Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Cosmic Cover-up

I recall being uninterested in current events as a child, the public ones, and now I think I'm beginning to see why. We had no television, so I wasn't bombarded by strained, breathless voices keeping me apprised of the happenings in the world around me. I knew what I needed to know.
I was thinking about the hidden factor. The ideal worlds we imagine and occasionally encounter almost by accident, as if we can't consciously find them. How much hiding is required to keep these dimensions so beautiful in contrast? Is it because they are secret that they retain their charm and allure? Enchantment.
Questions, Jm.
A certain amount of hiding to be sure
The obvious strikes me as a cover-up for the underlying machinations of the world.
It's possible that the beneficent entities work well in some privacy and the sensational splash is designed to keep people occupied. Satisfy an appetite. The multi-media joy ride. Fact is relative.

The truth is neutral, I think, and cares not if it is believed or rejected. It remains active anyway, maybe preferring to work undercover. Are there spies for the truth? Are there times when its discovery is safe? It appears there are secret agents in the area.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

totally agree on the neutrality of truth. must be my Pluto/NN in Libra/9th! Perhaps it is this same placement that has me feeling like the truth is 'safely discovered' at certain times, as you suggest.

I like your style!

16/12/07 12:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Chrispito, thank you!
You are so right about your 9th house. I bet you can discern this protected truth.

16/12/07 3:25 PM  
Blogger Donnie McDaniel said...

Hello JM!!!! Have you missed me?

16/12/07 7:31 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Donnie!!!!! Of course.

16/12/07 7:50 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"It's possible that the beneficent entities work well in some privacy and the sensational splash is designed to keep people occupied. Satisfy an appetite."

A sighing friend forwarded to me an e-mail that his fundamentalist father forwarded to him. It was a warning to beware The Golden Compass and its author's atheism -- and not to mistake the movie for a Narnia or a Lord Of The Rings.

I replied, "Well, let's let them worry over a ____ movie. Keeps them out of trouble while the real work of the world gets done!" ;-)

An interesting thing came up this week. My sister and her husband received a referral for adopting a child. She had asked the Power That Is for both a boy and a girl, and poof, a boy from China needs a family. A bit unusual, as it is usually girls there who need new families.

We've reviewed the photographs and medical data. My sister says that the boy has a strong karmic connection to her and her husband. Apparently, they had broken a promise to take care of him in a past life. So now life has been kind enough to offer a do over with the same soul, and heal the deep wound.

I sense an evolved soul. He looks sensitive and alert, intelligent, and very physically active and quick. Something of the look that I have in some old photos, the ease with which the eyes glance up and to the side.

He looks most like his adoptive father-to-be, with a strong jaw and something about the eyes, although his father is not Chinese.

16/12/07 9:16 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

This child wants parents who can tumble about with him, and who will teach him of creativity. And here everyone is again. Even the neighbors and their children seem implicated on some level. Circles of healing and renewal through space and time.

How does that happen, my sister mused. All the hidden twists and turns for this soul to cross paths again with her and her husband, after so many years and across so many miles. Agreements made on other levels of existence. Planning behind the scenes, suspense and anticipation to see how things unfold as intended or, when they have not, then along some alternative path to a half-remembered future.

16/12/07 9:37 PM  
Blogger jm said...

You didn't use the "____" word, did you? Tell me you didn't.

I believe in the karmic connections. I think all connections are karmic, although maybe not past lives. It could be parts of the psyche that know.

So now life has been kind enough to offer a do over with the same soul, and heal the deep wound.

It's good she recognizes her pain.

16/12/07 9:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Very interesting that the remembered future comes with Mars retrograde in Cancer.

Her 7th. Could be a partner from a past life, possibly come back to care for her. Moon-Saturn too. Lost nurturing. I think it's her wound that needs the attention.

16/12/07 9:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I just got a flash that as we get into the Aquarian Age, families might change like this ethnically, especially after the Pluto through Sagittarius. It would be great if more adoption came in and less biological parenting. The gradual breakdown of tribal barriers. Lots of ramifications.

16/12/07 9:56 PM  
Blogger jm said...

the ease with which the eyes glance up and to the side.

Like to know more about this. It was the most outstanding characteristic of my partner's death. Wide open eyes looking up and to the left. At something specific it seemed to me.

16/12/07 10:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And, of course, joy to the whole family in celebrating the new arrival.

16/12/07 10:10 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"You didn't use the "____" word, did you? Tell me you didn't."

LOL! So that was cause for comment. Well...I leave the blank to the dear reader's imagination. :-)

"Her 7th. Could be a partner from a past life, possibly come back to care for her."

Or a parent, role reversal. Care for her, yes. They will be family when she is old. She has always thought of herself as equal to any man at any task, physically as well, but she confessed that she has begun to recognize that she can't hold onto that sheer vigor as she ages and spends so much of her time indoors at her new business.

So, another contrast to what happened before. The balancing reaction to the past action (or inaction). I realize that all three of them have been wounded children at some time or other, and now they are attracted again to each other because they have grown in character and will have something to give back to each other.

"It would be great if more adoption came in and less biological parenting. The gradual breakdown of tribal barriers. Lots of ramifications."

That's a wonderful idea. And the children will be carrying the energies of different regions of the planet, cross-pollinating the world with their ideas and feelings, as it were.

"And, of course, joy to the whole family in celebrating the new arrival."

Thank you. :-) It's been a real trip to get here.

