Friday, March 26, 2021

Educational Freedom

There are many alternative school choices being considered after a year of closings, when children were thrust into different ways of learning. The failures of America's public education system were also brought to light. Advocates of school choice in America have had limited success, even though educational choice has bipartisan support among the electorate. While legislators have generally failed to make it a reality, one state has set into motion revolutionary legislation which fits these developing Aquarian times.

"West Virginia has passed an education savings accounts bill for which 90% of students in the state are eligible. This is revolutionary because, up until now, ESA programs introduced in other states have tightly restricted eligibility. WV enables nearly all the state's school-aged children to access accounts. Students can use the money toward the educational options and resources of the families' choice, whether private, online, or home school related. If parents are happy with their local public school, their children's money will still go to that school."
The state of West Virginia has three planets  in Gemini, the sign of lower education. Sun, Uranus and Mercury. Mercury is the Gemini ruler, and the Sun Uranus Mercury conjunction reflects innovative educational reform. Jupiter in Libra trines the Gemini stellium, adding oomph to their revolutionary efforts.

The Mountain State also has Moon, Venus, and Mars in Leo. There are many many  Leos in the teaching profession since they love children and enjoy performing for their captive audiences. I can attest to that. I loved my teachers. I remember the Leos well. Very entertaining, animated, and enthusiastic. They made going to school fun. With more options for parents, they are likely to have greater influence in choosing teachers for their eager kids.

An interesting added factor is the nodal axis. West Virginia's south node is in Gemini, north in Sagittarius, the sign of higher education. It is possible that eventually, revolution will move to that realm. However it plays out, with three planets in Leo, the state is certainly bound to feel pride.

The new development accentuates the benefits of crisis and difficulty which can lead to positive change. This Cancer country is fundamentally protective of its young, and with Pluto transiting opposite the country's own Mercury, the time is opportune. West Virginia is leading the way in what will likely lead to other states instituting welcomed educational reforms and freedom of choice.


Anonymous Tseka said...

Google has forgotten me!
I'll have to scrounge up my password.

Leo! God love them. If we can get education and schools right it will be the best silver lining to come out of the covid mess.

I vote for small classes. My very best friends from high school dropped in out of the blue last night. We laughed until our sides ached.
They came from a small town, we know because we counted them one day; 44.
They had 8 & 10 classmates.

The two women are beyond intelligent they are well grounded. One designed and built dams and renovated hydro plants, she is deep in the know on fish migration.

Small we decided was the best way for individualized education with lots of room for original thinking. Maybe the stuffed bobcat in the school entrance added something?

27/3/21 8:09 PM  
Blogger jm said...

How absolutely wonderful! Your classmates! A tiny bit of happiness goes a long way these days. I think that's another silver lining. Heightened appreciation of pleasures. What an impressive woman, your friend.

I vote for small classes too. Like the one I had with Miss Longo.

Ha Ha! Stuffed bobcat.

I think there will be several silver linings. A lot of poison is getting released and I expect great relief in time. The totalitarian experiment comes periodically and it never works. So hopefully this one will get it out of the body politic's system and we can breathe easy for awhile. The G.Reset was pushed too hard prematurely, so being free of that should be a big pleasure. They are making a worse mess of things than little covid.

I rejoice. The plan is for the mask mandate to end here next week.

27/3/21 9:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The silver lining is already manifesting as it did with your friends. With Aquarius around I think friendships will take flight and gel around shared interests as fellowship always does. Politics has dominated too much and certainly sickness has. Health needs some attention. Politicians and medical monsters have their place, but the emergence of other things is due. It will be delicious to share positive experiences together outside of zoom and all that. Virtual life is only a part of human relationship. We might have learned something about this. The animated meeting with the gals proves something, I think, beside being great fun. There's no substitute for real laughter.

27/3/21 9:19 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

No substitute for friends, laughter, and a giggle-gaggle who notices we've become the old ladies who we listened to as kids talk about all their losses and medical woes...then burst into laughter at our new station in life.

Meanwhile still able to do a 3 point reverse in a big motorhome in a super tight space.

We marvel at it all.

1/4/21 10:28 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Ha ha! I've always been amused by the oldsters talk of their medical woes. The names of all their drugs trip around their tongues with infectious glee. Their fading memories serve them well in that case. Their enunciation is tops.

A motorhome manipulation is impressive. Very impressive.

We do marvel at it all. How can we not? From station to station we travel successfully always mimicking those who came before us. Continuity is a fact of life, propelled by the irresistible urge to move. Even in motor homes!

So what's next? My beloved drum machines are safely in the shop. Uh-oh. Responsibility?
I do so love the art of repair.

1/4/21 12:26 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

May the drum machine get its repairs and tuning and be returned to your musical person tout de suite

1/4/21 12:55 PM  

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