Pluto Stands Still
Pluto is stationary in the skies now getting ready to go backward. Changing direction is a bit of an effort. Like four months worth ..... you don't want to strip any gears. Stations are a time to gather forces, study information, reformulate plans, or to sit back and wait for the story to continue. The stations and retrogrades are as influential as forward motion. They add perspective.
As the US Pluto return nears its end, a look at the joining of government and corporate business conglomerates is occurring. Monopolistic tendencies are part of the country's business style. Great wealth is a priority.
The alliance of government and big business, while sometimes satisfactory to an extent, has been corrupted to an unhealthy degree in America. When citizens' small businesses are wiped out, and big businesses aid in the effort then swoop in to capitalize on the destruction, the effects of Pluto in Capricorn are seen. And when corporations purchase an inordinate amount of legislation, with only their interests in mind, there are threats to the health of the entire system. A good system is vibrant, bottom to top. The American people historically have rejected onerous governments, but there is wide diversity regarding the degree of awareness and aquiescence.
Consolidation of power can be extreme with Pluto in Capricorn but so can the powers of regeneration. The natal configuration reflects both the conditions for excess and destruction and the seed of reckoning and transformation.
As usual these days, American Mercury is involved the whole time, stationary and retrograde, stationary again, and direct. Four months on the degree at year's end. Merc can't get out of his grip. Good ol' Pluto.
M...Hey!!! I can't breathe! I can't breathe! Stop suffocating me you little non-planet!
P...Relax. You can take a deep breath. And then another one. It's just air. It's good for you.
There really is nothing to add. You have brilliantly summed up the current state of the union.
What will standing still and reviewing bring? Hopefully more will comprehend what a pickle we're in.
The election will be one thing under review, global currency, the vaccine fraud, all are unravelling, hard truths will emerge.
I know more people are comprehending the pickle. That's exactly what we need and we'll pull out of this in better shape.
It is unravelling. Just in time. And it couldn't have happened without the sequence as it is, including the election fraud. The manhole cover is off.
We're lucky. We've seen it and can be spared some of the disappointment. I also think we're lucky in believing that a good resolution is due. Pollyvision works well for some souls. The galaxy you referred to is a beauty.
Yay for Pollyvision, could not have made it this far without it!
Since you have been writing about the Pluto opposition to USA mercury, I've been thinking about that very same mercury through history. It's settled in Cancer with Sun, Jupiter and Venus. Mercury seems to sum up our heart home, our patriotism, our very first amendment and the constitution itself.
We the people in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish......
Citizens have willingly gone to war (sent by Plutocrats etc) in the belief that we acted for the greater good. I don't see a civil war, but now that the manhole cover has blown off a reckoning is coming.
Our Mars in Gemini -the pen is mightier than the sword could rally us. A battle between propagandists? A choosing. We'll see. We've taken our battle at the ballot box seriously, the next few weeks are bound to be interesting.
Absolutely on the patriotism and Cancer. I think you're right about the constitution and our attachment to it being Cancerian. It's not really an intellectual thing, it's a feeling -- a longing for home and safety symbolized by the comforting words, the poetry. Our love of our "founding fathers" spells it out. It gives us ballast in the choppy waters Cancer travels in. The attacks on it are frightening and threatening in ways the people don't consciously understand. Safety and Cancer can't be parted. People are rising to defend our founding document. Maybe a return to the memory is what society needs. It's certainly a bond that holds us together as a Cancer family. Our constitution as an umbilical cord? Four Cancer planets want that kind of connection. As a Cancer myself I know how it operates.
It was interesting last year in the lockdowns that were mostly accepted with holidays sacrificed. Except for July 4th. They couldn't hold it in, the traditional celebration of our birth and independence. I'm glad you brought this up.
"Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish"......
Our posterity. More Cancer. I keep thinking about our children. Maybe the Capricorn corporate ladder climb with obsessive Pluto has caused some of this neglect of our children's education and other things. Maybe there is some deep guilt. There's been a lot of guilt and punishment through this experience. I saw one prominent fellow cry on national television when talking about keeping our kids out of school. It really struck a chord with me. The whole society has been punishing itself, yet there are pockets of freedom and well being within that can be examples going forward.
I was thinking about our immigration history and how quickly and eagerly people assimilated to be part of the American family. It was rather astonishing even though ethnic squabbles always exist. We are probably the most diverse country on the planet yet an American character prevails.
It will be interesting to see what happens with home schooling. The pods are catching on. So, Stick, what made you decide to home school A?
I don't see civil war either and I agree about a reckoning. I think we're already in it.
I love that you brought up Mars in Gemini. We adore words and battle one another through the sharp rat-a-tat-tat of verbal aggression. So all the verbal combat in this country is natural. And far far far better than a sword.
Yes. A choosing. Battle of podcasts, network news propaganda, innumerable personalities, new audiences, and a lot of excitement around communication. Mars in Gemini puts tremendous vitality into it all. Remember that Neptune is square until the end of the year, so some dissolution could be taking place, and even, god willing, some spiritual something or other in the public square. And probably continuing deception, but that's all right. people can figure some of it out with so many avenues opening up.
For me, the best thing is not to worry excessively about what others say and think, bothersome as it can be, since enough good communication endures to balance the horrid stuff. In fact, speaking of inoculations, being exposed to the bad might build immunity. Some of the propaganda might lose a little power as the story unfolds. Reality has been known to intervene at times. Lies and truth are an old old couple. Both are needed. A choosing comes as you so wisely said.
I see the verbal issue with free speech emphasized as the main story. The suppression, which is child's play as far as censorship goes, is just a prelude to the torrent of new speech. There's a lot of talent around. Neptune could lead to unseen as yet routes. I wrote a song about all our yakkety yak entitled, "I'm not Talking." It used to be my signature song. Some people loved it to no end, some people disliked it immensely.
