Tuesday, April 17, 2007

An Aries in waiting.


Blogger Tseka said...

Waiting is so hard.
If the powers that Be were listening i offered clear words into the universe last night and this morning, to fly with this Aries moon into the heart of Saturn. Let's move creatively forward....

Maybe the 19th?

17/4/07 5:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...


Let's move creatively forward

I'm with you, and adding my clear words.

Universe? Do you hear? Heart of Saturn? Are you ready?

17/4/07 7:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sigh. That picture makes me want to smoke.

17/4/07 7:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's just tobacco. Not even the Devil's Weed..:-)

17/4/07 8:08 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Patience seems to be a lesson of Saturn.
So... let's compare, The Long Waits. Are they all in Saturn's lesson plan book?

I am not a patient woman. Tolerant, but patience has been a lifelong lesson. The worst wait: My son was one month late. Getting to the due date depleted my patience. I had no strategy so, I shoveled horse manure, spaded my garden, paced, rode my Harry Quinn criterion racing bike til my legs burned (hi Chrispito!) dosed myself with castor oil -it's supposed to help speed things up. I distracted myself, played cards which i hate with people who were tired of me who was tired of waiting. Finally Saturn in rx between Mars and Pluto gave up on me.

God only knows what he has up his sleeve for the next Saturn return.

I'll probably be fidgeting with the last exhale.

17/4/07 8:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Rode my Harry Quinn criterion racing bike til my legs burned

Great desription, tseka, of REAL waiting. Hard waiting. I'm not patient either, but at least I'm a featherweight, sans a hard rock in my body.

You're so right about Saturn and now is the last change of direction. The 19th as you suggested as the turning point. I'm glad you brought this up. At the same time Neptune is turning exactly on my natal Saturn. Time and patience are exactly the prescription.

Often the second returns are better if the first was terrible. Mine was so different from the first I can't even tell if it's worse!

At this very minute, I'm waiting, anticipating (incorrectly as it's turning out), and vacillating from minisecond to minisecond between rage and frustration, and philosophical understanding. I'm not a suspense fan, really, so I hope it figures itself out.

17/4/07 8:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

What intrigues me about this elegant Austrian lady pictured above is that she appears to be waiting, peering intently. But for what? A person? Coffee? A drink? An appointment?
She's primed but stopped. Pure Aries. All potential energy.

17/4/07 9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Devil's Weed!! LOL thanks for making my day!

Tseka, your words are so beautiful, but I was confused. Do you know that I am a bike messenger? Planning on jumping off when art school starts? Such a fascinating observation and I am touched with the shared moment.

Yes, I can totally relate to riding around like a maniac, waiting, waiting, waiting...But what do you mean when you say Saturn gave up on you?

17/4/07 9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jm, I swear in that space between milliseconds contains a lifetime.
Have you ever seen Robert Lepage's movie 'Possible Worlds?' It is a beautifulfilm, precisely about that.

I'm pouring a cup of tea and having a bath because as my late Aunt taught me: these two things together whittle all problems down to but a manageable nub.

Ciao for now!

17/4/07 10:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I swear in that space between milliseconds contains a lifetime

I think you're right chrispito.
I haven't heard about that film, but it sounds good.

I love aunts, and you're both wise...the Taurus way of dealing with it all, as the moon goes in and the sun soon will follow. Blessed Taurus relief ahead.
Ironing in the quiet night does it for me, all that hissing steam, radio softly playing, and the smell of hot rayon. Got in the sewing room last night. Portent of things to come.
Ahhhh....Taurus pleasures.
Full Moon in Scorpio? Pfffft! Minor disturbance.

I wore my favorite purple jacket today and the waters parted. That's all I have to do. Wear purple. Me and clothes. Time for a reunion. Costumes full speed ahead.

17/4/07 10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jm, your image floated right on by!
Oh, my aunt! She was quite amazing. She made me laugh by claiming if she had been brought up in a different era she most definately would've taken hallucenogenic drugs!
...flying into the heart of Saturn...

Where would it take me? I am beginning to see that Saturn, Leo and I are all about my audience. I need to bring into being my self that is undoubting, fearless without claws, capable of producing the work I want without being bogged down by judgement.
I know I shouldn't 'care,' but, I must admit that I do. I need to re-read the Libra NN chapter and look for clues...

18/4/07 8:36 AM  
Blogger jm said...

I love your aunt, chrispito.

I am beginning to see that Saturn, Leo and I are all about my audience. I need to bring into being my self that is undoubting, fearless without claws, capable of producing the work I want without being bogged down by judgement.

Is this ever it? I've been working diligently on all of this for ages, and sometimes I think it will take lifetimes. Bogged down by judgement is so right and I love your phrase, "fearless without claws." I think you hit on something.

I get frustrated by overdoing the caring about others' opinions, but that's normal. just a lessening would be fine by me. Practice, I hope.

I'd like to get to the point where the expression comes first, and then the caring.
Saturn in Leo needs an audience, so we have to learn how to perform successfully in some way. Saturn also gives us the knowledge of how to do this if we can unlock the box.

18/4/07 1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think what I am working on, Jm, is a fear that once I am unleashed...whoa.
I try not to mind the judgement, but all I have mastered thus far is "what I don't know won't hurt me."
Saturn in Leo woke within me the realization that what I put out into the world and what I think I am putting out into the world are very different things. And this scares me, that I may not be producing a true reflection of myself!
Perhaps it is my 12th house Neptune?

18/4/07 6:23 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I have that fear too, chrispito, about unleashing. Yet look at all those uninhibited Leos putting out so much of themselves. It stuns me, and I've always longed to be able to do that. There will always be reserve with Saturn, and that's the beautiful part when we can let go.

Saturn in Leo woke within me the realization that what I put out into the world and what I think I am putting out into the world are very different things.

This is the crux. We can't base our output on their perceptions and reactions. It has to be pure unadulterated self. Most Saturn in Leos alter the output..hesitate... to try to get the right reaction and this never works. It's uninhibited spontaneous joy in the moment and that's the prize when Saturn is mastered.

18/4/07 9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'pure unadulterated self'
Exactly. Or, as a former (Dutch) teacher used to say: 'EXACT!'

19/4/07 11:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The Dutch are amazing with language. I met one on the road in Afghanistan that spoke perfect English with an American accent. You couldn't tell she wasn't American.
We had a wild day in an altered state laughing hysterically on the road in a VW van with some Italian moviemakers. On our way to the Pakistani mountains. What a trip!

I was free and spontaneous those days, and a lot of that unadulterated self emerged. Sang a lot too.
The last few days have been like that, maybe because of the Saturn turning direct.

So glad about you and art school.

19/4/07 11:59 PM  

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