Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Big Shots Part.

The Jupiter-Uranus square has just ended and what a square it was. Uranus brings awakening and is the earth awakened? You decide.
This has the feel of one of those watershed moments in time that will be looked back upon years from now as the breaking out point of a major movement.
I find this plausible. The timing of the earth change recognition with the square was fascinating and I assume it's connected to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction ahead when Uranus enters Aries for exploration and innovation. The friction with the status quo and the transition beyond traditional boundaries are apparently in gear as Saturn heads for the opposition to Uranus, ending exactly when Jupiter and Uranus cross into Aries.
The fact that the planet awarded the Nobel Prize to the environmental scientists and advocates suggests this will be the theme of the upcoming conjunction and the 14 year passage of Uranus through Aries and Taurus, with Pluto in Capricorn. Will the planet be saved? Another page-turner. It's taken circumstance to a more interesting place from my perspective, so typical of Uranian doings.

When the square started, the Moon was in Virgo, the entity of repair and maintenance, and Venus was just moving to 0 Virgo. When the conjunction arrives on December 7, 2010, Mars will just be coming into Virgo at 0 degrees. But here's the difference.
As the square separates now, Saturn conjuncts the South Node at 5 degrees Virgo opposite the North Node in Pisces. They are crossing paths exactly as the nodes leave for Leo and Aquarius in December. Because the SN has been in Virgo for the last year and a half, repairs have been stalled and waiting. When the nodes change signs the fix should be getting into full swing. For the next couple of years, systems repair could fly until the last of Saturn's opposition to Uranus and the Aries ingress.
The orchestration is glorious as usual as the planet of "we the people" and liberation comes to an agreement with the elite hierarchy and conservatism, both necessary heading on into the planet's future. The added benefit is the chance for people to free themselves personally from bonds they no longer need as traditional ways of doing things give way in part to the new and the original. Will lives change? You decide. See you at the conjunction.
The Drummer: Paul Klee


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is interesting, in light of the recent discussion of Gore's Nobel award.

Gore gets a cold shoulder

As always, there's more going on here than meets the eye.

14/10/07 2:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Most of what's going on doesn't meet the eye.

This argument among the scientists has been going on the whole time. I tend to think the warming is part of a natural cycle so I'm not worried about it. It will work itself out. But what does interest me as a result of this is energy change and how it might affect the geopolitical situation.

As the earth warms, no matter how it happens, lots of social problems will result and this is what we have to start dealing with. It's all a matter of focus and this is about earth changes replacing the spreading of democracy and things like that. It also means cooperation rather than obedience to a monolith. When a home is threatened, survival kicks in. The complacency of the wealthy countries is up for scrutiny.

The "Peace" Prize is what's interesting. Even though it "doesn't meet the eye" the connect is happening. The wars around resources. This, I think is the important part.

I don't much like Gore and his crisis approach but it's necessary as an attention getter and indicative that the money will be going to the environment, and that the political future holds change with all the Uranus-Saturn coming up. The details are probably unimportant. The shift away from terror is what I'm hoping for. although terror will always find a way.:-)

The whole issue of shared resources is up for confrontation with the USA Pluto return, starting with the destruction of the Trade Towers. I think we will have to reconstruct our policy, not that a much better one will take its place, but with an American politician leading this new wave, some things could improve.

The fact that this is in print is the idea. The debate needs to start in earnest. We have to start dealing with real problems after all this Neptunian illusory enemy chasing. This would be a great advancement and I think Pluto in Capricorn might lead the way.

14/10/07 2:48 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I keep stressing Aries and survival. All up ahead. I mentioned the Depression and the 3rd Reich as part of the last transit.

The interesting change here is the fact that the earth as a focus of the problem completely changes the "enemy next door approach". Most of the time countries are fighting other humans. But with the earth's destruction, the enemy becomes something else entirely. It unites humans against a common foe, whatever that is. This is what I find fascinating and as it unfolds. This is the first time in human history that danger has been thought of this way. It brings the fear of God into reality.

Who's to blame? The first finger will be pointed at the elite and the corporations, but I cam across this comment today that was incredible. One in a million but it's out there in the mass of human verbiage.

I'm aware of two forces bringing on the gloom that many now feel.

The first is that our belief that "justice is entwined in the universe" is now looking silly. We have been wired by so many movies, books, and drama where good wins. We seem to be in another type of universe now where what Bush represents wins. We can feel our faith dying.

The second is a despair that we are addicts to our lifestyles and the oil that supports them. Deep down, part of us wants the oil that lies beneath the sands of Iraq and Iran, and we are ashamed of our corruption.


The problem of the psyche is really a big part of it. Apathy, depression. etc. All of this leads to more mindless consumption. There is no doubt that joy and spiritual awakening are the only real remedies. Patience and courage.

14/10/07 3:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Humans are fear addicts, but this must be necessary at this stage of evolution.

As soon as something good happens, it's quickly forgotten and the mistrust takes over again. The pain re-grasped immediately. Sometimes I think this makes people feel more alive. They simply don't get a thrill out of goodness. They like the words but seem bored with the content. The electricity of terror coursing through the body is much preferred. And interpersonal sniping is adored beyond belief.
This used to be part of survival, but as violence diminishes, maybe survival will take on a different color.

