Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Watch out!

Now that the Sun, Venus, and Mars are in the sign of loving Libra, Cupid is on the loose again. He's armed. Let me remind you that there is a trine to Neptune included.

Please, please, be careful!

 Illustration by Lisbeth Zwerger.


Blogger Diane L said...

EEEK! With Neptune involved we may all turn out to be pumpkins!!!

3/10/06 5:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Dangerous times, neith! Scorpio will be a cakewalk!

3/10/06 5:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I wonder if Neptune will be clouding Cupid's binoculars and he could easily target the wrong person. Double warning!

3/10/06 5:21 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I did a quick count and came up with 16 planets in Libra among us. Triple warning!

3/10/06 5:26 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"EEEK! With Neptune involved we may all turn out to be pumpkins!!!"

Haha! And get smashed? Yikes! Well, at least it'll be season appropriate. Just in time for Samhain.

3/10/06 6:00 PM  
Blogger jm said...


3/10/06 6:05 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

And get smashed? Yikes!

LOL! One or another between the Full Moon this Friday and the New Moon on the 21-22nd, there will be a little something in Libra for everybody! And then we have the Lunations in November . . . that will give us all a whole new look at Scorpio, or else! :-) Thanksgiving may be taking on a whole new level on meaning.

3/10/06 6:08 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Joe is the pagan Celt here and can best do justice to Samhain (pronounced sawen . . .) We are coming up on the end of the Celtic year, and the beginning of their new year.

3/10/06 6:12 PM  
Blogger jm said...


Thanksgiving may be taking on a whole new level of meaning.

We must celebrate and make it our own. I have a feeling there will be cause for this. Considering the aforementioned fires.

So interesting the Libra confluence and then the Scorpio. As the Scorpio nears we can test out our new anti-terror techniqhes.:)

3/10/06 6:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'll celebrate every new year I can! What a great mix here.

3/10/06 6:15 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...


Yeah, Samhain Eve is Halloween. European folklore says that Samhain, or Hallowmas, is when the veil thins between the material world and the realm of spirits. I'm sure joe can explain better.

Time to throw a long spiral peel of apple skin over the left shoulder, and read the initial of a future spouse's name from its form on landing.

3/10/06 6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, Kad and Neith are right. Samhain, pronounced "sow-en" (sow as in the female pig), has its roots in the Irish word for summer, samhradh ("SOW-rah", more or less). Most sources say it means "summer's end," and the month of November in Irish is "Mí na Samhna."

Popular Wicca and modern Witchcraft hold that November 1st was the Celtic New Year, but some sources dispute this, since there is little left from that largely oral culture except what outsiders wrote about them. I think since they probably used a lunar calendar, whatever Full Moon or New Moon that fell closest to that time of year was when the feast was held.

Much of modern Halloween is a mishmash of Christianized pagan ceremonies and beliefs that were carried over the ocean to this continent by Irish emigres. And in Mexico, they have Dia de Los Muertos, another indigenous festival that was overlain with Christian/Catholic veneers.

Unsurprisingly, perhaps, it's my favorite time of year. :o)

3/10/06 7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

[without warning, none needed here!]

Meeting Juno

She is aptly named, our Juno. She has all the qualities that one would expect from a consort of Jupiter; exuberance, enthusiasm,and a laugh that carries you like a swift moving river current into a place of sweetness.
She is beautiful to my eye.

A spark of instant recognition leapt between us as she offered greetings from the "whispering wineglasses" (thank you all for your generous thoughts!) and offered a bouquet of Dahlias held like a torch of fall, blazing colours, reds and golds.

And like her namesake Juno, our friend carries a quiet gravity of one who is wise beyond her years. One who has seen and knows more than most. Yet our Juno has not lost her courage nor her great gift of humor.

I was, am enchanted.

i thank all of you who whispered across space through the magic of whispering wineglasses, where the truth of love is...the whispers are still echoing in my heart.

