Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Next Beginning

In astrology, the motions of the planets around the zodiac are called transits, and each transit mimics the astrological wheel itself.

It starts in Aries when the planet returns to its original place. Right before the return is the twelfth house phase. The dissolution. The end.

The United States Pluto return is in the 12th house phase. Things seem to disintegrate, they disappear, they dissolve. A disintegrating government, with Pluto in the sign of Capricorn, makes perfect sense. At least the appearance of an unravelling is present.
Consolidation of forces, action, and forward motion to unexplored frontiers are being prepared for, but aren't yet ready to manifest. They will be soon. It's impossible to see the path within the fog of dissipation and the temporary blindness of the 12th house phase,  but there's always conjecture for those wishing to look ahead and maybe even contribute to shaping the outcome.

It's quite interesting, time wise. Pluto officially returns to start the new Aries cycle in February 2022, the beginning of next year. The complete return and the transition to the new Aries phase comes in October 2023.  It marks the next beginning in the logic of sequence when dissolution is complete. Some extension of time can be expected as adjustment to the next phase comes and Pluto leaves Capricorn altogether in 2024. 250 years is a long chapter to close and open anew.


Blogger Tseka said...

Amazing isn't it how the cycles written in the stars seem to be so accurate. I love your use of chapter, as it is long story.

24/4/21 8:00 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The next beginning influenced by Aquarius will be very different in the tools we use to proclaim our liberty again. I am very curious about how we secure these liberties. I've been learning about blockchain and crypto currency. In fact i started an account and am getting my feet wet with how this all works. The queen of nonshop likes to use cash not plastic but all indications are she will need to make changes. Fiat will be dead when Pluto leaves Capricorn is my guess.

Uranus will be influencing whatever new currency arrives and Taurus (bull & cattle) has always been the symbol for wealth - anchored to solid assets.

24/4/21 8:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Love that. The tools we use to proclaim our liberty again.

The liberty proclamation will probably be in a lot of ways. The return coincides with the midterm elections and I think we'll see seeds of the new breed of politician largely influenced by MAGA. Freedom is going to be more of an issue than ever after this authoritarian period. Because of the desire in the body politic, freedom candidates will get the votes. Freedom is our germ plasm.

There are big political realignments in the making. The midterms start the ball rolling and 2024 will likely reflect even more of the transformation. I never had confidence in politicians but I'm interested now since the need is there for more ethical people responding to the desires of their constituencies. We have to take our responsibility seriously. All of it will add up. Parents are getting very motivated to fix the school disintegration. A lot is happening in California.

Most of all is Pluto crossing our SN triggering our Leo exceptionalism soon into the transit. I'll do some front page posting on this important subject. We have a job in this world that can't be neglected and overshadowed with all this crybabying, infighting, and naval gazing nonsense. This is the last of that indulgence. Time for the good ol' USA to grow up. America was born with great gifts and she is duty bound to use them.

More liberty is probably going to be seen with the black community getting free of some of the bondage to the Democrat party. That's a big story and a big chapter coming up. The new conservative black leaders are stunning and they will be helping the black community out of bondage. I am so looking forward to that. The educational opportunities are going to grow exponentially with school choice, which is a given. This race puss expulsion will prove to be beneficial in the end.

All kinds of freedom coming up in Aquarius. Ups and downs always occur, but life is partly good, after all. I've just been covered with a blanket of Taurus contentment with my Taurus NN, so keep that in mind.

We are collectively bound, but individually free at the same time. We choose as you say. Uranus (collective) in Taurus (individual) can show us the way to combine them, while Pluto in Aquarius reveals some truth about collectivism. Around and around we go.

25/4/21 1:26 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Jupiter conjoining our US Aquarian moon during this Scorpio full moon tomorrow. A day when secrets come to light?
I keep wondering about the Maricopa audit. Trump says startling news. I know it's early days....but the watermarks being illuminated in full camera view make me thing about the full moon in Sco.

25/4/21 1:46 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think the audit factores in heavily. I suspect fraud will reveal itself by the end of the process. Election integrity is necessary for our system to continue. The people as a whole know there was massive fraud and something has to be done by the midterms. It's an old problem and the extent of fraud and its obviousness make it relatively easy now to correct. Relatively, I stress. This was fraud on a scale never seen before. Too massive for their own good. Some other mechanism was at work.

It's the system itself ensuring its continuation. Fraud always occurs and will continue but not in this huge way. It's actually to our benefit the way things went down since the opportunity for correction has resulted.

Pluto is exactly going retrograde on this audit start and some exposure seems inevitable. It's kind of imperative. A lot has been going on behind the scenes on reform. The timing on the Pluto return is just right. The people's will has to be there and not intimidated by big mouth criminals, even with obscene amounts of money. The voters' neglect is the crux of the problem. Criminals will do what they do until halted. Less blame, more responsibility is called for.

The underlying effect is to get Democrats to straighten up, go back to policy, and end the reliance on cheating for power. They are losing ground around the country despite their efforts. They were creamed in the last election. If they can't rely on fraud our system has a chance for some correction and it looks like this will be the case.

The American people fought hard for universal voting rights and hopefully won't be foolish enough to throw it all away.

The realignments are necessary and many moving parts are involved. The audit is an important step. It's a serious one where all the blabber is not. Before I would have thought it would die in the lie machine, but maybe not this time. So yes, Scorpio, Pluto, and secrets coming to light. Gradually though.

The Neptune transit to our Mars-Neptune square is about deceptions, and that is exact now, turning retrograde in June and coming back. There is a lot on our side in the effort to liberate ourselves and maybe restore our voting power and our government by consent. It's important not to let fear viruses infect the mind. Parasitic mind invasions begone. Immunity is a fact of life.

