Tonight the planet Mars is ending its raging and fiery passage through the sign of Leo. The world stage has seen action fitting this explosive combination. The planet watches in shock as the warriors wind down the dangerous pathways, blasting, burning, and blowing up everything in their way. We can only wait on the sidelines to see where the uncontainable flame of these planetary entities will go.
The Sun is at the center of everyone and is the core around which all other parts whirl, as we reach into the flames for recognition and life.
Enter. The Sun in Leo.
Saturn,moon,pluto in Leo reporting for duty.
Hoyt Axton sang a song "Lion In The Winter" that got me through my first saturn return and has warmed me through the long second saturn return (9 months in all I think (4+ degrees. use 5 degrees Leo) which of course involves the moon/pluto in their eternally erotic embrace ( 10 and 11 degrees respectfully-less than a degree apart).
With that line up I have learned to sing and dance and laugh and pray and love, love,love-really what else is on to do with such an heritage?
And my life has always overflowed with Leos of all stripes. Love the generosity of spirit, never get tired of them, and, I love the blunt "telling it like it is"
Ohh and I forgot-love that old lion at rest after many years of engagement. I would like to borrow the image to look up to in this the last year of my 50's
Yeah, like what they said man...:) Like Neith said in the last thread, many of us who embrace joy have gone thru a lot to get there, I'm pretty sure none of us are garden-variety Pollyanna types who don't see any of this happening in the first place...we've just learned that a positive outlook often engenders a positive outcome. A wise old druid once told me that it was not enough to wish something odious gone, you had to visualize something positive in it's place, otherwise, either the problem wouldn't be shifted or would simply be replaced with another manifestation of same-old, same-old (meet the new boss?;) )
I love Carl Calleman's site and work, organizing global meditations for peace and human evolution, here's he new one for the current 'celebration'
and an article:
July 26 (the day of isis as sirius rises over the horizon with the sun, thanks Dan Furst...)is the next scheduled date in this string of meditations.
Keep your heads up! I refuse to call this shit WW III, 'cause this too shall pass, and I suspect, given the impending astrology, such as US prog mars turn retro and that ol'Saturn/ Neptune thing (and we have saturn/ uranus right after...)it isn't going to last nearly as long as people think. It will be gone, and we are here to dream a postive future to replace it, instead of contributing to the same-old cycle thingy again....
Joe, didn't know you had your own space, what's the url? I'd love to see it!
Thinking of making my own blog at this point. Not that it would be all that deep, art and recipies and stories of my adventures on the search engines looking up 'kiss'(the verb) pictures to cannibalize for theater posters... (lots of Kiss Army.. semi-nude girls dressd as Kiss, midgets dressed as Kiss, and I swear to god hetrosexuals only kiss on their weddings, although the babies, dogs, cats, llamas, orangutans and lions kissing were pretty damn cute, I might say...)
Take care all, good vibes :) Juno
OK guys . . . brace yourselves, 'cause when jm decides to come & check to see people have been posting on HER blog . . . LOL!!!
And Juno - you do come through the MOST interesting stuff!!! :-)
Whuy thank you Neith! (blushes and tips hat...) You're pretty informative yourself:)...
I think we're ALL coming up with all kinds of great stuff, actually. :o)
Juno, my blog is a LiveJournal, which is a bit more elaborate than Blogger but basically the same. Some entries are public but many things are viewable only through user-specific filters (ie., only other journal users can see those entries).
Thanks, Joe! Wonderful site! i finally get to see those easter eggs...that's what you do? If so, WOW....add another site to the already unmanagable list of favorites (the folders have folders have folders, and I still can't find anything:) )Hmm, under blog, next to jm's always find it there ...
I don't care what others say or do. They are completely free. I am taking the path I know is best for me. what they need is beyond my comprehension and I won't interfere. Just as my search for grace and beauty, and laughter, won't be interferd with. Even by suffering. In fact it is enhanced by it.
If I have to go solo in this, I will. But it doesn't appear that this will be the case.
THis is fantastic!
Just wait till the current drama is over and people are left empty and bereft because all they had was What someone else was doing.
The wise Juno:A wise old druid once told me that it was not enough to wish something odious gone, you had to visualize something positive in it's place, otherwise, either the problem wouldn't be shifted or would simply be replaced with another manifestation of same-old, same-old (meet the new boss?;)
LOL, Miss jones!
refuse to call this shit WW III.
I'm soooo glad you see the game.
jm - you've really hit this spot on!
"Just wait till the current drama is over and people are left empty and bereft because all they had was What someone else was doing."
Another benefit of not watching TV when we were growing up is we DO know how to creatively occupy ourselves.
"Just wait till the current drama is over and people are left empty and bereft because all they had was What someone else was doing."...Which brings me to this new moon, I propose a meditation in keeping with the energies of this moon, that everyone on this planet 'get a life' as is crudely put sometimes...planting a desire that everyone find a means of expression that allows them to become involved in their own lives and being themselves. People who are doing that really have no time for the bull that passes for politics, celebrity worship and religion these days. And the internet gives us a global audience without selling our souls...As a leo rising I have(unfortunately) a pretty good understanding of the current Resident as he is probably not doing what he really wishes to do, I mean he's got all the closed loop feedback assuring him he is going to be the 'hero of WWIII', overpowering for any Leo soul, I'm sure, but ultimately I'm sure he just wants to escape his manky family and be coked to the gills on some island somewhere, where he'd only really be a danger to himself...Let him go, we are all too busy dreaming the creation..... Take care, Juno
Juno, I am honored.
This is one of the best posts I have ever read. You have a surgical precision in getting at the truth and a way with words that never fails.
This short essay sent neurotransmitters ablaze, chemicals racing, and feelings too vast to articulate, through my body.
I am inspired.
And thanks to neith ,as usual, for getting the whole idea off and into manifestation.
You are all brave. And exactly my cup of wine.
ROFL, Juno . . . . but so true!
"that everyone on this planet 'get a life' as is crudely put sometimes...planting a desire that everyone find a means of expression that allows them to become involved in their own lives and being themselves."
This is a most excellent proposal! Thanks!
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