Saturday, May 08, 2021

Elimination, Regeneration, and the Pluto Return

"Pluto is approximately of the fourteenth stellar magnitude, which means that it is around one sixteenth-hundredth  as bright as the faintest star visible to the naked eye. This minute level of brightness, together with its small size, are two factors that are quite deceptive, for the power represented by Pluto surpasses its physical attribute. Anything connected with Pluto cannot accurately be understood by mere observation of surface characteristics.".... Stephen Arroyo

The United States of America is essentially in her return of Pluto to its position in the birth chart. It's time for the country to experience the end of Pluto's first revolution. Thing are not what they appear to be. Pluto removes surface pretensions in uncovering what's often called essential honesty. 

The route to this so called truth involves surfacing of hidden impediments and then their elimination. Left alone, decay would overwhelm the entire system possibly leading to its demise. 

Pluto in Capricorn is reflecting authoritarian behavior in governments worldwide, but it is especially important to America because of the natal placement. Some fear the perceived destruction of the nation's constitutional origin which is based on the protection of personal liberty, one of the country's greatest assets.

The path to preservation of this asset is through acknowledgement of the obstacles to freedom in the national psyche and a subsequent removal of them if need be. There appears to be a destructive frenzy in motion but this is required in order to encourage regeneration. The roots of the country's fundamental governing system are likely intact. Some decay is useful in order to provide fertile ground for new growth in the opposite sign, Taurus. Destruction of this kind has purpose. It has use.

It's smart to remember that the rulers and ruled are one. The spectrum of power, one over the other, is only on the surface.

Sometimes people feel they are victims of wrong-doing, but it's the individual's own psyche that creates the entanglement for reasons as varied as the world's populations. Human societies need a wide range of outside controls. A helpful restriction to one is oppression to another.  Those who cannot govern themselves rely on dictatorship. Those who are more adept at dispersion of power create democracies. Comprehending America's need regarding authority and Pluto in Capricorn is a long endeavor. Two hundred and fifty years is a healthy start.

Cancer, represented by four planets in America's chart, lies opposite Capricorn completing the parent-child axis. Of course, the immature side of Cancer cries with protest as the country strives to grow up in Capricorn. Freedom requires responsibility to maintain, so it's said. Ultimately it comes down to citizens creating and following their own ethical codes, however they structure them. Education, religion, inherent altruism, social consciousness, and the like are but some of the ways. When that happens, leaders reflect it.

So healthy societies grow organically from experience and evolution. They are an adjustment to circumstance. No one person or faction determines collective outcome. Nor do perceived omnipotent powers. Living societies adjust perpetually on their own.

"Seen in the light of the laws of karma, Transiting Pluto has the effect of eliminating old psychological patterns, seen as residues from past thoughts and actions. The transits of Pluto seem to wipe out much of this karmic residue, allowing a greater possibility of expressing the self as a psychologically free agent." ....  Stephen Arroyo

The USA seems to have a karmic memory of strong authoritarianism and oppression of freedom shown by the Pluto in Capricorn placement. She cast it off once that's known. The transit of Pluto provides a return to that memory, a renewal of liberty to be developed further on in Aquarius, and possibly a grain of honesty in government. 


Blogger Tseka said...

Another amazing post!

It's a lot to chew on and will be great to do so as I work away today.You've fired up some thoughts. Hoping for a little time later to share with you.

Thank you my sweet T for doing this for us all. 😘

10/5/21 9:53 AM  
Blogger jm said...

My great and lovely queen. I have wonderful news. It will be my next post. It's all happening and you are so in the know. We are starting to pull out of the difficulty.

A lot has come to me and I am eager to share. People are sensing something and are even responding. Pluto just went retro and the next direct motion is going to deliver. We've paid, karma and all. A little at a time.

I'll be around all day and night today as the rain falls and spring struggles to come in her full bounty. come talk when you're free.

