Wednesday, July 28, 2021

American Melodrama

Americans hang together. With the Moon and her south node in Aquarius, it's a guarantee. But it comes at a high price. Very high. The price is high melodrama. Sometimes an excruciatingly elevated output of melodrama. Shrieks. tears, and other cries are often included, along with horrific frights.

At the North Node in Leo, drama is the only option. So Americans are doing what they do. Of course, Mars in Leo triggered a lot of it. Still. It's in the germ plasm.

Showing off, and in my opinion, being ridiculous.


Blogger Tseka said...

High drama that borders on comedy currently witnessed at Jan 6 hearing “testimony”.

My Aq asc conjunct USA moon squints her eyes. Really? The best you can do is C grade actors?

Take some hints from GEOTUS.

29/7/21 8:32 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Really. Thespians they are not.

The good part is that it can't be taken seriously. Better the C listers stay busy with their histrionics covering up their ineptitude and the fact that nothing much is happening. It keeps them from legislating. Chasing enemies of the state. Phfffff.

My Sun conjunct USA Mercury says get a better script writer.

30/7/21 12:13 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Maybe we nincompoop voters should get Actor's Equity to help us find candidates. If they are incapable of leading countries they might at least show some love to the rapt audience.

30/7/21 12:28 AM  

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