Thursday, October 18, 2007

Family and Government

Mars is transiting Cancer in preparation for the Pluto ingress into Capricorn. Thoughts of home and the world are surfacing in the collective (un)consciousness. And no one will be more influenced than the United States with 4 planets in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. The supporting beam of the astrological chart is the Cancer 4th house (home) and the Capricorn 10th house (world). It appears to me that healthy management of the family translates to good government in society.
The tribal family unit developed for protective purposes and as the agrarian lifestyle evolved and people settled into larger communities, governments were created to protect this extended familial organization. It seems that the smaller family units these days are terribly dissatisfied with the larger "protective" entity and in the US, for the last several years, defense against evil invaders had been spoken of frequently. There is even some confusion as to whether or not they actually exist.
It's very interesting. The evolution of the outer forms of government probably parallels reconfiguration within individual consciousnes
People tend to hate and fear their governments partly for this reason ... the mirror they provide. Realistically, they serve an important function in this capacity, so humans can see who they are, where they stand, and how they can affect their future development. The well-being of the family is first if people want healthy governments, and the Cancer-Capricorn opposition is an opportunity to make this connection. Personal nourishment and the nurturing of society.
We witnessed this lack of unity just recently when the veto of child health care struck such a wild nerve. While it's acceptable to murder someone else's children in a foreign land, it's horrifying to think of neglecting our own. It's interesting to note that this event occurred just as Mars was crossing the USA Cancer planets. As the Aquarian influence comes in and the USA Moon is involved, I presume some strides could be made in the direction of recognizing the commonality of all human families and the aggregation that adds up to the whole. Some theorize that the separation was designed exactly for this purpose; to ultimately re-unite the whole.
As the extended family develops perhaps an influence on the outer governments will be effected eventually. This appears to be the time to make a step in that direction as Pluto enters Capricorn, Mars transits Cancer, the north node of the Moon enters Aquarius, the mutual reception of Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius continues, the Saturn-Uranus opposition comes, Uranus squares Pluto and transits the USA 4th house, and Pluto returns to the USA Pluto on the way to Aquarius. Will society see an improvement in government? Individuals first.


Blogger Tseka said...

Will society see an improvement in government? Individuals first.

It seems that some will always inspire, find followers.

I note the today Chris Dodd made public his decision to put a hold on FISA. First it is quite interesting as these holds are kept secret and second he risks a lot to do this.

Chris Dodd has a multi-wobbly node (like Klee) final degree Cancer.

He had Saturn at 26 Gem 53 right opposite Pluto.

Mars conjunct moon.

27 May 1944

His father was a lawyer at Nurnberg. Family and government.

*I am watching this weekend as you suggest.

18/10/07 10:54 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I noticed that tseka, on Dodd. Interesting.

Your timing is perfect. I was just listening to some radio talk about the situation. These sats on Dodd are amazing. The Saturn. I got the bumps from the Nuremburg thing. You nailed it. "Family and government". I'm going to look at his chart. Interesting on the node. Something is up which I haven't fully figured out yet. The week-end watch is a good idea.

I also think the S-CHIP vote is part of this as an awakening.

I can't quite put my finger on it so a few more events will have to unfold. The non-secret part is extra interesting with Merc retro in Scorpio.

18/10/07 11:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I've been processing the Klee visit and I'm thinking that there has been a call of some sort to use our knowledge, follow the events, and express out interpretations.

18/10/07 11:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I get the feeling of moving concentrically out of the personal realm somewhat as we go into Capricorn. Dodd's node with the Mars in Cancer is very interesting. There is a very protective feel to his action but we have to follow through and keep our thoughts focused and aligned. I think a large part of the progression now is entirely in the mental realm, in a new way, which is confusing people.

"sats" was supposed to be "stats"! Hard one to translate, there.

18/10/07 11:12 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Benazir Bhutto also returned home to hundreds of thousands of cheering people and to deadly violence.

Bhutto is another wobbly node 3aqu 50
Her sun final degree Gem.

