Friday, August 06, 2021

Nurse Jill Returns With News

With adventurous Mars in Virgo for a little while, beloved Virgo, Nurse Jill, has discovered a new wild weed growing in the meadows that seems to have remarkable curative properties. It works for coughs, catarrh, breathing difficulties, even severe fatigue, and a variety of other ills. It can be powdered, infused, or encapsulated for those who find the taste a bit strong. She's named her new remedy, Lion's Breath, due to its brilliant golden color, and so far, no adverse reactions have developed in her patients.

Nurse Jill and her brimming bag. Just in time. Her anticataclyctants are particularly effective. I recommend them.


Blogger Tseka said...

Ha! Well it's excellent to see you again Nurse Jill.

anticataclyc-inhibitor ? + tant neurokinin receptor antagonists dunno.

I apparently missed this in school. Alas my medical dictionary is no help
But seeming to be effective remedy for many conditions

The herb you describe reminds me of so many yellow flowering medicines. I'm very fond of the miraculous Berberine. The beautiful Oregon Grape which grew abundantly around me up north being one source.
You Virgos are such great herbalists.

I spent many hours pondering Sweet T's last post.
The Virgo healer. Mercury as ruler of sign here acts so differently than for Gemini. And I agree that Virgo having moved past the Leo solar energy reaches others - a transition away from self

Considering the NN in Virgo and the healing abilities of those I've known. They seem to have met (maybe not mastered) their fears and instill a deep trust in others. Trust is the first step in letting go of dis*ease.

7/8/21 6:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Anticataclyc-inhibitor. I like that one.

You are so absolutely right about trust being the first step.

I think about Mercury and his relationship with Pluto, both being connected to healing. Mercury was allowed into the underworld for reasons that are interesting to ponder.

The sixth and eighth houses form quincunxes with the Aries starting point thus the association with healing. The Pluto transit to Mercury now points in that direction. It could be logical progression to some curative situation. I tend to think so. It seems to be for me.

Pluto and Scorpio heal through crisis and trust figures in heavily as you wisely point out. We have to heal or we don't live. Might as well get with it. Virgo does all the little things that add up to so much. The minute to minute cures. And good ol' Pisces reminds us that it's all in the imagination. Matter follows.

7/8/21 8:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

While Plutonian doctors are off fighting death, Virgo nurses tend the wounds.

7/8/21 8:10 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

It's interesting how doctors fight death. I've been around this alot. Doctors mostly stay separate from the patient, a set of symptoms. Death a bit abstract. Nurses and other healers chat and touch, encourage. Though I must say over the last 20 years or so even that is falling away with machines measuring

I like your Pluto quincunx descriptor of this crazy covid time. We are finding our way out, self healing. The natural cures effectiveness is being shown while the Big Pharma shot is failing dramatically. Pennies versus gazillions $. Everything is being exposed in such a dramatic way.
It's painful, but the way out is recovering our courage to make wise choices for ourselves.

Bonfires in Italy with people throwing vax cards on the pyre.
It does feel like a funeral for an ending age.

7/8/21 9:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Really? Finally. Burning the hideous vax cards.

I've been contemplating the symbolism and a lot makes sense as psychotic as it appears. I didn't think of the quincunx connection until now. There's a lot to it. Frankly, I'm a little surprised at the exposure and I think there's a lot more to come during the Pluto station. The crazy will go on as long as needed and I think you're right about finding our way out. Not collectively in the end, but individually. I think that's part of it...the reveal of the dangers of collectivism with Saturn in Aquarius now, Pluto coming. We have to respect our separation in order to collect successfully.

In war zones the nurses do much. Clean wounds, change bandages, soothe souls, read letters to the wounded, feed the helpless, bathe them, help them die. The great heroic nurses in history saw it all.

7/8/21 10:48 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

War nurses unbelievable heros!

8/8/21 5:30 AM  
Blogger jm said...

You are right again St.B about the way out. And dual Mercury.

