Friday, November 30, 2007

The Pisces Sagittarius Square

All aspects in the astrological chart are neutral.
Signs want to combine with other signs and through the supposed hard angles is the only way some can accomplish this. The friction can add to the dynamic with good results ultimately, although conflict is generally involved. The North Node and Uranus are in Pisces now, and Jupiter is joining Pluto in Sagittarius. The lessons of the Sagittarius-Pisces square have been here for awhile and soon the planets depart, while the earth gradually moves on to other classroom activities.

Both signs are concerned with human spiritual development but in different ways. The broad outlying universe is sensed for the first time in Sagittarius and the individual starts to establish a relationship with an entity often called god. This figure resembles the human and is responsible for judgement, so morality, ethics, good, and evil are questioned while trying to act in a certain way, and for some, seeking passage at death into a promised paradise as a reward for good deeds.
In Pisces, the outer entity is no longer a recognizable form and the spiritual figure becomes a diffuse universal element, not at all concerned with right and wrong. All judgement is suspended and the individual is faced simply with the results of his actions. Cause and effect.
This dichotomy creates problems in understanding events and circumstance, the person's place in the world, and what one should do, if anything.

The Sagittarian model of religion creates an elaborate system of dos and don'ts, rarely adhered to by mankind so far. Some are clearly logical and conducive to social harmony, but others are completely nonsensical. Punishment is threatened if dicta are not followed. It's wrong to kill others, all religions say, yet sometimes survival says otherwise. Sometimes unconscious drives are motivating behavior and the wrong party is declared innocent. The problem is that one rarely knows the reality of a situation while one is immersed in it, and the moral rules can be arbitrary and even useless in some cases, thus the difficulty in establishing a workable religious order. In Pisces the problem is solved by abandoning the rules altogether and letting the effects of actions teach the way, sometimes with surprising results. Sometimes what appears to be wrong is the only path open at the time to what is right.
It's impossible to know the truth of it all.
And the truth is sought after, fought for, abandoned, reclaimed, feared, loved, desired, and never fully grasped and possessed. How good or bad is anybody or anything? How can anybody really know? Who is the judge? And what do I believe? What do I know? And so what?
Pastoral. Oil on canvas. Rockwell Kent. 1914


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, Pluto through Sag has shown the dangerous limits of our zeal for Truth with a capital T. And its squaring the Node in Pisces has contributed to the profound burnout in humankind today.

But hopefully we are getting to the point of an exhausted curiosity. What if we could let the Universe/God speak through heterogeneity? What if Truth really needs diversity for its revelation?

Nothing new in any of this, but it's extraordinary how much blood has to be spilled for us to 'remember' such things.

30/11/07 7:33 AM  
Blogger jm said...

What if we could let the Universe/God speak through heterogeneity? What if Truth really needs diversity for its revelation?

I've heard this theory and I think it's a good one. Some say the diversity and even the extent of the conflict and bloodshed are part of the process of re-unification.

It's interesting. As long as there are people like you who see, feel, and care the evolution is assured. It's hard to see progress because blood screams so and gets the attention, but the gentle aspect of humanity keeps thriving nonetheless. I'm working with some acceptance of the place we're in now; developing some of the Piscean non-judgement, since I have so much truth-slinging Sag in me, and if you step back and observe it, we really have improved, if only slightly. I stress the impact of WWII as the turning point.

But hopefully we are getting to the point of an exhausted curiosity.

I like this. Our brains have to change, but I'm sure they will.

30/11/07 2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Consider that the world could so easily be monochromatic in so many senses of the term. The fact that it's a riot of color indicates that the Creator, or the Universe from which everything comes, needs and wants diversity. In fact, diversity is essential for survival. Why else would sexual reproduction have become a successful means of evolution? Sex shuffles the genetic deck, as I've heard it phrased.

30/11/07 3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also I think that the overreaction of the Sudan Muslims over the teacher who named a toy "Mohammed" is related to Pluto passing the extremity of Sagittarius, "extremity" in this case meaning the very edge of, or last of, something.

A goddamn teddy-bear, of all things. Sheesh. Religionists!

30/11/07 3:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The fact that it's a riot of color

Well put. It's all experimentation. What color goes with another. We'll figure it out.

diversity is essential for survival.

And it's the aberration that gets the prize. :o)

Sex shuffles the genetic deck, as I've heard it phrased.

Another good one. I've always counted on the luck of the draw. Some Chinese experts looked at my feet and said I had a good constitution. I don't kill either, so I got lucky. Something's gotta be right here, but there's no press coverage. That's part of why it's right, probably.

30/11/07 3:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Pluto passing the extremity of Sagittarius, "extremity" in this case meaning the very edge of, or last of, something.

Good good point and relates to my 29th degree studies.

The Teddy bear Incident is the whole story in a nutshell. How everything is really covering up something else and the truth of what's happening is not at all what it appears to be.

So religion has nothing to do with god.

Sometimes I think that individual conscience is what is developing but that takes some anarchy to fully emerge and people are terrified of giving up obedience. Almost everyone. I tried to shift from my anarchical position but I find myself drifting back.

30/11/07 3:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

In terms of this development ... it always seems that people have to experience the worst to arrive at the best. The defense of control says that anarchy would create mayhem and a sort of psychosis. But isn't that what we have now? I thought if humans could experience the direct results of their choices then they would modify their behavior from internal desire. But the road to that self determination can be bumpy.

30/11/07 3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A goddamn teddy-bear, of all things. Sheesh. Religionists!
A child's toy and comfort object -- how very lunar/Cancerian. It reminds me of how both Islam and Judaism run on lunar cycles, Islam so much so that the crescent moon is its chosen symbol.

1/12/07 9:23 AM  
Blogger jm said...

You are so right pd. I wonder if it suggests that the comfort of these aging religions is waning as Mars is retrograde in Cancer and the Sagittarius times are ending.

1/12/07 2:51 PM  

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