Monday, March 02, 2009

Fear and Quarreling in America

The Fairy Tale Ends
Pluto has reached the third degree and is preparing to station opposite Venus. We are in trouble. The present crisis is temporary but the trouble is not. There is a huge segment of the population reaching retirement age and if their funds don't come back, they will have to stay in the job market. Their children might be called upon to help them but where will their jobs be? Parents were hoping to leave them their own money. Unemployment is expected to rise significantly and the elders will need health care. So much is uncertain and profound struggle is ahead with the Aries (youth) - Capricorn (aged) square and the Cancer stellium. Generational conflicts are in the works but through them some of the changes so furiously desired should come. They'll have to.
The shock of our dire economic situation is cutting through the fantasy but that conflict will continue for awhile as Uranus leaves Pisces. The top might be accused of causing this, but it is certainly not going to be the cure. So awakening is in progress, destined to happen with the series of Saturn-Uranus oppositions. Uranus in Pisces is now exactly opposite US Neptune in Virgo, and awareness of the fairy tale promise of rescue has come.
Virgo is a sign which picks things apart. Pisces draws them together again. The zodiacal signs pass through developmental stages of increasing differentiation, reaching the outer limit in Virgo. Then the circle closes back in on itself, ending with a final amalgamation in Pisces. Realistic Virgo expects a paycheck for work well done, but visionary Pisces anticipates nothing less than a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.The Divine Astrologer
So which will it be? The clue lies in transiting Saturn in Virgo now, just about to receive the Full Moon and what appears to be a reckoning with critical reality. Something must be done. The rainbow is inaccessible at the moment. Analytical and exacting means must be employed. Grandiose schemes and visionary utopias will have to wait while the Virgoan details are attended to.
When Virgo becomes overcritical of others, the ultimate is a Piscean dissolution of relationships. Sooner or later, those who are disparaged by Virgo's carping remarks get into a Piscean swivet. They resist being ordered about by camouflaging themselves in a swirling mist of confusion.
So the gold and rainbow crowd is quarreling with the systems analysts. A disintegrating illusion is not always easy to bear. The critics are getting impatient. Mars is involved. And Saturn looms. Pluto digs into Venus. Markets fall. All is not exactly well.
To further complicate the Martian matter, Venus in Aries is turning retrograde exactly opposite US Saturn in Libra, thus the hard-edged debate often ending in cruelty and ejection. Authoritarian self-righteousness is rearing its head, not surprising with Pluto in Capricorn. The python's squeeze is here. The Piscean rainbow folks, who are supposed to be loving and accepting, are oddly judgmental so the opposition has things a little topsy-turvey. And feelings are being attacked because of another factor -- USA Sun in Cancer square the contentious opposition. Emotions are hot and sharp and everyone's right. There is a seriousness to these battles that was not there before probably as preparation for the coming Aries-Capricorn transit.
The Venus station on Saturn is bringing depression into the mixture, and the country with her Sun-Saturn square naturally leans toward sadness. People are down and worried. The country's got the blues. Trying to escape the feelings only stalls the solutions needed. And no one is sure anymore who to be angry with. So they're lashing out at who they can. Cashiers really get it in these times, accused by customers of anything. I remember it well.
This is the start of the nation's maturing process and growing pains are always part of it. Pluto-Moon-Saturn transits are the death of the parent in the psyche and that's what's forthcoming, so insecurity is at a high with people clinging hard to what they're familiar with. As Pluto progresses across the Cancer stellium, society will have time to acclimate and people will gradually find the comforts within to see them through. Genuine comforts to last beyond the years of learning and development ahead, along with the dignity of adult responsibility.


Blogger Diane L said...

JM, your genius is showing again!

I am doing my personal best to stay calm and have long given up any notions of retiring in the manner like previous generations have been able to. It just ain't gonna happen for us Boomers.

The best thing I see happening is people across this country are actively engaged in what's going on in DC for a change, whether they are cheering or jeering. Doesn't matter, just as long as we the People are keeping the political types on notice.

This is the start of the nation's maturing process and growing pains are always part of it. Pluto-Moon-Saturn transits are the death of the parent in the psyche and that's what's forthcoming, so insecurity is at a high with people clinging hard to what they're familiar with.