This is one problem with the environmental movement. Not bloody. Not exciting. Not full of terror. People love these things and that's why they dominate.

The shift could be indicative of coming psychological change however infinitesimal.

14/10/07 3:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Take this personal experience...

When I moved into my house my next door neighbor was a Pisces with many planets in Aries. She had one of the worst dogs I ever encountered whose barking made my life a nightmare. I tried everything to negotiate with her but nothing worked. An undercurrent of hostility remained at all times. I had to question my need for this conflict. Was I afraid of quiet and peace, the things I said I was desiring?

Some major Pisces event occurred, a blizzard, then a flood in the corner of my bedroom. I told myself I was letting something go with the flood. Right after that, she sold the house and moved.

I'm on pins and needles. The new owner is unusually quiet, but I know this is my pattern and my projection. Am I ready for peace? Can I be productive and alive without all this beating and banging?

Is the earth more important than bloodspilling? Or maybe, how much blood does the earth require? Could the blood in the cradle of civilization now be sufficient for the time being and we can move forward.

29 Pisces to Aries.

14/10/07 3:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Here's another example.

The holiday season is just about to begin again. Massive amounts of fossil fuel will be consumed in driving and jetting around the country and world. Massive amounts of petroleum based gifts will be purchased carted in plasic bags driven around with fossil fuels. Massive amounts of food will be shipped in, raised with petrolem products, transported with fossil fuels. Somewhere in the midst of this, someone might say, "Gee, I'd sure like to end the war in Iraq. It's the politician's fault."

14/10/07 4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good points all 'round. Your example of the "enemy next door approach" makes me think of extra-terrestrials. I've always thought that the arrival of offworlders would instantly negate the petty squabbles Earthers have amongst themselves.

BTW... That comment you quoted came printed on a bumpersticker, if I read it right. Mighty tiny print, I'd say.

14/10/07 4:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

LOL! The fine print says it all!

14/10/07 4:07 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

JM, i'm sure you know that i agree with your thoughts about global warming - the long cycles indicate this is a normal period...

we've both taken some heat for our views...

I've had some concerns about replacing one (T)error with another. I do so long for some cooperation and common sense. Reasons to clean up our act are abundant.

Guess who is a wobbly node??
Albert Gore 14 taurus 34!

hmmm makes my eyebrows raise up in a little twitch.

you asked about MLK's node answer not a wobbly a nice rx taurean node.

Dalai Lama IS a wobbly node Capricorn.

14/10/07 5:49 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Weather and climate aren't my interests, but it is pretty interesting to see how the world begins to move collectively.

And it is a good idea to listen to both sides, and make up one's own mind. Skepticism is good. :-) Educating oneself is good, and there are often additional motives involved.

There are scientists who criticize Dr. Gray, too. Dr. Gray believes that the world will start cooling again in three or four years and continue to do so. He has a theory to explain why he thinks so, but he has yet to publish the details or share them.

But we'll all live long enough to see if he's right. Easier than religious arguments. :-)

Scientists debate -- it is part of what they are supposed to do. Theologians debate, too, within and across religions.

I've decided that it doesn't matter most which religion people follow. I'm inclined to think that the diversity is good in that it keeps power from being too centralized. Make use of the diversity, I say.

I could probably find something to disagree with in nearly every belief system, if I really wanted. Time will shake things out, if it does. :-)

I do feel that it is helpful to each person to live responsibly regarding their own intake and output of energy, emotions, information, etc. -- as each sees fit.

14/10/07 6:21 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I do feel that it is helpful to each person to live responsibly regarding their own intake and output of energy, emotions, information, etc. -- as each sees fit.


And to look at consequences.

14/10/07 7:06 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

It's the real way. :-)

14/10/07 7:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Another wobbly node!!

MLK a Taurus node!

The Dalai Lama SN wobbly Cancer. Ejected from his homeland in a big way.

14/10/07 7:55 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm inclined to think that the diversity is good in that it keeps power from being too centralized. Make use of the diversity, I say.


The main thing about this is not the geological but the oil factor and wars. Let them believe it's humans if alternatives are the result. The end result could be the hotbed in the Middle East cooling down, speaking of cooling.

14/10/07 7:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Again the focus on the earth is the prize. Humans have been beating the crap out of one another without paying any attention to the thing they live on and that supports them. Like bad kids. That's what I think this Uranian awakening is. Pulling the collective together in group effort.

14/10/07 8:02 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Back to Nature chapter II.

14/10/07 8:22 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"The main thing about this is not the geological but the oil factor and wars."

Mm-hm. That's what I thought, too. Not that I really know anything, of course. :-)

14/10/07 8:25 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I have a scientist friend who spent much of the 80s and 90s in Antarctica looking for confirmation of Ozone hole, global warming theories.

What he came up with was mostly that the earth and her atmosphere cycle and absorb a lot of trauma, from multiple sources, eruptions, forest fires, human caused pollutants and the miracle is the ability to recover.

He was a real doom and gloomer.
After a couple of decades he chucked it all for a life of adventure - in Africa.

14/10/07 8:28 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"After a couple of decades he chucked it all for a life of adventure - in Africa."

LOL, good for him! Be happy. :-)

I don't worry about doom-and-gloom prognostications. Whatever happens, we'll deal with it. We'll be where we're supposed to be. It's good if people pay attention.

