Friday, December 24, 2021

Crimes, Fantasies, and Farces

In that order. The public appetite for entertainment seems to follow that preference. I would include horror in the number one category. Oh there are always a few saps in between the lines who go for love stories, but hair-raising suspense, a palpitating heart, shivers, and terrifying screams are the favorites.

Fantasies come in at a close second, but they usually include some action packed frightful situations and sometimes queer and macabre characters. It can be spooky.

On occasion, they like a few laughs in their bizarre farces before heading quickly to the next crime. Some of the crowd likes to fall down and roll in the aisles observing the absurdity of the plots and characters, and fortunately their tastes are occasionally catered to, silly as they might be.


Blogger Tseka said...

Animation, sophisticated or simple, is my only real interest.

B loves movies, will watch anything, has a huge collection.

You'll find me with the dusty books. All those categories exist in written word but my imagination controls the scene.
It's the soundtracks of most movies and television shows that make me seek my quiet corner.

26/12/21 8:07 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Did you get snow to reflect the beautiful lights of your community?

26/12/21 8:09 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Speaking of books; what I'm reading now is a translation available online of the Codex Oera Linda, while I wait for a book to arrive from the Netherlands.

Oera Linda book is possibly the oldest written text of European culture. Runic symbols transliterated then translated, describe a culture, if we accept the dates, 4,000 years ago. Frya lays down the proper way to live in balance. These laws have found their way into much of western society. I recognize much from Scandinavian myth.

There are also some videos by Ashe Logos on the Oera Linda that I found both beautiful and fascinating.

26/12/21 8:30 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Asha Logos

26/12/21 8:47 AM  
Blogger jm said...

This has been the weirdest Xmas I've ever experienced. There has been no snow at all this year, nor rain. Every day is warm and sunny. High and dry. The absence of change and variety has been fascinating. Every day the same.

So the lights, while enthusiastically placed, seemed to drift into the nothingness. Even the dogs aren't barking.
At first I was expecting a return to the usual but as it progresses, I find myself inching into another dimension. It provides an opportunity to relax, not battling the weather. Interesting. A study in sameness, while the physical is less demanding. Getting from here to there is easy now. Shades of Taurus.

I think Saturn in Aquarius is behind this emotionally distant Xmas. The two years of no smiles and other separations seem to have caught on. Families drifting apart and not because of a microbe.

Enthusiasm for rituals looks to be diminishing while people go their separate ways. The sales clerk was right.

Traveling through great books is a fantastic idea. People have always known the proper way to live in balance. I still think the people are in the midst of balancing with more to come.

We'll see what the new year celebrations are like!

26/12/21 11:01 AM  
Blogger jm said...

The only thing disrupting the calm is an occasional fungus gnat flying in my face. They are irritating!

26/12/21 11:06 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Maybe it's the calm after the storm.

Joop in Aquarius might have inflated the distance but now the ingress into Pisces comes as the virus recedes. People searched each other's eyes for clues when the coverings came, but now I think they are getting used to it. A slight zombification with an inward turn. The pages of a book hold promise. My favorite nook which once held the computer is now filling up with books. It's a pleasure to be reading more. I'm using my tablet if I feel the need to connect. Easy in and out.

Aquarius into Pisces is a good one. The drifting away of Pisces is different. There's a possibility that the toned down Christmas was a precursor to a different kind of reverence since the ingress is occurring now. Drifting into the past and future makes sense, through books or otherwise. All encompassing Pisces.

26/12/21 12:34 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Calm after the storm?
Let me adjust my pollyvision glasses.....
Hmm, hard to see.
Best, enjoy the moments of peace when we get them!

I suspect chaos will be amped up as we approach New Year's

Meanwhile people we know who bought into the fear last year wearing masks and social distancing for Christmas in the garage had cousins camping out in their apt and ignoring the Fauci dictums.

Noticing it too in the shops here. Newsom gave us mask mandates for Christmas but at least half are not wearing them. Big, big change from before. And no one is scolding we who don't wear masks. This gambit / plandemic is on it's way out.

Next battle will likely be Central Banks. Turkey is leading the way. I think they have legislation pending approval tomorrow which will allow crypto currency. Islamic country with very strong laws about usury. Turkey also has many nationals in Europe who are workers. This strikes me as a Uranian-Taurean solution.

Likely just a lull between storms.

Peaceful here as well enjoying it!

26/12/21 4:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Great news! You're half masked.

26/12/21 11:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The issue of usury fascinates me. Scorpio, debt, bondage. Some people want it, some are hesitant.