And thank you St.B for guiding me to this endeavor. How wise you are.

10/5/21 12:11 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Sorry I missed your rain. Another packed day. Trying to get things done before the big heat arrives.
Hopefully tonight. SB

11/5/21 1:22 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The parent child axis of Capricorn / Cancer you describe has caught my eye.
What we call our founding fathers were actually a band of mostly young. The average age of the signers of the declaration of independence was 44. Many were in their 30s. The Declaration and Federalist Papers have always struck me with their maturity in thinking. The committee who drafted the declaration represented several generations.

The general populous was mostly willing to continue to be ruled under the distant monarchy. It took Thomas Paine's “Common Sense” to activate the revolution. He was 39.

I see this mirrored somewhat today by Trump as activator in chief with a a lot of young firebrands joining the fray

Ben Franklin's words, “we have a republic if you can keep it” echo.

We the people today are no different than our predecessors who were willing to let a foreign government rule...until it became oppressive.
As you say this is a global awakening to individual liberty with US as a model. We somehow lost the thread that to keep our republic we had to participate - that “of the people” part.

12/5/21 2:58 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Pluto is digging us out of our malaise.
We have a blueprint of how to maintain our republic.

Look at Arizona! The fight is on in many states to return integrity and reclaim control over our most valuable right to vote.

Enough have.said we're not gonna take it any more. And we are using the power of our pocketbook to deny the over-woke corporations, like coca cola.

Looking like monetary systems are going to be reformed.
It's all different and yet the same.

I need to go back to bed. The first days of heat always wipe the northern daughter out.

12/5/21 3:13 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Amazing, Stick. I have a post just written on the Cancer Capricorn axis. It figures you'd pick up on this important issue for the country. Very good info on our fathers. 44. Unbelievable. Our youth are coming in and that's why the inevitable education reform is so wonderful. Finally the parents themselves are taking charge. I have links for you I'll post shortly. T. Paine, Common Sense at 39. Makes perfect sense. I have great confidence in the young.

Yes, Trump is a symbol and big things are in store. I'll have to post soon. The start of action came today with the Cheney ouster. The old bags are going and the young will replace them.

I agree. Participation is key. We the people are getting ready. It goes deep into basic survival instinct.

Activator in chief! Yup. Saturn Uranus square is back.

So glad about you and the parent child awareness.

12/5/21 11:07 AM  
Blogger jm said...

You lovely northern daughter. I know what you mean about the heat. Peel off those cumbersome clothes!

Wonderful point about our blueprint. It's all coming together as the new Aries beginning coincides with Jupiter in Aries in 22 for the next pivotal election. Participation should include joy instead of overwhelming depression and oppression, feeling hopeless about having a say. Voting integrity change is a given.

The body politic found its voice with the Trump election and now comes the constructive aftermath.

Wise point. "It's all different yet the same."

I never worry about hard times. They buy good times.

12/5/21 11:19 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Wokeism is in its death throes. It's simply too ridiculous. These non common sense ideas will always be around but no free society worth its salt will allow them to rule the entire shebang. The body politic has a brain believe it or not. People slip and slide out of everything, good and bad, and the wheel of fortune sometimes stops in a good spot.

12/5/21 11:50 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Looking forward to your Cancer- Capricorn axis post....your likely have special insight.

This Pluto return for US is taking place on A's moon in his second house.
A new appreciation of the motherline running back through my mother, her's etc. has been emerging.
Roots for the forward motion.

12/5/21 12:44 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

In summer, baggiest is bestest...and not too much in way of garments.

12/5/21 12:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Baggie is always the bestest for me. I hate restriction!
Unless I'm being Aries tough and tight. Then I wear skinny jeans. With plenty of stretch, though.

Moon in Capricorn, 2nd house, mother's values and money stuff. Good quality and money spent on worthwhile things, even if expensive. There is knowledge of power and control in handling money. And what true values are.

