Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Saturn in Leo

Tomorrow Saturn leaves the exact degree of its return to my natal Saturn in Leo, and it has been exhausting. It literally took my breath away.
This 22nd degree is especially significant since my father died when Uranus opposed it, almost to the minute. The lights in my house performed an astonishing Uranian miracle and I knew my life had just dramatically changed.
If there's one thing I can learn from this King of Beasts with the luminous sun filled eyes that fear no one, it is how to sleep. Eighteen hours a day, is it? I could use a nap
Illustration by Jan Brett


Blogger Diane L said...

It is a weighty passage, no two ways about it. Once Saturn moves on though, it's surprising how quickly the energy returns . . . you'll be back in fine fettle in no time. :-) The combination of the Pluto transit to your Saturn as well as Saturn to Saturn may have contributed to your sense of exhaustion. Sleep well & dream of wonderful, far away places . . .

17/10/06 4:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The real story, neith is the Pluto opposition to Venus. This is the biggest moment of my life, transitwise, and will continue till November. I didn't realize what an impact it would have, but I am participating in this moment fully. It is a chance of a lifetime and of course, I won't know for a while if I have succeeded. So the exhaustion is welcomed as it indicates the extent of the experience and I am fully aware of what needs to be done.

It's all about the nodes.

17/10/06 4:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Today Pluto is at 24/32. The lesson came in like a storm, but I always anticipate these things. In a week it will be exact on my 24/43. Solution reached. In the meantime, Jupiter is coming to the exact square with the Saturn.

The solution to the challenge is the Saturn in Leo, but the deepest issue is the nodal axis.

Jeff Greene has a lot of interesting things to say about Pluto and the nodes. Martin Schulman also does about the ascendant and the nodes. I see some validity in this. I do know that the other placements all come back to this puzzle. I see it it in all charts.

I see it clearly right now in the USA chart with NN in Leo.

17/10/06 4:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

you'll be back in fine fettle in no time. :-)

That's just it. I don't want to go back. It's Pluto. Fine fettle is fine, but this is a magnificent opportunity and I'm willing to pay the price. I can't quite believe that this could really be resolved, so I am on pins and needles in this grand experiment of putting my knowledge to work. Very very interesting as I am dealing with desire and the possibility of self mastery. I see it but can a get it?


17/10/06 4:53 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Did you note that Uranus Rx is currently at 11d Pisces?! I have Martin Schulman's book on the Nodes & consider it essential to understanding them. Plus all the clues you've provided & helped direct attention to our Nodes increasing our understanding.

Drawing on the transformational aspect of Pluto is well within your abilities . . . the SN in Scorpio will provide that info for you. If there is any information you feel I can provide, please ask . . Mercury will be rummaging around in my 12th for awhile. :-)

17/10/06 5:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Thanks neith! I just might. I love REAL experts.

Let me ponder this. It really is an amazing moment and I want to capitalize.

17/10/06 5:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Actually you just did it. The node in Pisces is exactly on my 12th house cusp and this has been part of the decision making too.
Thank you for bringing this to light. It's part of a firm decision I made last night.

17/10/06 5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This reminds me of a question that came to me awhile back... on Astrodienst, is the "Forecast" section of the free horoscopes discussing my transits? or is this a different topic? I ask because your comments on the weight of Saturn reminded me that I seem to get really stuck in the mire and it gets exhausting trying to fight it. The Forecast indicates I have Saturn squaring the Sun if I recall right. Squares are challenges, Saturn is limits, the Sun is the ego? No wonder. *sigh*

OTOH, I met Jan Brett about 15 years ago. She autographed her book The Twelve Days of Christmas which is my favorite illustrated book of all time, I think. Always something new to notice whenever I open the book. And it's all watercolors!

17/10/06 6:15 PM  
Blogger NEO said...

I think it's my turn next, jm. ;-) My first hit comes when Saturn reaches 23 Leo 39.

It's funny, though. I haven't been feeling as "weighed down" as I thought I might be by this point. Maybe the anticipation is worse than the actual event?

On the other hand, I have been spending quite a bit of "quiet time" lately, reflecting on my first 28+ years. I'm having a growing realization that a major chapter of my life is drawing to a close, and a new chapter is already underway.

Some things are ending, and other things are beginning. I guess that's always the case, but it somehow seems more pronounced right now.

It looks like you do have some other, let's say "challenging" aspects mixed in, though, with your Pluto-Venus opposition. That would definitely steal some attention away from Saturn... but then again, if you look at everything in your chart as being interconnected, then it, too, is also part of your Saturn Return, so perhaps it is the true empahsis at the end of your second cycle/beginning of your third?

I'm going to have to read up on the Lunar Nodes. I didn't really begin to take them into consideration until I started lurking about your blog here. ;-)

17/10/06 9:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Joe! Amazing about Jan Brett!

perhaps it is the true empahsis at the end of your second cycle/beginning of your third?

Great thought Neo. Such a good way to look at it.

The South Node is where we all are addicted and it is the hardest one to break. This Pluto transit is my chance although it's usually quite impossible. I'm giving it the old college try.

I had promised to give you all my knowledge of the nodes, and I will. Probably after we settle down electionwise. A change in our government would carry over to a lot of things. Jupiter in sagittarius will be a good time to learn about the nodes. They are magical.

17/10/06 10:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Saturn is limits, the Sun is the ego? No wonder. *sigh*

Saturn is also methodical development, learning. So Saturn/Sun transits can ultimately strengthen the ego if that's what it needs.

17/10/06 10:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And Neo.

Jan Spiller's Astrology For The Soul is a good one.

The late Buz Myers was great on the nodes and maybe there are tapes he made on this. Check out his site. A lot of his tapes are good. Wonderful astrologer.

17/10/06 10:18 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Saturn is also methodical development, learning. So Saturn/Sun transits can ultimately strengthen the ego if that's what it needs.

In the most positive sense, because when we make progress through Saturn's lessons they are the kind that stay with us and give us a real sense of accomplishment. Saturn is not too happy in Gemini because Gemini is about Mercury & dancing around snatching brilliant baubles of info on the fly - and Saturn likes to turn over each piece until it's thoroughly understood. Betty Lundstead suggests tSaturn sq nSun will bring to our attention those areas where we need to mature . . . usually the weak points of the sign involved.

17/10/06 10:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Gemini is about Mercury & dancing around snatching brilliant baubles of info on the fly - and Saturn likes to turn over each piece until it's thoroughly understood.


17/10/06 10:37 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Well, we'll see where it leads.
Act III.

18/10/06 2:40 PM  

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