Truth! :-D

3/3/09 9:31 AM  
Blogger Madeline Hill said...

When I was growing up, both my family and my husband's families had multiple generations living under one roof. At one time my husband's household consisted of his parents his 34 year old brother and his wife and 3 kids, and an uncle and a grandmother.

In my family ,grandmothers always moved in with younger generations, they did not WORK till they dropped.

I wonder why it is so distasteful to Americans to live as larger family units, with extended family around??

Last week, A friend of mine said "EEWW... would you want your grown children LIVING with you again??."

Well, yeah. I am a Cancerian after all--but that aside, when push comes to shove, if the world is changing and due to economics, families have to group together that sure doesn't sound like the WORSE thing that could happen!!!!

All of us are gonna have to become much more creative and open minded about "lifestyle" real soon!

Maybe if BOOMERS can't work and want to retire, they can join the households of their children and provide help with child rearing, gardening, cooking, and heck, LOVING...

3/3/09 11:20 AM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

Madeline... it's a nice dream parents moving in with kids but I don't see that success has visited us in Pluto in Libra (or Gen-X) enough to make it possible. My generation would have made more money if we'd never invested and stuffed our money under a mattress. Maybe there was a reason for the stereotype of the "slacker". A foreboding that joining in wasn't ever going to ever pay off. Many if not most of my 30 something friends are barely off the ground economically.

3/3/09 1:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh neith, how wonderful to see your voice. It's hard to anticipate things, but that's probably good, really, and why we have Neptune to help us in that respect!

whether they are cheering or jeering. Doesn't matter, just as long as we the People are keeping the political types on notice.

About the wisest thing I've heard in a long time. No. THE wisest.

3/3/09 1:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I wonder why it is so distasteful to Americans to live as larger family units, with extended family around??

This is a great question, madeline. You'd think with 4 planets in Cancer it wouldn't be so, and that's what I love about astrology. The ambiguity. We really are a cold and alienated bunch, due maybe to the Aquarian Moon and South Node. Particularly the node. We're missing the Leo warmth. Thus the anti-depresant use and heart disease as #1.

That's what I think is being addressed with the transits. Why are we so afraid of intimacy? Why do we guard our privacy almost pathologically? And why this also pathological fixation on overworking and not being dependent. Overworking to buy cheaply made mansions. Maybe a blend will result.

I think many different living plans are going to be created, especially the community small unit approach with common meals and care-giving. If we found a sense of belonging earlier, maybe we wouldn't end up so alone in expensive old age homes.

All of this will be visited in Cancer-Capricorn. But we have to get real. Togetherness is more than pecking on keyboards and still being isolated, although that's enjoyable and productive too. But some shell needs cracking and a sense of joining humaity.

3/3/09 1:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

LOL So there is a role for Rush after all!

3/3/09 1:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

My generation would have made more money if we'd never invested and stuffed our money under a mattress.

That's it. Our relationship to investment and shared wealth. People have been blindly giving their money away knowing nothing of the companies and people invested in. And here we are. Total irresponsibility. Easy money. But with that we have easy come, easy go.

And still they're blaming the bankers and Republicans refusing to see their part. If that doesn't happen, it's a no-go.

The market should rally, but it's impossible to know how far down it will ultimately go. Insecurity is the name of the game with the Cancer transits. We'll see what the universe has in mind lesson-wise.

Many if not most of my 30 something friends are barely off the ground economically.

This is what concerns me. We are so used to being young with a world of opportunity before us, and now no one knows how far the unemployment situation will go. But hopefully the end result will be wisdom and more accurate assessments of life.

3/3/09 1:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Anyone wonder why it is ok for Michelle to receive designer dresses free of charge from many of the top couture houses, yet when Sarah Palin spent $130k of RNC funds to wardrobe her for the campaign the press had a field day?
Mkaes me want to kick little gay boy Anderson Cooper in the crotch for being such a Ms. Hypocrite.

I'm in one of my 'moods' again today. Want me to 'out' anyone else?

3/3/09 1:43 PM  
Blogger jm said...

HA HA!!! Really! Anderson? He's cute as much as I've seen of him, even if a hypocrite. But who isn't one? I don't really know these people, so I'll catalogue this information!