3/10/06 7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah, tseka, that reminds me of some lyrics from a song I love:

On this rooftop where we're sitting
In the rays of the setting sun
Glasses of wine on a crate between us
Catch the light -- seem to glow from within

And there's a laugh
Hanging in the air
And there's no
Desperation anywhere

So many miles, so many doors
Some need patience, some need force
All fall open in their own due course
To allow us this time

And your limned
In light, golden and thin
Looks to me
Like you're lit up from within

And look how far the light came
Look how far the light came
Look how far the light came
To paint you
This way

And I picture us in this light
Friendship a fine silver web
Stretched across golden smoky haze
And this is simple
And this is grace

And this light
Is a guest from far away
Passing through
The last whisper of day

And look how far the light came
Look how far the light came
Look how far the light came
To paint you
This way

3/10/06 8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Casey every part of this is beautiful. look how far the light came


3/10/06 8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, he's an extraordinary lyricist...and I'm going to be sitting at his table when he plays here next month.

I'm so excited.

Story over at Neith's.

He's another Northern man -- Canadian. Very involved in environmental and peace causes. Writes in images -- I've often thought of painting his songs.

Kind of like your haikus, a bit.

3/10/06 8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another of his songs starts:

"Sunset is an angel weeping...holding out a bloody sword.
And no matter how I squint I cannot make out what it's pointing toward."

I swear there's a painting there.

3/10/06 8:50 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Holy cow, what a goldmine here!

First of all, welcome back, Tseka! I saw you over at my blog and was so thrilled to see you back. Here at JM's, we were enjoying rare reindeer weanies and cloud berries while you were gone. Made me think of you.

Joe may not be the only pagan Celt here :-). I was born on Imbolc, which, like Samhain, is one of the Celtic cross quarter days. Imbolc is the feast day of Brighid or Brigantia, as she was known to the mainland Kelts and some of the British tribes. The root for Brigantia is "high" or "lofty." Ancient Celtic place names with the suffix "briga" were sacred mountain locations. My roots are entirely French, but of course, the ancient Gauls were Kelts, and they called their realm Keltica, which we know from Caesar's famous "Battle for Gaul." Their genocide at his hands was a subject I had once researched for a possible novel.

I consider Brigid as my patron goddess and my guiding spirit. Her feast day, by the way, became Candlemas and the whimsical Groundhog's Day, both of which have to do with the return of the light. She is sometimes associated with bards and weavers (Neith!).

It is entirely logical that the Celts considered Samhain their New Year, because their days also began at sunset, not sunrise. I suspect they looked at it this way because creation comes out of the void. The manifest comes out of the unmanifest. Spring comes out of winter. It's such a different perspective on life and obviates the need for the whole underworld/hell mythology, which they didn't have. They had this world and the "otherworld" -- the manifest and the unmanifest. When you died, you went back to the unmanifest knowing that you'd manifest again shortly! Made for very brave warriors, which Caesar commented on.

And yes, Kad, I've not only heard this notion of the veil between the worlds lifting near Samhain, but I've experienced it several times. As Halloween approaches, I begin having very lucid dreams and sometimes a clear vision about what's ahead. This lasts until about the middle of November. I also get messages from people who are far away. When I was in France, I was having inexplicable dreams that I'm sure had something to do with the people who died on that soil during WWII.

As for Venus trining Neptune, fear not! Neptune is a higher vibration of Venus, and in this configuration, you get physical desire paired with higher, ideal love. Instead of selfish, demanding physical need, there is a real possibility of merging with a love partner body and soul. As it so happens, this aspect peaks on Friday the 13th!

And don't forget Venus and Mars conjoining in steamy Scorpio on October 25. Venus and Mars align only every couple of years, so this is a very special and rare occasion for love. With Jupiter and the Sun in the party, it should be a whopper of a conjugal visit! Oh, and Mercury in Scorpio will be stationary Rx. I suppose that means that some people will have experiences with former flames.

Neith, you'll have to give us a full report on what you experience over the next month, since you are the channel most precisely tuned into this particular signal :-)

3/10/06 9:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Reminds me of a Thoreau quote:

It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.

3/10/06 9:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It is entirely logical that the Celts considered Samhain their New Year, because their days also began at sunset, not sunrise

Exactly my kind of people!

3/10/06 9:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And like her namesake Juno, our friend carries a quiet gravity of one who is wise beyond her years

I get that too, tseka. Glad you said it.