So, once again the pluto factor.
Interestingly she has a 9cap asc.

21 June 1953

18/10/07 11:16 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The retro merc struck me too. A little sunshine for our government to disinfect it?

18/10/07 11:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm getting something. It's getting more bumpy.

Yes. Bhutto.

A flash!!
Nuremburg. 26. Fisa-fascism.
Klee. 26. Persecuted under Nazis.

Dodd's Moon-Mars is on the USA NN.

18/10/07 11:21 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Here is the trippy goosebumpy thing i felt when i first stated looking:

Dood and Guiliani are born only hours apart on 27th and 28th. These two men share nearly exact set-ups yet look at how they use them.
Family matters.

When i saw this i felt that if they were running one against the other in the contest for president we would have a real choice between HOW we wish to use a particular energy. As if the universe say here it is folks. Now you decide all things equal.

18/10/07 11:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

A little sunshine for our government to disinfect it?


Bhutto's Mars is in Cancer. TMars just passed. Return to homeland. Her Mars is inconjunct the Aquarius node.

18/10/07 11:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Mars in Cancer. Violence at home.

18/10/07 11:26 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

jeez i have poor typing ability tonight, do your best....your st.B shoulda been in bed an hour ago...

18/10/07 11:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Bhutto. Saturn square Uranus. NN in Aquarius.

18/10/07 11:28 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ja i picked up on Mars cancer and for Dodd Mars|Moon.
Wish i knew birth time for Dodd.

18/10/07 11:28 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Mars is going rx on her Mars and then back to her Sun.

18/10/07 11:30 PM  
Blogger jm said...

we would have a real choice between HOW we wish to use a particular energy. As if the universe say here it is folks. Now you decide all things equal.

This is always happening. I do feel there is a slight uptick in awareness now, especially with the public against the government in a new way. this is not about war protests or anything specific as in the past, but a generalized sense of alienation from the source. This is a start. The source is missing both in the people and their government. They are realizing they have to look elsewhere.

My St.B is allowed to mispell everything!!!! Look who's reading it!

18/10/07 11:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Tseka, I had a major insight today into the last few years. Will discuss. Related to Pluto opposite my 28 Uranus and on your 28 Sun.

18/10/07 11:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

That 29 Gemini is it. This is mucho exciting. That's where the NN is at 29 Aquarius and Pluto is at 29. Omg! Look at it!

18/10/07 11:37 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This Bhutto thing is very very interesting. This is my impression. There is so much confusion in the government right now it's unfathomable. They are trying not to reveal it. Lot's of old plans have exploded and disintegrated and nothing has come yet to replace it. The fascist take-over is finito. Hitler they aren't. It ain't easy as they discovered, especially with a Moon and SN in Aquarius. What's really something is Bhutto's NN in Aquarius soon to get the return.
Edwards has a NN in Aquarius.

18/10/07 11:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm beginning to get it. The South Node in Aquarius. Only complete cretinous idiots would try to take freedom from a SN Aquarius. That's like trying to sucker a SN in Scorpio. They tried. Omg. I really do see it. That Jupiter-Uranus square opened the passage.

18/10/07 11:45 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Now you get the aha moment - what we had spoken of before the final degrees and the the nodal alignment.

You and i both think we could have a surprise....
like you it's just on the tip of my consciousness.

The surprise might be the collective.

18/10/07 11:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The surprise might be the collective.

Oh my G in Heaven.

That's why all the 29/zeros. This crossing to Aquarius is gaining more and more momentum. The collective. Pluto opposite my Uranus and I've never cared like this before.

18/10/07 11:50 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

It will be really interesting to watch the current administration's response to Bhutto's return to power.

I have no doubt that she will succeed in a coalition government and the Taliban's days will be numbered (what you say about Hitler and Nazism could be applied here) The people are ready. Can you imaging 150,000 or more people crowding along her route in Karachi?
People are ready for a modern government. How will she succeed without help from US and Europe. It will require new leaders who seek to create peace.

