Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I agree with this.
But not the "but "part.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose."


"What is the answer?" [ I was silent ] "In that case, what is the question?"

Sorry. Something about the wording just reminded me of Gertrude Stein. Who practiced very circular thinking.

Just dropping in. I'm off to the grocery store before the cats stage a concerted attack on my legs since I am out of dry cat food.

26/9/06 6:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey was Stein a Libra?

A man is but a man but a cigarette leaves a butt....

26/9/06 8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're having such fantastic weather here. I went out for a walk yesterday afternoon, and at two different stages dogs came charging up to me barking and then turned out to be wonderfully sweet. At one point I lay down in a pile of wood chips -- the only comfortable place I could see --and the dog came and licked my face. And for two nights in a row I've caught the brief moments when the few thin clouds over the snow-covered mountains were lit up from below in the last light before the sun set. One night dark red, like flames in the sky, and last night a glowing orange. And then there's that seductive new little moon making her appearance when the night comes...

26/9/06 8:50 AM  
Blogger Diane L said...

From Steve Judd's website:

26 September

A strong Uranus position in someone's chart indicates that the person is outside the "norm" of conventional society in the area indicated by house and aspect. Look at Uranus in your chart. It is where you can be direct, spontaneous and intuitive. It is where you can stay forever young if you are prepared to take chances, or run risks. It’s the part of your life where you'll grow old disgracefully and be an embarrassment to your grandchildren. It should always be remembered, however, that the most disconcerting side of Uranus' nature is its unpredictability. Its main theme and concept is, after all, that of change......

Since jm has more than a passing acquaintance with Uranus in her chart, I thought I'd throw this in here . . . :-)

juju - your descriptions of the sunsets are sooo beautiful . . . and Beauty always refreshes our hearts. Thank you!!

26/9/06 9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because I'm somewhat new to astrology -- does where Uranus in in the chart mean the house or the sign or both? I know jm has talked about the houses, but I don't remember which post. I have Uranus in Leo in the end of house 10, but I have no idea what that means.

And I've been noticing the colors of the the last pictures jm has posted have all been in the brown range, more or less muted. Maybe its an autumnal thing?

I seem to be in a blabby mood today.

26/9/06 10:01 AM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Hi juju - Uranus being so close to the cusp(degree of when a house starts) of the 11th house would have the most influence there. This indicates an enjoyment of unusual friends & associates when you're out & about in society. For example, meeting jm (who is a very Uranian person) at an art gallery opening!

26/9/06 11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lovely imagery, juju. Love the in-between like dawn and twilight the best. Just like I love the in-between places the best.

Stein was, I believe, a Cappy. Rather an odd sign for her, she acted far more like a Leo and talked like a Gemini. And looked like Jabba the Hut.

Okay, neith, refresh me on the 3rd house. House of communications? Siblings? Maybe that's why I love this new-fangled internet communication -- all electronic.

26/9/06 12:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I have Uranus in the 3rd too, casey. More on this ion a mo.

Great description juju. It's a pleasure when you bring your writing skills round.

26/9/06 1:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

A man is butt a man.

Uranus is the symbol of uniqueness, independence, invention, and creative originality in the chart. It's also highly charged electrically, and creates excitement in that area of life. Great scientists and inventors often have a lot of Aquarius/Uranus, such as Einstein.

Juju...you have an Aquarius 5th, Uranus in the 10th. This indicates a singular and out of the ordinary style, and the 10th is the public. So the public sees you as unique. You are smart to play this up.

I do remember vividly how everyone clustered around you to discuss your outfit that night.

26/9/06 2:12 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Uranus in the 3rd is a genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uranus is lightning speed perception and the lower mind can't always keep up. So we know more than we know.
It can see possibilities in situations that most others can't. Moments of flash enlightenment are common. Often it's difficult to communicate to others what we perceive.

I've seen this, casey, in you, when you catch yourself in your actions and understand what you're doing. I do that all the time.

Maybe that's why I love this new-fangled internet communication -- all electronic.

This is totally totally us. We'll never tire of the instant brain to brain connection without other sensory distraction. The finger/mind connection is ours to love. Even the flash of movement on the screen delights us.