It just dawned on me. Neptune is transiting USA Mars in Gemini and Neptune in Virgo. Gemini being the free speech part, breathing, and so on, and Virgo being the healing practice and mutable awareness of the body. While the authorities struggle with their part Neptune is doing something else. Nep certainly doesn't care about politicians, bureaucrats and their ilk, although lies and deception are an area of Neptune expertise for a purpose. The dissolution I talk about is gaining on the tight restrictive control efforts. You are right about the painful procedure. I'll try to map it out.

People will understand what happened in retrospect. It's not punishment or victimization unless one sees life that way. Many do. I think maybe cosmic entities are neutral. Anyway, it's a perfect chance to repair things in one's own life instead of waiting for damaged others to do it. I have a feeling about how things are going to work out but it could be a reflection of what is going to happen in my own world.

It's the cramp and release pushing us through life itself. Never ends. Kind of like labor pains in our continual birthing.

9/8/21 2:35 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

All wonderful JM.
I'm having internet connection problems. Be back soon 😘

12/8/21 3:37 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I look forward to your return.

12/8/21 6:34 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Good morning!
I am watching Sirius rise. Autumn will not be far behind.

15/8/21 6:05 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The Marines have been bombing the heck outta the sand to the east. They do something that affects my wifi. This time the phone was out for several days.

Life in the hinterlands. Better than dial-up which is not that far in my past

15/8/21 6:08 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes, it is a period of change that will have us piecing it together in retrospect. Hints exist now.

I think about the great conjunction on the Mother's night last December, birthing a new age. With Pluto's return it looks like American Revolution 2. With Aquarius involved it's time to re-examine our selves and our relationship to our founding documents here in America, but this is also a global revolution.

A great percentage bought into media fairytales about some utopian society under socialism and did not see that was just a wrapper for communism. Many people took the vax under that conditioning. All the previous experiments with mRNA ended in 100% death of the animals. This suggests that what is coming will be a time of despair as many suffer and many will die. The rest will have to become very adult like the young men at Normandy. Many of us will be Nurse Jills. Our way out practical Mercury.

It was a choice made long ago. Different paths to a future. The sad reckoning of war.

This American revolution will be about replacing systems. I grew up in a rather communal society, this is not at all the same as communism. The Aquarian influence, I believe will see us through this rough patch to return to greater reliance upon each other in community, less upon government programs big corporate systems. Here perhaps is the difference between the Saturn which rules Capricorn and the Saturn which rules Aquarius. (The old rulerships of only using planets seen by naked eye.

It's a lovely Sunday morning, time to enjoy a second cup of coffee with my good friend Ulli curled over my feet.
Don't know how long I'll have my internet, before the war training resumes. A taste of future disruptions we can expect? I've been reeding an interesting book translated from Norwegian. Maybe time to find some more books for winter?

15/8/21 6:52 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Reading. Oy!

15/8/21 6:56 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Wonderful wonderful comment StB. The visionary returns. I thank my lucky stars that you turned out to be so philosophically and politically aligned with me. You and your loving gorgeous family. One effect of this moment seems to be showing people that genetic families might be further away from them than friends, in some cases, and that the new people coming into their worlds are more suited to their shared goals. That's the good part of the Aquarian influence.

I agree about the socialism wrapper. We cannot fail all those who came here to escape those dictatorships, and who rejoice in the freedom of our unique country. When I traveled the world, the motley group I was a part of also lived communally. It was genuine, we shared our money gladly, cared for the sick and weak, no one ruled, and it was as far from communism as you can get. We did it naturally as people left alone with their freedom often do.

The vax destruction should educate many. It's not flying here in the States, so I imagine America will lead the way out of this, speaking of RNA. And DNA. I guess the sequences are written in stone. It looks like massive vax failure up ahead. They're waiting religiously for the new one out in the fall, but the spiritual longing and belief should seek the appropriate receptacles. That one will fail too. But hey! All failure leads to some kind of success.

The idea that plunging poison into one's body being a sign of love of humanity needs adjustment. Love of self is the seed, so we keep returning to the Leo-Aquarius nodes, Pluto headed there. And the dual Saturns. Saturn in Aquarius now is starting to point out the false humanitarianism. What better way to advance the collective than to live your best life? Saturn logic, you know.