Cancer moons and moods. I know and it's OK with me.

The denial is stunning. The worship continues. The games go on. But it's early. People don't care about people. Only their celebrities. The insensitivity of the crowd has always amazed me, from childhood onward. You know, the cruel world reality. I'll never get used to it.

The "nicest" ones are often the meanest.

And the hypocrisy. The worst part. Especially when one can kill people and it's wrong, the other does it, and it's a holy act. Designer dresses are important.

I was supposed to learn to look away from the crowd and pursue higher aims, but it's not working! What will I do? They're so darned cruel. But Aries can be tough on the cacoon lovers.

3/3/09 1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neith wrote:

"I am doing my personal best to stay calm and have long given up any notions of retiring in the manner like previous generations have been able to. It just ain't gonna happen for us Boomers."

Here is an article from Sunday's NY TImes that echoes your comment Neith.

Boomers in a Post-Boom Economy:

3/3/09 2:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

My favorite aunt, a Taurus with Taurus NN exactly the same degree as mine, is about 96 or so now and lived in an entirely different way from the rest of my middle class family.

The 8 children worked in the family business, and she worked hard during the war when the boys were away. She was a photographer and as soon as she was free, she left to pursure her talent.

She never married and lived as simply as any human could in the same rent controlled apartment in NYC for 50 years. She's still there. I don't think I've ever heard her mention money. She mostly treasures her books and one niece that became the love of her life.

She saved and invested early so she didn't have to work a normal job, and she was free to live the artist-political activist's life. Her darkroom was in her kitchen. She was tiny and thin, although a fabulous Taurus cook. When she developed osteoporosis, she didn't like the medication, so she chucked it in favor of becoming a midget. Didn't bother her. She wove around the city streets with complete confidence. One family trait she did inherit was a grand sense of humor.

Her freedom from want always intrigued me and her imprint is forever in my mind. Oddly, she was a pariah in the family, but that never bothered her.

"Who cares what they think?" were her words to me, a hapless SN7.

It can be done. Odd that her healthy value system wasn't handed down to progeny. Maybe it's those outside our immediate families that teach us best.

3/3/09 3:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Unfortunately we will not be able to retire "in the manner like previous generations have been able to." Nor...will we live to "about 96 or so". I am afraid most of us will now be working for the man well into our seventies, until we drop dead at our desks or in our jobs from some ailment or other indicative of the modern age. Our parents didn't understand how lucky they really were, bless their souls.

.......and really, Queenie Rahm Emmanuel with that Pink Gingerbread house in come on girl....get a clue!

3/3/09 4:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Apologies for a long post, but I felt that the entire article copied here would be more relevant than a link. Plaudits to Jessica Murray for bravely telling it like it is. Cogent, to the point, salient and blunt. I love it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

"Barack, We Hardly Knew Ye

From most of Obama's fans there's been a deafening silence -- the sound of people feeling stunned -- rather than a real response to his handling of the Mohammed rendition lawsuit: his green lighting of the CIA's continuing authority to carry out secret abductions to certain Washington-selected countries. But the fact that he has chosen to go along with this hideous Bush program surely must feel like a slap in the face to the vast majority of his supporters. Strangest of all is that he didn't even request a delay, as many expected, to at least go through the motions of reconsidering the policy. Instead he bowed to the tenured spooks, who insist that rendition is the second most effective way to “take terrorists [sic: the nomenclature suggests that all, or most, or even any, of those apprehended are proven violent criminals; the evidence suggests otherwise] off the streets”. The very best way, they claim, is missile strikes.

Morality aside, what a tone-deaf move for Obama to make right now. Even in the cynical terms of PR, if a guy's going to break a campaign promise, why break one this charged, and why do it this early? Similarly shocking-and-appalling was his decision a couple of weeks ago to retain Bush's civilian wiretapping program.

For Obama to disappoint his base with these two retrogressive decisions was a one-two punch. It is having the effect in some circles of raising to the fore other disturbing policies which might otherwise have stayed underneath the radar; such as the fact that despite his stated intention to slash "billions of dollars in wasteful spending" at the Pentagon, his team is now demanding a $40 billion dollar increase in the defense budget. With moves like these, the door of the Obamafest is being opened to doubt. Will more critical challenges arise to crash the party? Will there will be, for example, a challenge from the Left of his support for more bank bailouts?