18/10/07 11:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Uranus always brings surprises. Look what just happened with the square. Then the opposition to Saturn. I'm just in the mood for some surprises. The biggest one of all is me being here.

18/10/07 11:54 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

ooooooo neato Ulli-Maki was growling and making himself BIG - the bobcats are back!!! Yea! Nose to nose thorugh the Patio door. Now Zamma is on the scene. She is cool they are known. Tho i do not recognize this guy. Very masculine and muscular orangey.

Sigh, i guess this is why i needed to stay up.

Well, and to chat with you of course.

18/10/07 11:57 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The Bhutto thing has stunned me tonight. Yes, she will win.

People are ready for a modern government. How will she succeed without help from US and Europe. It will require new leaders who seek to create peace.

And all her Libra along with the Israeli guy's Libra. Saturn coming to Libra square Capricorn. Pakistan is considered one of the most important links. Man she's brave.

It's alredy starting to fall into place. Then the painting from Syria. Just a little reminder.

The revolution in the ME is something we've been talking about for some time. They will lead. I am glad. I love her NN. Just in time.

19/10/07 12:01 AM  
Blogger jm said...

The bobcats!!!!!!!

19/10/07 12:03 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Chat with me?? Hell, you can do that anytime. Bhutto and the bobcats returning are the story.

19/10/07 12:04 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Bhutto and the Bobcats. Now that's a song!

19/10/07 12:05 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I love her NN. Just in time.

me too and yes she is brave.
Pluto and Jupiter at the GC seem to say look beyond your self, let go trust.

19/10/07 12:08 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Bhutto and the Bobcats sounds more like a sixties band. hahaha.

Ulli is bass, man can he snarl.
hooboy i do love cats.

19/10/07 12:10 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Btw. The node is turning direct now.

19/10/07 12:10 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Bhutto and the Bobcats sounds more like a sixties band. hahaha.

I though that too!!!!

The bobcats are the sign.

Pluto and Jupiter at the GC seem to say look beyond your self, let go trust.

It's all about trust. Faith. Our visit in the GC this week proved it once again. The looking beyond yourself theme is the one that's got me hooked right now. I expect a lot of this as Pluto comes back to your Sun and all the other shennanigans commence. My Moon joop has always trusted the universe. How can you not?

19/10/07 12:15 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Well it has been an exciting week.
Gore get the Nobel
Dalai Lama get the medal of freedom
Dodd says NO MORE. And puts it all on the line.
Bhutto goes home, and she puts it all on the line.

Thinking about all the courage that has surged up since the 28 Aug eclipse. The monks in Burma.

Here and there people are finding grit - Saturn in Virgo, there must have been something with that Venus retro, did it ask us what do we really value?

19/10/07 12:15 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The node is turning direct now.
Right now? And the bobcats appear?

Earlier my senses were so acute that i was having trouble. For several days my hearing has been beyond exceptional. Weird stuff.

19/10/07 12:18 AM  
Blogger jm said...

The point is ... life holds everything. No matter what misfortune comes to others, a person can have a full great life if they play their cards well. Sure, some get a good hand. But you can lose easily even with that.

One person's fate isn't another's yet we are connected. I think those with a good hand can influence the group well when the time comes.

I think Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the turning point for a long time to come.

19/10/07 12:20 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Earlier my senses were so acute that i was having trouble. For several days my hearing has been beyond exceptional. Weird stuff.

That's the sign of a message coming in. Lots of discomfort. Awakening is like that. I see double sometimes when it happens.

19/10/07 12:22 AM  
Blogger jm said...

yup. The Turning of the Node.

19/10/07 12:23 AM  
Blogger jm said...

The FISA thing is something really. I connect it all with Jupiter-Uranus and a turn in fortune. Jupiter: luck, Uranus: the twist and turn.

19/10/07 12:24 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I often feel queasy and need to just be very still.

I am so fortunate that i have all this silence and freedom.

Well i'm yawing so i guess my time to visit is at an end. Until later.

I do not think i have said thank you recently for all you offer here. Amazing work - really is.