14/10/07 8:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

What he came up with was mostly that the earth and her atmosphere cycle and absorb a lot of trauma, from multiple sources, eruptions, forest fires, human caused pollutants and the miracle is the ability to recover.

Absolutely. All of life.

This timing is too perfect. Uranus is associated with new political movements which is why I think neo is right. Again, it's far beyond some ozone hole mystique. It's our relationship with the earth (Capricorn) and how it then influences our relationships with one another.

I have complete confidence in the earth. What I think needs work is the megalomaniacal belief that humans CAN control the earth. Ridiculous. Some realistic assessment would be advisable.

14/10/07 8:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I don't worry about doom-and-gloom prognostications. Whatever happens, we'll deal with it.

D&G always goes on. All the world's a stage, someone once said. The opposite ... elevation and bright productive times also come and this is what might happen. Might being the word. I think so, myself, and this Jupiter-Uranus transit verifies my sense. It could have been violent and ugly, but look what happened. We'll see at the conjunction.

14/10/07 8:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

As I said, the conjunction comes at 29 Pisces, the war degree, so it makes sense that that will be the completion of the exit. Many other things might be involved in the resolution and I firmly believe that alternative(Uranus) energy sources are part of the peace process, thus the Peace Prize.

14/10/07 8:40 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I firmly believe that alternative(Uranus) energy sources are part of the peace process, thus the Peace Prize.

good thought.

Neo and i have spoken of this before too- local/regional solutions will be part of the process.

14/10/07 8:45 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Our local farmer's market is getting a lot of obstacles thrown in their path by the town council now that it has become a raging success.

So...our little village said we have a nice place over here and we will fix the potholes in the parking lot.


Took no time at all next week they will be right down the road from me.

Who just lost? Not the farmers, not the people.
Only the politicians.
heh if we can expand this...

14/10/07 8:49 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is almost like a futuristic nod, a message. There was magic in the timing and joy in the air. I think part of the message is to pick ourselves up and start to get going with some enthusiasm(Jupiter) for the future(Uranus).

14/10/07 8:49 PM  
Blogger jm said...

People are obviously afraid of joy. See how quickly they sweep it under the rug. Gore has a Sun in Aries in the 9th. With my Moon in the 9th I know about it. You, tseka, with your Sun, and kadimiros with his Moon-Jupiter conjunction know about it. We all can get with it. Not afraid. This Sagittarius country will learn.

14/10/07 8:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Who just lost? Not the farmers, not the people.
Only the politicians.
heh if we can expand this...

It happens here a lot. The west is like this and I expect more political say from this region coming up. Lots of Libertarians now voting Democratic.

14/10/07 8:55 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The west is like this

Agree for all of the west i've lived in except here.

My little town is like this, it has lots of artists, creative people.
The local area is very conservative evangelical and military.

The creative types started the market and put it in a nice central, convenient location so people would come.

Few did at first. Now it is mobbed. Who can disagree with fresh organic produce?

It is a wonderful example of urging people to get out of their local circle and participate in what we can all agree on.

The studio tours is another example. The first year was just a dribble of brave souls. Once the community figured out we are "normal" we've been overrun.

14/10/07 9:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is great news.
We have the same thing here on a larger scale. Conservative, military, evangelical with the ultra progressive college towns and the crowning jewel, Denver. The mayor is an Aquarius with a Cancer Moon and the first thing he did was to start a jobs program for the homeless kids. The city jail is going solar. But best of all, there are several initiatives on the ballot for November that will provide funding for social programs. The people always vote for these things and creative funding is the name of the game. It's really so easy when the desire is there.

14/10/07 9:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Once the community figured out we are "normal" we've been overrun.

You are?????

14/10/07 9:10 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Speaking of studio tour, you want a
peek into into my house? Everything in this room is handmade with the exception of the chairs which i merely assembled, even the floor.

14/10/07 9:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's back to what I said about this Moon in Aquarius country. We will take care of our own. All the Uranus-Aquarius coming up will remind us.

14/10/07 9:12 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I love hearing about this progress jm.

14/10/07 9:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG!!!!! Nothing like a little Mars in Cancer! I'm honored. The paintings are gorgeous. The site looks great! oooooweee!!!!!

14/10/07 9:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG! I want to be there!

14/10/07 9:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Is that one room? Gallery and workspace?

14/10/07 9:22 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

OMG! I want to be there!

I will feed you - got this great little organic market down the road now.

14/10/07 9:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The paintings are so shimmering and beautiful. They sing. There's a big wide world out there for us both. We for them.

14/10/07 9:26 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Is that one room? Gallery and workspace?

This is my dining area. Off to the right is a big rock fireplace.
The room is long and at one end is a salon grand and some more furniture a small wood stove my spinning wheel. Six windows 6-12 feet looking out into blue sky.

Where i paint is actually where i sleep. It also is a very large room with lots of windows.

The truth is the area around the dining table is just about the only place i can hang work so that is why i used it in the photo.

14/10/07 9:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

How wonderful! Food! I don't eat much so it will be cost effective.

14/10/07 9:28 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

There's a big wide world out there for us both. We for them.

Yes a big wide world with lots of spaces waiting for more creative passion to pour into them.

A case of enough is not too much.

14/10/07 9:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Where i paint is actually where i sleep.

