Saturday, May 15, 2021

Pisces Welcomes Jupiter

Hey Joop! What's up? It's been twelve years. 

J...It's good to be in Pisces again. Sort of. We are squared off after all, Sagittarius wise. I like all the religious frick frack, and I know you've lost interest in that sort of thing. You've found infinite amorphous consciousness. I understand. 

I'm an anthropomorphic kind of guy, so I like those kings, goddesses, beasts, half human creatures, and so on with their outrageous stories. I still study the universe with my newfound higher mind.

P...Well I lost my mind and gained my consciousness. Or lost my consciousness and entered into some nebulous unidentified substance. It's a trip.

J...It sounds like something I could be interested in, much as I like new adventures. Will you show me around? I'll tell you stories of the world that might amuse you. You might even be glad you're not there.

P...Sounds good. Come on in.


Blogger Tseka said...

All golden territory, count me in for the adventure. Joop and I love our adventures. Teethed on myths and stories.

15/5/21 8:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Joop and Nep. A loopy duo.

15/5/21 10:53 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Big eclipse coming. Jupe loves an entrance.

16/5/21 5:58 AM  
Blogger jm said...

The big gasbag rules!

Good for Neptune all the way out there alone in the infinite seas. He'll have company. And we'll get a little break from utopia before Jupe gets back to Aquarius for a minute. Saturn is on his own meantime. It will be interesting to see what Neptune-Pisces has to say.

16/5/21 11:56 AM  
Blogger jm said...

The control factor is tightening as the corona does its summer retreat. Could be that upcoming boundless out of control Pisces is speaking. The Pluto-Cap power event was extremely addictive to those who enjoy that sort of thing. But nothing lasts forever. That I know of.

Won't be until the first of next year that Jupe goes full tilt in Pisces.

While they wait 450 years for their lovely masks to biodegrade, their power is bound to slip some. The wrecking ball has some loose ends to take care of.

16/5/21 12:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

As far as the human race goes, well they're on their own. They'll figure it out.

16/5/21 12:10 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Joop will run back overTrump's descendent and USA moon mid August, then swing back for another last dance in December. It's gonna bet good!

17/5/21 1:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

August looks quite interesting.

Trump is launching his new media platform in July. August should have it up and running. It coincides with the next exact Pluto opposite US Mercury as well as Neptune square US Mars in Gemini. North node in Gemini conjunct US Uranus. Exact. Looks a lot like freedom of expression.

The unmasking will be underway replaced by breath and speech. All leading to the first Pl return at 27 Cap in February. What a plan!

The final Pluto Mercury opposition is in December.

17/5/21 2:08 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Something to look forward to when the terrible heat of August hits.

17/5/21 8:17 PM  

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