Wednesday, February 16, 2022

They Emerge From The Shelters

Looks like it's safe out there. We survived sugar cookie!

Traffic is surging, hours are extending, and movement is returning to the vessels of my town. The scares are gone, and the irresistible lures of lucious springtime are almost here. No time to waste.

"That was a rough one!" say they. "It's great to breathe the air and see the sun!"


Blogger Tseka said...

Some great photos there.

I know you've been out and about as your sovereign mask free self.
But it's nice to smile and have it returned!

I watched the departure of the truckers from Ottawa earlier. What an amazing month.
A month of redressing grievances in the most polite and sweet way. The crushing militarized push back the last few days in strong contrast should stir some slumbering awake.

19/2/22 2:57 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Sun has entered Pisces.
Jupiter will join Venus as a morning star.

Tues Twos day 02.22.22 is our exact Pluto return to USA's 1776 Pluto. What a surprise opening for our revisit to the revolution.
Big stuff coming.

Frankly glad to be older. A more comfortable perspective now.

19/2/22 3:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

O god in heaven. We Pollys were right about the 2s! Really OMG.

I feel a great sense of relief. Everything works out as always.

The truckers have touched a deep chord and it's just the beginning. The authoritarian emphasis is ending. The reset has failed. They only got 4 billion injected! Better job next time fellas!

The battle is ongoing and authoritarians will continue their efforts with Pluto in Aquarius and technological abuse but the common workers are definitely going to assume more political power. They have technological expertise too.

The truckers took on the job of excellent leadership dwarfing the tyrants who are running out of juice. One small man fled then brought in heavy artillery to show power that is just not there. Every move the truckers make has an element of nobility and ethics. They will be organizing and so will the Americans. Grassroots movement is easy in Aquarius. The tyrants had it easy for awhile but things change.

Twos are stability and balance. There is nothing more stable than fixed earth Taurus. The square to Saturn in Aquarius gets more emphasis.

People are going to sense something amiss with the tyrannical digital control of currency and that's coming up soon enough with the nodes and Aquarius. The truckers event surely revealed it.

HA HA HA! My "sovereign mask free self." That is absolutely right.

I agree about the comfortable perspective of age. That's one of life's sweet rewards.

19/2/22 4:25 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I caught myself thinking the lines of The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. Funny how memories float up. The truckers are our modern day midnight riders.

They are massing in Cali a bit north of here. Leaving on 23rd. We Americans are not so polite. We've had a bellyfull of Jan 6th and the like. This ride will likely have a different character. For one thing the snow and bitter winds of Jan - February will be less likely. I saw they changed their route to cross the heartland instead of the sunny southern route.

Tomorrow is a twoay too. 02.20.2022
Venus / Mars conjunction in Cap too. Whee.

19/2/22 4:57 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh me. Our historical heroes.

Very true. We Americans know how to defend ourselves. Things are different now. Jan 6 is old news. Something has jelled in the body politic and a legitimate movement has started which will reveal its shape in the coming months and years. The flailing of the powers that be is obvious. The drug companies are feeling some heat. The thing simply failed as intended but succeeded in providing the force for the reaction. The squeeze was necessary for purposes of collective energizing. Can't wait to see what America does. There's a vacuum of leadership which is great. We're on our own. Results to be determined. If the truckers are an indication, it could have peaceful steady characteristics. I'll go into the chart of the convoy. It's interesting and very focused.

A lot of this is about the endings of Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter adds to that wrap-up. Pisces Is lost, diffused, long suffering, and unreal. No one achieved what they wanted collectively in the last 12 years. That's why I put special emphasis on Neptune entering Aries.

They are massing everywhere. Pluto (masses) reaching Aquarius (commoners). It's like an olympic relay as the batons of power change hands constantly.

19/2/22 5:33 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Start point for Convoy
Adelanto, CA 2/22/22 12:00 noon
I think it's 12000 Stadium way but cant find it now.

When you have Robert Kennedy jr with Children's defense
And General Flynn, among many others, the unity is already baked in.

19/2/22 5:51 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Excellent! I'll do the chart. Yay! The Canadian chart is great. It will be fun to compare them.

Neptune has a way to go at 22 opposite USA 22 Virgo (our beloved 22). Virgo Pisces, sickness and health. Joop there adds his own special touch!

19/2/22 6:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh my. Just dawned on me. The Nep Joop conjunction at 23, I believe, lands there on Easter. Health anybody?????

19/2/22 6:17 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

18th of April in 75 hardly a man is now alive...
Jupiter / Neptune conjunction April 12- 17...then we ride a new 12 year cycle.

Definitely health! Oh! Ha! I remember Trump saying Covid would be over in April...never did say which April.

With the nodes in Sco/Tau were are looking at natural healing.

19/2/22 8:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...

What a beautiful display of love and humanity from the truckers in Ottowa. Full of grace they are. They keep repeating over and over again to remain positive and it's worked.

20/2/22 12:27 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Natural healing is always around while it waxes and wanes in influence. Commercial medicine is like a gargantuan clumsy tank both in health practice and finance. It overdoes everything and rolls over the gentle ones.

