Saturday, February 28, 2009


I don't know. It might seem like they do, but I think maybe they're happening all the time and we tap into the supply when needed. Is it really chance? Is anything? Is everything? Do we create order, call it logic and sequence, and eventually label it predestination? Why on earth am I an astrologer if I love freedom and spontaneity so much?
These are some of the questions that arise with the Pisces-Virgo axis, and as you know, we are under the influence of this lunation presently. Random, chaotic, supernatural experiences in Pisces see-saw with ordered, sequential, exacting ones in Virgo. A four hour tea ceremony to celebrate the divine with this precise, practiced sign would likely turn into lacing the concoction with a psychedelic substance, drinking it down, and magically being transported under the auspices of the sign that enjoys divine experience any way you want it. On the spot. Pisces is non-judgmental. "Eat me" was definitely the Neptunian approach in Wonderland.
So I decided to do an experiment to see if I could find out if magic really does happen by chance.
Under the Pisces New Moon last week, a series of fantastic events unfolded. The Speech came down from the Almighty exciting the masses to orgasmic jubilation, then the budget from paradise arrived like the Tablets of Moses, and finally the end to war was declared evoking rivers of joyous tears. The people knew they were once again in the Promised Land. However, in less than two weeks, the Full Moon will join dour, earthbound, sometimes curmudgeonly Saturn in Virgo, not quite a prescription for fairytales. So I'm marking it on my calendar, March 11, and comparing and contrasting so's I can see if the previous magic was an act of chance or not. Answers can be had, I'm sure. Especially with scientific Virgo. Then I'll know why I'm an astrologer. Or if I should be.


Blogger Tseka said...

Low sun of early morning is slanting across my desk. I had to lean forward and squint to read the white letters on the red square.
They say magical moments happen by choice
I leaned back into my chair, satisfied. Finally someone had it right.

My eyes focused and saw the error - chance. OH

Small magic is everywhere, at all times, we ignore it mostly, living in our minds not straying from our boundaries. People sometimes call it shamanic this ability to see magic. It may require an altered state but the magic potions and sweat lodges are unnecessary, the door just needs a nudge.

I dream of the greatness of simplicity. A reward for losing our material desires could easily be a slowing down and receiving the superabundance around us in every moment.

Maybe Uranus in Pisces delivered the gift card and the wrapping is coming undone. Neptune into Pisces might be the gift...

1/3/09 7:09 AM  
Blogger jm said...

A reward for losing our material desires could easily be a slowing down and receiving the superabundance around us in every moment.

Maybe Uranus in Pisces delivered the gift card and the wrapping is coming undone. Neptune into Pisces might be the gift...

Beautifully stated O Wise 1.

1/3/09 1:08 PM  

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