Friday, November 24, 2006

We'll Cross That Bridge

One of the symbols I always associate with Jupiter and Sagittarius is the bridge. The name pontiff from the root word pons (bridge), is given to the Pope and bishops of the Roman Catholic Church to signify the bridge between man and god. It certainly has been apparent these last years that people worldwide have been struggling with religion and belief in this entity, trying to bridge the gap. As Pluto comes into the center of the Milky Way and Jupiter enters Sagittarius today, there is no doubt in my mind that some will be venturing onto this passageway.
It's no mistake that the Pluto ruled Scorpio consolidation just took place to prepare for this stretch of the journey. Elimination of dead weight holding back movement. Jupiter will guide through his home territory, the trip ahead promising in many ways.
Sagittarius is the beginning of the transpersonal part of the wheel of life after the deepest interpersonal bonding is reached through Scorpio. Now a person is ready to start the relationship with the universe at large, and search for an understanding of her part in the play.
Not to underplay personal dilemmas, but Sagittarius is the juxtaposition of the mundane with the other worldly. Many will see that the daily goings-on in their lives have greater significance. To me, this is the most generous gift of Jupiter. The added dimension.

Astrology and the other metaphysical sciences work beautifully to map this systemic orchestration and to reveal the logical progression of events, none of which can be eliminated, that lead to destinations. Luck and misfortune come automatically. The joy is seeing the benefit of it all.
This is ahead for those who want it. The bridge to the knowledge of an influence outside of mundane control. And the center I understand is a source. What could be contained in that galactic center?
To add to the fascination, Pluto will return to this point one more time before leaving for 250 years. Next summer he will not only pass through, but will change direction, spending over three solid months in our Milky Way's pivotal spot. Opportunity galore, if Jupiter and Sagittarius have their way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"One of the symbols I always associate with Jupiter and Sagittarius is the bridge."

Another symbol of Sagittarius is the bow and arrow, the arrow is also associated with Mars and we see it at the end of the M to create the symbol of Scorpio.

Ancient Scandinavian myth likewise related the arrow to these energies and also considered the arrow to be a bridge of sorts.

In myth, the arrow is found to represent a column rising up between Earth and the Cosmos. The T shape at the end formed a barrier between worlds so that the material realm could not mix into the outside time, yet the column allows transmission between worlds. A bridge.

The arrow also represented the pole placed into the earth aiming at the polestar Polaris. The shadow cast by the pole marked the degrees and placement of stone forming the Earth Calendars which are found all over Sweden; astro-archeological time-keepers associated with myth.

The 17th rune, Tiwaz –Tuesday, the Warrior Rune, is an arrow, and Tyr is the Skygod who symbolized the energy. When Loki loosed his “offspring” Fenris the wolf, he unleashed chaos upon humanity. Fenris agreed to be chained to the Earth if a warrior would place his hand in his (the wolf’s) mouth. Only Tyr stepped forward. And he did lose his hand. The message is that one may only be a warrior if the sacrifice is for the good of all.

On the jule wheel – Earth calendar of stones, the time of year designated as Tyr, a god of winter, is mid November to around the 18th of December. The story and placement is similar to Ophiuchius. In the sky the Constellation of Ophiuchius, the serpent bearer is a man holding a snake, a “t- shape”, which lies between Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Ullr, (Ullin, Ellen, Illiun) is the Skygod/dess who follows Tyr on the wheel. He/She is a twin flame carrying both masculine and feminine in one whole. The image is of one on skis with a bow and arrow. Ullin guards the light at the gate, the Portal of the Milkyway the path of souls, Helsga, Hel’s path. The light is carried safely through the darkness of solstice, the days the sun stands still..

The energies of the sky (wisdom, prosperity and peace) are passed into the New Year received by Frey, (Earth) the god of peace and plenty.