The contractual agreements of Libra turn into financial bondage in Scorpio and all that suggests. Uranus is freedom and sovereignty so Uranus in Taurus visits the issue. Some will liberate themselves.

Jobs are a form of that bondage and with Uranus and NN in Taurus, people will question their contracts, and think about fair exchange. They'll question how much money they want and need and how they get it. Also how much they are worth. Uranus is separation so selling things no longer needed is part of it.

27/12/21 1:50 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Wonderful development in the microbe saga.

Our president said today that there is "no federal solution" to the crisis. The states are on their own.

State sovereignty baby!!! The Winter of Death does not exist after all. Neptune. I wonder what reality would be like.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive," said one of our esteemed Neptunian poets, Sir Walter Scott. Life is amazing.

27/12/21 2:03 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The Great Unraveling is underway. Painters, musicians, poets, con artists, liars, cheats, thieves, mystics, sea captains, sea creatures, swimmers, dancers, and all illusive everythings.

Good ol' Neptune.

27/12/21 2:48 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Indeed the usury issue is up for inspection. The nodes on the Sco/Tau axis will assist in the solutions.

Biden brings a shift in the plot.
Just as we have expected with regards to state's rights, though I expected it would take the courts. Government close to the people means we can redress our grievances at our statehouses. Just look at those New Yorkers in the streets! The people have been warming up at the school boards and local councils. I love seeing folk getting involved, it's the real government in this country.

No winter of death. The total number of deaths for the year is running just a bit higher. The fear mongering has driven home the benefits of Vit D3. Less colds around here than usual.

Bitter cold wind today. Glad for electricity and a warm throw with my ski jacket. Winter has happened.

27/12/21 4:32 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Those echoes of our 1776 revolution are filling our ears. Right on schedule.

27/12/21 4:34 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Contagious respiratory ailments are connected to Mercury and points to taking in too many group ideas. The system becomes overwhelmed, withdrawal and recuperation follow. Social distance is sought.

In the winter, people cluster inside and the negatives are more easily shared. Too much clustering in general sets off contagions.

This year the contagion was exaggerated and so was the separation. It's no one's doing. It's in the air. The group is dispersing and adding air to the mix. They cut off their own air from the start, but air penetrates. I'm not worried about the cluster lovin' microbes. They'll find a way.

27/12/21 4:56 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Considering this Biden announcement a bit guess is the government will continue to use corporations to mandate vaxxes. It's the fascist way.

27/12/21 5:09 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Your comment about Mercury causing the intake of too many group ideas certainly has multiple levels of meaning!

27/12/21 5:12 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Yes Lord!!!!! A real live critical thinker.

What multiple levels???? I'm really curious.

27/12/21 5:19 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Just listen and look. The repetition of ideas is astonishing. Mindless practically. Group pull is like gravity.

The sci fi Great Reset is one example. There was so much fear and negative emotion attached to the phrase that each time they read the words, they became upset. For the gullible anyway. The fear built as the phrase was disseminated widely. It was even believed, probably not by many.

Anyway, cumulative ideas like this get backed up, congestion comes, release is needed. Good ol sickness to the rescue!

27/12/21 5:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The idea that there is some awful gargantuan body ruling the world and your life is childish. The monolithic human conglomerate doesn't exist. It's a convenient way to pass the buck, though. Neverending fear of authority wears the body down and sometimes out.

27/12/21 5:35 PM  
Blogger jm said...

It's good to keep in mind that this country has always been slightly fascistic, nothing serious, and is about the same now. That's Pluto in Capricorn, the merging of business and government. The monopolies of old were just as problematic. The country deals with it. They're not going away and the country still has the skills to deal with it. It comes with the territory.

The word Fascist is another example of the idea dilemma and the attached fear. It should be understood rationally and observed intelligently. Marriage of corporation and government should be looked at logically too.

27/12/21 5:50 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Let's start young; mean girls, little cliques, if you wanted to be in with the crowd it meant a kind of slavery or that's how I saw it. Very toxic and if you got expelled well illness in the body seemed to follow the toxic exposure in the group.

27/12/21 5:55 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yes, true gov + biz part of our culture. If It gets out of hand the people see it i do love how the get woke go broke memes became action with boycotts

The 1619 project another example

27/12/21 5:59 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Absolutely!!!! The original girl clique. Slavery and the crowd!! Toxins shared. Sickness of the broken heart when rejected and ostracized. Could it be tribal, my dear Stick?