25/4/21 2:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

This has been a period of humiliation and degradation with punishment, a Capricorn favorite. But the aim is to restore respect and ethics, and absolve some guilt. Capricorn is concerned with the integrity of the system. Pluto removes the harmful waste. With natal Pluto in Cap this country is a permanent waste removal machine! The regenerative capacity is extensive.

25/4/21 2:48 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

OMG or Gaad. Imagine the parasitic mind invasion gone!

25/4/21 4:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Wonderful vision. The parasitic mind invasion gone. Must've been the vaccine.

25/4/21 11:08 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yesterday, eople took to the streets in London to protest Covid lockdowns and passports. B, “so uplisting to see out sisters dancing and singing”

Yes it was.
“Don't worry about a thing, every little thing gonna be alright”
Bob Marley. I had to go watch him sing again. The man walked in joy.

A perfect example of an antidote for our wretchedness.

40 years ago JM. Mi Jazz Mira, very little reminds me of my age, but that did. I think I'm gonna haul that joy closer.

26/4/21 2:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

My great Queen of Non,

With our Sagittarius, the joy is so buoyant it won't have to be hauled. It can be balanced on a finger and bounced everywhere as we go. Singing and dancing are like food for humanity. It will always triumph. We'll soon be reunited with that simple joy. Watch the coming boat parades, the Independence Day celebrations, and the reopening of street life. Talk about joy. Those of us lucky enough to be gifted with it can spread it like fertilizer. Thank the world for loving B.

We don't have to wait for permission to celebrate life. Human spirit is invincible.

It's always all right for me. The passage is full of everything and it doesn't stop anywhere. Some see pain as the end point, I see it as a step to the goodness which always comes. Sequence again. I relish the good times.

Reggae is my favorite music in the universe. Something magically spectacular happened in Jamaica when reggae was born. It came from religious faith and ecstasy.

The back and forth rock of reggae is the lullaby of the universe. All is truly well when I hear and move to this inspired music. An interesting fact.... reggae is highly influenced by American Motown. In the 50s, 60s, the sounds traveled the airwaves through radio and Jamaican musicians caught the sound, added their two cents and religion, and this beautiful Caribbean music came to us forever.

I love you Your Majesty.

26/4/21 3:18 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes, love reggae. A listened to Exodus and nearly destroyed the tape rewinding constantly. He was just a wee boy then.
Hauling back my beloved Marley though he's departed this plane. B & I both agreed we needed to update - redate?

B heard Marley in Person and ecstatic was his word too.

Motown, yep!

I'd love a revival.

26/4/21 3:48 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I love Caribbean culture and almost all the music, especially Haitian. It's a testament to human variety and the natural cross cultural flow. Caribbean music and American, New Orleans being pivotal, blend enthusiastically always. People have such distinct characters yet are so eager to share and mix it all up. The great amalgamation seen particularly among musicians.

Musicians have always crossed racial barriers. In the Jim Crow south they defied all of society and got together in the southern studios making wonderful music and enjoying the race mix thoroughly. That's one thing I love about my fellow musicians.

Black music is prized and the white musicians wanted so much to learn from them so they did. The desire was unstoppable. That's part of why I have a big stake in this issue. I'm proud of musicians in my genre and enchanted with the mix that showed up in early rock 'n roll, western swing, rockabilly, and many other types. They created infectious music that traveled the world. The mix in New Orleans is absolutely phenomenal.

Left alone cultures clash and they harmonize, engaging in reciprocity by nature. The differences are vital to this glorious amalgamation. It truly works out all right.

Actually, the latest music I'm hearing from the kids shows promise. It's not as aggressive. Lots of quiet passages. One genre is called "down-tempo". It's slow and easy and they love it. My antennae are up.

26/4/21 4:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Radio waves deep in the night have worked their magic on the planet. Praise be to Guglielmo Marconi.

26/4/21 4:28 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Down tempo sounds like a winner for our new beginning.

We Northerners were well.....what can I say we had big Stan Boreson with his accordian and his beagles slo mo and Tallulah. Of course there was also Polka.

The Saami have joik which I absolutely love, like singing from the center of your soul.

26/4/21 5:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

HA HA HA!! Big Stan Boreson! Actually there's lots of accordion in the Caribbean too. It's a wild instrument that does a lot and you can dance with it. The visuals are so much fun to look at.

Crazy used to play the cardboard box. By rubbing his hand across it, he sounded like a jazz brush drummer. So good. Humans like music. We've got inner tuning. And a twitch in the nerves that makes us dance. Ye Olde St. Vitus.

I love down-tempo. It's hypnotic go nowhere music oftentimes, repeating, looping, without hyper dynamics. Perfect for the going nowheres among us who like to relax. I loop around hypnotically myself musically. Maybe the world is at my doorstep!!

26/4/21 6:42 PM  
Blogger jm said...

His beagles! HA HA!! Beagles are cute. Slo mo, Tallulah, and the band.

26/4/21 6:48 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Biden on show tonight, not watching. Appears as though few are and who knows, maybe they are watching for the gaffs?

Slo-Mo and Talulah with some down-tempo could have increased the draw.

Trump did / does know how to put on a show!

28/4/21 7:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I don't get involved in State of the Union speeches no matter who's president. The jumping up and down makes me nervous. The speech is never inspiring. It's easy to ignore.

I don't pay attention to Mr. Biden, but it dawned on me. With his four Scorpio planets in the 12th he's exactly the right one for the time of dissolution.

State of the Union? Hard to describe at this point.

29/4/21 12:02 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Putting on a great show is not always easy, says this Saturn in Leo. I do appreciate the ones who do it effortlessly. The limelight knows where to look.

29/4/21 12:07 AM  

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