The Taurus-Aquarius Square
In the sign of Taurus, the native gets comfortable on the earth plane and comes to revel in his sense of self and all the sensations life has to offer. After the hard survival efforts of Aries, one is ready to relax in contentment free from the personal entanglements that come later on. While the person becomes attached to objects and discovers the pleasures of possession, one is still relatively free of others. You can often observe Taurus in a group unbothered, doing its own thing. While the crowd excitedly anticipates catastrophic comings, Taurus is largely unmoved.
At the end of the wheel comes Aquarius in square aspect to Taurus. This is where people part ways with their self centered focus and become part of the group.
Oddly, Aquarius is associated with freedom, yet some personal freedom is traded for entanglement with the many in this sign.
Naturally, Taurus can become uncomfortable. Personal pleasures always remain a priority, but human evolution must go on. There are seven plus billion others to consider, which is a big big stretch for Taurus.
Well, unfortunately for Taurus, some high wire astrological vibrations are occurring in Aquarius these days. The natural self centered engagement is being attacked from the side. At the same time, to its dismay, airy impractical Aquarius is caught and held by substantial, feet planted on the ground, realistic Taurus. The progress of humanity does take time. Slow paced Taurus knows the value of incremental growth.
People sense opportunity and are racing to try social ideals out on the crowd, but it's still the beginning. Heavy footed Taurus might not comply completely, even when pushed. Stability is primary. Nonetheless, impossible, nervous, futuristic Aquarian ruler, Uranus, will surely rattle the Taurus floor. Unsettling Uranus upsets Taurean peace and contentment, but too much sedentary inaction can be problematic, so a jolt might be useful. Grounded Uranian electricity might be also.
The square aspect is tough. They are not at all compatible, except by modality. In this case, both Aquarius and Taurus are of a fixed nature, a setup for stubbornness. As far as the plot goes, will earthlings stay rooted in gravity or will they take flight into unknown realms of imaginary progress? With Uranus it's hard to predict. Some progress is likely, I would think. Something sensible.
Sensible progress. I can appreciate that!
Two people I have loved with all my heart are/were Tauruses. When other friendships faded these merely changed to fit new circumstances. Stubborn we admit to, but as my papa used to say, “It's good to be a stubborn Swede, the line between stubborn and persevering is very thin and easy to step over.”
My hope for Uranus in Taurus is an new appreciation of our glorious planet, our lives connected to it and a monetary system anchored in what is real.
I can easily see blockchain monetary system anchored by an assortment of metals +. Personally, i'm a fan of cash in my pocket. It makes trading for goods more personal.
"The line between stubborn and preserving is very thin and easy to step over."
Oh those Gemini wordsmiths. Stability is a must. Newborns lose it sometimes and need to be grabbed and given support. Jupiter leaving Aquarius is bound to calm things down. The woke hopes are soon to be dashed on the rocks of reality and solid ground. The human race is rather extensive and needs to handled with care. Pluto in Capricorn is also likely to leave that knowledge behind.
I always use my common sense faith. The change that's truly required will come at the right time, similar to natural selection.
Real money and assets won't go anywhere. We still live on a dense earth.
There's been a little too much focus on technology so it could be time to remember practicality. Spending too much Taurean money on pipe dreams might be looked at. People underestimate the strength of Taurus sometimes. Feet firmly on the ground with new experiments in a sensible application is ideal. We ultimately do the right thing as 10,000 years prove.
So the pandemic could be part of the lesson when some understand that controlling the entire planet of humans is impossible. Technology won't really control natural occurrences either. We have to let nature take its course regardless of our genius interference, helpful as it can be at times.
The same understanding will eventually be applied to climate change.
Nature created this marvelous human meddling mind for reasons still to be discovered along with sound ways to use it.
It's interesting to watch all the effort applied while the infinitesimal virus or whatever continues on its path. Humans share everything, good and otherwise. Maybe Taurus can remind some that not sharing is ok too.
Big dose of reality here...walked into living room to find one of the cats had a snake corralled under a table against the wall.
B nudged it my direction with a broom and I was able to get it onto a piece of cardboard and flip it out the door.
B: We don't want to hurt you but you must leave.
Me: Get out!
The cat had knocked some things off a windowsill a few days and I came running. I thought I saw a snake tail but we could not find it. Red Racer about 4’ long.