19/10/07 12:26 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Here and there people are finding grit - Saturn in Virgo, there must have been something with that Venus retro, did it ask us what do we really value?

Good thinking. As I've mentioned, the SN leaving Virgo should clear the way for big repairs. We had to take a good look at the breakdown with the SN and Venus retro. Saturn comes to town. The work begins. Trine Pluto shortly.

19/10/07 12:28 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

it just struck me that Gore, Dalai Lama, Dodd and Bhutto all have wobbly nodes and they are all in the forefront. If what we speculate is correct they all offer us a clue of the future unfolding -the future is rushing to them.

19/10/07 12:30 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I do not think i have said thank you recently for all you offer here. Amazing work - really is.

I feel the same about you St.B.

'night, all you wildcats and desert queens.

I'm celebrating the wobble and the nodal return.

19/10/07 12:31 AM  
Blogger jm said...

If what we speculate is correct they all offer us a clue of the future unfolding -the future is rushing to them.

I'm sure of it. Look what happened tonight. The feel. You can't mistake it. There is goodness believe it or not. We're due for some.

19/10/07 12:33 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I often feel queasy and need to just be very still.

LOL! I hear ya, sister. Hooboy, as you say so well. The not-queasy moments are treasured here. All in a day's experience.

Go Bobcats!

19/10/07 12:36 AM  
Blogger Nathan Kibler said...

For several days my hearing has been beyond exceptional.

Very interesting. For the past two days my sense of smell has increased and intensified. It has died down now, but to hear of similar effects in others is inspirational.

19/10/07 9:38 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I wonder if it has anything to do with the Mercury retrograde. Or the scent of change. I'm going to compare your charts.

19/10/07 1:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Smell is connected to hearing and memory. I wonder if sensory sensitivity always changes and increases temporarily to sense direction.

19/10/07 1:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And I also wonder if it's connected to weather. I'm sure it is. Wind, rain, moisture in he air. I mentioned that nerves are our weather vanes, connected to sensory interpretation. So then I wonder if nevousness is connected to increased sensory experience. My eyesight changes with nervous levels, often preceding events.

Mercury is responsible for the transmission and interpretation of sensory input picked up by the Moon. Retrograde in Scorpio could mean an alert to direction, messages from other realms, an awakening of the feeling body, all designed to influence the forward motion when it comes. I'd be interested to see what happens. I think our senses guide us more than we realize. Choosing the millions of places to focus in a second.

19/10/07 2:13 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Nathan, you too?

Jm re acute senses.
Mine have always been so, colours can and often did make me ill, queasy as a kid. Hearing is just very sharp - can hear small birds flying that kind of thing. Mostly i've been able to "shield" myself. This current state of affairs is for me at least a loss of shielding and a constant need to consciously dial down the "noise". It has been noticed creeping in more and more for the past several years but the 28 August eclipse blasted things wide open.

If any of that adds to your research.

For me it's not a complaint so much as an acknowledgment that the interface is a lot thinner. This typically happens for me when the Sun goes over GC every year. I sequester myself for those few days as much as possible.

If i had to make a guess Jupiter is amplifying Pluto | GC. If so wait till December when we will have a slew of planets slipping across the bridge.

19/10/07 4:51 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I'd be very interested if you find other correspondences.

19/10/07 4:51 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Something perhaps related.
Many people have called with reports of old injuries acting up, symptoms that relate to past illnesses. AND simultaneously dreaming of past places and people. I wonder if we are reaching into our past to heal our present?

i'm gimping around from an old broken pelvis and etc that hasn't bothered me in years -it feels like a fresh injury. I am dreaming of my past childhood and early adult- nothing related to the injury and all the dreams are very pleasant memories.

I sense these events may be connected to all the "work" dreams of the last couple of months. Dreamspace offers wonderful opportunity to integrate information.

19/10/07 5:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Mine have always been so, colours can and often did make me ill, queasy as a kid.

Fascinating.Some sensory input is often painful and nauseating for me, in contrast to the exhilaration of others.