Yes. The sad reckoning of war. My issue. I think the Afghanistan situation will be an awakening. We were starting to see the road to some relative peace for a minute and I think it will return. People are shell shocked now in many ways. We're not supposed to kill others. Remember?

I'm looking forward to the aftermath when systems are replaced and new growth comes in the fertile grounds. Each of us can lend a hand in the rebuilding.
I feel like I'm in preparation now. In a different way.

15/8/21 11:58 AM  
Blogger jm said...

So the Pluto station now is the last before the return. Combined with the Neptune stations the undoing should be well underway by the winter Pluto return. Then details to be ironed out with various stations until 2024. There's a station of Pluto at 27 Capricorn in October 2023. We're certainly getting a lot of help in this endeavor.

15/8/21 12:11 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Wonderful insights mi sweet T.

Preparing on many levels is important. We need to have our best game on during the coming months. The seeds of chaos have been planted, vax, currency, food and other shortages, possible energy disruptions.however there are a bunch of us who grew up with little and know how we really can survive with much less.

Poison injections; let's add into animals, air and earth. We can do much better more simply. Pluto will break down many structures that no longer serve.

15/8/21 2:16 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Speaking of currency failures, it was thirty years ago today that Nixon took us off the gold standard.

I remember my grandmother being furious, my dad too.

They both used to say we'd need a wheelbarrow to go grocery shopping. Heh, it took a while but here we are.

Wonder how fiat gets fixed.

15/8/21 2:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Absolutely, poison injections everywhere. Like venom-filled fangs. Pluto is acting like a viper and constrictor at once. Jeez. What life that survives will be robust. That's probably the point.

Fortunately the great earth is accustomed to these maladies. I have boundless confidence in her, her wildlife, and even myself. As long as I have acetylsalicylic acid in the house I rest assured.

15/8/21 2:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Don't know about the fix. I just started paying in cash. Survival and trade will endure in one form or another. People erroneously think bankers and such control the earth. Not so. It's our earth all together. I guess the gods factor in but they're not the end-all be-all either.

Back to your trust.

Monopoly money can be used as currency. It's a matter of contractual agreement.

15/8/21 3:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's definitely not the end of the world. It's basically still the beginning. That's why I count on retrospect.

15/8/21 3:09 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Aspirin great medicine.

Cash, only way for me until recently no one accepts it! since covid. I had to get a debit card. Hopefully a few merchants get their head straight. I like how easy it is to know what I'm spending with cash.
The gold (or other metals/items of value) linked currently keeps a damper on inflation.

As to your comment about Afghanistan, seeing the helicopter hovering over the embassy in Kabul sent shivers of memory of US leaving Viet Nam.
A friend sent me an email after Biden won saying, “condolences.” She was a Bernie supporter and I'm sure voted for Biden. I replied - Condolences, yes, watch the wars come back.
She is aghast at what is happening. We'll see if she can escape her liberal programming to see Trump differently.
I suspect Kabul may be a hard awakening after months of rationalizing.

15/8/21 3:25 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's always in flux and hard assets figure in. We'll see as inflation balloons and people scramble. Reduction in consumption is always a good idea as hard as it is to achieve for the many.

I paid for my last oil changes in cash and boy did I ever get a deal! Cash is beautiful and people will come around somewhat. I also got my awful idle fixed as part of the deal. Years of stalling over! What a complete joy.

Yes Saigon redux. Geopolitical changes afoot and I'll look into it. South Node leaving Sagittarius as the Pluto Neptune stations wind down. Uranus in Taurus is coming more into the limelight as Covid becomes history. The last inauguration chart had Mars void at 29 Aries in the 12th house, so I don't know about the new wars going anywhere. Turkey, Russia, and China have things to do. And Pakistan. Poppies and metals in Afghanistan. Poor Europe lost in the mayhem.

Biden is ridiculous. That's obvious. Perfect for the time. I don't know about your pal seeing Trump differently since the hate is self hatred. But one Biden voter I know has come around. His extreme Trump hatred is starting to show signs of weakness. Foreign policy was one of T's areas of accomplishment as some will realize.

Kabul will startle but a series of events will be needed for awakening. Still, rationalization always goes on. We all do it necessarily. But god knows Biden is not the answer.