A last thing, the wheel was a cast of energies that defined the seasons but also was a cast of namnsdag, energies that define a point – a day. When Pluto was transiting 19deg Sag the namnsdag of Alexander – One Spirit lesson –the closing of a cycle where we review our past and decide what we carry into the future, we were voting for George Bush. The energy of the time suggests it was one spirit lesson that was closing a cycle. It was the end of Tyr, and end of a period where we learn our lessons through surrender, loss. Or looking at Ophiuchius where we heal though (snake) poison. It was the end of a long journey through the test of the spiritual warrior.

Pluto is now entering the period of Ullr, the galactic center, the pause before the new start. Here is where the column/arrow between worlds can transmit new ideas, new philosophies, new dreams, if we care to listen. We set our course into the next cycle. The arrow knocked in our bow is only there to defend the light of wisdom,prosperity and peace.

This is my hope.

24/11/06 5:23 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

tseka, you & jm are really on a roll here. Very, very wonderful!! Thank you both . . . now I have lots & lots to assimilate!! :-)

24/11/06 5:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The T shape at the end formed a barrier between worlds so that the material realm could not mix into the outside time, yet the column allows transmission between worlds.

Very very very interesting. I'm stopping right here in this comment to think about this. I'm going to take this one slowly. It's packed.
Be back very shortly.

24/11/06 5:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The arrowhead is shaped to ensure pnetration. Then when done, forms the barrier to escape.
What I find interesting in the myth is that the material realm is trapped, but the cosmic is allowed free range.

I'm not sure I like this thought.

24/11/06 5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ja JM when i read this i immediately thought of your experience with the astrologer earlier this year, who told you how Jupiter guards the Earth from harm.

Those sagas are just packed full and if looked at as documents of wisdom and astrology they boggle the mind.

24/11/06 5:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...


I can't believe you paid attention to this, one of the most fascinating facts that came into my life last year. And almost overlooked.

Jupiter and Saturn together attract objects that would harm the earth and draw them into their orbits.

Jupiter and saturn will trine all next year. Bodes well.

Now further down in the comment.

24/11/06 6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sense when reading was the arrow was not a weapon rather a shape like a column with an umbrella above.

Collecting all the images into a whole, i speculate that the column they speak of is the the Galactic Center of the Milkyway, the path of souls, Hel's path. Only those prepared could walk that path. very few.

Incarnated souls, the material substnace could not come and go....but wisdom can.

24/11/06 6:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I see completely the bridge characteristic of the arrow. It brings nourishment from distant moving objects on earth, and would likely do the same to retrieve spiritual nourishment across the gap.

The differences come I think according to geography in myths. Sweden had the dominance of the far Northern skies and would naturally find her symbols there.

Shis is interesting in terms of the 17th rune and Sagittarius, the centaur. I don't really think of him as a warrior, but to tell you the truth, I really don't know why exactly he uses an arrow. I must find out.

24/11/06 6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sky gods protectors of wisdom, prosperity, agriculture and peace came before the gods of the Aesir- the ones we associate with the Nordic myths of the Viking era.

SKY GODS (Vanir)
Frey Earth
Freya (the twin flame of Frey) Venus
Tyr Mars
Loki Sirius
Hel Sirius and Milkyway
Njord Saturn
Ullr Jupiter???
Odin an aesir, not a skygod claimed mercury after he stole the runes, not sure in antiquity who it may have been.

24/11/06 6:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is fascinating. I just posted a comment that got lost. Said exactly the same.

In terms the 17th rune and Sagittarius, the centaur.
I don't really think of him as a warrior, but to tell you the truth I'm not sure exactly why he uses the arrow.
The column is close to my conception. The umbilical in the connection to spiritual knowledge. I know Sagittarius is vital to the initial contact. Maybe that'e the reason for the penetrating arrow.

It makes complete sense that this connection occurs at the G Center, at least collectively. With your Sun there, you are permanently connected.

Incarnated souls, the material substnace could not come and go....but wisdom can.

