Thursday, November 23, 2006

Similar to the Centaur

As another T Day draws to a close, I thought I'd tie it in with the Jupiterian grand exit and entrance.

Thanks to the human being for his never-ending imagination! And his expertise in plus one equals One!


Blogger Diane L said...

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!! It's the eyes . . . like OMG, what the f*** happened to my back side?!

23/11/06 6:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...


NEITH!!!! What a day you must have had! You're full of piss and vinegar! Or turkey. But turkey has tryptophans that are supposed to calm you down!

Thank you life for people with humor, the great elixir of all time.

23/11/06 7:09 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

It's the Big Guy!! :-)

Say, I had another one of those "ah ha" moments today. Both my older sister & i are Second Saturn Return vets, and it's amazing how well we get along now. It's like we healed more of those nagging left over insecurities from our childhood. I know my heart (Leo) is much more open & beaming Love than ever before in my life. There is no greater healer for what ails our souls. It's not like the job is completely done . . . just real progress is being made. Gives one hope for the rest of the Saturn/Pluto in Leo generation.

23/11/06 7:21 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Both my older sister & i are Second Saturn Return vets

Good choice of words. This last retrograde should do it. Sisters are precious. Such a waste when we can't love them.

Gives one hope for the rest of the Saturn/Pluto in Leo generation.

I hadn't really though of the whole bunch advancing lovewise, but that would be wonderful.
The book needs to be written on us.

23/11/06 7:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...

My mother and father both had Saturn in Leo, but my mother was the star with Venus there too. My brother shared the spot with her with his Mars/Pluto in Leo. I was always totally eclipsed and might always remain so somewhat, probably by design.
My teachers recognized me though.

23/11/06 7:40 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The problem for me is that the best work I do is overlooked, while the less than stellar is consumed. Maybe by happenstance it could reverse, but the dilemma of continuing in obscurity and remaing true to my standards, forsaking the audience is a big ongoing one. We shall see.

23/11/06 7:43 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Maybe by happenstance it could reverse, but the dilemma of continuing in obscurity and remaing true to my standards, forsaking the audience is a big ongoing one. We shall see.

We need to stick to our standards as that is integral to who we are. Perhaps some compromise could be worked out but where does one draw the line? Styles & tastes come and go as you well know. Remember Neo saying something about tastes changing to something more classic when Pluto moves into Capricorn? He's a canny one and it's going to be very interesting to see what the Big Guy in Sag brings out!

23/11/06 8:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I can compromise almost anyplace else except my art. The lure of acceptance and success though is powerful and changes people.

I don't think any of the specific transits will dictate. It all remains to be seen. Jupiter will influence somewhat next year but a lot will continue as is.
The whole point is to carve one's own path as the outer flux continues. While some things improve others worsen in the whole orchestration. The advantageous thing to do is look at our individual charts and make use of Jupiter's bounty if we can in a personal way.

I don't truly expect society to change much. tastes alter all the time and quickly and again happenstance would seem to indicate if I like what I see. And this is the lesson with Saturn in the 5th. I'm doing it for myself...the release. Anything after that is anticlimactic, although a little money would be lovely.:-)

23/11/06 8:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Jupiter is like that. Big expectations. But there will be an ongoing square to Uranus in Pisces and the North Node, where no progress will be manifest in actuality, and there will probably be vacillation between hope and disappointment. I think the bennies will be in the mind. All mutable.

The application will come when the Cardinal times arrive. So we have a minute.

I know Jupiter very well. It's not really lucky in that it protects from hardship. It's the attitude that Jupiter bestows. Events can be the same, but Sagittarius sees it as part of the whole and meant to be. Less of an argument.

Have you noticed though, the Capricorn Moon speaking realistically tonight.:-)

23/11/06 8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! Udder confusion.

Loved your song JM!
You provided the desert today.

My lovely little Zamma had to pull one of her "nine" lives out of her pocket today. We had a real rough go of it for hours but are at peace together tonight in a warm house. I offer gratitude to the stars for such blessings all the animals carry into my life.

23/11/06 8:49 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh My God. Here we go again. My brain is udderly milked. The horses were too wild.

I haven't written a song lately! At first I wasn't going to publish it, but what the hell! I decided to wing it! I was just in the mooo....d

I was thinking about Zamma lately. Age and all of that. Gives me guidelines for enduring. 9 lives is a lot though.

I'm with you. I always say that the nonhuman creatures are here to keep us company. Maybe soothe us after the human doings.

Happy T Day, T.

23/11/06 9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JM! all milked out is it? i would not have expected you to get cowed by a turkey mutant.
yup the animals have always been my teachers. At 20+ Zamma has lots to say about endurance.

23/11/06 9:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Ho Ho! So glad to see your spirits up in that warm house.

The gobbledygook I spread everywhere the other day did it! But I horned my skills and I will always continue what I call the 'word game'. Wait till we get to the fish! That one is hysterical.
Do you ever wear calftans? I don't.

20 is a full one. Interesting that she went under the weather today. It's amazing to me how you treat her yourself. I NEVER will forget the tooth. As a matter of fact, I might could use your skills myself!

23/11/06 9:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yeah. Zamma cud teach us a thing or two.

23/11/06 10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope no calftans, nor moocasins, a jersey or two tho...

enough for me i'm off to the land of nod.

23/11/06 10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do have some thoughts about pluto in the milkyway...and nordic myth that have been percolating for a bit....all about the sky gods and the arrow is all part of it, along with the fellows associated with the parts of the zodiac we have and are just now passing through.

23/11/06 10:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is the perfct time. And it's the way I want to go. Instead of trying to see good luck or external changes, I prefer to absorb the deeper meanings and connections. The blending of mythologies is invaluable to this end.

23/11/06 10:25 PM  

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