So true. The ballot box battle has been taken seriously. I'm pretty sure something will be worked out.
What made me decide to homeschool? A taught himself how to read by 2 years old. He was constantly reading, absorbing, working things out. At three he made and hid a piezo buzzer under the rug so I would set it off.
He had help from a couple of brainy men friends of mine (one from Antarctica where he worked as science support team) who would fax “Cool Stuff”
A few crazy adventures....i'm standing in front of a guilty looking kid trying to figure out if we have a problem...a green glob fell on my head. What is this? “A pickle” umm let me see. /How to make a battery - don't tell E./
By the time kindergarten rolled around A was working on functions and relations in beginning Calculus after reading about the rivalry between Newton & Leibniz.
At first I thought we'd wait for others to catch up in school but in the end we just had fun. We travelled a lot for my work joined science centers, traced the Lewis and Clark trail. We share curiosity and interests so it was pretty easy.
My god. I had no idea how gifted he is. The human family might get there with droplets like A around. What a contribution you've made.
Ironically, after absorbing everything he could get his hands on, he declared that we are one sick society and lives much like the rest of the family; a quiet life with connection to nature.
On a different track, Uranus in Taurus will be greeting Venus and Mercury in the next few days. Perhaps more juicy clues as to your $ theories. Noticing how other things we value - our vote, is finally getting audited in AZ that very same period. Sun sashays into Taurus, could be an interesting spring.
I was wondering what he's thinking now.
Nature, colored water, and love of family. And maybe some peace of mind.
Uranus is also soon going to make its next square to Saturn. Very interesting spring. A spring awakening.
Good point about the audit. We came here together exactly on the minute. I like when that happens.
Did you see Mr. Gutmann's letter to his daughter's NYC school? Not only is awakening happening but it's coming into expression. Must be time to face some of the real illness.
The covid con is finally sinking in. Maybe the truth it symbolizes will slowly emerge. The hard truths you spoke of. The thing about sickness is that it it seeks a remedy by nature.
Very encouraging that Americans are turning out to be impossible to control like the rest of the world is. I'll find the article and post. It will warm your cockles.
Yes, I noticed that Saturn square, definitely be an interesting spring.
There comes a point in illness where one is just sick of being sick and drags oneself to the dinner table.
Did not see the letter you mentioned. Looking forward to warming my cockles.
Ha Ha! Dragging one's tired battered body to the dinner table! Sometimes life intervenes.
I'm developing some new theories about the masking. Will ruminate.
"Even if the globalist Reset is successful in every other nation on Earth, the globalists are still failures if they can’t secure and subjugate the American people."
The other attempts won't work either. We've come too far from 1776.
Found the letter! Wonderful!
I'm stealing illiberal as perfect descriptive word.
He lays out his objections clearly as an American for strong American values.
$54k a year!
May his letter start a boycott by other parents.
Yes, that burning platform article is great.
Already they are warming up “Climate Emergency”
Remember the boy who cried wolf? We're there.
Frankly, I'm waiting for the stock market to crash and put and end to money laundering and drug trafficking. We need to take a cold hard look at what we've been participating in with our 401ks. Etc.
I'll be watching for clues with the Uranus transits.
I also love the word illiberal. It's used by the coalition I keep hammering on about. There are so many good people around writing pertinent cockle warming articles. I'll post more.
Absolutely, the boy cries. We are surely "there."
The Gutmann letter is part of Pluto Merc and speaking up deeply and honestly. When it hurts enough the voice rises. It's a start. The real progress comes when they admit their part in it and take action. It's taken a long time to get to this place and it will take patience and time to move on effectively. The school alternatives are vital. You are so far ahead of the curve it's amazing. I admire you greatly.
I think you're right about Uranus and the economy. And I couldn't agree more about our participation. That is the crux.
There are many others in the Gutmann camp but people are timid and of course frightened by the leftist bullying with its violence. It starts with one speaking up, then others follow. Bravery is a necessity and it takes a minute for pampered millionaires to find it. They could be helpful in the long run with their prominent positions. Ordinary folk who object to the indoctrination don't have the audience, although it's increasing on the web. Eventually I think we'll gather forces and find some remedies. I still go back to our Cancer protection of our young.
The forces of good and evil are always the story in this world. The bad guys get a lot of ink, and people love a horror show, but that doesn't mean that goodness isn't just as powerful. It's a perpetual volley.
We choose as you say.
Re drug trafficking. It's possible that Fauci symbolizes the scab on the wound that still festers. His downfall has been a long time coming. The vax insanity is just getting going. They injected a storm into the human race, but humans signed off on it. As always, the human condition regarding sickness and drugs is the basis of our trouble. Our relationships to ourselves is the real cure. That's what should be discussed in schools in lieu of hatred of self and others. Civics too. Come on all you good loving educators. And millionaires who care!
A lovely woman who lives next door to my mother's house came here from Romania. She grew up under Ceaușescu. Smart, successful she shocked the socks off of me in her hatred of Trump. Recently, she proudly declared she is now completely vaxxed and inquired about me. No. She was not unaware of the risks but had been convinced by her dr that this was very safe.
Listening over time I've realized as much as she loves living here she does not share that link to our rebel beginnings. At our core is American Liberty, not freedom two very different things. This Pluto return may be our 1776 booster inoculation. Getting clear on words will be part of that.
Likely you remember people saying, “just need your John Hancock” when asking for a signature. I wonder how many would know that today?
I loved Trump's 1776 education program. The first “remember” of my people; remember who you are AS A PEOPLE. We need this.
People have so many fears and they hook them on to unrelated things. There's nothing we can do. Their own experience points the way. The vax thing will probably settle down and people will erroneously believe it was the cure, but it's ok. As long as we have the choice. They thoughtlessly put so many poisons in their bodies that another one might not matter. I think eventually they'll have to resign themselves to the reality of this being a rather normal seasonal pathogen and deal with it naturally as we always have.