I've been thinking about this and the relation to the Iraq situation, I don't call it a war. The material world, the center of a once "great" civilization and how it's connected. I've had theories all along.

24/11/06 6:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And so the comment magically appeared!

The Word wants in!

24/11/06 6:26 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Were the sky gods the most powerful?

24/11/06 6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ullr also carried a sheild he could turn into a boat. This reminds me of the Sami using skin boats. Many believe that the silkie myth of man/seal was this a man in a skin boat barely above water. So again we have the idea of man/ animal. Being on skis meant you could fly with the reindeer be one with them.

Here's something i read and wish that i had bookmarked, it was from something very old. A man and a woman being gyfted to each other (married) and both are shot in the butt "killing" them, they even would have a "funeral" carrying off the "corpses" . The couple is "reborn" whole. In this instance it sure sounds a lot like

Ah the arrow, it has lots of mystery attatched.

24/11/06 6:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The light is carried safely through the darkness of solstice, the days the sun stands still.

Isn't it absolutely amazing that the Pluto conjunction is occurring exactly at the solstice this year?

24/11/06 6:30 PM  
Blogger jm said...


man and a woman being gyfted to each other (married) and both are shot in the butt "killing" them, they even would have a "funeral" carrying off the "corpses" . The couple is "reborn" whole.

Shoot me in the butt, then!
Send me to the Promised Land!!!!!

24/11/06 6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The umbilical in the connection to spiritual knowledge. I know Sagittarius is vital to the initial contact.
Ah, good i hadn't thought of that! Guess what Ullr in his masculine guise is "married" to Hel part of the year-summer, in her image as Holda, who protects mothers and babies.

24/11/06 6:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The horse and arrow together say so much to me.
The horse is for covering vast territory and the gap crossing of the arrow assures even more territory covered. So I think the imagery of Sag is one of having to cross great great distances to find knowledge. This is repeated everywhere in myth.

24/11/06 6:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Ullr in his masculine guise is "married" to Hel part of the year-summer, in her image as Holda, who protects mothers and babies.

"Holda"???? Really? Amazing! And this isn't even English.

24/11/06 6:37 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Sagittarius is a very interesting sign to me and not always what it seems. The duality you just spoke about fits.

The half man/horse is it, as in all the mutables (virgo is illusive in this)...the twins of Gemini, the 2 fish of Pisces.

I've seen this duality in Sag people. A very broad nurturing and protectiveness, with a lot of feminine feelings. They often come to the rescue, and many are conflicted about how to care for their hapless families and still roam the cosmos.
Probably sexual identification cuts similar cross paths in all mutables.

24/11/06 6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Try and the 17th rune are a blend between Scorpio and Sagittarius in the svea myths. Ullr occupies only a brief span of 4 days at the standstill.

There was also a lunar cycle. The Gormanadr was the slaughter moon (october november) Frermanadr frost moon Nov-Dec Jolmamadr jule moon Dec-jan these described earth and mundane energies rather than more esoteric ones.

24/11/06 6:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Very interesting about Try and the blend. The arrow of the scorpion is taken and used by the centaur. Now it's beginning to gel, as I think this crossing from Scorpio to Sagittarius is huge. We're doing it now. The arrow going up and down interpersonally to up and out metaphysically.

I think many Sagittarian people struggle with the exit from the personal entanglement.

Ullr occupies only a brief span of 4 days at the standstill.

Now this I'd like to know about.

24/11/06 6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were the sky gods the most powerful?
They were of a different era and one has to search hard to find much, they were nearly completly writen over by the Aesir of the viking period - the patriarchy.

But they were the builders of the stone circles. If you look you find fragments that sound very like Vedic wisdom. I call it circumpolar myth as very, very similar stories turn up among the NW Coast Indians, and the Arctic peoples.

24/11/06 7:02 PM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG. Are you sitting down?

When Pluto was transiting 19deg Sag the namnsdag of Alexander – One Spirit lesson –the closing of a cycle where we review our past and decide what we carry into the future, we were voting for George Bush.