I have always marveled at the way the group asks you to be unique then throws you out when you're not. You must conform or we'll not know who we are.

27/12/21 6:08 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Toxins are in the group, but they are in each one as well. So far so good. I think we've been here for roughly 200,000 years. Yes it's a speck in time.

27/12/21 6:12 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I grew up in tribal society and no mean girl cliques existed, completely opposite. I've never known freer people. They were struggling with white culture, true. Much seems to be rooted in greed, as you say work for pay can be a form of slavery. People sharing, exchanging, filling needs is a different life. Each is part of the whole but is expected to discover and develop what spirit intends them to be. More the connection to the earth herself is a huge part of living in balance.

We were admonished to be guardians of our thoughts as these could bring harm on others even illness.

Speaking was slow with many pauses, almost telepathic. We were taught not to just listen but to hear.
Leaning into each other's thoughts leaves little room for the chattering mind.

27/12/21 6:56 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

And, Mercury has the reputation as a trickster. Artifice, lies, as well as poetry are in his bag. Words that soothe, when sincere, heal, when insincere, wound. It's the polarity found in all the attributes of planets and ourselves.

27/12/21 7:44 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Great description of your upbringing.

"We were admonished to be guardians of our thoughts as these could bring harm on others even illness."

I love that. We should be guardians of ourselves.

28/12/21 1:37 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Mercury is an endlessly interesting character. He is not interested in truth. That's for the higher mind opposite in Sagittarius. He doesn't judge. Communication for its own sake is the aim. The true is just as important as the false. Sometimes the tricks set one straight like Hermes placing markers in the wrong direction at the crossroads, one of my fav tricks of his.

This makes me think that the Pluto Mercury transit was a crossroads moment. Pluto is still separating so it's too soon to tell. What seems to be misdirection is probably the opposite. I trust Mercury and love Gemini so I'll follow the markers.

But there's a deeper aspect since Merc was the only god allowed into Pluto's underworld and to return. Some direction not yet known is probably imminent considering the many long stations. Merc delivering messages from Pluto to be deciphered when souls are ready.

Absolutely. The polarity in the attributes of planets and ourselves.

28/12/21 2:02 AM  
Blogger jm said...

Mercury is commodities exchange and Pluto is fair exchange of all kinds. Taurus Scorpio coming up. Recent agonies can be fairly exchanged for pleasures. Merc comes above ground with new forms of commerce. It's already affecting my work. Unexpected financial turns guaranteed with Uranus.

28/12/21 2:11 AM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Everything you wrote above reminds me of our Gemini Trump. People just cannot see the way he works! A masterful wordsmith requires careful listening.

Interesting times ahead.

28/12/21 6:40 AM  
Blogger jm said...

So in other words, for the last couple of years, what's been going on with Pluto in Capricorn has been communicated by Mercury the messenger. One knows what's happening.

"This is Mercury!! Reporting from the Underworld!"

28/12/21 5:35 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ha! Ha! Yep. Good one.

Like Ratatoskr running up and down the tree of life in Old Norse legend. Carrying messages between the snake coiled in the roots underground to the eagle at the top, he was a clever squirrel, quite naughty too, and full of his own importance!

28/12/21 9:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh that is wonderful.

Ratatoskr. I'm glad you introduced me to the imp. I don't like squirrels but I've been making peace with them after figuring out how to foil their garden destruction. Ratatoskr will make it even easier to get along with the rascals. Thanks!

28/12/21 11:54 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Here's a quote from CS Lewis that relates to our crossroads discussion.

"We all want progress but when you are (or have been) on the wrong road, progress means turning back and finding that point where you chose the wrong side of the fork in the road, so that the real man of progress ends up being the first one to turn back."

Progress is hard to determine. It goes every which way. My good natured self trusts the the guardian of the crossroads has guided the crowd well.
The real man of progress. What a concept. Isn't all movement progress of some sort? Direction is truly tricky.

29/12/21 12:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I got a very funny email today from a great friend about the "plague of the fully vaxxed." I will not repeat it here since it has rough spots with very very bad language that would upset your delicate sensibilities. Or your proper upbringing.

They're not going to get away with it, doing that to their own bodies. Hopefully it will satisfy the punishment quotient without too much disaster. Much to unfold.

As always, I blame no one but the self who did it to the self. Fortunately, the fully vaxxed plague is not contagious! At least, I hope not.

29/12/21 2:23 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Oh, he calls it the Nottavax. People are funny. "The busybodies who ran out and immediately got one, two, three and are eagerly waiting on Nottavaxx #4?"

