Sunday, September 23, 2007

Libra Has Arrived

His annual visit. A charming and companionable guest he is with the entertaining Sun, as long as the Sun doesn't burn my hand-made drapes.
Libra is the lover of one-on-one relationship. There's a genuine interest in others and social interactions can be delightful during these times, if the Libra is not instigating an argument and crying innocent, which can happen. They do like a debate. They also know that the air has to be cleared in order to enjoy the truly sublime peaceful moments that are sometimes encountered under the auspices of Libra, advocate of grace, beauty, harmony, and fairplay. They love to work things out with people. And it's a beautiful time of year.
Mercury, ruler of commerce, busy as ever, is going to figure in as he goes into Scorpio and turns retrograde with the Sun in Libra. Equitable exchange. Emotional bartering, in particular, as Mars transits Cancer, squaring the Libra, while Mercury is in Scorpio. Is someone giving-demanding too much? Others not enough? How close is close? Am I satisfied? Who really cares??
This continues when The Sun goes into Scorpio with Mercury back in Libra. Then when Mercury gets to Scorpio again, the Sun will still be there for some possible emotional heavy-dealing. A tune-up could be recommended. When Mercury finally gets through, he will join the Sun, Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius for some last minute joyriding before Jupiter heads out for Capricorn on December 19, the day the NN leaves Pisces for Aquarius. The deep digging of Mercury retrograde might free people up to celebrate these bountiful December days ahead slightly unfettered, if they'd care to. But, first things first.
Evening on the Skagen Summer Beach: Peter Severin Kroyer


Blogger Unknown said...

My Mom had this beautiful painting of the two ladies - walking on a beach at sunset in the entire picture - hanging in the big bedroom when I arrived to move in.

The quality of light in it is absolutely masterful, and gorgeous. Thanks for posting it.

Nice intro to the gracious Libra, too.


24/9/07 3:30 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Joy, what a pleasure to share my reaction to this painting and how well it illustrates Libra, and what a coincidence with your mother. She must have good taste, among other good qualities. Thank you so much for reporting.

A big cheer in response!

24/9/07 3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could really use some Libra harmony after all the Mars-Pluto fireworks. But that seems unlikely given the generally aggressive environment we seem to prefer to live in, my family and I - and I include myself as one of the offenders :)

Still, Libra time is lovely - as reflected in the crisp, dry, gold-garbed beauty of the accompanying season. Naturally, I'm also rather biased - my honey's a Libra :D

25/9/07 4:00 AM  
Blogger jm said...

My honey

Funny how terms of endearment change. We used to call them "old man and old lady".

25/9/07 4:19 PM  

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