George Bush's South Node....19 degrees Sagittarius.

24/11/06 7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm here's a different thought on the centaur, the shaman wore reindeer (or Elk) and became one with the totem power...

24/11/06 7:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I know undoubtedly how spiritually significant the Bush thing is and the bridge we're on. I have a lot of info on this.

The 29 Sag in the next election blows my hard little mind.

24/11/06 7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

George Bush's South Node....19 degrees Sagittarius.

I'm a believer!

When i encountered this stuff a few years ago, it pretty much blew me away. Who whispers in our ears?

24/11/06 7:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The light is carried safely through the darkness of solstice, the days the sun stands still.

This could be what's happening right now on a larger than usual scale this solstice with Pluto there and Jupiter coming. Perhaps the collective is getting an extra dose of light. Or maybe carrying it with more attention.

24/11/06 7:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

George Bush's South Node....19 degrees Sagittarius.

I'm a believer!

It's amazing!!!! And so much fun! The precision and all. The joy. Oh I love it!

Who whispers in our ears?

I do so love that question, ma'am.

24/11/06 7:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It was the end of Tyr, and end of a period where we learn our lessons through surrender, loss. Or looking at Ophiuchius where we heal though (snake) poison. It was the end of a long journey through the test of the spiritual warrior.

Put that together with the Progressed Mars retrograde.

24/11/06 7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmmhmmmm then there is Hel, she has been very involved with the nodes lately.

i've uncovered some stuff from the voluspa and eddas that speak of eras that are also part of the stone circle's measure. The lunar standstill which we are just ending suggests even futher a new cylcle unfolding. I'm still pondering it all, but the Saturn/ Jupiter cycle is a big part of it.

24/11/06 7:18 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Happy audience here . . . :-) Please do go on, I'm learning lots from you philosophers in the grand Sagittarian tradition. Fun!

24/11/06 7:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ja JM carrying more light with greater attention and intention, the lunar standstill infuses the lei lines with energy. That is also part of the myth of Ullr - (Ellen of the way) she charted the underground energy pathways in one of her guises as autumnal equinox and associated with electo-magnetics. The churches built upon Hel's (hills) mounds located on the lei lines but did they really suppress the energy?

24/11/06 7:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

philosophers in the grand Sagittarian tradition. Fun!


24/11/06 7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hej Neith, i think you have lots to say with all your wisdom of this sector of the zodiac.

24/11/06 7:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The lunar standstill which we are just ending suggests even futher a new cylcle unfolding. I'm still pondering it all, but the Saturn/ Jupiter cycle is a big part of it.

Back to the protective behavior of these two.
I also agree that this lunar standstill was unusual.

The South Node thru Pisces is also indicative of dissolution on a grand scale. One cycle might have begun a couple of years ago when the node was in Aries, but the washing away is going on now.

An added Jupiter emphasis is our USA ASC, and the transition to Cap and Saturn just ahead.

Yes. I do think the Jupiter Saturn arrangement is in the forefront.

24/11/06 7:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Hej Neith, i think you have lots to say with all your wisdom of this sector of the zodiac.

It's that North Node in Gemini waiting to articulate it. And the Saturn retrograde coming up to unlock the treasure chest. Plus the arrow of Sagittarius gettin ready to shoot us all in the butt!!!!

24/11/06 7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According the myth Njord (saturn) was father to Frey (earth) and Freya (venus)

Jupiter, who knows, in later myth Thor and Jupter were to have been one and the same but once again, this was Aesir.

24/11/06 7:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Who's the father is the question.
Jupiter usurped his father's domination but that doesn't mean Saturn didn't continue to hold sway from another angle.

We repeat this in leadership choices. Bush with his SN symbolizes the pompous haphazard do what you will free for all approach, excess welcomed. Saturn is the hard sparse controlled feared and disliked one.

