The Shimmer of Chaos
Three quarters of the earth's surface is ocean, Neptune's realm. Senses are distorted in the deep seas and nothing is as it appears on land. To the earth walker's eyes, visions can confuse and sensations are interpreted as chaotic. The vision can't keep up with the constantly shifting illusions. Walkers seem to feel their way through such disorientation, touching things here and there seeking the grounding they know.
There is a feeling of losing the self, similar to birth, when the human creature leaves the water for solid earth. The same absence occurs before the infant becomes accustomed to the firm terrain, and stands up to become a walker.
The abyss of the ocean is sometimes overwhelming as one faces the liquid expanse without gills, fins, or other adaptive features. Perhaps there are vestigial features in the mind to help the dizzied creature navigate with success when revisiting Neptune.
The sequence from swimmer to walker that occurs at birth might repeat itself all one's life, keeping the skills intact.
So here and now the earth passes through Neptune in Pisces, a compounded oceanic swirl of disorder, fragmented sequences, currents, eddies, swells, and distortions of reality.
Humans build ships to enter the seas as if called by some magnetic voice. The lures of Neptune are like fish following color, light, and most of all, shimmer, in land based waters. It is the beautiful shimmer of Neptune that attracts all beings. Chaos is fairly exchanged.
The shimmer, though soft, can be blinding, but that's probably the point. The eyes drink it in like an intoxicating substance. Light bouncing on and off surface is essential nourishment for human eyes, even in its perceived chaotic absence of pattern. Probably because of it.
Neptune lures and mesmerizes creatures with exquisite beauty, magic tricks, and the promise of someplace else. The shimmer beckons and they go. What would reality be without fantastic imagination? Real reality?
So here and now the earth passes through Neptune in Pisces, a compounded oceanic swirl of disorder, fragmented sequences, currents, eddies, swells, and distortions of reality.
Humans build ships to enter the seas as if called by some magnetic voice. The lures of Neptune are like fish following color, light, and most of all, shimmer, in land based waters. It is the beautiful shimmer of Neptune that attracts all beings. Chaos is fairly exchanged.
The shimmer, though soft, can be blinding, but that's probably the point. The eyes drink it in like an intoxicating substance. Light bouncing on and off surface is essential nourishment for human eyes, even in its perceived chaotic absence of pattern. Probably because of it.
Neptune lures and mesmerizes creatures with exquisite beauty, magic tricks, and the promise of someplace else. The shimmer beckons and they go. What would reality be without fantastic imagination? Real reality?
God forbid a real reality without fantastical imagination. We two leggeds would likely not survive.
Reality-reality is great for mundane survival, everyday chores but the loss of imagination would be a cruel world to live in.
Memories, imagination, vision, tethered to the stones I walk upon, what a rich life!
Twenty ravens gather beneath my window, I listen, wonder, what story is this, what journey have they been on and why choose this spot for a rest?
The problem only seems to occur when the tether breaks free and the balance is lost, we drift in unreal-reality.
My sweet T we need some tether menders.
And, possibly some unwanted-tether nippers. The spiderwebs that trap us in places of delusion need some snipping.
I spent the weekend away from the internet as I do every 9/11.
I will consult my contacts immediately and find the best menders there are.
Such a great question to the ravens. Why this spot? I adhere to the teachings of Don Juan and the infinite presence in each one we land on, some horrible, some wonderful. It keeps us jumping, leaping, and flying. Don Juan was always shrieking, "No! Not there!" He was high strung.
I've seen it. From field to field, street to street, country to country, the characteristics in each spot are unique. We find what we're seeking. Spots talk to me like the ravens talk to you. Spot theory, I call it.
Yup. broken tethers. Lost balance. Getting god knows what in exchange. In those unreal realms even mathematics seem to disintegrate, although I don't think they really do. It's all perception.
Survive? No. Not at all. The two leggeds were born to imagine. The tethers just keep us from going anywhere. Stay put and dream. The humdrum mundane. I drum my way out, around, and above.
The tethers, the tethers. Thank god our particular ones are loose, my knowing St.B.
Oh glorious Hell! The unwanted tether nippers.
"The spiderwebs that trap us in places of delusion." Oh me. And they are sticky. Not like a sweet bun.
I also find it easy to avoid the 911 festivities.
Well, man's inhumanity to man is a good prelude to discovering some possible true humanism. This little bunch of erect earth walking creatures is due for some discovery.
I've been watching with interest as I sense the transition to Aquarius in effect. The sudden uptick in global involvement (pressure) is the tell, along with the absence of cohesion. All the countries are every which way and handling life in separation, some even a tiny bit successfully. It appears to be awful, and it is, but the story is just beginning a new chapter. Separation is the key to Aquarius.
Absolutely agree on the transition to Aquarius.
Long tethers Sweet T, excellent!