15/8/21 3:52 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I am heartened. The latest geopolitical development indicates to me that covid is really finally winding down. Enough is too much.

15/8/21 3:55 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

“South Node leaving Sagittarius as the Pluto Neptune stations wind down. Uranus in Taurus is coming more into the limelight as Covid becomes history. The last inauguration chart had Mars void at 29 Aries in the 12th house, so I don't know about the new wars going anywhere. Turkey, Russia, and China have things to do. And Pakistan. Poppies and metals in Afghanistan.”

Yes, something strikes me as off in all of this. A little too easy and pat. Doesn't it fave a feel of North karea somehow? So, i did a little poking around.
Maybe you and I will be heartened even more.

President Trump had Mullah Beradar released from a Pakistani prison in 2018. Mike Pompeo met with him Sept 12, 2020. Beradar is set to become the new Afghan president.
White hat operation??
Man if so talk about brilliant!

15/8/21 4:32 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Enough is too much!

15/8/21 4:33 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Korea. Jeeze I should proof my work. The misspellings just leap out after I post!

Any who maybe we are watching a scripted movie?
This is so like Trump and Pompeo..

15/8/21 4:36 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Battles won, deals made, but yet to play out, much like covid. Trump loves his Sun Tzu.

15/8/21 4:39 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...


Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting with the Taliban
Home | News & Events | Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting with the Taliban
Office of the Spokesperson

The below is attributable to Principal Deputy Spokesperson Cale Brown:

Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo met today with Taliban Political Deputy and Head of the Political Office Mullah Beradar and members of the Taliban negotiating team in Doha, Qatar, on the historic occasion of the start of peace negotiations. Secretary Pompeo urged the Taliban to seize this opportunity to forge a political settlement and reach a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire. He welcomed Afghan leadership and ownership of the effort to end 40 years of war and ensure that Afghanistan is not a threat to the United States or its allies.

15/8/21 4:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Very interesting. It does seem a bit easy and pat.

I'll just be happy to get away from this disgusting hypodermic obsession along with the sanitary napkined mouths. My senses can't take it. It hurts my sacroiliac.

The guys' geopolitical accomplishments were starting to look stellar. The world will do what it needs to do. So many factions with limited chess pieces.

Herman Hesse in Steppenwolf broached this subject and the metaphysical unseen players in the games.

15/8/21 5:01 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think all the battles are covers for deeper broader ones as covid glides seamlessly into the next symbolic game.

15/8/21 5:05 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Oh! Herman Hesse!
Unseen chess pieces.
What a time to be alive.

Afghan will capture to attention and Covid can withdraw, that gambit didn't go as well as they expected. Americans got tired of the fear and started to see the lies. Lots of pushback now.

15/8/21 5:07 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

If a deal was made with Baradar -US leaves, Afghan rules it's own country, the hope to create more war opportunities might be gone.
Everyone is tired of forever wars.
Enough IS too much.

15/8/21 5:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I don't put much stock in the characters as they are all replaceable. Some I almost like which is wonderful but they are mere humans as miraculous as we are machine-wise. One good deed begets a bad one in the forever relay. I select what I like from the banquet table and savor the pleasure as long as I can. What a wreck! On to the next disaster!

15/8/21 5:12 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Absolutely! Hallelujah!! Covid can withdraw! I always thought it was doomed. Too hokey.

I do think forever wars have hit a barrier heralded by Trump's efforts. It will be known.

15/8/21 5:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Next up is resource conflicts, not so much religious and ideological. Expect socialism to take a hit. Russia might rise a bit. And once we get off our collective ass we'll be okay. We just had a revolution to revisit. Nothing to it.

15/8/21 5:22 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I was weaned on anti-war. I went to the meetings for peace at my mother's knee. I marched for three days in the rain as a little one. Not that it had an effect. It's just in my DNA. I think I'd rather give the enemy my Cheeto rather than kill him. Even my red licorice stick if need be.

15/8/21 5:33 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Cheetos and red licorice from your adorable 4’1/2” self would surely stop a war! 😍

15/8/21 7:38 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yeah!!! I once made a birthday present for my dad. It was a doll of myself carrying a peace sign.