3/10/06 9:34 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.

It's also said that "desperate times call for desperate measures."

So in desperate times, do the wise men leave it up to the stupid idiots to do all the dirty work?

3/10/06 9:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So in desperate times, do the wise men leave it up to the stupid idiots to do all the dirty work?

So far it seems that way.:-)

3/10/06 9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So in desperate times, do the wise men leave it up to the stupid idiots to do all the dirty work?"

hummm, maybe in desperate times the wise invite Discordia to the Republican convention? Then on to....

3/10/06 9:48 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

OMG, you two are too funny! And now I've got to go to bed, and by the time I sleep for 8 hours (hopefully), commute back and forth to work (=3 hours) and put in a 10-hour day (likely), you will have posted three more articles and an additional 89 comments, and this thread will be so yesterday.

Oh well. I'll just have to let sleeping blogs lie . . .

3/10/06 10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat, your experience of the veil growing thin lucid dreaming, entering the still point where past and future merge with the present, at samhain is how i experience the winter solstice. When anything at all passes through the Galactic core it is as if a channel opens. At other times this happens but with less predictablity. I wonder if being born into a cross quarter day sets up a pattern. For myself the equinox and solstices are the most easily accessed power gates.

Something to ponder.

3/10/06 10:22 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

As it so happens, this aspect peaks on Friday the 13th!

Who else but me would have a wedding anniversary on Oct 13th . . . :-) And yes, there is a story there . .

Neith, you'll have to give us a full report on what you experience over the next month, since you are the channel most precisely tuned into this particular signal :-)

"So i noticed" she says in a plaintive little voice . . . :-) This is a wonderful opportunity to observe how the process works. It's possible that the full effect may manifest later since most of the action is taking place in my 12th house . . . and Saturn is involved. Saturn's rewards always require time & commitment before being bestowed . . .always. Now Jupiter & Uranus can bring it on wham, bam, thank you mam! :-)

3/10/06 10:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Lol. Sometimes I think I should stay in yesterday for a second!

The winter solstice is especially thin a veil for me. I once wrote a song about pagan dancers around a fire in the snow on a solstice and I had no knowledge nor interest in this. Just came. I still think about that moment, it was so vivid.

3/10/06 10:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think what we all are going to experience is release and relief. It's a prelude to the Jupiter transit of Sagittarius.

I normally get anxious about a Scorpio conjunction like this, especially since it will be in the worst part of my chart. But this time, I feel differently.

Pluto is ending his journey through Sag and lessons have been learned. There is a new wisdom.

Along with the 12th house, neith is a Mars return and a new cycle. Renewed energy. Scorpio is where we always can regenerate. Never run out.

3/10/06 10:32 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Along with the 12th house, neith is a Mars return and a new cycle. Renewed energy. Scorpio is where we always can regenerate. Never run out.

Yes!! Of Course! Regenerate is the word I was looking for . . . thanks, jm!! :-)

3/10/06 10:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It was so interesting to watch my friend with Mars in Scorpio finally let go of her relationship. I learned a lot about this placement. Hers is a 29, so it is extreme.

But she waited until she was COMPLETELY ready, so she could go to freedom unencumbered having seen it to the very end, no doubts. And she is not in doubt now. Nothing could make her abort the process as painful as the wait was. Now she is experiencing the reward.

3/10/06 10:48 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

But she waited until she was COMPLETELY ready, so she could go to freedom unencumbered having seen it to the very end, no doubts. And she is not in doubt now. Nothing could make her abort the process as painful as the wait was. Now she is experiencing the reward.

That is so similar to my style of working through something it's uncanny. We will see what Casey's input on this is, as she has Mars in Scorpio too. Astrology comes through one more time!! tah dah!!

3/10/06 11:06 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I love it neith!
We definitely have wandered into a goldmine on the nonlinear path you mentioned.

4/10/06 4:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, my relationship ended last October and it was a complete sudden amputation. So most definitely some kind of Uranus thing. Which was what the relationship was anyway -- 7-1/2 years. And I always FELT it in the 3rd eye -- I always felt that I had OMG written on my forehead.