The mad meanies among us are thinking that if the die-off comes the world's IQ will see a little bump. It would probably take more than that.

It's all ludicrous. I think all humans are partly nuts. Neptune agrees.

29/12/21 2:31 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Ha! ha! Delicate sensitivities! Hardly though I hope to find more descriptive words the salty types sally forth.

Nottavax sorta sounds like Ratatoskr.

I gotta be honest the young athletes dropping from the mandatory vax break my heart.

29/12/21 3:15 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

I love the CS Lewis quote. Perfect for this crossroads moment.

29/12/21 3:18 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Venus retrograde in Capricorn, her aspect to Pluto could be a contender as guide for retracing vales. 40 days. Has a biblical ring.

Funny how I was raised without any religion and still these concepts creep in.

29/12/21 3:28 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I don't know what the repercussions will be but people have to learn. Their bodies are their own responsibility and conscious effort is required in upkeep. Fortunately the body usually handles invasions successfully. As far as group invasion, wipe-out occurs occasionally, such as with the Black Death, but there are many factors involved. They were in a mini ice age back then, growing seasons were short, malnutrition flourished, immunity was down.

I don't want to witness suffering over this medical experiment, so I'll wait to see how the message comes clear. Mercury from the underworld. I just want the vaxing to stop. It weakens collective immunity.

I also was raised without religion but I believe it's in the chip for everyone. People are doing great research into the god element in the brain. Everyone responds to the word "soul" speaking of ideas.

The emphasis is changing as the last new moon before the Pluto return and sun are in Capricorn with Venus retrograde. Retracing values is a good one. They all trine Uranus in Taurus as the nodes shift too.

29/12/21 4:29 PM  
Blogger jm said...

The crossroads and CS Lewis bring up a good point. That is the nimbleness and flexibility of Gemini, who can turn on a dime. Now is a great time to reroute a little. There are infinite choices, all of them valid.

29/12/21 4:33 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Love the 40 day reference. It came up in one of my songs. Really love it. There is mystical beauty in the Bible so naturally I partake.

29/12/21 4:36 PM  
Blogger jm said...

BTW, Neptune is exactly square the country's Mars in Gemini now. The crossroads are illuminated. With Neptune the trickery could be in high gear or the choices could be inspired. The delusions and deceit might have run their course for the moment. I know our Mars is raring to go to new places. We have a Pluto return to meet!

29/12/21 4:53 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Yep, Mars gets triggered, we have a Pluto return to meet and so much more! 2022 could flip the switch on a revived US republic and things are certainly shaping up for a transformative year worldwide. US might be leading the way out with a mighty fine document tucked in their back pocket. Lots to reform, rebuild.

My Sagittarian optimism is building.

30/12/21 3:13 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I love your optimism!!!! Naturally. My Moon Joop knows. You are right.

Well, look at it logically. You can't stay sick forever. There's this thing called life.

I agree and I always thought the US would lead the way out and in and everywhere. The last years were well worth it. Can't wait for the rebuild as I resurrect my career! Thank you Pluto in my 10th.

Mighty fine document indeed.

30/12/21 9:29 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Happy New Year my dearest T!

I see snow and fires have hit Colorado. Hoping nothing is creating a problem for you.

Cold wind is ushering in 2022 but the sun is setting in a clear blue sky. Birds are grabbing last pecks at the suet. A feeling of peace prevails.

Repeating Brahmachari G, may you know joy that is uncontainable this year! Love.

31/12/21 4:19 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

PS resurrection of your career with Pluto in 10th sounds mighty fine!

31/12/21 4:21 PM  
Blogger jm said...

And the happiest new year to you too, Sticky B!

Not to worry. Nothing is nothing. Not a problem. I create my own problems. Let the flakes fall where they may!

Here's to love and prosperity through the next year and beyond!

Bottoms up!!

31/12/21 5:20 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Another crossroads quote!

"When you come to a fork in the road ... take it."

Yogi Berra

31/12/21 5:37 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Or the one less traveled by...
I'm sure that's how we met!

31/12/21 5:45 PM  
Blogger jm said...

2020 one....2020 two....2020 three .... BLAST OFF!!!!!!!

31/12/21 7:07 PM  
Blogger jm said...

2022 is really catching on fast. It rolls around the tongue nicely and looks great! The year of the many 2s. It will be fun to write too.

31/12/21 7:10 PM  
Blogger jm said...

I mean .. fun to write 2!

31/12/21 7:12 PM  

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