Had my dose of adrenaline for the day. And reality.
One wonders how he managed to stay alive and hidded with two cats and a vacuum
There are comforts living in more refined areas but then there would be no bobcats.
Omg. Congratulations. Your bravery. I am as afraid of snakes as I am of totalitarianism. Four feet is far far far too much slithering footless winding hiding life for me.
Hiding works. One of creatures greatest talents. Plus snakes barely eat. They can hide forever.
I'm an expert hider. I tiptoe out into the mad world occasionally but the safe enclosure is never far away.
More refined area? Be careful. Looks can deceive. There are snakes in some form everywhere. Probably mostly harmless. But scary nonetheless. Refinement is part illusion. Comforts are probably equal everywhere. You wouldn't want a bunch of termites eating your expensive refined home with its annual remodeled kitchen!
I had a snake loving friend once who tried to teach me how to love them too. He took me down into his basement where his collection resided. He retrieved a small thin snake and handed it to terrified me. I suddenly wasn't afraid. It wrapped around my wrist gently. Very pretty snake. That was the first and last time I held one. Amazing how the power of calm can spread.
Then my gorgeous advanced cat, Gogs, years ago in Santa Fe, filled my life with pleasure. He didn't bring home his prey if he even hunted. He was a thinker. Except once. There he was up a tree with a wiggling snake in his mouth. I wrote a song. I never forget the snakes in my life. The boys in my idyllic childhood in woods and pasture totally loved scaring me. It's a wonder I love the guys so much now.
HA HA HA!! You and B! Two distinct styles. Love the sweet guy.
I once yelled at a squirrel to get out so ferociously that my military neighbor walking by did a double take. Get out! is one of my very favorites.
I'm scared witless of snakes, that I could tell it get out and don't come back was astonishing.
My son is a snake charmer, they are completely comfortable with each other.
The blue jays here usually sound the alert when snakes are near. No blue jays here at the moment. The ravens are holding a convention on the lower part of my land. It must be Corvid manners.
I am so impressed. Your fear matches mine. Even when they're not moving. A snake in the house is outrageous. What scares us about them? Something very primordial I think.
Covid manners. Or the godawful fear of life.
Ravens are so aware. Crows too. I think of crows as sentries. They seem to be involved in death's passage also.
When I went to my father after my mother's death the crows used to come and I felt my mother's presence. They were comforting in all their raucousness. Of course, my mother used to say to me in my complaining, "Noise is life."
Ravens! They share a telepathy. Maybe akin to Dolphins? I have had some remarkable experiences with ravens that border on otherworldly.
Genghis Kahn was asked who among the many opponents would he never wish to encounter again. He replied the Tomte. Unfortunately Tomtes have been demoted to some magical fairy tale persona associated mostly with Christmas.
Our Alfr side of the story is that a Tomte is a person with the ability to fly up and see through the eyes of a raven. This is why Genghis Khan had no desire to encounter the clans again. The tomte kept an eye out, scanning the horizon for danger. Kahn described how he and his men would swoop in and find only fresh embers but no people.
I have so many raven stories, I love them. They often engage me in playing tricks on me.
I love that the ravens came.. your mama was wise, noise is life.
Life is noisy.
Beautiful all-seeing Tomte. I get an unmistakable feeling from these creatures that they are our protectors. The crows position themselves on high and project fearlessness in the middle of everything. The language of their calls never ceases to draw me in. There is an urgency in the calls and they use them sparingly. They rise above all the earthly busyness and come when needed.
I think crows are important in the teachings of Don Juan. I forget how, I will revisit.
Crows are collective for real. Their gatherings are huge, loud, and fearsome. The finches trill merrily but the ravens talk with powerful intent.
The robins, however. Too loud! Especially at 3 o'clock in the morning.
Well, the trees are budding and spring is here. The birds haven't begun their full symphony yet, but soon. The irritating mourning doves included! The woodpeckers sound so good when their not pecking on my house! What a bunch. I like the cardinals.
I love the sound of this one.
Beautiful little marsh wren
Summer hit today, low nineties. I'm not ready.
The din of the air conditioner is 10x worse than robins at 3am. And yet, I am so grateful for them, and.that I can afford to run them.
Yuor matsh wren is like a sweet tickle.