OMG. This is fascinating. I used to design my clothes where I slept. I see this often in artists. They use space in crazy ways. I've never had a dining room used as such. I heard Jeanne Moreau, the actress, in an interview, and she said the same. No dining room. My living room is my music studio, my dining room is my living room.

I have to give this sleep-painting thing some thought. Close to those dreams?

Your place sounds stunning. I'm coming. Sweep off the patio.

14/10/07 9:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes a big wide world with lots of spaces waiting for more creative passion to pour into them.

A case of enough is not too much.

Absodam. I love the image of spaces waiting for creative passion. Just a few things to finish up and get out of the way and ....

14/10/07 9:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

What do you think encouraged you to put an image of yourself(body) on the front page?

14/10/07 9:37 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

What do you think encouraged you to put an image of yourself(body) on the front page?

I guess i don't think of it too much as me but of the sparrow who is sitting on my shoulder.
Still i debated about this. I probably will not leave this up too long. I had a couple of requests for the poem and so i put it up as that was easy.- It has been printed elsewhere.

Shortly it will go to a static page.

I am thinking about writing this winter - some of the chapters of my doc dissertation could be pared down- comparing the archetypes of native wisdom and homeopathic remedies. Also some other native stories.

I do not want to do a blog site. I do not think i could maintain one.

I am often just blown away by the amount and quality that you pour into this place day after day. It is truly awesome.

14/10/07 9:51 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

The poetry and images work together wonderfully. Very lovely. :-) Sigh.

14/10/07 9:54 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

On the other hand most people who visit my website know me. I meet hundreds of people a year at shows so i'm not sure it is any real issue.

14/10/07 9:55 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

thank you Kadimiros, your words mean a great deal to me.

14/10/07 9:57 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Tseka, I thought about this exactly. Your wobbly node. I don't think you would like a blog at all because of the time pressure. You'd hate it. I'm beginning to think there is something to this theory. I have little problem with this realtime thing. It actually serves as a stimulant so it's no great achievement. Keeping it up to standard is the achievement, but then again, that comes easily in a way. The best thing to do for all of us, I think, is what comes naturally. Effort and struggle come naturally too.

Once your writing is done, maybe you could present it in blog form, but I know it would interfere with your time sense in the creative process. You need timelessness to the max.

14/10/07 10:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think the writing is a lifelong pursuit and will find its audience when everything aligns, especially after the Pluto transits. It take years to get the results in. Saturn square your Mercury coming up would be ideal for writing and organizing your work. And I still say, watch for the time following the Pluto-Aries thing for the aggressiveness needed to push it out there fully.

14/10/07 10:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The wheels are starting to turn and people are feeling like moving ahead after all this inertia. Exciting times ahead.

14/10/07 10:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

When the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction comes at 0 Pluto will be at 4, almost exactly on your Jupiter.

14/10/07 10:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

On the other hand most people who visit my website know me. I meet hundreds of people a year at shows so i'm not sure it is any real issue.

I don't think so. The Wobbly works in that framework perfectly.

Marketing is going to dog us though. We Sadge-types have to face this sooner or later. We all have natural advertising skills and I think after Pluto leaves we will know more about how to proceed. I'd like to share ideas here if possible.

14/10/07 10:09 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

You need timelessness to the max.

It certainly is where i prefer.

I had plenty of deadlines for writing when i was younger. The British system demands a ton of writing!

I think you are right about the wobbly node too.

I went and looked up Erik Satie. An eccentric but i find a pattern in his music that is very grounded to the "retrograde node" i was curious because when i thought of him i was not sure. Retro node he made me consider your initial thoughts about the direct node.

Somehow i think the direct node we wobbly ones need a grounding with the retro node type but not just any one will do. It isn't about eccentricity but a special marriage of energies perhaps.

14/10/07 10:09 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Marketing is going to dog us though. We Sadge-types have to face this sooner or later. We all have natural advertising skills and I think after Pluto leaves we will know more about how to proceed. I'd like to share ideas here if possible.

My ears are open, listening. I'm pathetically clueless about what people want. I paint and if they like it -gads i'm so happy and that i can make enough to live on zowie what a life. Even if i have to fix my own washer and repair my own roof. maybe i'd do it even if i had a lot of money.

14/10/07 10:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG! Erik Satie retro. I don't think eccentricity is connected, more direction and patterning.

Somehow i think the direct node we wobbly ones need a grounding with the retro node type but not just any one will do. It isn't about eccentricity but a special marriage of energies perhaps.

Not even grounding. Just one foot in front of the other, 1-2-3 type of thing. Special marriage of energies, yes. Maybe someone to take care of those parts of the system you aren't attuned to. It's so simple and clear with this node motion. Motion it is, simply. Maybe to prevent dizziness in the direct node who lives in a retro world.

14/10/07 10:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Could the direct node be ahead of the game?

14/10/07 10:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm pathetically clueless about what people want

This is a great start. Everyone's clueless unless it's sex and violence. We know full well that sells immediately.

M once said, "they're like dogs. They'll eat anything you put in front of them. (I always resented the fact that he could say these things and still be loved!)

But it's true. They'll buy anything and this entreprenurial country is the best at the game. So it doesn't matter what we think they want. Not at all. It us telling them this is good and I'll give you a great deal. Then you create the desire and keep them wanting more. This is where confidence in our product comes in and the enthusiasm that convinces them. What they think they want is last on the list. They want everything.