One senses that the millions of deservedly-exultant Obamaphiles out there are still too victory-drunk to be paying much attention to what's going on; too giddy as yet to come up with a unified response. But this poses a problem not only from an ethical point of view but from a tactical one. It means that the only criticism our man is getting at the moment is from the idiot Right, and for the wrong reasons.

In the psychology of one-to-one relationships there exists a particularly poignant type of pain that is felt by lovers when the object of their infatuation betrays expectations that were too high in the first place. Herein lies the danger that Obama faces, a danger that is particularly acute during his first critical weeks, when he needs to (read: we need him to) hang onto every shred of his political capitol to make changes in the recalcitrant Washington establishment.

The Neptune/Chiron/Jupiter conjunction (see the Skywatches for February and upcoming, on will conjoin the USA's Moon this Spring, indicating utopian visions borne aloft by a collective yearning to believe. These are the ingredients of savior projection (Neptune), one that is triggering a set of needs that originate in a very personal (Moon) part of the national soul -- a part characterized not by logical thinking but by blind faith, and its shadow side, disillusion. The transit describes a populace-disempowering potential more alarming than that of the straight-up bullying by a tyrant."

3/3/09 4:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

PS. C'mon Rush....get out of the bushes please!!!

3/3/09 4:43 PM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

I'm thinking Latin America sounds pretty good. Life on the cheap. You can live on 1K per month very well, probably even less many places. My wife is fluent in Spanish and I'm OK. I'm aiming for a pro-longed bohemian interlude. I think I'll grab a surfboard and finally learn to ride. And maybe I'll learn how to weave intricate toy animals out of palm fronds. I'm not sure if I'm joking or not, I think not!

3/3/09 5:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Omg. All my efforts have not been in vain. Glory hallelujah. The pain's been worth it.

Almost a trillion dollars to elect this fraudulent savior.

such as the fact that despite his stated intention to slash "billions of dollars in wasteful spending" at the Pentagon, his team is now demanding a $40 billion dollar increase in the defense budget.

I could not believe what went on last week in the temple. Like I said, the Moses Tablets. And wait until you get wind of his Iran policy.

I say these things and I'm murdered. What is her secret??? O god, please tell me.

The transit describes a populace-disempowering potential more alarming than that of the straight-up bullying by a tyrant."

Oh my god in heaven. There is a dictatorial element to the Obama worship and the castigation of the doubters. Just look around. Uranus opposite Neptune now is part of it. I am worried, and that's why I'm compelled to raise my voice. The worst is yet to come. The fawning is frightening. Everything he does is worshipped and he's sucking the life and spirit out of the country. No one exists but him Obama 24 hours a day. Wow. This lady. Unafraid. I get so weary of the mealy-mouthed.

Plaudits to Jessica Murray

Heheh. Rush.

Chiron, my man. What a relief. Do you hear my deep sigh?

3/3/09 5:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...


And maybe I'll learn how to weave intricate toy animals out of palm fronds

3/3/09 5:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

OMG in heaven.

3/3/09 5:20 PM  
Blogger PSW said...

We Gen-Xers will get through.

A foreboding that joining in wasn't ever going to ever pay off.
Somehow we knew this was coming...

3/3/09 5:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Instead he bowed to the tenured spooks, who insist that rendition is the second most effective way to “take terrorists [sic: the nomenclature suggests that all, or most, or even any, of those apprehended are proven violent criminals; the evidence suggests otherwise] off the streets”. The very best way, they claim, is missile strikes.

This is dangerous. It's the government's way of rounding up political opponents in the guise of terrorism. The whole phony war is a coverup and your man (70%) is the lead player now.

3/3/09 5:23 PM  
Blogger jm said...

we need him to) hang onto every shred of his political capitol to make changes in the recalcitrant Washington establishment.

It's never going to happen. Just what my last articles have been about.

3/3/09 5:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The transit describes a populace-disempowering potential more alarming than that of the straight-up bullying by a tyrant.

I have to repeat this.