26/9/06 2:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Because of the unpredictability, astrologers always say "upsetting events will occur".

Not always true at all. Sometimes very exciting events happen. While it's good to be prepared for upset, it's also good to look forward to these times and the interesting people that often come with.

26/9/06 2:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

All the other planets rotate up and down on their axes, except Uranus, (and sometimes Pluto). Uranus rotaes on its side to give you an idea of the immense independence of this energy, often to the point of rebellion against norms. Uranus wants us to break free.

So Uranus in the 10th is freedom from society's norms, in the 3rd, normal patterned thinking.

I'll do more on the houses soon.

26/9/06 3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, I agree with this. I have often thought about my Cappy best friend that she is extremely clever but my mind works differently and is often brilliant (she said modestly). It's my one arrogance. I am mucho smarto, in a flash kind of way. And when I was young had eiditic memory. When the synapses ain't firing right though, either from tiredness or frustration, then I feel like I'm in some electrical storm. I see flashes all around but can't make the connections. Like the other night when I was too tired to be able to spell correctly. Everything looks wrong. And then I tend to break down.

I read somewhere that smart people don't use more of their brain than other people, they just use it more efficiently. To borrow computer-ese, they can look up their FAT tables quicker. (File allocation tables)

26/9/06 4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's also important to know HOW you learn. Especially children. Most people fall into three different types -- the visual learners, the audial learners, and the physical learners. Pookie (my grandson) seems to be a physical learner. You can tell because he's always moving when he repeats things. 'Course that might be because he's two and can't sit still.

Musicians would tend to be audial learners, unless of course, they've got photographic memories and literally "see" the music page in their mind. Those would have to work hard to make the music fresh, less by wrote.

Artists, of course, are probably visual. Everything relates back to sight.

How does everybody here learn? jm by ear? neith by sight?

26/9/06 4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be 'rote'. See, you can tell I'm tired because I'm misspelling things.

26/9/06 4:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

my mind works differently and is often brilliant

It's wonderful to have had a friend that recognizes this.

Sometimes I suddenly get connected to the bigger switchboard and I can tell the moment it happens.

I read somewhere that smart people don't use more of their brain than other people, they just use it more efficiently

I think it's a lot in the synapses and firing, and I still think this is a mystery to the experts. Our thinking patterns are fascinating and completely unique. That's why I am so perplexed as to why people want to think alike. But we do. Uranians hav a lot of struggle with this.
I also think that wherever Uranus is in the chart is a sort of intelligence in that area of life.

26/9/06 4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I learn by wrote. Or write. Or written.

And I used to be quick, but am definitely stupider with age. It worries me some.

Gertrude Stein was born Feb 3, so I think that makes her Aquarius. Which makes some sense.
Wikipedia quotes her as saying "The change of color is likely and a difference a very little difference is prepared. Sugar is not a vegetable."
I imagine especially not muscado (only now I can't remember quite how it was spelled or what it was called)

26/9/06 5:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And I used to be quick, but am definitely stupider with age. It worries me some.

My theory about this is that our desire influences how we learn. And our desires change over time so some things become less important and the learning might slow in these areas. At first there is so much eagerness, but later, maybe we realize there are limits to what we can know and we start picking and choosing.

One big change for me, though, has been spelling. I used to be an ace, but not anymore.

26/9/06 5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Visual for me, but in spite of my hearing loss, I can pick out tunes on the piano, synthesizer and hammered dulcimer.

Hmm. Uranus is in my 6th house. I definitely have unconventional ideas about what to eat. My diet would horrify mainstream doctors and dieticians but I haven't been sick in over 2 years--not even a cold lasted more than 12 hours.

As for day-to-day responsibilities, mundane tasks and daily work, which is also in the 6th (?), I'm not sure how Uranus fits in, except that I've had a wide variety of day jobs in my lifetime.

26/9/06 5:19 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

I'm mostly visual w/some kinesthetic. I can look at written knitting directions, and with needles & yarn in hand, figure out what to do . . . except when there is an ERROR in the directions!!! I do wave my hands around a lot when I'm talking . . . what that has to do with anything, I don't know . . . :-)

26/9/06 5:21 PM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Uranus is in my 8th house . . . and I don't want to talk about it . . . 'grin' Maybe an unexpected inheritance?! Sounds good anyway! :-)

26/9/06 5:24 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Mind/brain science is intriguing.