14/10/07 10:25 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Could the direct node be ahead of the game?
This was my original thought. Just because of the pattern of it. The nodes go reverse through the sign our future is going into our past. yet every so often someone is born who has retraced this moment before birth. They are born already having the next within their chip so to speak.

14/10/07 10:26 PM  
Blogger jm said...

They smell doubt. I once sold a piece of fabric to a customer, that she had no need for and didn't want, through sheer enthusiasm. I felt terrible but I learned the strength of persuasion and knew that I had it. I never did that again it was so disturbing, but now I think I can use the skill wisely.

She was happy when she left with the small piece so maybe it was OK! I was shocked at how easy it was. And I've wondered all along why I didn't apply this to my own work. I never felt ready. But ready is no longer an option.

Are we proud to represent our work? Is it a great product, one of a kind? Is satisfaction guaranteed?

Maybe that's why the image on the front page. I'm here to sell this to you.

14/10/07 10:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'd make a great used car salesman.

14/10/07 10:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Then maybe that's why us retros need you directs. For future direction.

14/10/07 10:36 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Hahahaha the sales tips from JM all true and have me laughing like silly.

I have lots of passion to work but relatively little to market /sell. I simply do not enjoy going out into the public. i like people ok and i like hearing their stories, sharing once i get there.

Today painting my shed i heard a sharp metallic sound like a trash can rolling down the alley. I set down the brush trying to place the noise- overhead. Two ravens my sweetheart's kids from last year were playing games with me. Somehow they were circling and cutting the air just right to magnify their wing flapping. I was thunderstruck.
They dissolved into happy caws once they saw they "got" me. ( better than the usual game of shitting on my truck) Still this is the reason that i have so much trouble getting myself out into the sales arena. A colisseum with the lions. M might be right, they may be dogs....

I do prefer this timeless peace.

14/10/07 10:37 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm also beginning to think that maybe the wobblys are less concerned with the future. You go back and forth all the time without a lot of anxiety. Maybe you don't have to worry about marketing. You've done well. Just do what you're doing. Me, on the other hand, I'm concerned with my direct unknowing of the future. You've certainly done better than I in sales with your wobbly approach.

14/10/07 10:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

M was a wobbly and he didn't care about the future and success. Other priorities.

14/10/07 10:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I mean my retro unknowing.

How 'bout this? maybe the wobbly can let the future come to her, whereas the retro has to follow it.

14/10/07 10:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Even if i have to fix my own washer and repair my own roof. maybe i'd do it even if i had a lot of money.

Do you want a lot of money? Or more?

14/10/07 10:49 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

hmmm stuff to think about George Bush sure does not seem to worry about the future.
Does Al Gore?
He did not put up much challenge for a stolen election.

Dalai Lama?

Eleanor Roosevelt?
All of these people are integral to forming the future but were they personally concerned. A good question JM

In my family with four wobblys i don't think there was/ is too much concern what did Kadimiros say earlier?

"I don't worry about doom-and-gloom prognostications. Whatever happens, we'll deal with it. We'll be where we're supposed to be. It's good if people pay attention."

14/10/07 10:52 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

How 'bout this? maybe the wobbly can let the future come to her, whereas the retro has to follow it.

ooooo good definition of the pattern.
As is said in physics the correct answer is usually simple and elegant.

14/10/07 10:55 PM  
Blogger jm said...

No. George does not worry about the future. I think we're onto something.

Wanna have some fun Wise 1?

Tuesday is the start of the exact Saturn in Virgo conjunction with the SN at 5. Friday it goes direct. monday it goes back to retro. At the end of the week, Saturn leaves. Shall we track it?

Next weekend wobbly.

14/10/07 10:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I really do think this is interesting and I think we've hit upon the essential tonight. my siblings are wobblys and they have no long range goals like I do. They worry about the present. The present is gone as far as I'm concerned.

14/10/07 11:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Speaking of elections, what's Kerry?

14/10/07 11:03 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Do i want money?
To be honest i rarely think of money except for the inconvenience of having to take care of things. budgets bills etc. There has been scarcity most of my life but always it has worked out OK.

I'm not too materialistic. I grew up poor. Around me was much greater poverty. The real deal in white man's view but not as my neighbors would measure it. Shacks with tarpaper flappin' in the wind - it looked pretty meagre but the real wealth was the salmon in the bay and the wild berries, great cedars. I still feel this way. It is very, very hard for me to spend too much time outside wild places. (even if i do complain about the frikkin rats)

14/10/07 11:03 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

yes, indeed fellow ONE we shall track it.

14/10/07 11:06 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Kerry - Nope

14/10/07 11:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Kerry's retro.

I'll personally scare those rats away when I come. I don't like'em. I'm a Chinese Rat so I'm hip to their tricks. Worry not. I'm not good at death, so if that's necessary we'll have to call in an expert.

Yes, track it we will.

14/10/07 11:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

One thing kerry used to say all the time is "Now is the time", as if he really was worried about the future. Intersting. He still says that often.

14/10/07 11:12 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Nor his wife Teresa Heinz

14/10/07 11:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Wildness has its minuses. I've never been tamed by anyone and now I'm having to do it myself and it's painful. I'll tell you as we go. The Pluto transit is bringng in control of my wild streak and I'm fighting like a stallion, because I know this time I'm going to lose. Already have. I know what you mean exactly about the wilds.