But people seem to need the overdoing so it rolls on. It can never obliterate the natural. They live side by side. People have always healed themselves and are always free to do so.

Part of autonomy/sovereignty is simply acting like a sovereign and focusing less on the marauding chimps that masquerade as leaders and experts. They will continue to do what they do. The masses got sick or stayed in constant fear but many who don't buy into crowd behavior didn't get sick. And don't. It's a fine art living one's life independently in health and sometimes happiness.

20/2/22 1:07 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Oh Canada
Unless the Senate votes nay, Canada has fallen. After so much love, joy, patriotism, the vote against Charter Rights of the Constitution is disturbing.

The people have found their voice. It's going to be a struggle.

21/2/22 5:52 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

And it occurs that this emergency act could be about a different “threat”
My spidey sense is tingling.

21/2/22 6:16 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yeah, it doesn't make sense. Very bizarre.

It's definitely going to be a struggle. This was the brief kick-off. The real work comes with grassroots organizing, getting different people in office, messaging, and other efforts. It's gradual. These dramatic events are a small part of it. Judging from the Convoy's leadership there is big talent to be mined.

I don't worry much about the current pols and their games. A lot was revealed this last month and I'll give it time to sink in.

That was an amazing show of patriotism and I'm sure it's part of the coming trend. Love of home/homeland runs deep.

It's just as well Canada's government falls from grace. It makes it easier to start the slow revolutions needed. I still think America is going to lead the group out and forward. There might be more to the American Convoy that meets the eye. The People's Convoy, as it's been named. I get the impression it might be serious and much different from the Canadian celebration of life and brotherhood, due to the start under the exact Pluto return.

It could go any way, but I'm getting a feeling of rock solid determination and even possibly sound strategies. And most important to me, perhaps a little introduction of ethics, the plus of Capricorn. It's not at all a fly-by-night affair. Serious useful government is the point. The changes are gonna happen one way or another.

As I mention so often, Pluto to US SN Aquarius could release her from the SN undertow. She can use the SN ancient experience and expertise to bloom at the North and start the great leadership of Leo. Trudeau has SN in Leo and he's showing the worst of arrogant, ego driven, commoner as servant Leo behavior. We can take the baton when we're ready.

The struggle is good. Conflict equals friction, spark, and energy. I'm seeing the disparate Constitution loving people, scattered as they are now, coming together with purpose. The personalities haven't shown their faces yet, nor their cards. I'm watching with interest.

22/2/22 12:56 AM  
Blogger jm said...

My temporary conclusion is that the control lovers are feeling their hold slip and are making a dramatic show of force to scare the fools now that the virus has lost its pizzazz. That one worked very well. It's an age-old forever battle emphasized by the Pisces duality of good and evil. But with Pluto leaving, they might run into obstacles. They (everybody) can't repeat the spectacular virus performance just yet. Recovery comes first and takes time.

In Canada, just as Jupiter returned in Pisces, the goodness rose in a wave and naturally the opposite came back. It's too soon to tell where it will go. Back and forth probably as usual.

In reality it's not so cut and dried. The good guys and bad guys are not easy to separate and define. The lesson of Pisces. It's a cosmic disarrangement and no one comes out on top, collectively speaking. You can't see the whole while caught in the web of earthly complication, which is why transcendence lovers have their day under the influence of Neptune. It's good and bad always.

23/2/22 2:26 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Trudeau revoked the emergency act.
He's done.

Here was my spidey sense
Trudeau made the vote in house of commons a referendum on his position as PM.
Normally a nay vote would mean an election, but my understanding under this circumstance Christia Freeland would assume the position.
She is a very disliked person.

Christia is the Finance minister (as well as Deputy prime minister) who announced the bank policies and said these powers would be permanent. The banks were crashing as result of people withdrawing everything. RCMP is hastily unfreezing and undoing damages.

This has echoes of 1776 Tea Party.
Pluto is making a return to USA Pluto but in some mysterious way it's drawing in the western democracies.
People identify with US values and rights and over time have aligned to our country.

Is it possible that our Pluto return to our founding revolution will include our brothers and sisters outside our border?
The original revolution happened over two years. A prelude to Aquarius which set the tone for us as citizens.

Rather than being about us solely it may be about the model that was crafted while Pluto transited the final degrees of Capricorn before moving on to AQ. The constitution and later the bill of rights birthday.

23/2/22 3:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

You are absolutely right. Others are drawn to our leadership. The Pluto return is the time for the country to take responsibility for this talent. Cancer/Capricorn.

A baby takes a step. Even stands up alone.

Yes. The model crafted, Capricorn to Aquarius, is a unique idealistic one. Very much revered. We should be proud. I am.

America has always and forever included everyone outside her border. It's her nature.

23/2/22 5:11 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The United States is destined to lead.

It's a global family of man and nations, but we're all independent and different. We'll know.

23/2/22 5:15 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The Bill of Rights especially. Impossible to break. Consider the source.

23/2/22 5:21 PM  

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