The Detriment of Neptune Part II
"The planet Neptune symbolizes a force entirely beyond our control, for it is beyond the fringes of reason, or of anything comprehensible to the logical mind."
Stephen Arroyo
And therein lies the dilemma of Neptune in logical, ordered, and compartmentalized Virgo. Neptune synthesizes into a whole where the parts are undefined, Virgo analyzes the whole and separates into essential separate parts. Neptune leaves the mundane in pursuit of spirit, Virgo prefers to remain firmly in the empirical realm.
So Neptune naturally resists form and intellectual comprehension, but in Virgo the runaway vapors can, through time and experience, be brought down to earth to be used in practical living. The United States has Neptune in Virgo.
When Neptune transits many otherworldly events take place. There is the trance state which can lead to delusion, even hallucination, or it can bring about states of grace and transcendental enrichment.
The Virgo-Pisces axis addresses sickness and health with Virgo representing the physical dimension, and Neptune, the spiritual causation of illness. Virgo works with facts and figures, Neptune goes with belief. Virgo can include natural remedies while Neptune covers forms of healing largely based on psychological factors and intangible elements. Virgo knows nothing of these otherworldly realms when it comes to disease.
So when the recent virus took hold in society, and after the initial feeling of macabre unreality, I concluded that the illness was indicative of a spiritual malaise in America. The populace went in pursuit of purification, with vials of holy water included. People saw death coming out of other people's mouths, not a likely place for death such as that. It was an exaggeration of high degree. A reach for highs.
No action has succeeded in the mundane world, as yet, while the divine element searches for a material landing. The complications increase when realizing the pathogen is not really the cause of the disease. It is the vehicle used. The cure is illusive.
Pluto returns to 27 degrees Capricorn in February, when Neptune returns to 22 degrees Pisces, opposite Virgo. December 2022 finds Pluto again at 27°, Neptune at 22°. Thus Pluto and Neptune are coordinating a response in the body politic.
The main thing to know is that the US was born with the earth trine, Neptune in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn. What they do together is harmonious.
Detriment or not, the mesmerizing lure of transiting Neptune in Pisces is unfastening natal Neptune in Virgo from its earthly moorings setting it adrift in the seas of chaos away from sensibility. The non-physical and nonsensical are dominating, while behind the scenario, Pluto is naturally working in harmony with natal Neptune as always.
I think the grounded natal earth trine, along with the transits, are keeping transiting Neptune in Pisces from completely loosening the country from Virgoan reality. The trine acts as a stabilizer while Neptune is pulled away from the earth. As Pluto comes home, tethered to reality in 27° of Capricorn, hopefully Virgo reclaims her senses, with Neptune emerging intact. Then they can continue their detriment as usual with whatever has been grasped from the otherworlds in the excursion.
The detriment of Neptune in Virgo becomes a fusion of body and spirit, in time theoretically, as society gradually learns from experience.
Stephen Arroyo
And therein lies the dilemma of Neptune in logical, ordered, and compartmentalized Virgo. Neptune synthesizes into a whole where the parts are undefined, Virgo analyzes the whole and separates into essential separate parts. Neptune leaves the mundane in pursuit of spirit, Virgo prefers to remain firmly in the empirical realm.
So Neptune naturally resists form and intellectual comprehension, but in Virgo the runaway vapors can, through time and experience, be brought down to earth to be used in practical living. The United States has Neptune in Virgo.
When Neptune transits many otherworldly events take place. There is the trance state which can lead to delusion, even hallucination, or it can bring about states of grace and transcendental enrichment.
The Virgo-Pisces axis addresses sickness and health with Virgo representing the physical dimension, and Neptune, the spiritual causation of illness. Virgo works with facts and figures, Neptune goes with belief. Virgo can include natural remedies while Neptune covers forms of healing largely based on psychological factors and intangible elements. Virgo knows nothing of these otherworldly realms when it comes to disease.
So when the recent virus took hold in society, and after the initial feeling of macabre unreality, I concluded that the illness was indicative of a spiritual malaise in America. The populace went in pursuit of purification, with vials of holy water included. People saw death coming out of other people's mouths, not a likely place for death such as that. It was an exaggeration of high degree. A reach for highs.
No action has succeeded in the mundane world, as yet, while the divine element searches for a material landing. The complications increase when realizing the pathogen is not really the cause of the disease. It is the vehicle used. The cure is illusive.
Pluto returns to 27 degrees Capricorn in February, when Neptune returns to 22 degrees Pisces, opposite Virgo. December 2022 finds Pluto again at 27°, Neptune at 22°. Thus Pluto and Neptune are coordinating a response in the body politic.
The main thing to know is that the US was born with the earth trine, Neptune in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn. What they do together is harmonious.