And let me tell you something about these war games. The war profiteers in the new administration. They got invested in Iraq and gave the green light for war. They took our tax money for reconstruction whilst blowing up everything over and over needlessly to make their profits. DEMOCRATS.

Sure he can bring home some troops to get re-elected since the economy isn't going to do it for him. Now the same game goes on in Afghanistan while duping the public into believing he's a peace president.

Gaza right before the inauguration? How convenient. Now our money is going into reconstruction there while their companies make the profit!!!

It's not that hard to see. But Jupiter-Neptune is coming, so I am veiled, roped, and hopefully not executed.

Light and love, btw.

3/3/09 5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment from grimly and succinctly captures my creeping cynicism about Obama.

It's pretty clear by now Obama is every bit as much a fraud as many feared.

The elite - realizing their "down home" frat boy act was over - now entrance us with a black Barbie and Ken in their Washington Doll House.

Isn't that an apt metaphor! Time for us to grow up, eh?

3/3/09 7:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes. Creeping cynicism is a good phrase for it. Good description of Pluto in Cap. I gave him some benefit of the doubt for awhile but I'm liking him less and less as the days come through.

He's being used as a pacifier for the public, since they know what might happen. Growing up is going to be hard. I find it hard to believe that anyone thinks he didn't sell himself out for this position. Big games going on, as usual.

3/3/09 9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My parents have no debt. I used to think they were too disciplined financially but now I am grateful they are positioned well. Sure they have no savings, but they are okay with living off very little. They love off very, very little as my mother never worked and they have no "investments" but a home they own outright, which is like golddust these days.
I am ready, willing and able to take care of them if they need me to (my mum is 69; my dad 82). My mum keeps asking us to move in, but they live in a different city, so that's kind of far fetched while I'm in art school.
B is a yogi. He explained to me how he is not saving for retirement, because as soon as OUR parents are gone and he is "old enough" we are moving to India to live in an ashram and clean toilets for the rest of his (our???) life.
Gotta love that 4thHouse NN in Virgo! I'm up for it, though. I am 30 something and not on my feet financially but I have no dependents and donot anticipate them.

I feel that Pluto/Venus will also help us see that our every movement cannot be assigned a monetary value, as spirit cannot be bought/sold/loaned/rented/leased. I have my heart. I will always be okay as long as I am alive, and even after.

3/3/09 9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would totally move in with my parents, by the way. And I see it happening, but not for some time yet.

3/3/09 9:58 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm gonna move in with myself. Share the bills.

The transit describes a populace-disempowering potential more alarming than that of the straight-up bullying by a tyrant.

Once again, this is the story. Pluto in Capricorn tells of a more restrictive and reactionary phase at first and that's where we are. In some ways it's a step further back from Bush. With Bush we could see the tyrant and work against him, but here the operations are going undercover again. It's no way near the time for transformation. The visionaries can dream, but the work of Aries-Capricorn will have to be done concretely by the warriors on the ground. And it will. Maybe if we stay out of one another's way, things can get accomplished with whatever choice of allegiance each individual makes.

I think the step back though is needed for an elastic flinging forward and that will come from the people's effort later on in the transit.

3/3/09 10:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

they have no "investments" but a home they own outright, which is like golddust these days.

So wise.

I am 30 something and not on my feet financially but I have no dependents and do not anticipate them.

This is the root of a great life. It will be yours.

3/3/09 10:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Childless women have been mocked, rejected, and abused throughout history, but the decision not to implicate others in this struggle is rewarded in ways you can't imagine. As part of transformation and evolution, I'd like to see the childless women cease to be the barren one. I'd like the truth to be known. I'd like to see her become an example of wise choice, equal to motherhood, deserving of respect and a model for girls who want to pursue their talents and their own singular destinies.

And we don't need so much breeding. The alternative should become genuinely accepted.

3/3/09 10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, there's breeding and there's breeding. :o)

But I'm with you on this. I'm childless by choice, for mostly obvious reasons ;o) but also because neither my SO nor I want to bring any kids into this crazy country. Four of my 6 recently-married cousins have, or are about to have, a child. I don't know whether to be horrified or astounded. Are the parents brave and hopeful and optimistic or are they in denial? Or under pressure from parental units to spawn? I once asked my own mother if she would be disappointed if I chose not to go through with the kid routine and she said it was my choice and she'd respect it. So for now, anyway, we're settling for a little furry, fanged, fluffy-tailed granddaughter. :o)

4/3/09 4:43 AM  
Blogger Diane L said...