That is an interesting observation about the link to our rebel beginnings. Liberty vs freedom could be a big conversation. People come here partly for that reason, then like your mother's neighbor don't quite grasp it. So many need to be told what to do. It's their security, while ingrained is us is the opposite. Problem is, the independents are being abused now. Others have grown more dependent as evidenced by the great masking. The coverings have become fused to their faces.
Great reference to our booster shot. I think so. We will value our liberty even more when this is said and done. Thus covid could be the route to this reminder. Other countries are not experiencing it in the same way.
The 1776 project was wonderful. There are hard truths about our racist past but they can be discussed alongside our assets. Reasonably ideally, so we can nurture future generations of free thinking good citizens. The hatred and other negatives come along, but conscientious education can help a great deal. We'll have to approach that dreaded maturity as a people.
I have another link for you. You will love it. It's my packed Gemini 3rd house in action!
I think it's becoming imperative that John Hancock and the rest of our history is taught to the kids. Civics, baby.
Another great conversation
Racism and ethnic hatreds are a hard thing to face for any people, but they are reality. Any kind of hatred among humans is hard to face. As long as there are three races, there will be racism for now. The racism within the races is just as bad. It's the human condition at present.
The end to it can't be forced and this current attempt to even the score is misguided. There are reasons for these fears humans can't understand. They defy logic. The urge to end racism is noble but it will probably take evolution to accomplish that. Sometimes it shows signs of improvement, sometimes it backtracks. The level of acceptance of others and cooperation among peoples is as diverse as the human population.
From the beginning man has had to gauge the dangers of foreign groups and some instinct has led them for good or bad. The people clamoring for enforced anti-racism would do well to face their own fears and prejudices. Injecting the fear into their children doesn't get them off the hook. It's not intellectual, it's primal feeling, which experience might change. Perhaps Pluto in Aquarius will help a little bit.
Well said above.
I just listened to the conversation with Bradley Thompson, thanks for sharing. I had not heard this one. Boy is it pertinent today.
I do like the way he thinks and puts things together. I may have to listen again as it really does cast light on patterns of similarity to today.
Design. Another great word to keep handy. By design. It is clear the deep state has used multiple arms to enslave us with this covid 19 attempt. It seems to be faltering a bit. I think the elites discount American intelligence and their root of liberty at their own peril. We see through their plans.
My sweet T I am always so grateful to share time with you ❤️🥰
I really liked Bradley's talk and I'm going to listen again myself. It's so clear and reasonable and illuminating.
The control attempt is faltering for sure as it always does. It was always meant to. I think it's part of cycles like the squeeze and release of life itself. Political peristalsis I call it. The ersatz enslavers are probably more oppressed than their subjects, ruled by their inescapable compulsions. And not too savvy about human nature. Or anything really. The elite? Honestly. We Americans aren't oppressed nor are we candidates for slavery. Maybe we're slaves to our desires but that's manageable. It's absurd, much of the melodrama, and silly of course. Real oppressive governments are entirely different from this nonsense. Thank god people are naive. People just need something to do. Hyperbole is fun for the bored.
My adorable St.B. The feeling is mutual.
I love these discussions, yet I feel ever more out of joint with these times the point I feel I understand why people become "the hermit in the woods". The whole society seems to go through obsessions that seem completely orthogonal to the actual needs of existence and to which I really want no part of at all, not even to waste the energy to participate in any way. It seems like every decade or so it's another obsession and digression, and the past one is only dimly recalled by most people. I know we can understand these preoccupations with the help of astrology, but do you think we really are just collectively "pawns of the archons"? Or is it more than that? It's fairly predictable how the masses will react, and it's almost always in the low frequency compared to how they could consciously use the astrological configurations.
Interesting question, “we really are just collectively "pawns of the archons"? “
I of course have no answer but i look at patterns of similarity to help me understand human/ collective behavior.
For an example ~1%of DNA is encoding. For a long time scientists called the remaining 99% junk DNA.
I think it's wired in our chip that ~1% give instructions and the rest follow.
I have been so perplexed by creative and talented people who walk away from their gifts. When asked they say they just want so be in the flow with the rest of humanity. Or something similar.
I come from a line of people who have chosen to live separately, basically your hermit in the woods example. To my eyes they seem more content.
So, why do we who have chosen differently get involved every decade or so? Possibly because as outsiders we see imminent danger and step in to help ring the alarm and reorder the encoded directives???
No. People are pawns of themselves. People are all individually driven by their own desires and the collective low frequency is the common denominator.
The planets do nothing but reflect the movements on earth in a way that can be more easily perceived. I don't think anyone or anything has the power over the whole, but that's for each person to decide. It's impossible to see whether or not the behaviors favor existence. They seem to. We've been at it a long time.
The whole human race is a creature unto itself. It probably knows what it's doing somehow. I perceive what I do and leave others to see what they see by and large. I do offer my opinions, but belive that others do what they do for sound reasons.
I often feel as you do, m.p.k., about refraining from participation, but then why are we here discussing it? I'm selective. I generally ignore the politicians but I follow the sociology and psychology because I find it interesting. I like some of the people. I've learned to ignore the cultural phenomena I find distasteful. I accept the world as it is. I have to. I do improve what I can about myself.
The world is huge and full of everything so I think there are many aware people among us and great things going on. It's up to the person to choose. I don't expect the collective to advance quickly but there are indications that it's developing slowly. I believe in forging one's unique path anyway. I get irritated with mass behavior but so what. That's my problem.
Some participate, some don't. It's equal. I live and move around a lot of people within a kind of hermetic enclosure. I even let go of family and friends to enjoy my solitude and my social needs are satisfied as I go about my routines.