For general learning, I'm probably using the visual spatial approach a lot, and I suspect kinesthetic, but I seem to switch my mental modes around a little. Maybe that makes sense, because I work with graphics as well as computers.

One time, someone asked me to try a telepathy exercise, but I was only detecting abstract vibrations around the torso under the arms. The sender was imagining herself in water with waves sloshing against her sides. We felt that I was, perhaps from habit, relying on the higher centers of the left brain to sense the causal level of reality. We changed the exercise to remote sensing of a distant subject, and instead of leaving it open-ended, I was asked specific questions about physically-oriented perceptions (length and color of hair, body shape of subject, etc.), and that forced the perception to switch to the right brain.

In spontaneous incidents, though, I have gotten visual and emotional data.

26/9/06 5:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I do wave my hands around a lot when I'm talking

That must be a sight! I really do wonder about this. The arms and hands are so connected with articulation. Something maybe about your NN in Gem ruling these parts.

Hands tell a story too. And are a point of emotional release. Nothing like a pointed finger, especially with the thumb at a right angle.

Joe, you have Mars/Uranus in Libra in the 6th so it would be possible weirdos around work. High strung people but interesting. Intense relationships all the way around but ultimately harmonious. Also a tricky balancing act for you with all the parts of your daily routine. Lots of experimentation.

26/9/06 5:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

abstract vibrations

Yes. Probably most of it. At this stage we probably need the concrete for survival, but I suspect it will change. Interesting how some of us want to go there now by conscious will.

26/9/06 5:35 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"I think it's a lot in the synapses and firing, and I still think this is a mystery to the experts. Our thinking patterns are fascinating and completely unique."

Yeah, monozygotic twins have very similar development of some parts of the brain (e.g., the corpus callosum), but have very different development in other parts. Probably some parts of the brain are necessarily controlled more by genes and other parts are more influenced by environment and by learning.

26/9/06 5:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

8th house Uranus? Nothing to it!

You can use your unusual psychological awareness and will to attract that inheritance.
Seriously, a sudden windfall IS a poss.

My Venus Uranus conjunction brings those to me, but they disappear as quickly as they came. You wouldn't believe the scenarios. Money is abstract to me by now.

26/9/06 5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have Mars/Uranus in Libra in the 6th so it would be possible weirdos around work.

Some of the ones I've dealt with have definitely been extremely bizarre... but you're right. I form generally positive and harmonious, or at least superficially pleasant, relationships with about 98% of my co-workers.

I've decided to just keep my chart posted next to the computer... saves me having to run and get it!

26/9/06 5:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Probably some parts of the brain are necessarily controlled more by genes and other parts are more influenced by environment and by learning.

But also, I think twins purposely differentiate from the start, albeit unconsciously.

26/9/06 5:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I've decided to just keep my chart posted next to the computer... saves me having to run and get it!

Omigod!! Brother joe!!!

26/9/06 5:43 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"I think twins purposely differentiate from the start, albeit unconsciously."

Yes, and I don't think they can help it. They start off as one organism, and thereafter continue to differentiate.

One twin can be relatively cool to the other twin's chosen mate. Apparently, the shared experience of the couple is very important to developing their emotional bond.

26/9/06 5:47 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

So are learning styles influenced by planets, signs, elements (earth, air, fire, water)?

26/9/06 5:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So are learning styles influenced by planets, signs, elements (earth, air, fire, water)?

Yes. I really haven't done a lot of specific study of learning style, just ways of thinking and communicating.

You are right to associate elements here. A lot of water will learn through instinct and feeling. Air through intellect. Earth through logic and empirical evidence. Fire through experience, I think.

Good thought.

I have a Mercury(mind) in Cancer, and I get information subtlely from sense impressions.

I'll walk into a room and get a feel first. An air type would look at everything objectively. Earth, maybe how to negotiate it, and fire, what to do in it, how to impact it and make it their own.
Something like this.

I love the elemental breakdown, so often ignored by astrologers.