As Stephen Arroyo suggests, Pluto can help people develop as free psychological agents. The Pluto transit symbolizes death of the mother in the psyche so one can adhere to his own, sometimes separate values, along with the appreciation. Honesty again.

Mothers loom large and I think Pluto can reverse that a little bit by leading one to his authentic emotional body. A rebirth of sorts.

12/5/21 1:47 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Here's where it gets interesting. Your Cancer fifth house is your child. Uranus there reflects the intellectual compatibility as well as separation when need be. You've probably always done that. A's Pluto transit is beyond the actual mother. Our mothering is deep in the psyche and our real life mothers get that inner projection. Of course, the Aquarius rising, Sadge 10th, indicate mothering the world as well as you did your child. Teaching us under trees.

Stories, memories, motherlines, paintings, all of it. Big job. Sun-Merc in the 10th.

12/5/21 2:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Well you're right. I know Cancer-Cap. Pluto is opposite my 4th house Cancer Sun now trying as hard as Pluto can to suck that clinging hiding Sun out of the 4th. Delivered into the world. Cancer fourth? Not easy Pluto. I understand. But you knew, Stick. Are you my Pluto? Nice.

12/5/21 2:39 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So A is an only child and you don't get the crazy family differences in the mother image. I have Moon in Sadge, my sister has Moon in Cap, and my brother, Moon in Libra.

I ran off from my mother as soon as possible, my sister took responsibility for her in their shared hard times and she followed her value system being in the second house, and my brother was actually my mother's partner.

So where is the real mother in all of this? Life is fascinating.

12/5/21 2:40 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Life is fascinating. Indeed.

That's why I mentioned A's moon conjunct USA Pluto. He's deeply committed to this country. He attends precinct meetings. Knows the politicians.

Ja, A and I have always been friends...that long tether works well for us. It's the interest in the motherline which fascinates me.This is the Native American woman merging with an American culture but retaining her sovereignty to choose what worked best. He is not seeking nor assuming native culture as his own, but seeking instead those strengths that allowed survival and a peaceful life. If this translates at all to our USA Pluto transit, seeking our strengths through our predecessors it's looking like a good path to peaceful life.

12/5/21 4:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The districts are the heart of our House of Representatives.

Here's some good news on education reform:
Take Charge

13/5/21 12:42 AM  
Blogger jm said...

The website: TakeCharge

13/5/21 12:47 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Take charge
Excellent. Good news on education. Maybe even better news, speaking up.

Thanks for the links. There's a lot of positive going on.

13/5/21 9:18 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Out of the ashes of ruin. That's what I love about Takecharge growing out of Minneapolis. I am touched. There will be a lot more.

80% of black kids growing up in fatherless homes has its downside. It fits into our Cancer-Capricorn thoughts. Speaking up and taking charge. Can't beat that.

Definitely positive going on. It just doesn't get much attention which is probably good. Let it flourish quietly.

14/5/21 11:10 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Given the times, especially in Minne, less attention is better. People will quietly coalesce around the strength within this movement.

I remember how successful Farrakhan was offering a way forward with pride for young men.
It's not a group I can support, but I can understand the attraction.

14/5/21 12:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh dear I appear to have lost my ID again. Says Tseka.
Off to initiate repairs.

14/5/21 1:14 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Absolutely. 1000%. Pride in young men. The new black leaders represent that. I believe the Blsck community is going to help lead us out of this knot. The old slaves freeing the new slaves.

14/5/21 2:04 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The perils of father absence have been known for a long time and now could be the moment to act and move. Pluto in Capricorn reflects it. Our lack of fatherly guidance as a nation right now does as well. All the better to find it ourselves. Things are starting to gel.

14/5/21 2:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The beautiful Takecharge movement is the surfacing of something broad and deep in our society. What dignity in their statements.

14/5/21 2:09 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Agree it's grand.

14/5/21 2:19 PM  

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