16/12/07 10:48 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"At something specific it seemed to me."

Well, I know that each person has a natural angle at which she or he sees mentally most clearly. Some persons look upwards above their normal line of sight, or to one side.

To me, flexibility of the eyes connotes flexibility of mental perception and of thought process.

16/12/07 10:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I can't imagine what's in the "dear readers" imaginations. We've only just begun.

I realize that all three of them have been wounded children at some time or other

Haven't we all?

And the children will be carrying the energies of different regions of the planet, cross-pollinating the world with their ideas and feelings

What a beautiful thought. Sometimes I think adopted family members can be even closer. A certain absence of obligation and guilt in some cases. Even a purity that is unique to the relationship.

It will undoubtedly be a great experience for you. I'm using this news as a springboard for all of us to adopt one another and get the cross pollination in motion. Let the Mars in Cancer get some serious nurturing going.

I love musing about past incarnations. These travels are revealing in may ways. I was a mother of 8, or thereabouts, in Italy recently, wanting a career as an opera singer. So it seems.:-) Italian food is my savior, when this life gets to be too much. 8 kids is too many, though.

It's been a real trip to get here.

Tellin' me.

16/12/07 11:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Well, I know that each person has a natural angle at which she or he sees mentally most clearly

This is very very interesting. Glad to have your delights back at the table. I'm going to try and track this. I think I look level, to the side. I bet this says something about the personality.

Level. Maybe levelheaded. Upward. Maybe a dreamer.
Downward. introspective?

I like this. I wonder what failing eyesight as we age means. Would that be part of the flexibility? The lens stiffening.

16/12/07 11:17 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"I bet this says something about the personality."

One trick is to first ask someone to visualize something, such as a bouquet of roses, then to ask the person to physically reach out and to pretend to grasp the bouquet.

16/12/07 11:42 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"What a beautiful thought."

Symbolically, I tend to think of children as being like wild flowers.

I envision that some are coming in with global purposes.

Old institutions tremble as new forms of collaborative endeavors spring up, fresh after Uranian rain.

16/12/07 11:49 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Haven't we all?"

Well, I don't know. Certainly not to the same extent. :-) I think that some have more lingering concerns in that direction.

16/12/07 11:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Hey hey hey. Right in the poeti-spiritual groove.

Old institutions tremble as new forms of collaborative endeavors spring up, fresh after Uranian rain.

Uranian rain. Never would have thought to combine those too. It takes a Uranian to do that!

It's a relief to be on the rainy side, although I, myself, might be considered an "old institution" at this point. It's never too late to collaborate.

17/12/07 12:05 AM  
Blogger jm said...

It's going to be interesting in the years ahead as the Uranus-Neptune in Capricorn generation of kids enters the work force. There are a lot of them. Could be that they influence some alterations.

17/12/07 12:08 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

What a delight to find this morning news of the reunion of beloveds. I am so happy for you, your sister the family and of course this beautiful child. A burst of warm thoughts streaming your direction Kadimiros.

17/12/07 7:51 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"Uranian rain. Never would have thought to combine those too. It takes a Uranian to do that!"

Parched institutions need it.

Clouds die as rain. Rise, new life from sand. Dreams wake as truth when hearts understand.

I went "flying" in my dreams this morning. Watching the land and sea shift as my perception seemed to hover above.

Beautiful tall clouds, and strangely hard stone peaks below. And, what I took to be saurian forms breaking above the surface of the harbor waters, like the ancient seagoing relatives of modern-day snakes.

"It's a relief to be on the rainy side, although I, myself, might be considered an "old institution" at this point. It's never too late to collaborate."

Ha ha, you might qualify as an institution, but never a parched one.

17/12/07 11:51 AM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

"I am so happy for you, your sister the family and of course this beautiful child. A burst of warm thoughts streaming your direction"

Thank you, tseka! The blessing of your warm thoughts will help the child adjust to new circumstances.

We think the child has some musical ability, which would be a good outlet for his physical energy. A musician who teaches the children who live next door has recently offered free lessons in lieu of having insurance payments, so there may be an opportunity there for more connections. Lots of converging factors, which my sister sees. Must be a conspiracy afoot, speaking of secret agents!

17/12/07 12:11 PM  
Blogger kadimiros said...

" lieu of having insurance payments..." In case that wasn't clear: An exchange of services, to help the musician, who has no medical insurance, afford the cost of dental work and services received from my sister.

17/12/07 12:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

What a delight to find this morning news of the reunion of beloveds.

Timed so perfectly with the changing cosmos. A perfect portent.

17/12/07 3:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The idea of parched institutions and Uranian rain has led me to a decision.

Clouds die as rain.

Omg. Beautiful description of your dream.

17/12/07 3:20 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Clouds die as rain. perfect

17/12/07 5:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Beyond Zen. Beyond the border.

17/12/07 5:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Maybe water carrying the earth's sorrows goes upward to create clouds. Then back down to the earth, sorrows washed away.

17/12/07 5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great collection of images!

17/12/07 5:55 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Joe. The catalyst. I think you started it with your poem.

17/12/07 6:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Well, as destiny would have it ...

I was in the grocery store this evening, long line, and an Asian couple with two tiny children were ahead of me. The children were impatient, rummaging in the candy to no satisfaction, and the little boy turned to the man in line behind him. He then wrapped his arms around the leg of the Latino man and hugged him. Everyone was tickled, laughed together, and I thought of us.

17/12/07 8:19 PM  

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