A Miracle has Occurred.
After a horrible, hideous, horrendous week but a delightful last 24 hours at Raging Uni, I ventured out tonight to see what life had in store for me.
I am euphoric. I just cleaned my pot.
I percolate my one cup of coffee a day in a stainless steel electric pot. For years I cleaned the machine with Dip It, one of the best products known to man. Last year I ran out and searched the entire city, plus the Internet, and couldn't find a place to purchase some more. My dull, stained coffee pot lent an undercurrent of despair to my life for a whole year. This cup of coffee holds extreme importance. I substituted false teeth cleaner but that didn't work as well.
Ace Hardware.....tonight....the cleaning product aisle.....you guessed it! There it was staring at me from the shelf in all its glory. I plucked three boxes and exclaimed with joy to the nearest sales clerk how happy I was to find it, then proceeded to the popcorn wagon in the back of the store to further celebrate.
I am euphoric. I just cleaned my pot.
Why would this great event suddenly happen tonight of all times is my question?
It just occurred to me that this parallels pd's experience just finding his disks after so long. I must have gotten inspired! I knew I could do it!
Beam me in!
Why did this happen now? This is a question for Winston Moonbat!
Winston, if you're lurking out there, come tell JM (and us) what planetary aspects are responsible for giving her a cosmic wind at her back to clean her coffee pot.
(I could have sworn I posted this comment earlier, but either I forgot to hit the "publish" key or Mercury Rx is doing his thing.)
Why did this happen now??
Myrtle Rae left town??"And to hell with the housework! Jm will certainly be delighted! She does listen to me, believe it or not.
Clean coffee pots, an essential to a good cup of brew.
Good idea, Winton Moonbat, we always appreciate some off world wisdom.
BTW Pat, it's likely did post earlier and not have it appear, Blogger has been having problems across the net the past few days, complaints are everywhere.
Main Entry: ser·en·dip·i·ty
Pronunciation: -'di-p&-tE
Function: noun
Etymology: from its possession by the heroes of the Persian fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip
: the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for; also : an instance of this
Ooh, a song. :-)
So are y'all saying that the product name is a play on the word "serendipity"?
Serendipity: to serenade "dip-it".
I love it!!!!!
Clean coffee pots, an essential to a good cup of brew.
I think my life is just about to change!
Hope so JM you just squeaked by the the Hs one more (hostility) and it would have been the hideous 4. Thank god it was all averted in time, you found the dip-it.
Gs Gratitude, gleefull, genuine, name your own story time....
LOL tseka. I'll take the Gs.
It semed to be a little calmer in the world today. Must be the Dip It. Last week the agony out there started to worry me (screeching nonstop sirens, horrible loud rock music, people fighting everywhere, cruel interpersonal games revving up, tragedy written on faces) but I should know by now that the spurts usually settle down to the normal agony in due time.
It's the age old dilemma for me. Should I take the Taoist approach and stay out of it, or brace myself and try to endure it?
Decision soon to be made.
I wonder if anyone knows of a substance I can take to tolerate the world as is.:-)
Now here's a miracle, perhaps granted by the Queen of Heaven herself. After all, it's in her honor.
I'm done. It's done. And it's just gorgeous if I may say so. My hands were shaking as I finished it because I was so afraid of screwing it up. Nerve-wracking in the extreme, but the high afterward is like no other.
The last few steps.
The completed project.
Thank you for allowing me to share this with you. :o)
Joe!!! That is breathtaking! You rock . . . :-) The blue border is what makes it for me - combining the curved element w/the bold geometrics. Totally understand the shaking hands thing. . :-) Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with us.
This is an awesome piece Joe! Beautiful, i especially love the blue band around the egg, really a gorgeous design.
i note that you are offering it to an auction for a worthy cause, you are a marvel, your technique and your heart.
Thank you for sharing this, i've loved seeing the process and progress.
I'm normally not a possessive person or into material things(Aquarius with Pisces Moon), but every time I see one of these, I want to own it.
It's really amazing, Joe. Thanks for sharing.
What an experience joe. Thank you.
The egg.
the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for
Thanks for the compliments. :o) I'm very pleased that it turned out so well, esp. since I had so much trouble deciding the best layout and best colors.
When I'm happy with my work, it makes me want to do another one, but when it doesn't turn out, I get discouraged. So not only is it a lesson in patience and planning, but also in learning not to be such a @#%* perfectionist.
LOL Stay happy, Joe! Thanks for showing us your lovely egg.
but also in learning not to be such a @#%* perfectionist.
How 'bout a *%&$# perfectionist instead.
If you find a cure for this condition please let me know.
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