15/8/21 8:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I believe you are right again Your Majesty. The current incarnation of Afghanistan was born on Mother's Night 2001. I'm looking into it now.

Good god.

18/8/21 11:13 AM  
Blogger jm said...

You said it perfectly. "The sad reckoning of war."

18/8/21 11:23 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Oh my word really? Afghanistan in current state was born on mother's night.

There is much that will come out of all of this that still is in the shadows.
In the old stories this time was known as “crossing the river between ages”

The phone went out again and the wifi is iffy. So, if I disappear for a bit again you'll know it's probably due to Marines pounding sand.

18/8/21 11:45 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Got it. Yes. Much will come. It oddly resembles a moment of truth.

18/8/21 11:51 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

A moment of truth, a big reveal.
Since you mentioned the void- of-course inauguration mymind latched on to Void- of-Course Biden.
Man, does he fit the desriptors or what?

18/8/21 3:22 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

As to Afghanistan, what we are being shown may not be matching what's happening.
This might be a death knell for the media, and the big brass military industrial complex. Those guys want to keep the war going.
I'm in a watch and wait moment.

18/8/21 3:25 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

My son just IMed from work, the roof on the concourse where he is just caved in from rain. Massive flash flooding. Third day. All flights grounded.
Crazy times JM, crazy times!

18/8/21 3:27 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Too much is enough.

18/8/21 4:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

So the mi complex is just repositioning, maybe changing some personnel. They have things to do outside of wartime. I do really think peace efforts might be the trend. The military retains its place with adjustments.

18/8/21 6:48 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

For your consideration: the Quincunx
The past few days Sun in Leo Q Pluto
Has given way to a jupiter sun opposition 27 Aq / Leo
USA Moon
Trump's asc
We'll toss Regulus in for good measure.
Could this be the return of the Leoniod King?
Trump's been very visible. He looks the part of war president. The people agree.

We'll see how it goes.

18/8/21 7:48 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

The Pluto Q Sun could mean a few very political generals are fired.
The fighting force is all in for America and their sworn oath to the constitution.

Pentagon brass, FBI CIA all areas in need of a big Plutonian purge.

18/8/21 7:53 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think it's more than brass and presidents. They are secondary. It's about wealth, resources, pressure changes on the geopolitical map. China, Pakistan, India, how the Islamic world will align, and Silk Road remnants and rebuilds as always. The world only changes when and where we aren't looking. Business goes on.

Uranus just went retro in Taurus, Aquarius is on deck meaning the distribution of wealth and the understanding that we have to accept other countries as they are. If they want to treat subgroups a certain way, that is that, while we show by example how to forge an equitable path. The US has some work to do there. More than total purge, maybe an end to woke diversity emphasis in the military. It's not necessary, a waste of money and effort. They already are diverse. Just get in a foxhole with one.

It really really doesn't matter about the actors. The body politic is in charge.

The connection to the winter solstice and Jupiter and Saturn tell me the lessons in diversity and tolerance are worldwide, the US having a hard road because of the SN. False humanitarianism will reveal itself. The search for pride at the North will be extensive and take time.

All the while, we desirous clusters of humans will battle it out.

More than downfalls of people I am pulling for the American people to come to a display of real collective humanitarianism, which includes the heartland of America. We already know how(SN), so we can stop playing these games.

We are all complicit. The billionaire thieves are merely exaggerations of the petty thieves.

19/8/21 2:00 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Consolidation of power is Pluto Capricorn. Aquarius actually encourages separate identity. It's dispersion of power. Air.

Warfare is both endemically tribal and contrived. Maybe our inner tribal conflicts keep us from blowing up the world. They hone our skills at making peace.

The world is the way it is for reasons unknown. And not about to change dramatically.

19/8/21 2:12 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Full moon today, then it enters Virgo.
Our month of harvest and industry preparing for winter unfolds.
Cooler nights!

22/8/21 4:50 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yay cooler nights! I love September. The light around the equinox is the most beautiful of the year.

22/8/21 9:35 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

October and February are my divine light months. In all of the places I've lived the colour of blue in the sky during those months is almost shimmering

23/8/21 6:05 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Divine light. Good thought.