Hey, here's a link to Bill Herbst's latest newsletter. Excellent and objective as always:

Barack Obama 3: Transits

Childless person here too. I do have two step-daughters and one grandchild - hopefully no more.

I have to say I keep hearing echos in my head these days from the early 70's when we talked about not having children or a future because of the possibility of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Perhaps that old saw about the "more things change, the more they stay the same" is truer than I thought. LOL

4/3/09 8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the fantastic articles. The comments are energizing, since we are of like minds. The procession of knowledge that this is still Empire and not change is growing.
However: more patience is needed. But, the public is still mesmerized, while the pilfering goes on in the background. And next, we have to contend with Jupiter/Neptune? I have Aquarius rising, so will have an excuse to get in a supply of wine or other libations.!
My son, still lives with me, while attending college, and we are lucky to be financially okay. Somehow, I have defied the astrological books, and a "dble aries" has landed on its feet, instead of its head! How?, in the world I managed that, I do not know? You can imagine the things I have torched, along the way? And the doors I have slammed in defiance. The defiance of the hypocrisy still exists.

chrion, thank you for posting Jessica Murray. I have read it earlier, but great to read and reread.

Raging Universe, I look forward with eagerness, to more genius articles.

4/3/09 8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

opps, I am sorry, I spelled your name wrong. The fingers to the brain screwed up. I have Mercury in Aries too! and the Sun/combustion, gets ahead of itself! to say the least.

4/3/09 9:37 AM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

feel that Pluto/Venus will also help us see that our every movement cannot be assigned a monetary value, as spirit cannot be bought/sold/loaned/rented/leased. I have my heart. I will always be okay as long as I am alive, and even after.

I agree completely. The help I had with my crisis of the past week was of this type. Priceless. When the true spirit of life is moved, it is beyond any sort of quantification. It is a pure gift.

4/3/09 10:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

No problem. I should take the time for a spellcheck more often myself.
I read Bill Herbst's article a bit ago. Excellant work. Thank you Neith for the post. Last year amongst a long list of predictions I made for 2008 and beyond, I concluded that if Obama won, and he survived ( of which I still have sincere doubt) then his administration would quickly become mired in the muck and we would be looking at a single term. I do not see anything at this point to alter that forecast. Of course there are many things soon to occur that will be out of his, or anyone's control. Watch events soon to unfold in China. Yes indubitably the Empire still exists. Change is not something easily effected by a vested group already entrenched in power. We bloggers here at RU already realize that. But sadly, it will be the idolaters whose spirtual energy will be sapped as the Golden Bull falls. This time there will be no Moses to remedy God's disdain. In my analysis of Obama's birthchart, I made a comparative linkage between Obama and the mythic Darth Vader. Strangely enough, there was hope inherent in that comparison, since at the end Vader turned away from the dark side of the force. Reading Murry, Herbst, Patry and others who are now voicing sincere disappointment, I now wonder whether that analogy is better substituted for the mythic Palpatine, the senator who mutated into the crazed emperor. Time will tell, but he clock is clearly ticking.

4/3/09 10:50 AM  
Blogger m.p.k said...

the decision not to implicate others in this struggle is rewarded in ways you can't imagine.

I agree and was inspired by the story of your aunt. It's the path my wife and I are on. Recently I've realized I still have to live in service to life in some way. The energy not spent on reproducing and raising children will still be put into service of life (and I still reserve the right of having fun along the way of course!).

4/3/09 10:51 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

A gay woman head of state, and Elves. Sounds to me like a perscription for some kind of holistic remedy. LOL. Makes for interesting reading.

PS. Give me a lesbian and the elves any day over Pelosi and her band of trolls!

4/3/09 11:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Whatever you think of him McCain certainly has a set, almost as large as Hillary's!

From Hillbuzz.

"Here’s just some of Obama’s wasteful, reckless spending that McCain railed against on the Senate floor yesterday:

• $2.1 million for the Center for Grape Genetics in New York. “quick peel me a grape,” McCain twittered.