The trine coming up is interesting. Maybe it will help us get to Capricorn. The gasman's days are numbered for now.

24/11/06 7:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The way I see it is that mundane events combine with our mythology, which is really a body of experience, to fulfill the need of the time.

So maybe different myths come into our collective mind as needed. The domination by the Romans and Greeks I do think is problematic. I would love to see a more expanded pantheon. But somehow our whole planetary system got stamped by these stinkers, I mean thinkers!

24/11/06 8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some believe that the Romans and Greeks merely papered over previous beliefs. Astrology has roots into the Veda. Perhaps if we scratch a little with our arrow points we find the same thing under all.

24/11/06 8:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

When we scratch I think we find an infinite number of things. Not only are there millions of myths but in each telling they change so there are that many more interpretations. And style is a large part of it. They are a culture's celebrities, really.

I think this is a good vein, because I don't completely connect the Greek myths with the planets and the events as I've experienced them. So I think other memeories of stories linger as well as my own psychological imprint.

I am adamant about not taking the Greeks literally, especially with Saturn.

24/11/06 8:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Traditional astrology calls Saturn a malefic and I've never bought it. But the idea is so pervasive that astrologers today see Saturn and tense up. I see Saturn sometimes and think, "oh, good. Help is on the way."

I think this hampers the ability to make an accurate assessment.
By expanding the concept and incorporating other mythologies maybe we can get free from rigid response.

There is an overall suggestion for good living behind these symbols I believe. something basic.

24/11/06 8:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Another thing to consider.

The constellations were the guidelines at first and now they've moved a whole sign from the original position, yet the originals are still used.

The same probably with the entities. They've changed with some evolution. So the creation is still useful but the adaptation is necessary.

24/11/06 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing interesting, Tacitus wrote that the Svea did not carry personal arms, they kept them locked up in one place. They followed one leader but he ruled at their will.

Pliny the Elder wrote of first contact with the Svea, an island with some 500 villiages, (apparently) multi-racial living a peaceful life.

Njorn - Saturn in the myths turns up as the greenman once or twice. Father time and the regulator of season. I don't sense the malefic there. Even Loki, though he creates chaos, he does so with humor and is well beloved, he is the fool often who forces us to learn consequences. The myths of the later era are not the same there is struggle and dominion and lies. About 2,000 years of it so far.

24/11/06 8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The constellations were the guidelines at first and now they've moved a whole sign from the original position, yet the originals are still used.

The same probably with the entities. They've changed with some evolution. So the creation is still useful but the adaptation is necessary.

Yes, this is what is so interesting about the stone circles the connection to the equinox and the solstice the shadows cast by the sun on a pole oriented to Polaris. The Scandinavian did not use the in the way the Greeks did. They used a few points and mathimatics. They had a calendar that matches very closly to todays for a least a few thousand years.

The namnsdag and the solstice change with precession the energies attributed to the points move with them. It's a very plastic system.

24/11/06 8:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It all makes sense. They reflect the times.

2000 years is a nice round number and quite sufficient I think.

The only thing is that even the very old myths have changed throughout time so it's impossible to know what they really said and what life was like.

There are always places like Svea in existence probably as a model and reminder of the ideal. The good can't be deleted either. The struggle for dominance seems to be the way man survives now and evolution would be the only antidote.

Maybe this is ever so gradually becoming archaic and thus the last 2000 years of excessive hideousness as it struggles for last breaths.

I was thinking about Pluto being evolutionary. Maybe the return every 250 years to the center marks a ring in the spiral we were discussing and a move to the next level.

24/11/06 9:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's a very plastic system.

This is vital to longevity.

the shadows cast by the sun

I think this is still maybe the most reliable way to ascertain position.

Maybe the thinkers were so immersed in their newfound knowledge that they forgot to look outside and around as things were changing in minute degrees.

24/11/06 9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking about Pluto being evolutionary. Maybe the return every 250 years to the center marks a ring in the spiral we were discussing and a move to the next level.