The masses act like they do for many reasons too numerable to analyze. Fitting oneself into the whole is the trick since I am here and part of it. One is limited in ways, but unlimited in others pertaining to the self.
One of my dictums....I am my own man.
Yes, the DNA sequence determines no doubt. Survival determines. The instructions. Maybe we really are under dictatorship!! But the illusion of free choice is good enough.
Fascinating Tseka. I think that separates the artists from those who want to be in the flow of humanity. Active artists are primarily concerned with themselves and their vision. Separation from the flow is part of actualization.
Maybe we get involved with society for contrast or to entertain ourselves.
I've sort of swallowed my tears over the human tragedy. They've backed up into my sinuses though. My latest mantra is "Stop crybabying!!"
So here it is.....
M.p.k., you have the lunar north node in the first house. Tseka has the lunar north node in the first house. I have the lunar north node in the first house.
That reflects a life in pursuit of the self, one's identity, and separation from the crowd and even interpersonal relationships. Me me me I I me me into eternity. So there.
Part of the separation is exasperation with what others do.
Also, m., you have the Mars Neptune conjunction, as I do, which seeks escape from the world. Coupled with the NN it's easy to see why we consider the hermit's life of high pursuits, unbothered by humanity's folly.
Just reflection, of course. Not orders!
Oh and Tseka has the node in Pisces, like Mars Neptune. Call it escape, call it transcendence. Call it what you will.
And there you have it m.p.k. -the nodes in first!
This is JM brilliancancy.
And today is ....... wait for it ..... PATRIOT'S DAY!!
We are indefatigable, Stick.
More on my coalition. You know patriot Mike Lindell has started his new platform today and his first guest was none other than Alan Dershowitz, as liberal as liberal gets. It's about a lawsuit to get Dominion's source codes. We are united in pursuit of truth. The Pluto truths you mentioned are really anxious to emerge on this retrograde. Heavens. It's all so fascinating.
We've bought a lot of good time. I am first in line to collect.
Sometimes I like to bypass my node and pull for humanity! I'll still love myself first. I promise!
Oh my. Lordy lord.
The new Pluto Merc Lindell platform is called and the kick-off is the Frank-a-thon. 30,000,000 views so far. What on earth will Twitter and the bunch do? Please fasten your seat belt. I am concerned with your safety.
Aries blast off. Excellent timing.
And take your seats. Now we get to see Mars in Gemini in action as baby Frankspeech comes under the heavy artillery. So glad you brought up our Mars. Verbal warfare in America! Onward!
Oh me.
Sun 29 Aries
Mercury 29 Aries
Mars 27 Gemini
North Node 11 Gemini
Today's transits. Yakkety yak yak yak! Have you ever met an Aries with Gem rising? You'll be in for a treat.
Ha! Timing could not be more perfect.
I've been wondering if this Patriot's day might bring a new “shot heard round the world”
I listen to Bannon's Warroom so got the big run up on Mike Lindell's new platform. B joined as VIP
I'll stick with watching.
Would it not be absolutely delicious if the My Pillow guy brought down the whole dang mess of voter fraud?
And speaking of yakkety,yak, running her mouth Maxine Waters could be, should be in very hot water for inciting violence and jury tampering.
Man what days we are wittnessing.
Frankspeach now over 75 mil.
I caught some bits today, listened in to Dr Tenpenny.
This reminds me of Brad Thompson saying that it was the years before 1776 that set everything rolling....Pluto retracing that path.
75mil views JM, can you imagine CNN headquarters right now?
OMW. I didn't even connect P Day with Sun Merc at 29 Aries. Another shot? Damn tootin'!
Would be delicious indeed if Mike brought the whole thing down. Dershowitz is serious and getting used to being out on the limb. It all comes from the loins of the body politic which is raring to go.
Sweet. VIP gorgeous guy. Love B. If I had leaders your G Guys would be the ones.
Trump's new platform is coming soon. Others will join. Free speech triumphs, unsurprisingly. It's all unfolding to the year end climax and finale.
Oh the insufferable yakking bigmouth Maxine. The water can't get hot enough. Jury tampering is a big sin in this Saturn in Libra nation.
Yeah these days are full. And the next Saturn Uranus square is just up the street. Turn the corner and you'll be there. Man oh man. Liberation is the tastiest dish on the buffet table. Happy Patriot's Day one and all, especially to B., a man of action.
The hunger the hunger the hunger for information freely expressed. Even truth.
Dr. Tenpenny is disturbingly "frank." The vax game is falling apart as we speak.
Absolutely on the prelude to 1776. That's where we are in the Pluto return. A novel revolution kicked off by the dear novel virus. It will all be clear.
I've got to listen to Brad again tonight. I'm just in the mood.
I'm really touched by little guy Mike Lindell being the lead dog. He's a Cancer. Soft pillows and free speech for our comfort, so we can sleep easily. I'll sing the lullabies. Soothe our little hurts.
That would be divine. Lullabies to sooth the hurts. Your skills will be needed.
Lindell a Cancer, not surprised. He's hard for me to listen to but he brings an excellent mind to the table. This really is like watching a movies based on SunTzu. Win before you fight.
Times like these, when Minneapolis is such a tinderbox, i wonder about our old friend Joe. It's been a couple of years since we corresponded. He was thinking of moving. I hope he did.
Lindell's voice is is hard for me too!
I think about Joe a lot. It's amazing all the violence alongside the hope and new endeavors. Minneapolis was supposed to be such a great town. I even thought of moving there myself long ago. I hope it recovers well.
Markets worldwide sliding. Vote fraud being revealed, and market slide, talk about truth getting pushed out or maybe lies getting the ol' Pluto purge. Gonna be an interesting day in an interesting spring.
Oh, and Frank reached a billion page views.