14/10/07 11:17 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I bought some metal with adhesive on one side that is used for wrapping ducts.

I'm going to buy new parts and wrap them in metal before i reassemble maybe add a layer of roofing flashing too. Let those little buggers sink their teeth into that!

Well i'm not too confident.

I am not at all good on death either.
I'm the gal with the broom rescuing her stupid cat (not Zamma) from the rattle snakes in the garden. Other people just pick up the shovel and dispatch with a nice slice - me i'd flinch and take off my toe.

14/10/07 11:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

They were actually in the vanguard of the environmentalist movement. They met at a conference. Very concerned about the future. Al is less so, I think. He's doing something else within the framework. He gave up his political future rather easily. Kerry never will.

14/10/07 11:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I can't kill the devilish beasts around. But I know you're going to win this one with the rats. They're pulling for you. The Mighty Mouse, herself!

Once an insect the size of a hot dog flew into our apartment. M yelled at it and scared it so completely that it made a bee line immediately out of the sliding glass door. I said to myself, "What power. That's the way to deal with an invader".

Wish I could do it!

14/10/07 11:26 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Once M was playing in the yard as a child near the woodpile. A snake appeared and out came his mother with a shotgun. Killed it dead.

14/10/07 11:29 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Well this little 1 is heading off to bed. I've got doors to finish for the shed tomorrow.

Glorious weather. If it holds i'll get the peeling eaves painted.

Interesting about the letting future come or going to it.

I know for sure with my son, my brother and myself - possibly my grandfar that all of us have a concept of no time. We remember outside time and often the future and past are interchangeable for us. Doubtful that would be universal to the direct wobbly but maybe it assists us, somehow makes it easier for us to grasp and bring into our mundane reality

14/10/07 11:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think we should pursue this theory.

Good night St. B. Have a productive day tomorrow. I'm taking the car into the shop. Always do when Merc is retro.

Tomorrow.... That's not too far into the future!

14/10/07 11:46 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Different thought
Looking at the wobbly node at least in my family we who have this aspect live more in our Suns than our moons.

We all have strong and deep emotions and finely tuned senses but we are not emotionally reactive.

Your comment about people are ready to be sold sparked this direction of thought. This seems to be some aspect of how we use our moon in today's society where we respond emotionally to things. Maybe this also goes along with your theory of the dominance of the feminine energy.

Does the Node direct act as a mini eclipse? Does this allow the sun to be used more creatively?

The emotionalism i'm speaking of is of course the one you speak of here so often; the victim, the neediness.
I will think about this as i work today.

15/10/07 8:00 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Apropos of the Klee image heading this thread...

It was recently reported that the world's oldest wall painting discovered resembles Klee's work.

15/10/07 9:55 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Does the Node direct act as a mini eclipse? Does this allow the sun to be used more creatively?

The emotionalism i'm speaking of is of course the one you speak of here so often; the victim, the neediness.
I will think about this as i work today.

I will think about this too. It's an interesting thought since most play the victim role. A different use of the feminine makes sense. I think as we think we can factor in the fact that when the node and sun are in the same sign the moon is direct more often.

15/10/07 12:55 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Kadimiros, this is utterly fascinating. Thank you so very much. Can you believe the timing? How he poppoed into RU just when he did. I've been studying his work and didn't know exactly why. I was picking something up from it, connected to mythology and spirituality, and now I'm even more interested. Wow.

He had a Moon-Jupiter conjunction in Pisces, if I remember correctly. Back to the charts. Jeeeze.

15/10/07 1:03 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Wow 9,000 years BC. What an amazing discovery.

Paul Klee is one of my faves. I adore his work. He cuts right to the essence.

I am really fascinated by this find. I wonder if more things will surface now from this long ago culture somehow defining the endpoint of a long cycle ~ 12500 years.

15/10/07 1:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is amazing. There must be universal themes in the human psyche and the artist is appointed to articulate them. This could be part of why they are thought of as eccentric. They live in a warp of some sort. Scientists too?

It ties into the wobbly node (I'm sure he was one) and timelessness. He suffered a great deal but didn't seem bothered by it. The whimsy I was talking about was one of his trademarks in the face of suffering. Oh this is interesting.

I feel his presence now. speaking of his timelessness. The whimsy. Is he delivering a message as the Pisces NN finishes up? Where are the universal themes indicated in astrology?

What do you think of this?

Are the themes remembered specificlly important? Are we here basically to decode and translate? Is there nothing new? I am blown away by this.
Are shapes and colors more of a language than we know? Omg. I'm so glad I have you as friends.

It encourages trust and confidence, this information. The continuity, the threads, the woven fabric of human history. The threads of Blogland.

15/10/07 1:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm trying to control my tendency toward over-excitation but now I've got the G bumps.

Btw, I almost posted another on of his. A pyramid in multicolors.

15/10/07 1:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Tseka!! This is unfrikkingcredible!!

15/10/07 1:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

wonder if more things will surface now from this long ago culture somehow defining the endpoint of a long cycle ~ 12500 years.

Cycles are written in stone. Look at the seasons. I was thinking about this watching the autumn arrive. Now I'm back to this 29 Pisces and extrasensory opening.

