Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Center of the Universe

Bull's Eye: Mars Pierces Leo
Back in time, I had a lengthy involvement with a mega Leo -- Sun, Ascendant, Venus, and Neptune. There was never a dull moment, as is so often the case with this lively sign, and the continuous dramatics kept me busy, always energizing my life.
It's interesting when an other becomes the center of one's external world. It happens easily -- children, lovers, musicians, the goldfish, a chair.
My dreamboat, when I was a teen, was the sprightly singer, Bobby Rydell. Wild One being his big hit.
I shakily got his autograph one night in Vegas sparking the thrill of a budding lifetime.

As it happens, sometimes around expressive dominant people you might misplace something of your own spark. Ideally, the light and heat of Leo motivate people to find their own centers of illumination, and great creativity can be aroused, with care taken not to neglect that point of significance.
Mars retrograde in Leo is a sharp reminder of this singular battery of the self, and I think the long transit offers knowledge of personal importance, delivering familiarity with our own healthy egos, regardless of achievement. Leo is proud just because.

With Capricorn, from my perspective, I see that the conflict between pride of accomplishment and the birthright of self esteem is in the limelight, and maybe that's why things aren't getting done.
Maybe it's not the time for great feats, but rather a time for recognition of self confidence in just about everyone. Until someone figures out what's going on, let alone what to do. I'm in no hurry.

Who validates my greatness? Are we kings and queens or are we servants, and aren't they really equal in the eyes of the healthy self? Why the fear of being crushed and overpowered? Where is its source? Who's boss? You know how bossy Leo can be. Yeah! Who in hell is the boss?
These are some of the questions that surface when the individual maps the search for solar power. Once that's discovered the mythological grandeur of the group comes within sight, since all can recognize their worth as an essential part of the story. 

But alas. It's not so simple finding the path to the center of one's universe because you're already there. Weird? Right?