The people are awake.
I agree. This spring is unique. People are trying to go back to work while some unknown economic change is underfoot.
I don't know what will happen with the fraud but it seems to be pushing hard from the depths to find open air. There seems to be a struggle for light and breath overall. The mask removal might be pivotal and as I figured, it's a toughie. We might need a cosmic surgeon to come cut them off! Poor things. It's a true pickle. We know they were useless, and some truth is leaking out, but how can we let them know without the painful realization they were suckered? Quite impossible. The tangled web we weave. I'm still trying to figure out why they slapped them on so quickly and then became addicted. Something odd there. Something so against the flow of life. I can only hope they find renewal when freed from that particular trap. Maybe other freedoms will accompany. Patience Sweet T.
Tucker explained the truth about Miss Maxine last night in no uncertain terms. Not that it will go anywhere, but the reveal wouldn't have happened before. The public is blind as a whole but if desire for truth grows, life will respond. I have to accept that the public is important, and that I can't ignore the problem much as I would love to.
Yes, at least an inkling of awakening seems to be around. The best we can do is offer the alternatives and let the people come at will. Curiosity might drive it in the beginning, as with Frank, but it can grow from there as the new platforms arise. The independent servers they're using are key. Censorship is just plain ridiculous.
I'm always reasonable in the end. I celebrate any positive big or small and expect change to come incrementally. I know for a fact good things always come. The bad comes along too. As you say, one chooses. People can do what they want as far as I'm concerned. I talk to them. They're OK. We find common ground so we can relax together, even enjoy.
One gym I frequent does not enforce the mask wearing. Last night, upon leaving, the guy at the front desk gave one of the most beautiful smiles I've seen in my life. I'm looking forward to the next one. Life's tiny perks! The warmth was better than an incandescent bulb!
A beautiful smile is indeed one of life's treasures.
And tonight it burns. Chauvin found guilty on all counts. It would not have mattered, they will burn it down anyway. Would love to be wrong.
They certainly are upset. Life isn't treating them right. Even the millionaires. Pity.
I've been easily detached from the constant screaming and burning. I wonder if tonight's burning will lack spirit. They got what they wanted. That could be troublesome. Could desire be lacking? Now what?
In my usual philosophical way, I'm wondering what the real purpose of this destruction is. If I were really brilliant and interested I would study the specific neighborhoods and look at patterns. What weaknesses are there?
Of course Miss Maxine is head of the finance committee and disaster capitalism is one of her areas of expertise. Real estate values plummet and they swoop. The organizers are being paid to destroy and the foolish are doing their dirty work. Perhaps the little guys should start thinking seriously about protecting their assets. Or maybe the ground will nourish good bottom up growth. Something's gotta give.
I always look at the micro macro, so the country as a whole is an organism like the body with mast cells, killer Ts, all kinds of phagocytes, and everything. So it could be that this destruction is normal and necessary to the survival of the organism. I know our beloved slow learning citizens are seeing some truths about urban decay.
Like the way you think.
I think this is bigger than what's apparent. Antifa and BLM are organized top down by big money and anti liberty interests.
If I follow what looks like dots, it would seem a big plan is in play. I rewind Trump with Modi, Abe and even little Kim. Then there was the “ball is in your court” pass of the soccer ball from Putin to Trump, and the Sword Dance not to mention the conclave of all the muslim countries. A lot was decided. And new alliances formed. Biden does not really appear to be in control of this unfolding.
And my interpretation could be completely wrong and all those dots mere coincidence.
There are other things I've noticed also which point to massive changes in internet via cyber-net, who knows. Space force was for me a juicy potential clue.
We are in front row seats.
Hang on sister it's gonna be a novel ending. Hopefully “The best is yet to come.”
And microbes come in to eat up the decay. The story continues. It never ends.
I live in an urban area but in a Buddhist like enclave within. With coyotes, raccoons, birds, and my beloved rabbits. And my ultra quiet neighbor's chimes. People work things out in their own ways.
I'm a chicken. Violence scares me. It comes for me sometimes but I don't seek it. That's one of the reasons I threw my TV in the dumpster in 1977.
Biden is nothing. As are his people. It's a synapse and 2024 is the connection. We're just pushing food around the plate now trying to ease boredom. Not ready to really advance yet. I pay no attention to the flops, speaking of boredom. I pay attention to our own illuminating patio conversations.
You're right. Steps were made. I especially loved the Japan alliance after the WWII tragedy. I love the best is yet to come phrase.
I don't think it will be undone by the flops. We will pick up where we left off.
It's a great great opportunity to conquer fear, find self confidence, take life as it comes, and surely not depend on anyone else to determine our destinies. I still say that overall it's not a bad time. Learning to forge one's own path is always advisable. Even in tragedy, humans do that.
All these little horrors are always around. Famine, war, etc. are the big ones and they are not imminent. Not here. One thing we might have to face is our shame and guilt over our wealth, our past, and things like that. We are what we are. Face it!
We're rich but generous.
I looked at Putin and Trump and there were very good connections. It wasn't time yet. If Trump takes over in 24 it will move ahead. Or if his chosen successor gets in. Either way.
It is my fervent wish that the Middle East finds some peace. I've seen it coming for some time.
In my travels, Iran was the worst, Iraq was better, even Afghanistan. Pakistan not good, and the transition to India miraculous. Turkey was pretty good.
We have to respect their cultures, their choice of leadership, and their evolutionary timing. I adored the attempt to help them along we recently experienced and hope hope pray it continues. Oh, and Syria. Big big problem. The Assyrians were some violent bellicose mothers.
People get tired of fighting after awhile. Peace comes and goes. Historically, violence is down in the world. Except in once lovely, hopefully lovely again, Minneapolis. Peace is a reality.