Detriment or not, the mesmerizing lure of transiting Neptune in Pisces is unfastening natal Neptune in Virgo from its earthly moorings setting it adrift in the seas of chaos away from sensibility. The non-physical and nonsensical are dominating, while behind the scenario, Pluto is naturally working in harmony with natal Neptune as always.
I think the grounded natal earth trine, along with the transits, are keeping transiting Neptune in Pisces from completely loosening the country from Virgoan reality. The trine acts as a stabilizer while Neptune is pulled away from the earth. As Pluto comes home, tethered to reality in 27° of Capricorn, hopefully Virgo reclaims her senses, with Neptune emerging intact. Then they can continue their detriment as usual with whatever has been grasped from the otherworlds in the excursion.
The detriment of Neptune in Virgo becomes a fusion of body and spirit, in time theoretically, as society gradually learns from experience.
Darling T, I've read this brilliant post over three times. I've pondered it while cutting dead branches, and cleaning out my studio.
It is one of your best!
As you point out, Neptune in Pisces has two faces, just as Pisces is represented by to fish swimming in opposite directions.
22* is rounding up the last third of the signs (Virgo & Pisces) Eight degrees remain before the zero point of balance is attained. Light / dark. Beginning / ending. It does indeed seem as if we use Pluto and Neptune to work our way forward.
In mid- late 1960s Neptune was in water sign Scorpio around 22* and Pluto was hanging around our Virgoan Neptune. We were worried about mutually assured destruction (nuclear) the Communist Party of China began in earnest it's cultural revolution. Viet Nam fractured our society. And let's not leave out Hong Kong flu with millions or deaths, during which life went on as normal by the way.
The shifting of Neptune to Aries and Pluto to Aquarius really does look like a new age. I have faith our Virgo Neptune with harvest the wisdom for the country to move forward.
The Pluto conjunction of USA Natal Neptune was an opportunity for regeneration. Possibly the arts got the best of it? There were a lot of slippery delusions too.
My beautiful Queen,
Our conversations have been illuminating. I'm seeing astrological patterns better than I ever have and your insights have added a great deal. You have a real and solid grasp of astrology. I am impressed. And very very pleased. I know you'll get it when the ideas come rolling through.
I think the human negativity bias makes people overlook the trines, but they are just as important. The big change in signs being coordinated is really interesting. Neptune and Pluto insist on being together for awhile.
Conjunctions start a new cycle so the Neptune Virgo meetup with Pluto was one. I have a positive view of the Neptune in Scorpio, Pluto in Virgo bunch and they are moving into influence. They're at a good age. Maybe some extra healing talent there.
Another thing in this Pluto Virgo connection is the 6th-8th house factor and the health, healing, and crisis interplay. So I think this latest health crisis was more than meets the eye. I'm not sure the corporate medical profession is going to get over the encounter. It seems their reputation is in jeopardy somewhat, and I still think alternative healing is going to be on the rise. The lengths and depths to which the corporatists go, all for profit, is too obvious. Profit is only part of it. It will take some recovery time but adjustments are necessary so they will prevail. At the same time, traditional doctors are starting to question their unholy alliances.
Pluto in Cap is the ultimate of authoritative medical power, but Neptune in Virgo is the humble nurse and selfless practitioner. What looks like medical tyranny right now might turn into something else. Well it will, of course. Maybe into something resembling healing.
Because Neptune is starting a new cycle in Aries I agree that a new chapter is ahead and quite soon. Mental innovative Aquarius with pioneering Aries bodes well, although there will be a new set of problems with the change. At least it will be new! Count on Aries for that.
Neptune in Pisces is the end. Completion. The disintegration is more than people know. Because it's so nebulous, people are missing what's going on and are paying attention to the sensationalist Pluto in Capricorn events.
So many things are falling apart... the Great Reset pipe dream, the long awaited Marxist takeover, "Build Back Better", political alliances as people start moving away from old beliefs, governments in general with their weaknesses, probably totalitarian strongholds (China is heading into trouble), and all kinds of subtle things in each one's life that people thought were reliably "true."
All of this sets the stage for a dynamic gang-busting vigorous new start in Aries. And being Neptune, it's fantasy.
Probably the most significant development for me has been our discussion of Neptune in Aries. I hadn't even thought about it. I'm a now-ist and don't depend on the future, but Neptune in Aries gets me.
The Salvation Army connection tickled my funny bone. I have a fascination with Carrie Nation and her bar busting religious zeal. Neptune lives in the bars where spirits abound and evangelic sorts hang around inside and out. The religious know where to go. So I am looking forward to my return to these spiritual hot spots.
The only thing building back better will be main street USA after the devastation. Small business is the backbone of our economy, speaking of Capricorn. We support ourselves and each other that way. Perhaps some of the rungs on the corporate ladder have broken in all of this crazy. Being a debtor is not altogether a great thing. Uranus in Taurus is a fabulous time to cut back on debt. Uranus-freedom-Taurus-money.
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