Seems so, and is it not amazing we get front row seats?

I'm off to snuggle with my Zamma, thanks for the pleasure of your company.

24/11/06 9:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Good night! And thank you too.

It was wonderful. Pleasure is right.

Good Jupiter intro into Sag.

24/11/06 9:25 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Seems so, and is it not amazing we get front row seats?

You two are wonderful! For me, this is the stuff of life, considering these possibilities. With Jup in my 1st house now reminding me of the sheer joy of learning something new, I'm just thrilled to have a front row seat!!

24/11/06 10:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Neith, I love talking astrology with you. I think this is really the way we learn the most. As per bleeding pushovers....a limited amount for both of us would free time for crumpets and astrotalk all year with the Sag overload.

24/11/06 11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Traditional astrology calls Saturn a malefic and I've never bought it. But the idea is so pervasive that astrologers today see Saturn and tense up. I see Saturn sometimes and think, "oh, good. Help is on the way."

You've certainly influenced my thinking along these lines. Maybe it's b/c Saturn is in my 1st House and I've lived with him for a looooong time now, I have little to fear from him. For heaven's sake, my Saturn return at age 29 was relatively benign.

25/11/06 7:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....if the arrow is the conduit of consciousness between worlds and Tyr represents the (preparation for) incorporation of wisdom into the self, the arrow held by Ullr cold mean projecting the wisdom outward in this realm, dissmeminating knowledge widely. Tiwaz/Tyr the arrow is pointed up connected to the cosmos. Ullr the arrow is pointed horizontal to the earth plane.

The arrow is transformation, just like gettting shot in the butt - getting married - you die to your alone/self to merge/whole with another. The arrow seems like a weapon becouse it causes death- the ultimate transformation.

..thoughts still rumbling around - and now it's off to the garbage dump, the joys of rural living.

25/11/06 8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lesson of Tyr would seem: Do not be afraid to face chaos and lose a part of yourself (the right hand= thought) the reward is an increase for all. Biting off thought still leaves the creative /memory....(left hand)
hmmm....chaos is chained by losing thought, gee what the Buddhists have been teaching for years.

25/11/06 8:44 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Maybe it's b/c Saturn is in my 1st House and I've lived with him for a looooong time now, I have little to fear from him.

Add to that your Capricorn stellium and most of all, your NN in the Capricorn, which is an underlying knowledge of the advantages of Saturn. It's the energy you're seeking in this incarnation.

Wouldn't it be great to embrace this Pluto in Capricorn coming up (all of us)rather than fear it? It's squaring my Mars right off the bat so I'm especially going to follow your example, joe.

25/11/06 1:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm beginning to like this Tyr fellow.
The thing about astrology is my feeling of intimacy with the gods. They're real people to me. I'd like to have this feeling with Tyr and some of the others. Expand the family.

chaos is chained by losing thought, gee what the Buddhists have been teaching for years.

But wouldn't order be lost with thought as well? We're chained no matter what as long as we are in our bodies. This has always perplexed me. I know the pitfalls of habitual thinking that seems to create more confusion as it goes. But it's half of the equation. Maybe that's it. It's been given too large a fraction.

I'm very interested in the symbolism of the hand, and this is amazing with the right/left connection. I'm going to ponder this and go back over the story upthread. This is delightful, tseka. I feel more receptive now to the new info.

25/11/06 2:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

if the arrow is the conduit of consciousness between worlds and Tyr represents the (preparation for) incorporation of wisdom into the self, the arrow held by Ullr cold mean projecting the wisdom outward in this realm, dissmeminating knowledge widely.

Speaking of arrows, I think this statement is in the bulls-eye.
I think this a moment of opening in the collective. Here, Bush is gone and an empty space has opened up. Next summer when Pluto stations will be the culmination of this moment, probably. But all this winter is the time for spreading the word.

