Friday, August 18, 2006

There was an old lady from Terror
Who one day by mistake made an error.
They came to admonish
But her rage did astonish
And they never again will so dare her.


Blogger Diane L said...

This is a link to the Aquarium Age column for the upcoming week. There is quite a grouping in Leo next tuesday and she has some great insights into Leo in general.

18/8/06 8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's getting to you, jm. Turn off the television/computer and back away from the room. Open your windows. Go for a walk. Take your sketch pad.

You sound even more frazzled than me! Breathe deep! It'll be all right. On some level somewhere. This is when I like to think about the multitudes of universe that quantum physics hypothesizes. Somewhere, in some other universe, there is no terror.

18/8/06 8:44 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Good advice, casey. I'm about normal. and I think I've actually returned to my natural self after being a little too nice, and, of course, trying not to offend and attract disapproval. Of course I should know better than to think this would work. It burns my ass, to tell you the truth.

It's coming to a close on this ridiculous terror charade and I'm just relflecting the idiocy of it. I never bought it but I do get a little aroused when the public falls for it and I have a tendency to want to shout from the mountaintop not to do it. The purple fingered Iraqi election was one of those moments. But they do seem to be coming around.

My dilemma is whether or not to retreat to sanity or continue on my new path in this psychotic world. I've known the truth for as long as I can remember and successfully stayed clear but things are changing and I have to negotiate as I go. I can't really ignore the barrage of bullshit so I have to experiment with expressing back out instead of swallowing the incredible repetetive verbiage I hear. So I'm probably not quite through with this terror shit. I'm absolutely astounded at how much of the same thing people can have pounded in to their brains without reacting. It's been 5+ years. That's long enough. No wonder our medical industry is doing so well. It's the subservience and obedience that get to me. It's my personal war on terror in hopes that my society will come around and be palatable to me as I forge through with my career in a big way with Pluto coming to my MC.

I'm too abrasive at times, but, I'll tone down. It comes and goes. I can't be silenced easily when I'm around, but I can easily disappear. I do know that I've compromised too much in my life and that has probably ended. It's a contract between me and the world, so we'll see as I emrge from the netherworlds. I'm not like anyone else and this is problematic. No one is really, the difference is, I'm not trying to be.

One little thing is my Moon/Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 9th. The Moon rules the response mechanism and I react to my environment in a huge way. My Aries doesn't take it lying down, and also can keep it up indefinitely. The pounding of horrible sensory input from the world is astonishing.

18/8/06 2:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

BTW, I think some better times are ahead with Jupiter going into Sag and I intend to enjoy it fully. That will be the breather we all need.

18/8/06 2:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

In terms of the present, we are just coming off a Mars/Uranus square which set off the excitement. Mercury and Venus went into Leo adding to the arousal. But most of all is the Pluto station in Sagittarius.

All of this excess and overreaction is exactly right for Sag. The lawlessnes of the administration, totally ignorant of any restraint and all the extremism are normal. People have been reading too much into it....police states, earth calamities, economic collapse, etc. This has all aggravated the fear factor.
To understand Jupiterian energy is good, as it can be glorious and a lot of fun. Now is a good time. to ride it rather than be overwhelmed by it. Especially since Jupiter will be meeting Pluto in Sag soon for a big ride on the whirlybird. But if people get a grip on it right now, it could be enjoyable rather than so dang fearful. Sagittarius involves a lot of risk taking. Now we will see the results of these risks, the Iraq invasion being one of them. Personal risks are all a part of the whole, and we can look at our own lives to see where the gamble will pay off.

18/8/06 2:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

BTW, my guest the other day at Raging Universe was a perfect example of this. She has a lot of Jupiter in her chart and she couldn't contain it anymore, so she jumped and took the risk. Exploded. I do so understand.

18/8/06 2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank Rich: America's 'fearing fear itself' era is over

It does seem to be a recurring theme everywhere I turn. Fear is the word of the day, even at work. I'm so glad we're working this out of our systems!

19/8/06 7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jm wrote: BTW, I think some better times are ahead with Jupiter going into Sag and I intend to enjoy it fully. That will be the breather we all need.

Personally, I've rather enjoyed this Jupiterian visit into Scorpio while it lasted. The added benefit is that I understand why certain aspects of my life have been magnified.

19/8/06 7:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Joe! Yes! Fear!

I'm so glad we're working this out of our systems!

Me too.

We're going to get confidence as a whole on the other end of this.

I can imagine that you'd enjoy the Jup in Scorpio on your Sun. but in Sag it will be in your 7th house of relationships which also looks good. You have planets there too. Expansion, learning together, and good times.

I've decided I'm going to teach you some astrology, but for purely selfish reasons. So I can benefit from your great mind and your input in the astro discussions. You'll be so good at it.

As far as your sleep patterns, this Saturn/Neptune opposition everyone has been talking about affects you exactly personally. Right smack dab on your Scorpio Sun.

Have you been dreaming more? Sometimes interrupted sleep will cause you to remeber them more than usual.

19/8/06 10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another one --for everyone!
Swami Beyondananda's 2006 State of the Universe Address.

Swami calls for an Up-Wising
Wise Up, Everybody ...
The Evolution Has Begun!

By Swami Beyondananda

For years now, we've been hearing "shift happens," and wondering when, where and how. Now finally, it looks as if the shift is about to hit the fan. This is good news for all those shift fans who've been wondering if the new age will arrive before old age does. Of course, if you're looking for signs in the news, you won't find them. At least, not yet. The news might as well be called the "olds," because the world still seems stuck in greedlock, ruled by fossilized fools fueled by fossil fuels. But I have been receiving encouraging intelligence reports that say indeed, humans are becoming more intelligent. Yes, people everywhere are wising up. And that's great, because we could sure use an up-wising!

*snip* more at the link at the top.

20/8/06 12:40 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I love Swami Beyondananda! Thanks joe! You are a Gemini rising and even though you have the heavy Scorp and Cap, you fully know the value of lightening up. I've got a lot of Gem too, as you most surly can tell!

20/8/06 2:58 PM  

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