spirit of the law instead of the letter of the law.

14/2/21 10:17 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Note that new psychological research reported this week, in a British journal of psychology, of four studies, 1,832 participants in total, finds that ambivalent people make less biased judgments. It finds that people with mixed feelings are less likely to fall into common cognitive biases; being able to see negative and positive sides of things has psychological benefits.

It's suggested that could lead to less polarization and divisiveness if it became a thing. But there's a popular bias against broadly and realistically seeing the multifaceted nature of things; it's regarded as indecisive and uncertain. Ambivalence isn't weak, though; it can be intense, the result of powerful perception. It is likelier to balance external and internal attributions, of causes for situations and behaviors.

Rather than being wishy-washy, ambivalence is a stable personality trait and capable of making better, lasting decisions. Making a list of pros and cons is a constructive application of it when dealing with a complex decision.

Speaking of judgment, the newest justice on SCOTUS has voted slightly to the left of her most conservative colleagues in a couple of recent decisions. She ended up siding with her liberal colleagues, rather than with the most conservative justices, on a recent decision blocking an execution to allow pastor access. As I told some of my acquaintances several months ago, although very conservative in her convictions, Amy Barrett does have a prior history of being a little more open than people expect to the reasoning posed by liberal colleagues.

Complicated people are interesting particularly in how they relate to shifting conditions around them.

14/2/21 12:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

"Rather than being wishy-washy, ambivalence is a stable personality trait and capable of making better, lasting decisions. Making a list of pros and cons is a constructive application of it when dealing with a complex decision."

That's Libra.

Barrett will likely be fair. Gorsuch might be the most impartial. He's got a lot of planets in Libra. All of the recent picks are moderate, which is probably an indication of the country moving back to the center.

14/2/21 1:42 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

He does? Wait, doesn't Gorsuch have a lot of Virgo, plus the SN in (depending on how it is calculated) either 29 Libra or 0 Scorpio?

15/2/21 11:24 AM  
Blogger jm said...

You're right. Loads of Virgo. No Libra!

15/2/21 12:01 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

A cursory look finds that four of the justices have Neptune in Libra, being of that period. Barrett is the youngest and has Uranus and Pluto in Libra. Will be interesting to see how the court evolves in future.

15/2/21 12:28 PM  

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