Astrodienst has promised three great weeks at the end of October into November. My Scorpio planets are 18 and 23 degrees. And I'm thinking it's already starting to happen, considering yesterday's events.

I am feeling clear-eyed and extra energetic at the moment. And not stressed about anything. Though we have to have some planets crossing my natal Libra Sat & Neptune soon.

Now if they would just find some work for me now -- I'm not used to twiddling my thumbs.

4/10/06 6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mine do to when I'm tired or overworked. There are times when I completely forget how to talk. People speak to me but it's just gibberish. brownouts.

actually, Lee found something for me to do today -- it's outside my comfort zone. It's playing with semblances.

Physics terms often sound very New Age. In fact, my very New Age mother is now all excited about quantum physics. It's the latest fad in the NewAge vocabulary.

4/10/06 8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kj, i'm puzzled by your request. Was it my comment about the geophones just hung over the gulches? From those geophones, there's nothing. Essentially, no coupling to the earth, so they don't receive the seismic waves from a shot. Gee, all this geophysical talk sounds like double entendres if you disassociate yourself from geophysical knowledge.

So, I guess my point was it was interesting to me just because it was in the vicinity of Macchu Pichu and because it was so mountainous, there was nothing they could do to get information from those stations spanning the gulches. And Macchu Pichu fascinates me because it seems such a mystical place.

4/10/06 9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as traveling goes...I am only a mental traveler.

Though once my boss asked me if I wanted to go to Columbia only to pick up some data at the airport. I wouldn't even have to leave the airport to get it. Gee, that didn't sound like much fun. Fly for 9 hours, pick something up, and fly home again. I don't even have a passport.

4/10/06 9:13 AM  
Blogger Diane L said...

As far as traveling goes...I am only a mental traveler.

Same here now . . . all my traveling was done before my first Saturn Return. Passport long since expired & unless we decide we want to go to Canada for some reason, it will stay expired.

That said, I too find Macchu Pichu fascinating! It's so very high in elevation amidst very rugged terrain. And then that whole thing with Andean music . . it just speaks of a possible past life in those high, high places.

FAT tables?! I've heard of them but that's the extent of it... plus warnings not to mess with them unless you really know what you're doing!

kj, I just love the way you come sailing through!! Your enthusiasm is infectious!!! Keep on rockin'!

4/10/06 9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, actually, neith, when you do a disk scan or compression on your computer, it cleans up the FAT tables. Makes them more compact, so to speak, not so far flung. So it's something that should be done regularly on your computer. Especially if you're a simmer and are addicted to custom content that you've downloaded from the 'Net. (had to throw that in there. Simmers are addicted to loading down their machines with files. It's like going shopping for your sims. New hairstyles? New clothes? New furniture? New houses? Everything is on the 'Net.)

Then before a new expansion pack comes out, we'll all spend a weekend or two going through our custom content, weeding out stuff that just doesn't look good in the game. Leaving big gaps in the FAT tables. So the final step before installing the new expansion, people are reminded to run Disk scans and clean up their memories. And drag the Downloads folder to the desktop so it won't get written over and we'll lose all our beloved custom content.

4/10/06 9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is much weeping and wailing in SimLand if the Downloads folder gets written over. And cursing. Let's not forget the cursing.

4/10/06 9:43 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Let's not forget the cursing.

Couldn't possibly.

4/10/06 10:21 AM  
Blogger Diane L said...

well, actually, neith, when you do a disk scan or compression on your computer, it cleans up the FAT tables. Makes them more compact, so to speak, not so far flung. So it's something that should be done regularly on your computer.

'giggle' you're talking to the queen of computer maintenance . . . between my Virgo MC and Merc in Scorpio, which has a thing about cleaning out spyware, I do maintenance regularly! Have a small piece of software that constantly defrags in the background . . :-)

4/10/06 11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only clean up about twice a year -- just before the release of the next expansion pack. Which is coming up on October 17th.

Pets! Little virtual pets! The children have been screaming for them for two years now. Next, it will probably be weather.

4/10/06 12:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The last time I defragged my computer stopped connecting! And now it's slooooooooooooow. Dialup but worse than ever.

4/10/06 1:36 PM  

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