26/9/06 6:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's been said that the Moon is the first part of sensory intake, completely instinctual and unschooled response. Then Mercury sends the messages to the brain, where it is translated and sent back into the system for reaction. The planets and where they are in each case will make a vast difference. Some will be terrified of a snake for example, and others will reach out to pick it up.

26/9/06 6:13 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"I love the elemental breakdown, so often ignored by astrologers."

Oh, I love them, too. Not sure why. Maybe I like primal.

26/9/06 6:17 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Hmm. I have Mercury and Moon in the same sign.

Oh, this is interesting. If any of you haven't tried this, see what you think you are.

Mental chemistry:

26/9/06 6:23 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Primal, indeed!

You have influenced my thinking, Kad. The conjunction talk has affected my study tremendously. I won't be the same. I see completely the integration factor we've been discussing, and I will apply this to my charts from now on.

The elements of it all, the basic facts, are the most imortant. Most astrologers rush to some complex configuration or some asteroid in a some pattern from 1534 and miss the answers to the puzzle that are right in front of them. The essentials are paramount.

This is why I often learn more from the less schooled. There are basic building blocks in everything which will always reveal needed information easily.

26/9/06 6:24 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Wow...I'm sure you can take it farther than I can in terms of the astrology and the psychology of it all. :-) Did you get something that isn't usually offered at the astrological buffet table?

26/9/06 6:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Hmm. I have Mercury and Moon in the same sign.

You have almost everything in the same sign!
A fascinating mixture of feeling and cold fact in your case, Kad. The closest conjunction is Mercury/Saturn...look that one up.

The Moon/Jupiter in its exhuberance can override the calculated mental thing of Merc/Saturn, depending on the mood. Might not want to wait for the Saturn before reacting. Maybe even coming out not exactly to your careful logical specs.

26/9/06 6:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Did you get something that isn't usually offered at the astrological buffet table?

OMG. Never, ever have I heard what you described about your conjunctions, Kad. Never. And I see how important this is. I can see that most astrologers don't really know what a conjunction is. Amazing. Good luck in predicting the future of mankind, I say.

The astrological buffet table is a good one! I'm a bit of a picky eater now, and I know what's nourishing for myself. There's a lot of stuff I don't even recognize at that table, much less choose to swallow. Precaution is important!

The hard question is....what to do with what I've already swallowed.

26/9/06 6:37 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"You have almost everything in the same sign!"

LOL! I guess four planets plus a node is nearly half the pantheon. :-)

"A fascinating mixture of feeling and cold fact in your case, Kad."

Eep. Sometimes I scare myself with the things I look into.

26/9/06 6:39 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Hey, I just looked at my best friend's chart. He has five planets in Virgo, and his Moon and Jupiter are in Leo opposite to my Moon and Jupiter. Must be why I like the guy so much. He's like the kind of brother I'd have liked to have.

26/9/06 6:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's so exquisitely simple.

In a conjunction, the elements have to work together, like it or not. They have to pool their characteristics into a unit.
In an opposition, it will be exactly that. The opposite. Separating, comparing, contrasting, and applying the duality.

So a conjunction person will automatically synthesize and see wholeness, while the oppostion type will pit one against the other and see things in polarities.

The conjunctional will want to get back to wholeness soon when the splits occur, the opposition probably keeps the separation going.

26/9/06 6:49 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"The closest conjunction is Mercury/Saturn...look that one up."

It says I may have acid indigestion from tension! Okay, I do think my digestion could be more robust.

26/9/06 6:50 PM  
Blogger jm said...


Another astrologer in the house?

26/9/06 6:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Okay, I do think my digestion could be more robust

HA HA HA HA HA!!! Add that crazy Uranus in your 6th house of digestion and you really could be seeking robustness. Actually, I'd forget it.

I love the subject of digestion and all the ramifications. More on this in a bit.

26/9/06 6:54 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Yeah, this "cafe astrology" site says "acid indigestion." But actually, it's the opposite. I picked up a bottle of digestive enzymes from the health food store.