15/10/07 1:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Maybe our coming together here has more significance than we thought. As collective receptors. Omg.

15/10/07 1:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

11,5000 years is half of the precession of the equinox cycle, also connected to global warming as I've mentioned before.

Is the earth warming now to teach us? Did the Jupiter-Uranus square deliver a revved up message in a bottle? Something's got me looking forward to the conjunction and the Aries ingress and I don't know exactly why, other than I'm an Aries rising.:-)

Are some humans like lightning rods meant to pick up the messages and deliver, letting humanity decipher over time?

15/10/07 1:49 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

What do i think?
Paul Klee 18 December 1879
a wobbly node. Very unusual the direct then retrgrade then direct and retrograge- it required two cycles before it returned to the station.
No wait it was THREE cycles before returning to its station. One right after the other over several days in Aquarius.

AND his Sun is in the GC where Pluto is now!
plus sag moon and mars.

boy this would be interesting for a keen astrologer like you to look at more closely jm.

15/10/07 1:50 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"I've been studying his work and didn't know exactly why. I was picking something up from it, connected to mythology and spirituality, and now I'm even more interested. Wow."

What a shock of recognition!

Here's another version of the photo with stronger color.

15/10/07 1:54 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Cycles are written in stone. Look at the seasons. I was thinking about this watching the autumn arrive. Now I'm back to this 29 Pisces and extrasensory opening.
They literally are.
This is what i have discovered with my researches into the stone dances the standing stones that are all over scandinavia -including above the arctic circle. (which was once a moderate climate)
And the sagas tell the tale. Not just that but the namnsdags are the story of the energy portals.

This is the stuff i've been allowing to fill up my brain that is looking for a way into written form.

And i do believe that energies are directed to join for specific purposes. The comos is a living thing. We are just infants learning a language but it is repeated in patterns everywhere.

15/10/07 1:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I just was!!!! Looking, that is.

You might want to fasten your seat belts.

Jupiter at 6 Pisces, just where Saturn in conjuncting the node. Moon at 2. Uranus at 9 Virgo. Venus at 10 Scorpio, where Mercury is retro now.

15/10/07 1:58 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

seems quite sophisticated does it not?

15/10/07 1:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Holy!!! There are other paintings of his that look EXACTLY like this. Will post.

This is the stuff i've been allowing to fill up my brain that is looking for a way into written form.

I think this is part of the unfolding as the writing is just about to manifest. It had to wait and gel.

15/10/07 2:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

He had Saturn in Aries exactly inconjunct Uranus at 9 Virgo. Yod with Merc at 10 Scorp. I'm doing more on the inconjunct. I have a feeling.

15/10/07 2:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And i do believe that energies are directed to join for specific purposes. The comos is a living thing. We are just infants learning a language but it is repeated in patterns everywhere.

I'm going to take a closer astrolook at the connecting threads among us. There is a reason. I am really excited.

15/10/07 2:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Part of Paul's message with his Sagittarius in the GC is for us not to worry, not to be afraid. We are part of a larger thing and we are safe. I know this. The connecting cord.

15/10/07 2:07 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

How curious, Egon Schiele, another of my favorite artists also has this triple wobble - in gemini
12 June 1890.
These were very hard years. Short brilliant lives ended by war and Tuberculosis.

15/10/07 2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, speaking of cycles in stone, Tseka, I may have forgotten to tell you this... when I went up north in September, I visited
the Big Bog,
and was astounded to learn that it has similarities to the bogs in Ireland. This made me think of you but I forgot about it until now. Anyway, in fact, the entire northern hemisphere's boglands and peatlands appear to be one organism when viewed from space. Of course, they have been fragmented and damaged by human activity, but they're still there.

Here are a few photos I took of my visit. I plan to return someday.




The white people's failed drainage ditch

Moss on a tamarack pine


Boardwalk over the bog

15/10/07 2:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Btw, the Moon is in Sagittarius today.

15/10/07 2:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

How curious, Egon Schiele, another of my favorite artists also has this triple wobble - in gemini
12 June 1890.
These were very hard years.


15/10/07 2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot the Tree People photo.


15/10/07 2:13 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Gotta go slap more paint on the eaves and glue up some panels for a door i'm building. If i stay in the seat for a second longer i'll never leave.

Anticipating more later.

15/10/07 2:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Joe. Jesus god.

Is the earth awakening?

15/10/07 2:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

You're slap happy!!!!

15/10/07 2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It may well be awakening. Hope Tseka sees these before she disappears.

15/10/07 2:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

His 26 Sag Sun is just ridiculously perfect. Man, alive.

15/10/07 2:20 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Are some humans like lightning rods meant to pick up the messages and deliver, letting humanity decipher over time?"


15/10/07 2:22 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"His 26 Sag Sun is just ridiculously perfect. Man, alive."

There's tremendous creativity in his chart.

15/10/07 2:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes there is. Tremendous creativity in humankind. It's almost as if we are all a living painting. We're within, so the violence and all the hardship often can't be perceived in the whole of the work. One color slapped against another to create beauty.

15/10/07 2:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is a stunning revelation. As you recall, the first post was Klee's Mask of Fear
No! wait a minute. The very first was posted at Jazzrap. Refuge

15/10/07 2:34 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Great images of the bog Joe.
reminds me of parts of Washington and British Columbia and my Island there which has about 19 acres in bog and lake, complete with a white man's drainage ditch!