Jeeze Marsh Wren.
A mockingbird was driving us all crazy sounding like an alarm clock going off all night long. One full moon nigh, bang, a rifle shot rang out, then silence. My eighty year old neighbor had a dead eye. Part Cherokee, she grew up shootin' she took care of all my rattle snake problems.
Not so many rattlers where I now live. Much as I don't like snakes, after the red racer got back outside I thanked it for guarding the yard. They are very protective of their territory. They can be very feisty. While B was nudging the tail I was steering the striking end with my carboard shield.
And don't come back inside!!
Ha ha!! 80 year old dead eye. These city slickers don't understand.
I don't know red racers. I'm surprised it came inside. That doesn't sound like normal snake.
Those dern slithering things are unforgettable. Try to sleep well tonight. You knew it was there, and now it's not, so you should. Red racer begone!!
I like to look at the big picture of squares and I've been thinking how the vax fits in. The experimental technology is not convincing the populace. Aquarius has run up against real life Taurus on this one. The Saturn Uranus square is back and forcing technology into the body might not work. There should be some stubborn resistance. Judging by the force of the vaxers, the mass piercing is not taking off, futuristic as it might be. Patience, Aquarius.
People are ridiculous. Snakes have more sense, except the red racer who met with Tseka and B. What a daunting duo!
And Michi command control kitty!
Yes, the big squares that make up the patchwork.
Perhaps watching sci fi, Star Trek etc was exciting but remained foreign. It's a hard sell to go against nature. People still long for the Norman Rockwell images.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, it loves romance, the big family meals.
Since Penicillin we have put our trust in modern medicine but vaccines have been getting the squinty eye of moms for several years.
Aquarians are truth seeking. Saturn the old ruler of Aquarius can be a teacher who presents hard tests. This test is about technology serves msn. Taurus will say show your proof.
I personally think the Covid thing is falling apart. Tonight I read there was a 34% increase in one week of adverse reactions reported to VAERS.
The fear will shift from catching Covid to getting the vax. Sadly that 34% increase is low as the.reports lag real time.
Also transiting Saturn is trine USA Saturn in Libra. It's still hooking into our Mars. That looks like a bit of motion for good judgement.
Michi! Wonderful name. You're good at that. What kind is she or he?
Yes, I think so. Enough covid. People are saturated. The vaxes are making it worse if anything. It will probably go the way of all pathogens and people will adjust and move on. Problem is, people have nothing to do. There are no big horrors so manufactured disasters take their place. It's the pushing food around the plate syndrome I see, while the crowd waits to receive the next signals.
Like it very much. The patchwork. I enjoy your visions.
"It's a hard sell to go against nature," says the Queen. I think it's impossible. We are mere babies of the earth, barely bipedal. If anyone is boss, it would be the big Mother herself.
Good judgement sounds great. I'm in. In fact, in my judgement, the world is right as is and I'm going to relax and play some music in case they come to their senses and start enjoying life again, while calling for my hypnotic rhythmical musings. Never can tell.
I have noticed a slight shift in temperament out there. A bit more bubbly. People keep touching me in conversation so I think they've had enough isolation for now.
Michi belonged to my mother, she was named for a good friend of ours, Japanese. I think the translation of Michi is soul's gate.
Michi arrived one December morning, checked out the situation and invited herself inside. The next week my mother went into hospital. Michi spent 8 years running everything. Later, she would sleep with me and bounce off the bed with a backwards glance to make sure I was on my way with morphine.
She was a pretty tired and stressed out kitty. Especially after Ulli moved in. He would hide behind a chair and sing to her. Gentle trilling sounds. Eventually he calmed her, taught her how to be a cat. She is still learning how to talk but now purrs. Remarkably she has grown larger as well.
She is a Van type cat; white with odd multi-coloured splotches, citrine eyes.
I too am feeling some shift. It still feels like a hiccup or two that has nothing to do with Covid will shake up the Planet, but we are ready and prepared. Pollyanna vision tuned for “the best is yet to come”
Dr Zelenko has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
I love this. An Othodox Jewish American who gave his heart to his community, then to all of us, while struggling with his own cancer. A hero.
Oh my word. Some goodness. I remember how hard he tried to get through the barrier with a real remedy. Hope he's well now.
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