• $1.7 million for a honey bee factory in Weslaco, Tex.

• $1.7 million for pig odor research in Iowa.

• $1 million for Mormon cricket control in Utah. “Is that the species of cricket or a game played by the brits?” McCain tweeted.

• $819,000 for catfish genetics research in Alabama.

• $650,000 for beaver management in North Carolina and Mississippi.

• $951,500 for Sustainable Las Vegas. (McCain, a devotee of Vegas and gambling, must really be against earmarks if he doesn’t want to “sustain” Vegas.)

• $2 million “for the promotion of astronomy” in Hawaii, as McCain twittered, “because nothing says new jobs for average Americans like investing in astronomy.”

• $167,000 for the Autry National Center for the American West in Los Angeles. “Hopefully for a Back in the Saddle Again exhibit,” McCain tweeted sarcastically.

• $238,000 for the Polynesian Voyaging Society in Hawaii. “During these tough economic times with Americans out of work,” McCain twittered.

• $200,000 for a tattoo removal violence outreach program to help gang members or others shed visible signs of their past. “REALLY?” McCain twittered.

• $209,000 to improve blueberry production and efficiency in Georgia.




Love it.

4/3/09 11:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

beaver management ???????

4/3/09 11:19 AM  
Blogger jm said...

LOL, Joe! I trust your furry, fanged, fluffy-tailed granddaughter is a adorkable as you.:o)

Neith, that is amazing and right in the telepathic groove. Last night I was just about to post excerpts from Bill Herbst's latest e-mail, but then decided to hold off for a minute with the rather hard truth. A little at a time! Best to forge ahead.

Perhaps that old saw about the "more things change, the more they stay the same" is truer than I thought. LOL

I'm not so certain people really want all that much change. The word has certainly gotten a lot of usage lately. You take your chances. It can be 50/50, bad or good. The stock market has changed. There are basics that remain the same. We still eat the same food we did 1000s of years ago.

4/3/09 1:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Thanks for your strong words dble A. I think we incarnate into our rising signs as we go so all the defiant Aries qualities have been slowly becoming my identity while I learn how to handle the slamming! It's a necessary part. I used to be afraid of hurting the floor when I wanted to stomp my foot!

The defiance of the hypocrisy still exists.

This is one of my biggest crusades and I attribute that to my Aries. It burns.

Uranus across my ascendant will free up my full Aries force, and practice makes perfect. It can be daunting. It cracks the earth in the spring with new life. The energy for breakthrough is going to come in handy for everyone.

4/3/09 1:41 PM  
Blogger jm said...

But sadly, it will be the idolaters whose spirtual energy will be sapped as the Golden Bull falls. This time there will be no Moses to remedy God's disdain.

Strong statement chiron. The idolatry gets to my cells like the hypocrisy. I love religion with all my Sagittarius so these desecrations irk me. Interesting you should say this, because Obama is fixated on his Joshua Generation thing, and I think he really believes he is going to lead the people into paradise. I have become concerned about his mental state. He's definitely problematically neurotic as so many afflicted 12th house people are. It's impossible to tell because of Neptune transiting his 1st and his natal Neptune. But I think grand delusions are part of it. I know so. Lincoln and FDR fantasies, for example.

I think he must realize his transgressions deep down so he is probably suffering and will be much more, while getting worse in the criminal racket he joined.

I don't know about Obama's outcome, but I hold firm to my view that he will encounter a huge fall to prepare for Pluto coming to his Saturn. I think he's exactly what we need, however, in that he should enable us to fight for our independence when the disappointment turns to defiance. We know we'll have to fight this government, and some of us see it, but others aren't ready. We all have our jobs and the ones ahead of the pack can help the frightened ones prepare.

There is a possibility that he could transform when Saturn gets to Scorpio and his MC, but I think he wants a catastrophic crisis to prove what a great leader he is, and he would create one to have that, he is so possessed. The things they're doing now economically are psychotic. He can't accomplish that, but if we do have a catastrophe of our own accord, maybe he will shine. I don't predict. I do, however, keep my eye on his Pluto transit as his own reckoning with life and fate, so I am preparing to take leadership into my own hands.