Mostly i've been able to "shield" myself. This current state of affairs is for me at least a loss of shielding and a constant need to consciously dial down the "noise". It

I am very very interested in this and would like to investigate. Shielding has always been a big problem for me with my Merc in Cancer square Neptune but recently I decided that it could be a good thing and to leave it be. It's been easier since I found a silent spot to live in.

In assessing the GC contact you also have to look at the ruling Jupiter in Aries. But I think a lot of what's happening now is the Nodal return in Pisces and the reminder of the extrasensory perception that is your ace.

19/10/07 5:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I will look further in a minute. This is one of my favorite subjects.

I wonder if we are reaching into our past to heal our present?

I know we are. Mars in Cancer. Mercury retro in healing Scorpio. And most of all, Pluto in the GC is the ruler of Scorpio so the healing is of a broader magnitude.

I had an amazing dream last night concerning the past. Very broad scope. I'm releasing some old relationships right now and today I took a long walk along the canal which I haven't done in a long time. Memories came flooding and the scent of the air was beautiful. So I conclude that healing is going on in sone exceptional way. It has to be universal. Some of us are more conscious of it.

19/10/07 5:27 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ja, the Nodes i was considering that after i wrote. the eclipse contact seems to suggest nodal activity and saturn on the south right now - Much about the transits now it light up the nodal axis.
So how was your "wobbly day"

19/10/07 5:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I have a great story which I will post as soon as I can related to this.

19/10/07 5:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Remember the Wobbly Weekend now. I feel that the only thing to do is track all the directs for awhile.

My wobbly day??
It was wonderful. I felt like my past met my present today and somehow I feel more prepared for the future. It was a magic walk.

19/10/07 5:30 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

It does seem to be an exceptional moment. I have roses blooming. A yellow by the bedroom door has a faint odor. Not today i stepped outside and was swiftly back to the grassy field near our house that had wild roses. Every inhale brought the deepest peace and as you say a releasing, reconnecting in a new way. Salty tang and desert air in one breath.

And it does seem to be seeping into many.

19/10/07 5:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Saturn on the South is major. Virgo is digestion, breaking down to essentials. Maybe that's happening to you. Getting back to essentials. Release into the Piscean mystical realms. The discomfort of a diver. It's extra important since the NN is in the 1st. We firsts lead with our NN. Hmmmm. I see more research ahead.

We can watch the news and see what emerges in terms of Pisce-Virgo and the wobbly. Today was health care again and water boarding. Interesting that drowning was in the news.

19/10/07 5:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Every inhale brought the deepest peace

That's what I'm experienceing. It was really interesting. On the walk I revisited the sensations that led me to this place and I realized how good my choice was, that I am essentially in the right place now. All over again. The same long silent desert sunset that enticed me. Oh it's beautiful and so spacious.

19/10/07 5:37 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It was really funny. On the way I stopped at the new mechanic's shop I'm considering and his mother was there. She snapped at me but it didn't even bother me. That was hilarious. Now that's calm!

19/10/07 5:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is the last of the NN in Pisces lesson. This week-end. The grand perception of the whole. Most moments are consumed with details that hurt, and now with Saturn on the Virgo SN, the painful details are triggering the Piscean acceptance of life as it is. It's all within each moment and it's all a matter of perception. We can't let another's suffering cripple us. That's not real compassion. We have to live and let live and help when we really can, I think. We owe it to the collective to experience all the joy we're capable of. It's simple addition.

19/10/07 5:44 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes, it is beautiful here at the moment and i am filled with gratitude for such a wonderful spot.

The deep yearning to return to the north, the water and deep greens remains but i know that i must be here for a while, the purpose may be as simple as; if i go to the land i love i will relax too much. And, here i am under the guidance of the bobcats, ravens and ...

19/10/07 5:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is important. If we don't realize that where we are is the right spot for now then when we go to the next one, it won't be right either. I thought I would die in Montana for the longest time (I, too, long to go North), but now I don't think so. Don't have any idea if I'll leave. It doesn't matter anymore.

if i go to the land i love i will relax too much.