Is it the angle that creates the beauty? I often wonder about divine order and geometry. The divine light permeates life everywhere yet humans choose to look elsewhere, particularly at the TV computer light these days. Does the divinity weave through these media in some form? What are people en masse looking for or at?

Divine grace has to be more than a human construct. The eye is designed to perceive it. I'm interested in seeing how the equinox affects me this year. As a matter of fact, these few words of ours have alerted me. Something about Neptune is luring my thoughts.

February is an interesting choice. I'll pay more attention next year.

23/8/21 8:57 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Good thoughts my sweet T.i do believe in sacred geometry. How light enters our body matters.

I just was thinking about Neptune as well. Tomorrow, Mercury in Virgo where it's at its best, will oppose Neptune in dreamy Pisces.
Think a few bubbles will burst?
Illusions? we've experienced many pops lately.
Housing bubble?
Stock market ? Hmmm with a merc - pluto coming very quickly that could be one.

Vax truths?
There are so many.
I kinda like how healing Virgo teamed with Pluto could offer some hard truths after the draining.

Seems like a big week ahead.

23/8/21 11:42 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Neptune is driving much of this so I expect some bubble bursting. I was watching while Pluto got the attention and now Neptune "appears" with usual cosmic grandeur. It can't hold.

The vax truth must come. Survival depends on it. FDA pharma criminality exposure has been a long time in the making. The latest move is ridiculously obvious, which seems like the good part.

Neptune has many moons ahead on the country's Mars and Neptune coordinating with the Pluto Mercury station. It's as if mental healing tangles with the poison approach.

This could be be dissolution of several destructive aggregates or at least a start. It's apparent that the national psyche needs medicine and symptoms lead the way. Hopefully, that's what the virus is all about.

This is why I emphasize that characters are neither the cause or solution. No devils, no saviors beyond those which lurk in everyone. It's no one's fault or everyone's. Either way. Problems come with solutions attached. Thank you Neptune for unclouding them. Right?

Definitely a big week ahead. Equanimity is a great friend.

23/8/21 12:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It looks like Independents are reacting quite a bit. Interesting. They are the only ones who respond to events and realities and vote that way. I have been thinking for awhile they are increasing and gaining influence.

23/8/21 12:54 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I think we're already beginning the transition of Pluto into Aquarius and some collective something or other. The destruction might be largely done and now has to be faced as the details emerge and we witness the mess together. Yep. We did it.

The USA figures in especially with Pluto in late Capricorn and the Aquarian placements, SN in particular. She's probably being called to lead the way as freedom becomes more important worldwide.

If she can do the job well, the Leo North will have much to celebrate. Pride is paramount.

23/8/21 1:24 PM  
Blogger jm said...

People hope for transits to change things in a big way, but I haven't found that to be so. The outer planets promise to fundamentally transform life for the better they think. Sometimes, sometimes not.

Change seems to be incremental. Occasionally big things happen but they are likely a culmination of gradual developments. People seem to be cast in a mold, but it is plastic and can be worked with. The outer planets move slowly which gives a person time to evolve consciously a little bit, probably through many repetitions of behaviors. Evolution occurs in response to circumstance and things are right the way they are at the moment.
Some fear almighty powerful figures but real people are limited in power. The horror shows of history come and go regardless of the short lived characters. The miraculous achievemets do the same.

So as the famous feared and revered Pluto return culminates there will probably be some satisfaction, some disappointment, and a realization that life is a grand continuum. So far.

I am constantly amazed and feel infinitely fortunate to live in a universe where elegant cosmic bodies provide some guidance on a trip that seems very very far from concluded. And I've discovered some new things about Neptune that will be of interest.

23/8/21 2:46 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Neptunian news? How timely. Look forward to your presentation.

Yes, gradual progress seems to be way of it. Occasionally, something happens that grabs you by your shirt collar and demands a quick shift.
The transits seem less like markers and more like the ebb and flow of the tides, there's a rhythm that isn't as easily seen as the cycling moon.

23/8/21 6:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Beautifully said, Stick.

I love our philosophical understanding the most.

24/8/21 12:10 AM  
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25/8/21 6:12 AM  

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