It's no mistake with your Sun so close to this spot that you are feeling the urge to disseminate even more strongly now.
This is an ongoing dilemma for me. How to disseminate what I know from long years of study mixed with the arrow I'm constantly aware of. I don't want to send out false information so sometimes I'm tentative.

It's fascinating to see this opening. All Sadge people with points close would be remiss in not speaking up. Continually.

With your Mercury conjunct my Jupiter in Sagittarius we have the ultimate messenger all packed and ready.

25/11/06 2:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Tiwaz/Tyr the arrow is pointed up connected to the cosmos. Ullr the arrow is pointed horizontal to the earth plane.

This I love. I'm beginning to get more of an understanding of the Centaur's arrow.

The arrow seems like a weapon becouse it causes death- the ultimate transformation.

Good point.
Another part to the story is the evasion of death by Chiron and the unhealing wound of the arrow. He was one of the greatest teachers of all.

25/11/06 2:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think I'll take advantage of this moment to mention the Pluto transit to your Sun tseka. I feel fortunate to be a part of this.
It's such a big event. Not many people get this conjunction in a lifetime, and the fact that you are older is a major benefit.

Pluto simply goes to the absolute depths (underworld) to retrieve the full expression of the planet involved. Up until then we usually have been partially using the energy. The Sun is the ego and central battery so the opportunity for significance and self expression is a once in a many lifetime one. The center factor in you personally meets up with the center of the Milky Way adding even more power.

Sagittarius is understanding so the extent of this can be fully revealed now, accepted, and even understood by others. It's more than just knowledge. It's a deeper and bigger grasp than that. Something about the connection as it relates to mutability and Gemini. That's the pontiff part. The guide across the bridge or the shooter with the arrow. Take your pick. The dissemination you mentioned is in the egg ready to hatch.

The conjunction itself is a megapowerful occurrence. In oppositions and such, there is an escape, but with a conjunction the planets must work together. The consolidation creates the tremendous power.

I had Pluto pass over my Mars years ago and it was one of the most vivid and defining moments of my life.
Then it crossed my South Node and my real independence started.
But the recent transit conjunct my Jupiter and then my Moon has created a person I almost don't recognize yet the transformation has been that complete. My understanding of my emotional body represented by the Moon has changed. This effects everything including my artistic expression.

There are reasons that individuals get such a transformative transit to the luminaries in a lifetime. I am looking forward to the result in your case.

25/11/06 3:37 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And of course, next December, Jupiter will join Pluto exactly on your Sun.

25/11/06 4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ja JM, i am curious myself how it will all unfold. The past few years have been an intensification of what has always been, as pluto passed over MC and Merc. The thing i wonder is this, every time anything passses over the GC/ my Sun a lesson comes. Some are very altering. My birthdays are spent as quietly as possible and it still seems like "lightning" strikes. My whole family steps back at this time. This could be a long gifting. Silence seems a good place to listen from. I am, will be glad for the friendship of such wise ones as found in this space.

25/11/06 4:21 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Tseka I had the wildest thought today.

The arrow and the target...the "bullseye".

Remember your connection with Sagittarius and Taurus?

25/11/06 7:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Jupiter has opened the gates and it's pouring in. I'll start with my Pluto/Moon transit.
We all have a history here and I'd like to go back and look at it from a astro perspective in preparation for some insight into your amazing Pluto/Sun transit just ahead. BTW, I have Uranus in Gemini in the 3rd at 28. This will be activated at the same time.

I always caution against following many so-called astrologers around because so few are accurate. Most say that when Pluto transits your Moon you will have a lot of emotional pain, destructive relationships, and lots of crying. Things like that.

Well I just had the transit. I'm a Cancer with a SN in Scorpio and I've had emotional pain all my life and unhappy events in relationships. So this didn't change. What changed is the drying up of my tears. I've always felt everybody's pain and this transit taught me that I don't have to take ALL of it in and keep crying about the sorrow of our predicaments. It taught me that in order to fulfill my Aries rising destiny and NN in the 1st I had to take charge of myself. With no one left to protect me I can't sit around and whine. And I'm a better person by changing the way I apply my natural sympathy for others.