“We know they were useless, and some truth is leaking out, but how can we let them know without the painful realization they were suckered? ”
I was in Taiwan 5 years ago and they were extremely common there....yet no pandemic. I think the excuse was “air pollution” there. I remember being freaked out by it then. But everyone there was used to it. Where did this mask thing actually start is what I’m wondering...
I believe they actually work for pollution somewhat. The particles are large enough. They are common in much of Asia which is very heavily polluted. People here wear them against allergy particles.
They were used in 1918. There was much resistance then too. I'm not sure where it started this time. WHO promoted it. It's odd that all the recent pandemics bypassed them but this one grabbed onto them again.
I think Asians generally value obedience more and group behavior. I see that in the optional mask environments. Asians rarely lower them. Men lower them a little more than women. In other places, none lower them, they think they can't. Actually we are not legally required. Store policy can dictate, but that also violates HIPPA and OSHA laws.
It's a real pickle. No proof of efficacy and it looks like it's going to continue to next flu season. Then what? People are trying to get the truth through but so far it's not working. Some are so addicted they get hysterical about them. It's a ghastly psychological conundrum.
It took me a year to find the sensible gym but I am certainly glad I did. My good fortune. I parted ways with some of my family on this issue when the screaming became impossible to bear. The others I parted from on other pandemic issues. Of course, the liberal and other divide on them is obvious and interesting. That's what I'm looking at now.
Stanford just released their findings re masks. Conclusion: worthless.
This study joins a multitude. What's great is this one is getting air time.
With many states rejecting masks and lockdowns showing positive results it will become harder for the tyrannical blues to enforce.
This latest riot build up is being met with a firmer stance too. PDX and even Lori Lightfoot has said riots will not be tolerated. We'll see how it goes. There were advantages to chaos under Trump that don't exist now and might undermine those in office.
Oh hallelujah! Let the tyrannical blues control only themselves. It's just time to end this idiocy.
Ha! Riots for fun and profit. De Santis SIGNED a law against rioting. The states are coming around, Stick. Enough is too much. Law and order happens to be a good thing.
Those in office are completely undermining themselves. In the cards. Four 12th house Scorpio planets will do it every time. They don't have the chops.
True. With the Trump chaos gone the real chaos is revealed. I go back to their ineptness. It will be known. They just keep blabbering, screaming, yakking nonsense and the rest of us want a well run country. Show them the door please.
I've always thought this administration would be the demise of the Democrat party as it is now. Excellent. They can straighten up and join the rest of us. They will.
So the steal was the only way to get exposure of this putrid glop since the country was determined to get the guy they elected. Now he's busy elsewhere. It will work out as always. Perhaps Minneapolis is a turning point. Good ol' Minni. Breaking glass only goes so far. I understand, though. It's thrilling for a minute.
BTW, the boat parades are back.
Love the boat parades what an excellent show of solidarity and support as a redress of grievance.
There will be big changes and it's gonna be lumpy as the new gets established. We do have models. The world we grew up in JM as different as it was shared basic tenets rooted in our constitution.
Remember Neo Buckeye? He and I spent an evening...night..swapping stories about how we were raised and how much less racism existed for his black family then. There's another one of our old friends I think about and hope has found a happy life.
I do hope also that justice will prevail in the Chauvin case after it's appealed.
Yes! I do remember Neo Buckeye. Did I ever like him. You know what? I had no idea he was black! Good god.
It's awful. The civil rights movement was a miracle. The message, the success of civil disobedience, the spiritual component, etc. Blacks were doing relatively well recently and we were all working on solutions, education being primary. Of course the inner cities are terrible. America wants to correct it. This new racism is so different. So much of it is manufactured and it hurts blacks most of all who simply want to live good lives. Maybe they will be the ones who help get us out of this. We can't change the past, obviously, but we sure as hell can do better in the present. We need good black citizens to lead the way. They were getting good work under Trump's policies, and then this. I am heartbroken.
The systemic racism of the past is gone but this new racism cooked up by white people and the critical race theory in schools has got to be rectified. People can't live being paralyzed with self consciousness about their skin color. Thomason Sowell is one of the best on this subject.
People are so afraid to speak up. Candace Owens spelled it out with Tucker tonight.
It's sad because the kids now are less race conscious than before and we were making progress.
I know it's tough as I said on our last thread and I'll have to think about why and where this is coming from on the deep level.
People are reluctant to face the truth as always. The slaves were captured and sold by other blacks in Africa. Slavery is an old habit and every one is guilty. It crosses all color and ethnic boundaries. All groups enslave others of their own groups. Bradley talked about the economic realities in his intelligent summary.
It is totally correct that systemic racism was a big part of our past. The Irish were persecuted too. Jews as always. On and on.
But submitting to masters of any kind is a setup for more slavery. We certainly can't make it right by becoming slaves ourselves. Or by teaching our children untruths.
We know the right ways. Putting them into action takes tremendous effort and time. I can only hope that the current misery is increasing our understanding and paving a way to improvement. I'm working on that now in my own life with a black friend who talks about it all the time with me. We are making headway. Honesty is budding.
Yes, Neo told me that he grew up in a suburb were everyone worked at the same (automotive related) factory. The houses were all similar and it alternated between black and white families. Everyone played together and worked together. He moved to a southern city and was vilified by his black peers at college because he wasn't black enough.
Manufactured. Yes. Neo's verdict.
Not just cooked up by white people.
Agreed Thomas Sowell is brilliant. Dr Carole Swain another.
I always hoped Neo would get into some position to move community in positive ways. He had a real grasp on politics. And he is just a really good heart.
So the honesty points out that this is not just a White problem. The problems also exist within the Black communities. In the end it's probably simply a people problem.
How do we help our young of all stripes, as you put it, develop self esteem? I guess by locating it within ourselves. Time to get to work. The masking is part of the degradation. How on earth can they do that to themselves so relentlessly?
