Friday, February 11, 2022

The Bouncy House Rebellion

"The bouncy houses are closed!" declares the prime Minister of Canada besieged by a terribly threatening band of disobedient citizens in revolt, armed with bouncy castles, music, dances, and highly dangerous jerry cans.

The revolutionaries' inflated fun houses have posed an awful threat to the frustrated leader of the country. He will not stand for it! Happiness and love are strictly forbidden!

Unfortunately for the miserable ruler, a full moon in heartfelt expressive children loving Leo is just ahead proving it virtually impossible to stem the tide. 

Bouncers of the world unite!!! The revolution will go down in history.


Blogger Tseka said...

A perfect revolt against madness; fun and happiness.
The contrast is perfect. Do you want this or this??

11/2/22 4:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I am agog in wonder They are singing all together like children of paradise. Omg.

You are so right. It's not even personal. Just a revolt against madness.

What a treasured moment.

Do you want this or that? We have to take it all.

11/2/22 5:23 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The most amazing thing is even the rulers are caught up in this moment of togetherness. The deluge. Everyone gains with Jupiter. I've never ever seen anything like this. They tried it in the 60s, but this event has surpassed it.

The world knows not. It's caught up in this thing called life.

11/2/22 5:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The great thing is that all the horrors of the world don't ruin life. The good has equal power. Human negativity bias overlooks it though. Emotional health is spurting like a volcano.

11/2/22 5:40 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yup, Jupiter in Pisces is adding some vroom.
It's the sweetness you mentioned last post, like sitting in a whispering forest listening to soft music. And that sweetness blooms larger.

Inspiring. When Jupe joins Neptune yowza.

I'm purging and sorting in the studio. A deep purge that's not been done in years. I want a clean space ready for something new to be born.

11/2/22 6:17 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I'm waiting humbly for the Joop-Nep meeting. That will be Easter week. Absolute yowsa.

Wonderful idea to get the studio ready. Neptune in Aries brings renewal in the arts.

11/2/22 6:33 PM  

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