In this sense, I think he's good for us. he will facilitate our revolt against him. He already is, but the crowd has yet to gain courage. They're spitting out the dissenters more now, so this is actually a good sign. It will likely turn out completely different from what most expect. The weakness in our government is our greatest asset now.

4/3/09 2:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

From Bill Herbst.

Watching video of Obama’s February 25th speech before the joint houses of Congress, I was reminded that — for all Obama’s welcome eloquence in giving a great speech — we had moved from the “politics of oblivion” with Bush back to “politics as usual” with Obama.

The bank bailouts to rescue Wall Street criminals that started under Bush will continue under Obama. And the “stimulus package” passed by the Democrats over stonewalling Republican protest reveals precious little vision of the long-term, fundamental changes in the economy that need to occur if we are to restructure American culture to deal effectively with the huge challenges that loom ahead. Instead, we appear to be taking on ever more massive debts in a stupendously misguided effort to save a status quo that is already moribund. In other words, the government’s efforts are nearly guaranteed to make matters worse rather than better.

We can't avoid the depression, but it's here for good reason and will bring renewal.

We are watching that destruction gear up now in the economic meltdown, which has at least seven more years to run, and nothing anyone can do will stop it before its work is finished. This ruthless wiping-the-slate-clean is necessary for the many rebirths to follow during the seven exact passes of Uranus square Pluto from 2012 to 2015. Those rebirths (meaning creation of new economic, political, and social structures) will continue to emerge after 2015 out of a combination of powerful common-sense grassroots movements that work from the bottom up and inspire radical leadership decisions from the top down.

2009 is much too early for these populist movements to coalesce. Their seeds are already planted, with some shoots and roots already present, but they have not begun to grow visibly yet, and they are nowhere near coming to flower. In addition, the powers that be have not yet realized that their game must change fundamentally if they are to preserve their wealth. At this point, the ruling elites still believe that they can call the shots and remain in power. That belief, like so many others, will be challenged over the coming years.

He thinks that the results will come in the 2020s, and I agree, with benefits coming even after that. I think the most important thing to keep in mind is that it's not a question of being led out of anything now, but more like getting up and walking ahead into a new frontier on one's own volition. Pluto opposite US Sun in a few years should get to the source of confidence and leadership. Not-so-good leadership is probably required first. Someone asked recently at RU what I would want in a leader and I think that's a good question. A blank canvas on which to paint one. That leads us to our inner authority, the fundamental aim of Pluto in Capricorn opposite Cancer.

4/3/09 2:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can't avoid the depression, but it's here for good reason and will bring renewal.

Much as the rotting matter in the compost heap nourishes seedlings. This planet feeds on itself, on so many levels.

I think as a country we have staved off the necessary nadir in the pursuit of an endless zenith. If we had let it play out, it would have been over with by now. It's like preventing a fever, which is a healthy cleansing mechanism of the body. Why are we Americans so hell-bent on preventing natural cycles? I don't get it.

4/3/09 8:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Joe that is beautifully articulated. What a good question.

There are cycles within and without so who knows what we're following. Hell-bent it is. I love these questions. I ask them all the time. And guess what? No one offers a possible answer. That could be a clue. We're not little Nietzsches, that's for sure.

People will say we used to be in synch with nature, but I have no proof that we didn't resist natural cycles of some sort then. I wish I knew. I long too much for knowledge. The way I learn is by extended conversations around these ideas, but people are very busy and in a fantastic rush. That could be another clue.

But in terms of natural cycles, maybe it's time to experience an extreme situation. A nadir. Maybe it couldn't have been prevented. And maybe it won't be so bad.

The endless "it's all so positive" high we seek dfinitely leads to the opposite eventually. The insanity of television astonishes me. I can't follow the brutal raciness and hysteria of it. Would they forsake the extremes for a more moderate life? Who knows?

4/3/09 11:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chiron I am not sure if there are elves in Iceland, they may not get a fair wage packet unfortunately. But they have a gay woman of state!

(You probably know this already but I couldn't pass up the chance to write 'elves' in a comment). :)

5/3/09 12:30 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Well, they outfitted the beavers in Denver with birth control a few years back. I kid you not. So it could be important. I don't know what the hell is going on. Man and nature are quite a happening thing. And pigs do stink.

5/3/09 4:02 AM  

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