Correct even native american had slaves. Different tribes had different customs regarding captives. I was pretty shocked to learn this.
Our Native history is just as fraught with ugly wars. No romanticizing
Oh, Carole Swain is beautiful.
Yes Neo does have political heart. Good man.
Absolutely. The prejudice within the black community about darkness of skin is tough. It used to be the reverse. The light skinned blacks were elevated. To be honest, I still think that's true.
One of the surprises in homeschooling was watching A's cohorts in public school change from being curious and eager to learn to reluctant to make a guess because it might be wrong.
That right there!! Stifling the joy of experimenting learning by making errors and not being punished for the attempt.
Our native history is unimaginably horrible in ways. Crazy knew this and educated me. people have been doing these things to one another forever.
If only we could get honest conversation going, especially in the schools.
Oh no. The fear of being human and making a mistake. Yup. Crippling.
This was about attitude not color, not acting black.
Neo, sharp and a tack was not finding acceptance for himself.
A lot of people are understanding and I think are getting ready to take some action. I expect schooling transformations.
You have so much heart. Warms my cockles.
Yes I can see that. Acting black. So interesting about you and Neo.
That's the rock and hard place being black. Bleeding out black characteristics to advance or banking on confidence, staying the same, and moving on. What did Neo do?
So, where did we veer off track?
We seem to have been working it out, was it regulations? Did equal opportunity act give rise to victimhood?
I'm still trying to figure out this new victimhood everyone seems to be a victim.
Many aspects of this era are so confusing. Non real.
So I think about it. How many are having conversations like this in the trial aftermath, how many are screaming bloody murder, how many are saying nothing, how many are continuing to lie, how many are feeling victimized no matter the color?'s opened up a can. The manhole cover stays off.
We lost touch. I lost all my contacts in a computer meltdown oy.
Last I heard he was shifting college and returning north.
Darlin' you warm my cockles too. The patio conversations are the best.
I am trying as hard as you to figure this out. Yes I think affirmative action backfired and they've upped the ante. Sowell repeats this often. Equal opportunity missteps take away individual effort and pride, and put people in situations over their heads. They backtrack, Feel like failures.
Ha Ha! Computers lost in space.
I think a lot of what we're dealing with is conscience. We as a people have elevated heartless unethical wretches to positions of power. My bad.
Well, think about the assortment of people attracted to raging universe, looking at patterns, sharing, putting together parts of the jigsaw puzzle. That's a pretty remarkable cross-section of humanity.
Victimhood is one of the oldest games in the book. We can't seem to help it. Who in hell really wants to take responsibility for their failures? Name one and I'll shake his or her hand. Oh no!!!! I can't! It's the Time of Covid.
My eyelids ate drooping, up since 4:30, they need to close for a few hours. Kisses mi dearone.
Yep. The big ol' jigsaw. We put ourselves together like substance to receptor. It's all chemistry. Or biology. Or math. Or something.
I don't know Mom! I'm just here learning!
Love you sweet one. Hugs from the Buddhist temple.
“Who in hell really wants to take responsibility for their failures?”. It’s odd to me to want to blame others for things or be blamed. This is partly why I feel disconnected from all this. We didn’t create history, we were born into it. My ancestors were also driven forth from their is how we ended up here. Yet that happened before I was born. I just got here...relatively speaking... Anything I have personally failed at if taking responsibility would fix it, I’m game. But looking back it’s so hard to tell.
MPK basically agree,” Place no blame, accept no guilt,” is worthy of deep contemplation imo.
Shame and blame are part of very low level of existence.
Melania's simple “Be Best” a better path.
We are all fallable.
Yes... this is part of the Democrat's current problems, the "shame and blame" game became the main game in town, and it's become a dogmatic religion for some of them. The religion of "Wokeism". This article makes some good points:
On different note.
Germany just passed what might be called a pandemic law which allows for draconian measures. This could be very interesting to watch. The law (as do the vax passports, mandatory vax etc here) violates the Nuremberg code.
This has been of interest to me personally. As a graduate of a British med school, i could not receive my diploma until my signature was placed on the Geneva Conventions. Nuremberg Code is part of training. Everyone knows.
Even a whisper of nazism or holocaust rattles German populace.
We'll see what happens.
Mpk thanks, I'll take a read.
You guys are operating at a higher level than me and I love it, it's bringing me up again... I'm still coming out of what I'd call dull low level trauma from living around these people, and finally making my escape.
Big hug around you m.p.k. We are all in this together.
Oh my m.p.k. I am so interested in your path out away from these people. I believe in staying away from the vibe but dipping in for motivation and knowledge from a healthy distance. I recently became incredibly firm with myself on this. It's important to see but protect ourselves. I think we here are sensitives and it's a challenge to live around cruelty, although everyone carries some. Controlling my own is my aim.
The shame blame game is maybe my biggest issue. Taking responsibility for everything is the one and only way to correct wrongs. There's so much to this and many metaphysical factors. I love exploring the subject. I am so anti-victimization it's not funny. My knowledge of it has thus far been impossible for everyone else to take.
You are so right about the religion of victimization. Wokeism is a cult. It seems we must combat it somehow. Looking forward to the article.
It's wonderful for me to share this. There is much more philosophically and metaphysicalY that people run from when I speak. I will approach slowly.
It's impossible to say who is at a higher level than another. We switch off I think. I've seen people in my travels who seek understanding, humble themselves, but are at a higher level than they realize. Higher than the so called sages. It's not easy to see so much, but it's infinitely better than being woke and on other phony paths. Each soul is in the right place for themselves though. The ones seeking real enlightenment slip and fall all the time too.
I simply cannot believe Germany. What in the world is going on? Yes I've been following the Nuremburg code issue. Crimes against humanity are being committed in plain sight with encouragement. Who will stand up? Where is the source of punishment? Maybe we should consult Dostoevsky.
