Thursday, January 04, 2007

Everyone's Invited!

The gala evening celebration for the 110th Congress.
The band is rockin' and the ladies are hot! The new dance craze is the Donkey Doo. Put on your dancing slippers and come on down! Transportation home will be provided by the establishment in case of excess merriment.


Blogger jm said...

Some other major dos are scheduled for the weekend. Stay tuned.

4/1/07 4:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

We're still on the Hill, and the great news of the day -- indeed, the best news we've heard all week-- is that tomorrow Democratic Congressional leaders will come out with a strong statement on troop escalation, laying down a marker and establishing the Democratic position on what has become the first critical decision on the war in Iraq facing the 110th Congress.

4/1/07 4:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's the War on War!!!!

4/1/07 4:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

One thing.

As panic escalates with the neocon war game coming up, don't worry. Remember that this tragedy started at 29 degrees Pisces. It will fail. The flailing dying part is here. It reminds me of that snake in the road gasping for last breath.

4/1/07 4:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Absolutely incredible. Nancy took over with the Moon at 29 degrees Cancer. That's what this full moon did. Protection of the brood as deep as it goes.

4/1/07 4:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The 29 degrees Cancer is also an indication of the last of our immaturity as Pluto goes into Capricorn. This is the bridge.

4/1/07 5:19 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Absolutely incredible. Nancy took over with the Moon at 29 degrees Cancer. That's what this full moon did. Protection of the brood as deep as it goes.

We've been dealing with lunations for about the last four months at the end of the signs involved. Part of this pervasive feeling of endings & preparation for new beginnings.

Keep poking around for Nancy's correct chart. I know the Astrodatabank has her birth data but so far I haven't seen it available for free . . . it will turn up here shortly, of that I'm sure.

4/1/07 5:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This so amazing I'm sky rocketing. There are tons of astro connections with her... we'll be busy all year.

We've been dealing with lunations for about the last four months at the end of the signs involved. Part of this pervasive feeling of endings & preparation for new beginnings.

Very well said.

I'm very very excited neith, right now. An historic moment so easy to read. I'm going to get started right away. I'm already feeling the potent effect.

4/1/07 6:12 PM  
Blogger jm said...

One very big thing, after this 29 Cancer event, is the Mars retro coning up in Cancer for 6 months prior to the election. It will cross all our planets, Bush's, and the full moon degree that was so influential.

The great preparation for the Pluto years right before our 4 Cancer Planets get the transit.

Venus first. The changing role of women. We are part of something big, and very lucky.

4/1/07 6:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I just had a super strong feeling with the full moon touching me so deeply that this was a big one for the country.

4/1/07 6:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

If you like Chiron, Nancy's is 14 degrees Cancer, conjunct our 13 Sun. Emotional wounds being healed, with her Moon in Scorpio.
Chiron where the Full Moon was.

Oh there's so much.

4/1/07 6:23 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The most important thing to keep in mind as we go forward in this great moment for women and the nation, is that it's not Nancy herself. It's what she represents. The right woman for the time. No doubt about it.

Jerry Watson, usually a D&Ger, had this to say an Nancy's blog and I found it quite good:

I was wonder-struck by her Jupiter placement – it’s at 17 ‘56 Aries in very close opposition to the US Progressed Mars which is currently stationary at 18 ‘42 Libra. The US Progressed Mars is undergoing an amazing transformation as it begins its retrograde motion (turning inwards) being afforded the mature guidance of Pelosi’s natal Jupiterian magical touch. Something is definitely unfolding here. There’s a tantalizing promise of that macho US Mars energy dissolving. There’s hope for the future after all.

I like his phrase, "tantalizing promise".
Good job, Jerry.

4/1/07 10:44 PM  

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