Truth in that. Especially with Pluto square Jupiter in Aries next.

19/10/07 5:49 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The deep yearning to return to the north

I have it to, but I think it's symbolic. The place doesn't exist. It's in the netherworlds and we're already there. I would love to know what the yearning symbolizes. I'm attracted to the crisp cold as you are.

19/10/07 5:51 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

We owe it to the collective to experience all the joy we're capable of.

I absolutely agree. Doom and gloom achieve little.
I love the roses, it gives me joy to care for them. Work that is joyful. That must be carried deep into the earth. The rhythm of a simple life seems healing in itself. Going to market i take my cloth bags that my son and i made 20 years ago. I fill them with produce. And i talk to all the farmers. The pleasure re-enforces the desire to avoid the bigbox stores.

On many levels shifting lifestyles is quite easily done. We make our lives too hard, complicated.

19/10/07 5:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

We make our lives too hard, complicated.

One of my crusades. Sometimes I think we also owe it to the collective to stop over-achieving and just look, absorb, and enjoy.

I was thinking about that on my walk when I passed the horses and some grinding agonized truck pulled out kicking up dust. Why all the strain! What are humans all about? Why the focus on suffering? The horses just chomped away.

19/10/07 5:57 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Going to market i take my cloth bags that my son and i made 20 years ago. I fill them with produce.


19/10/07 5:58 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I am a daughter of the North. It seems significant no matter where i live.

It is tuned to an energy.

But it is the water, the tides the smells the deep connection there that pulls me. It is in me. Yesterday i finished a painting of clouds bringing snow to the coast range the vantage point includes a shoreline. Painting the taste of snow and salt. And i can do this in my shorts and barefoot in the desert.. i am free to roam without leaving. I am part of it and it is part of me.

19/10/07 6:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This is also my view. People do violent things to one another for reasons we do not know. Why should we? Sometimes I think we should stop gawking at it all. I passed the usual screaming fire engines, bashed cars, and shrieking sheriffs' cruisers and saw most everybody else going about their business peacefully, stopping to let the tragedy pass. What can we really do?

19/10/07 6:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Painting the taste of snow and salt


And i can do this in my shorts and barefoot in the desert.. i am free to roam without leaving. I am part of it and it is part of me.

I love the desert more and more and I never thought this would happen. The desert invites these realms in the imagination. Isn't the Northern scent all the more beautiful within this context? I've never been a big fan of reality, though. Far more disappointing then my imagined lands, and the desert gives me space and freedom in which to travel like this. The North comes into my songs all the time. Well, everything does.

19/10/07 6:07 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Sometimes I think we also owe it to the collective to stop over-achieving and just look, absorb, and enjoy.

Yes, now that is possible.
But for many years i needed to use my energy to collect a dying wisdom. Homeopathy when i began to study it was nearly lost.

There have been other things i felt were necessary to my future that i have worked very, very hard to attain proficiency in. Now, i can relax.

And because i can relax people find it easier to participate. An unfortunate part of our culture demands experts. Especially in the "far-out" stuff. There comes a point where it is not necessary any longer. How curious that when you stop pushing your credentials and experience people don't need them anymore they just know.

19/10/07 6:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I fell in love with the desert first in Afghanistan. In Pakistan I had one of the most important events in my life way up in the mountains in kafiristan. In India I kept going further North, to Nepal, and up into the Himalayas. But still the North has not been reached on this earth for me, although I do always reside near or in the mountains.

19/10/07 6:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

An unfortunate part of our culture demands experts. Especially in the "far-out" stuff. There comes a point where it is not necessary any longer. How curious that when you stop pushing your credentials and experience people don't need them anymore they just know.

Very very very important to me. The truth. I never pursued the credentials and was bothered by my lack of interest but now it's coming into focus how good a choice that was.

when you stop pushing your credentials and experience people don't need them anymore they just know

I love this statement. Going into the mantra bank.

19/10/07 6:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'll tell you what was a North experience for me. Our visit in the GC this week. That's pretty far up there.