Some of the highest I've met do not broadcast it. A subtle but powerful ripple comes from them. Others have inspired moments.
Tseka, my wise friend. Your prediction about hard truths seems to be correct.
Dostoevsky! Oh my.
Did you also read every Russian novel you could get your hands on in high school? And Bertram Russell
Much of our rumination has me looking at other similar situations and their outcome.
Sweden once was a most pacific homogeneous place. Rape and murder were almost unheard of, then they invited others who didn't have shared values. Certainly once these guests see how wonderful life is here it will all blend together. Now, there are no-go zones where even the police dare not enter. For the longest time no one spoke of the calamity for fear of being labeled racist.
Didn't read the novels but I glean. Russell is a good one. I think geographic characteristics influence the writers countries produce. Russian is severe largely, and thoughts run deep. Even romance is heavy. Fascinating.
OMG, speaking of truth. I love you for this. The truth about immigration. It's not certain that they will see how wonderful life is in Sweden. They bring their cultural habits with them and some refuse to assimilate. There are many degrees. Some assimilate fast. This racist stuff is absolutely awful. There's enough natural racism without adding to it. We must resist. People are so tragically cowardly. The woke idiots fail to realize that the social programs in Scandinavia succeed largely because of their homogeneity.
America was amazing with the original immigration policies which is why we are such a successfully diverse country. You know. They had to have sponsors to get in and their contribution to our society was a big deal. We were meticulous and getting in was euphoric for people seeking refuge from real oppression. Citizenship granted was treasured. We are on a rocky path now but it can be corrected. When citizenship is no longer earned and valued, society suffers as a whole.
Our Aquarius SN has already perfected immigration, so we can leave it behind to pursue our exceptionalism is Leo. I think a reckoning will come with Pluto. Immigration will still be there. People celebrate their differences and so do I. I was going to be an anthropologist if I stayed in school. Instead I traveled the world. The diversity of cultures worldwide is a joy to behold. The reasons geographically why they develop are fascinating. I think the long term movement is toward a new nationalism, which is pride in their countries, love of their traditions and customs, fair exchange and reciprocity, and respect for the cultures people enter into.
After 2024, maybe a renewal will triumph, which of course will be followed by the rest of the world. So this current ridiculous immigration nonsense could be a necessary prelude. left alone, people get along. They squabble, too, but harmony is always part of human nature. If we can just keep the idiot eugenicists at bay. We will.
Love your insights. And truthful boldness.
The problem with social engineering is the basic self loathing and lack of trust in and respect for humanity. The human race is magnificent and horribly flawed at the same time. If people faced their fears instead of projecting them on the rest of us and let evolution take its course, we could breathe in life and improve in pockets here and there. Some self preservation instinct drives us and I do think the whole collective is wiser than the individuals trying to control mankind's direction. Well it can't be controlled, so there's no worry. Being stuck in this madness is challenging, no doubt. I still think there is a method though.
m.p.k. Good read and very pertinent to our conversation.
Very courageous author, teacher. Courage; all of my ancestors regardless of heritage agree, is the noblest of virtues.
Shame and blame is down next to fear and despair.
“ I think the long term movement is toward a new nationalism, which is pride in their countries, love of their traditions and customs, fair exchange and reciprocity, and respect for the cultures people enter into.”
This was Trump's “Trump card,” he understood the beauty of nations living and trading in their fullness. I'm certain this was the basis of agreement between the nations / alliance previously mentioned. Itillbelieve itwill happen. Some institutional constraints like banking and power in the hands of few will need an overhaul.
I still believe it will happen
Totally totally right. Trump has people magic and a true understanding of cross culturalism. SN and Moon in Sagittarius. Packed Cancer 11th. He is the complete opposite of xenophobia, so they projected their own onto him. What folly. His understanding of nationalism is healthy, productive, and inevitable. He loves people. They know it.
Sadge is the cosmic anthropologist, at home in any foreign culture. Trump glides from nation to nation with that skill. All the beautiful heartland Americans feel it. I love it.
It's the idiot woke crowd that is so full of fear of the other that they insist we all live that way too. Ain't gonna happen.
Reciprocity is one of his dictums and all good tribal cultures engage in it. He has cooperation genius, also with Joop in Libra. Art of the Deal is reality. We are not through with him.
Wow. Great article m. He talks about the trouble within the races, one of my big concerns.
"So, being “woke,” if such a thing is even possible, would mean a moment-by-moment struggle to be vigilant about your shadow and all the biases and prejudices that everyone one of us has (racist, reverse racist, inflating aboriginal cultures, dissing Western patriarchal cultures—though you are more likely to die a violent war death in a rainforest aboriginal culture than at any point in Western history —etc.) Every group, every person. has a shadow, and no one is more non-woke than self-righteous irate folk calling out the shadows of other individuals and groups without scrutinizing their individual and group shadows."
"Anything I have personally failed at if taking responsibility would fix it, I’m game. But looking back it’s so hard to tell."
Beautiful m.p.k. So true. Retrospect changes everything.
The whole ridiculous thing is after 10,000 years we're here and thriving. So we're doing a lot right. We're still infinitely diverse, still squabbling, still loving, still growing crops, still propagating, still learning, and basically getting along. All this infighting is being trapped in the microcosm not seeing the big picture. So it is.
Have faith, if you're so inclined.
Shame is one of the worst. It's primal. Original sin and all. So we construct elaborate mechanisms for absolution, which work on and off. Pisces and Neptune. Shame is natural. we're kind of over exposed or something. But maybe shame and guilt are the roads to our evolution and possible improvement. Retrospect, baby. Our progeny will know. If the dead could speak, I always say, assuming they might also know.
I agree with the Tseka clan. Courage is tops.
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