During the transit I arrived at Astroworld the ultimate in whining, crying and immaturity. It's gratuitous there. I had to go and see clearly. To feel it in the Plutonian depths.

The weekend we philosophical women ripped through that site was a revelation. The take charge uproarious, dynamic, approach to pain. I think you called it trilling or something like that. It was so so joyous.

The person who broke it up and forced the return to the crybabying was guess what??? A SOUTH NODE IN CANCER.

It was good for me though because I knew it was time to go and that the endless whining was over for me.

Pluto on my Moon. My genuine emotional self as it relates to the synthesis in my chart. A treasure of self discovery and a turnabout I didn't expect.

Now I'll go on to another comment to take on your Sun/Pluto.

25/11/06 7:30 PM  
Blogger jm said...

You are an Aquarius rising with the ruler, Uranus in Cancer in the 5th...the natural house of the Sun. So this is important. This is a creative destiny with a tremendous emotional content.

The image I get is of a huge hearted mother(Cancer/5th) of a collective (Aquarius) brood. A woman at the center with her children gathered around her to hear the stories that bring them knowledge. Sagittarius is the spiritual teacher but this is a gentle emotional approach with individual attention to the little ones and a watchful eye on their growth.

I've known many Aquarius/Cancer types and this brings full meaning to the phrase, water bearer. They nuture the group without immature emotional hang-ups blocking the success. Their personal concerns are secondary to the emotional fulfillment of the group.

The NN in Pisces is the myth and story telling, song and poem approach to knowledge. Probably a lot of the preparation has come from the learning from your own child.

So as Pluto crosses your Sun, the way you get the attention that is your destiny will probably be a large part of it. The full unfolding of your ego. And the end result...the right audience. A receptive and adoring one. Through the word with Sun/Mercury in the 10th.
The question of partnership comes in, with Leo on the 7th, but that's for another comment.

It could be like my situation with all my Sag and my artistic talent. Sagittarius is so wide and encompassing and I find that the music alone is far from enough of a creative outlet. With these transits I'm discovering that the expression is in everything, and it takes some doing to see where the music slot will land.

So an artistic expansion could arrive. And new paths of self expression. The route to the authentic self.

25/11/06 7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything you have written Jm rings true, beautifully said, for several years i have been writing stories - tseka stories,poems, but they have not really found their voice yet, just the vision. So somewhat like you i've kept them out of view. Receiving the book by Nils-Aslak Valkeapaa i think will be a part of this, like finding the teacher who can help me hone, in my voice, what needs saying. And it will be words and images as you suggest was your experience with Pluto, the expansion....

Very interesting interpretation of Cancer 5th with uranus. Very accurate.

An interesting thing, a pattern that i do not know much about, but find intersting in light of your comments, my solar return will have my asc in Leo, with all those planets in Sagittarius in the fifth as if to reinforce what you just said.

Very interesting, we shall have to compare notes with that Pluto opp Uranus.

It looks like it will be lively.

Thank you for taking the time to write this our it is a very fine and much appreciated gift. I'll print it and keep the words nearby.

25/11/06 8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

set loose
on new paths
to strange times
clean the mind
of old dirt


25/11/06 8:50 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Perfect tseka.

I think you're right about this book. I love the simplicity. Thank you. This is so beautiful. Please let me in on more of it as we go. And maybe some info on the poet. Really really good. It reads like a song.

It will be wonderful to compare notes. I think we are also caught in the changing role of women, especially older women as we push forward on these new paths. The female artist has always struggled in society, since she is perceived as abandoning her correct role, probably even if she hasn't. We're taught to sublimate the ego and how ever in the world can an artist do that? These Pluto transits set loose on new paths, they do.

I love this poem.

25/11/06 10:17 PM  

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