26/9/06 7:20 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

Okay, I guess I should pay more attention to this conjunction business. Now I feel like I'm the love child of the android and the betazoid from Star Trek. My friend has Libra rising -- maybe that's why I haven't scared him off. :-)

A Schoolhouse Rock song just popped into mind:

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up two boxcars and making 'em run right.
Milk and honey, bread and butter, peas and rice.
Hey that's nice!
Dirty but happy, digging and scratching,
Losing your shoe and a button or two.
He's poor but honest, sad but true,

26/9/06 7:28 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Add that crazy Uranus in your 6th house of digestion and you really could be seeking robustness. Actually, I'd forget it."

Drat. So how come Joe gets to eat anything he likes. Grumble!

26/9/06 8:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Now I feel like I'm the love child of the android and the betazoid

I thought you looked familiar.

26/9/06 9:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Drat. So how come Joe gets to eat anything he likes. Grumble!


That proves the whole thing wrong!!!!!!!

On to quantum mechanics!

26/9/06 9:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG!!!! What a wonderful song Kad!!! That's the track I'm on as opposed to dreary self pity.

Yeah, this "cafe astrology" site says "acid indigestion." But actually, it's the opposite. I picked up a bottle of digestive enzymes from the health food store

I've got the same thing with my pesky Mercury. But oddly enough, a whole lifetime of enzymatic annoyance calmed down when I got this moment of silence.

Digestion takes the initial substance and all that immediate gratification and then goes to town. Analogous to thought digestion. It's all broken down to the bare essentials to fuel the system. I think maybe the commotion around me before complicated this effort to symplify.

NYC could be tricky for the digestion.

My friend has Libra rising -- maybe that's why I haven't scared him off. :-)

Just wait.

26/9/06 9:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Just keep poppin enzymes and hope for the best!

26/9/06 9:48 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Just wait."

He can run, but he can't hide. >:-)

26/9/06 10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, my mother used to say the same thing when I was a teenager! I have a fast metabolism, I guess.

Wish i could metabolize all the meanings of each house and what each planet means in which house... my learning style doesn't mesh with the traditional rote learning. Maybe flashcards? :o)

27/9/06 3:56 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

I'm not too good with thinking in terms of houses, either! I'm waiting for osmosis to kick in.

27/9/06 12:03 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"The conjunctional will want to get back to wholeness soon when the splits occur, the opposition probably keeps the separation going."

It's makes for good drama, though. ;-) From 0 to 180 to 360. Taking us from no perspective through the full range. Problem, climax, resolution. Beginning, middle, and end, and then a new story.

27/9/06 12:05 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Osmosis is going to kick you in the posterior region and everywhere!

From 0 to 180 to 360. Taking us from no perspective through the full range. Problem, climax, resolution. Beginning, middle, and end, and then a new story.

I think it(osmosis) already has. Or maybe you should teach us, Kadimiros. This is wonderful. Exactly the wheel. The circle of the houses does this too.

It will all come together as we go. I'll do the houses soon, since my instinct long ago was to start with that.

Osmosis really is the key. It happenes suddenly. The synthesis. Most so called astrologers don't get this, and never really read a person in the chart. Just the symbols in some disconnected way.

It will interesting to see where it lands.

27/9/06 12:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The familiarity with the language is first. Then the repetition will do its magic automatically as the mind grasps what it really desires.

Desire is everything. If you want to learn, you will. I got so interested I took time off from everything else and read a the texts 10-14 hours a day. I was enraptured.

At 180 degrees is where we meet our reflection and start to see ourselves outside of inner sensing. Such a good breakdown, Kadimiros.

At the 1st 90 degrees we are caught between these places, probably in a quandary, wanting to go back and forward at the same time.

The 2nd 90 takes us from interpersonal to transpersonal as we go back to the beginning, so here again the conflict enters.

So the conjunctions are the end and new beginning. It's hard to ascertain exactly where we stand in each case. I wonder if it could be as simple as starting anew as we age.

27/9/06 1:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Problem, climax, resolution. Beginning, middle, and end, and then a new story.

I think this is the major key to participating with joy in life's passage. All experience follows this process. Nothing can be deleted, with tension being a sort of peristalsis. Cramp and release.

27/9/06 2:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

sings improbable


27/9/06 3:39 PM  

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