19/10/07 6:16 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

For me it is something about the constellations. The night sky.

It's like a map printed in my mind. I love the night sky here and spend a lot of time with it. Venus awakens me when she rises and other stars and planets i watch progress through my windows.

But somehow it is not the "right" sky. I have no explanation for this but it was seriously unsettling for me for many years.

19/10/07 6:20 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I'll tell you what was a North experience for me. Our visit in the GC this week. That's pretty far up there.

ja it sure is.

19/10/07 6:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

But somehow it is not the "right" sky. I have no explanation for this but it was seriously unsettling for me for many years.

This is fascinating. Is there a right sky? Especially for a Moon and SN in Virgo.

19/10/07 6:26 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Recently in my life I had what could have been the biggest awakening ever. I realized that nothing works. Nothing is really right and the urge to find union with life and experience elude until the end. The underlying dissatisfaction that moves us on. This is why I conclude that the end is where we find it.

19/10/07 6:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

it was seriously unsettling for me for many years.

I think here's the clue. To accept the nervous unsettled reality of living on the earth. That's why the earth change thing has got my attention. Spiritual lessons coming.

19/10/07 6:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think every human is right as is. Our impulses lead us properly to our destinies. We might not like what others do, but I can only assume it's the right thing for them. We might not even like what we ourselves do, but we learn to accept these "mistakes" as we go in many cases.

I think we can forge a good path through the world with a little bit of trust.

19/10/07 6:42 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

I love the desert more and more and I never thought this would happen. The desert invites these realms in the imagination. Isn't the Northern scent all the more beautiful within this context? I've never been a big fan of reality, though. Far more disappointing then my imagined lands, and the desert gives me space and freedom in which to travel like this.

Me too. I love the desert so much. I used to write:

Dreamer dancer desert's dawn, a thousand vistas I'm cast upon. A thousand image here then gone.

19/10/07 9:21 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

Nothing is really right and the urge to find union with life and experience elude until the end.

Nothing works forever, but we hit perfect moments and periods of time. I've had long stretches of bliss in this life.

19/10/07 9:23 PM  
Blogger m.p.k. said...

when you stop pushing your credentials and experience people don't need them anymore they just know

I'm surrounded by credentials all the time in my job, and they don't matter in practice all that much. I've worked with MIT phds, Harvard, Berkeley, and Stanford grads. The whole thing has no mystique with me because I've been saturated. Many people with no credentials, who went to normal schools, are just as capable or even more so. It's especially interesting to me people who were trained in these schools who interview with me. I used to feel like not having the formal schooling was to my detriment. But over the last 6 years I've interviewed so many people who went to school for degrees studying the my adopted field and somehow still don't know the basics. I see it all the time.

I got a taste of the hollowness of credentials discussing physics with a friend of mine who just got his physics phd. He said the field is so fractured. Each specialist is usually so tunneled into an isolated field of knowledge they often know next to nothing of neighboring disciplines. And most aren't trying to bridge these gaps.
I believe we can learn anything we set our minds to, no need for any sort of credential.

19/10/07 9:48 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Beautiful poem mpk.

Interesting that our civilization's birth and problems are centered in the desert. Will some solution be there too?

19/10/07 9:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Credentials are gained through rigid systems, the system itself is unaware of itself. I think this is the problem. The system should breathe and live as much as the humans being processed through it. The end result is the imitation of the machine rather than the machine blending with the human.

I was lucky. my voice teacher knew from the beginning that only a small amount of technical work was necessary to reveal my voice. 6 months into my studies I found it. She ended my studies with her just at the right time, before the joy was gone. But then I was with her, not for a degree or specific career result, but just to learn how to sing. So the system can be used by the person. We're too obedient by nature.

There's a natural pride in titles and credentials. People seem to need these additions. As long as those who don't need them can thrive, it would seem to be fair to me. I have yet to see, since I'm crusading for feel in music, not so much technique. The public likes both, really.

19/10/07 10:07 PM  

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