There have been some mighty interesting archaeological finds in bogs.
Bogs are a unique earth form like oceans they float and communicate with hard soils and water so completely differently.

PS they can swallow up a DC Cat pretty fast heheh more whiteman drainage ditch lessons. Fortunately not mine.

15/10/07 4:01 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Part of Paul's message with his Sagittarius in the GC is for us not to worry, not to be afraid. We are part of a larger thing and we are safe. I know this. The connecting cord."

A profound man there. I'm reviewing some of his quotations. I remember how one teacher loved to tell her students some of his whimsical definitions. "A line is a dot that went for a walk." "A drawing is simply a line going for a walk." However, they neglected to tell us the other things he had written.

Here's a few more. It's as if the echoes of the key notes he sounded in our world can still reach us through his works and his words.

One eye sees, the other feels.

In the final analysis, a drawing simply is no longer a drawing, no matter how self-sufficient its execution may be. It is a symbol, and the more profoundly the imaginary lines of projection meet higher dimensions, the better.

One does not lash hat lies at a distance. The foibles that we ridicule must at least be a little bit our own. Only then will the work be a part of our own flesh. The garden must be weeded.

The art of mastering life is the prerequisite for all further forms of expression, whether they are paintings, sculptures, tragedies, or musical compositions.

Some will not recognize the truthfulness of my mirror. Let them remember that I am not here to reflect the surface... but must penetrate inside. My mirror probes down to the heart. I write words on the forehead and around the corners of the mouth. My human faces are truer than the real ones.

I have a clear view of 12 years of history of my inner self. First the cramped self, that self with big blinkers, then the disappearance of the blinkers and the self, now gradually the reemergence of a self without blinkers.

To achieve vital harmony in a picture it must be constructed out of parts in themselves incomplete, brought into harmony only at the last stroke.

Standing at his appointed place, at the trunk of the tree, he does nothing other than gather and pass on what comes to him from the depths. And the beauty at the crown is not his own. He is merely a channel.

15/10/07 8:47 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Thanks for this expansion on Klee, Kadimiros.
I love all the quotes but especially the last.

15/10/07 9:30 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The art of mastering life is the prerequisite for all further forms of expression, whether they are paintings, sculptures, tragedies, or musical compositions.


15/10/07 9:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

He's here. This message just rung a huge bell.

What an experience.

15/10/07 9:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Klee speaking about his friend Franz Marc:

Marc is more human, he loves more warmly...there is something of the Faust in him, a need to be saved. Always asking questions, but lacking the quiet assurnce of faith ... he has the feminine trait of wanting to share his treasures with everyone. The fact that not everyone followed him filled him with misgivings about his path>

There is something to this 26 Sag.

15/10/07 9:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I don't love animals and every sort of creature with an earthly warmth. I don't descend to them or raise them to myself (like Marc) ... the earth-idea gives ways to the world-idea...everything Faustian is alien to me. I place myself at a remote starting point of creation, whence I state a priori formulas for men, beasts, plants, stones, and the elements, and for all whirling forces ...

I'm honored to be selected by him right now.


15/10/07 9:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Evil should not be an enemy which triumphs or confounds, but rather a force which converges in the realization of Everything. A factor which which intervenes in generation and development. A simultaneity of the masculine principle (evil, stimulating, passionate) and the feminine (good, growing patient), like a statement of ethical stability.

Omg. Good and evil. Ethical stability.

15/10/07 10:02 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is AMAZING. The philosophy of Sagittarius. Thank you Paul.
Death? No wonder he wasn't afraid of his.

15/10/07 10:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

A visitor to his studio.

One would have said it's an alchemist's laboratory. In the middle several easels and a stool. Klee worked simultaneously on several paintings...he spoke with perfect simplicity; he had to do a certain thing, he said, in such a way that the birds would sing.

15/10/07 10:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

My dear friends. You are wonderful. Exceptional. I can't express the full extent of my thanks. I've never experienced a group activity quite like this in my beloved Realtime. So full of grace. Something's up.

15/10/07 11:21 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"I love all the quotes but especially the last."

That one struck me, too.

I was also intrigued the one about the two eyes, and the one about the vital harmony's completion in the last stroke.

16/10/07 7:50 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"The philosophy of Sagittarius."

Oh, one can go on and on with his observations. The man was gifted and trained in music, and he wrote extensively his observations as he studied the arts.

A few more quotes demonstrate the scope:

To emphasize only the beautiful seems to me to be like a mathematical system that only concerns itself with positive numbers.

Each energy calls for its complementary energy to achieve self-contained stability based on the play of energies.

Genius is the error in the system.

He has found his style, when he cannot do otherwise.

I like that his pictures are said to be difficult to classify, although associated with several art movements.

16/10/07 7:51 AM  
Blogger jm said...


To emphasize only the beautiful seems to me to be like a mathematical system that only concerns itself with positive numbers..

Genius is the error in the system.

The tangent. The quirk. Uranus. The mistake that pushes evolution.

He has found his style, when he cannot do otherwise


16/10/07 2:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes. The two eyes.

16/10/07 3:01 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

lordy is all i can echo

16/10/07 4:44 PM  

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