As a young girl, I learned to repair gill nets. Our neighbor was a Norwegian gill netter - a kind of fishing boat rigged with enormous nets twined from flax coated with some diluted tar like substance. Before we could play the nets needed mending. My very careful Virgo moon, SN took great pleasure in winding the spindles, moving along the spread out nets, knotting broken spaces.
After riding through the salt water the nets turned a soft beige dotted with green from seaweeds. Those were nets to dream on.
The boat itself was a glorious red, perfect for plying the foggy bays. In summer we kids would lay flat on the decks, heads hanging over the edge, watching for deadheads - semi-submerged logs and rocks. Back then, the water was so clear it seemed as it you could reach out and touch the bottom 40 feet away.
Dreaming work, how our lives have changed,
You drumming, this is a perfect way out, above, around!!!
The lap of the water against the wood of the boat...a way out...a way back.
We're like two ancient mothers watching over our offspring, both real and imagined.
Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire is the clearest lake I've ever seen. Sandy bottom. Crystal cold.
Mmmmm beautiful.
Speaking of balancing - Mars heading into Libra for some active balancing, justice.
And returning to my Mars. Thanks for the reminder! Not to forget US Saturn. And of course your abundant Libra planets, including Mars. What a stellium you possess. Or are possessed by.
"Active balancing." Excellent. Mars in Libra is very interesting. Maybe I'll do an article. We both have the Neptune conjunction which could become a whole book. Your Saturn adds to the weight of balance. I have no such luck. I dance around forever grateful that I land on my feet.
And speaking of Mars...I just discovered something interesting regarding this Pluto-Neptune dance. The two are transiting together for awhile so when Pluto goes into Aquarius, Neptune enters Aries. That promises to be different.
Imagine. Fourteen years of Mars Neptune. We'll be right at home.
Yes, Mars Libra is a family signature my papa, me, my son who also has the Saturn conjunction.
I look forward to your thoughts. From observing my men folk it seems to operate as a spiritual aikido.
Wow. The Pluto - Neptune dance! But the music will be very different! Neptune in Aries that will be something, water and fire. Bound to be interesting.
Not likely the Virginia reel oF Civil war era.
B & I dropped out ballots in the box at the polling station. Was nice to see an old art show compadre.
The stories of massive cheating are all over. We'll see how it goes. Maybe CA will be getting an audit after this?
Hmmm Mars in Virgo, nor Mars in Libra would stand by for this cheating.
Neptune in Aries in 1865 brought the founding of the Salvation Army!
Not only that, but the song Onward Christian Soldiers was written and became a big hit. The Battle Hymn of the Republic too. "Active spirit!"
No kidding! Even Pluto in Aquarius could get behind some rousing freedom active spirit.
The universe is so funny. It makes me think the changes will amuse us.
Seriously, though, I'm glad this came up. I attribute my musical thing to the Mars-Neptune in Libra. The Cancer part is sentimental and ultra emotional but I don't do a whole lot of that now. I have more Martian drive. A drive for spirit and beauty. I'm thinking Neptune in Aries will be good for my renewed career. My spiritual rhythm and blues.
Not only do you have Mars-Nep in Libra, but the 1st house(Aries) with the Pisces node is a repeat. We'll be painting, singing, and dancing, far as I can tell. And I'll be pressing my drum machine buttons as always, but for a Neptune in Aries audience! Heavens. I'm expecting a street revival and it might be literal. Get out the tambourines!!
Darlin' T, the play's afoot.
The curtain has risen.
Do you have your popcorn? Grape nehi?
On with the show....
Great news Stick! We are invincible. I am popped and ready.
"The curtain has risen." Heh! Sounds like something religious. I will watch the play in humble admiration.
Roses for the director!!
hey! it's taken me some time to read the article and the chat. Today I was in the sea floating in the crystalline turquoise water with the shimmers dazzling all around, and reading your article brought me to that oscillation in space where time is nullified and reality is experienced like a dream. A continuous undivided communion of the elements in a liquid form.
Omg, G. Your words. A perfect evening cap to a dream liquid day for me here in the mountains. So wonderfully soothing to the body, your phrases. Especially time being nullified. The Pisces full moon comes, the most beautiful rising moon of the year.
"Continuous undivided communion of the elements." I'll take it. So glad to hear from the sea creatures!
Oh my! What a lovely image you paint for us G!
Among my folk, today a portal opens and the light is carried into the underworld. Some call this a hero's journey. The daughter carrying the light is accompanied by those ready to see and know. She returns on the mother's night -winter solstice eve to give birth to a new consciousness and reignite life in a darkened world.
With the Pisces full moon tonight, the myth seems especially aligned to our time.
Oh my indeed.
The next mother's night will be something. What a beautiful "myth." I do agree about the alignment. Those who see and know are aligned and ready. One by one. It's for real.
The Pisces full moon gives me an inexplicable feeling.
Me as well my T, the harvest moon.
Already the pacific currents have shifted to their winter pattern. They did so in August.
Frost on the windshield had my friend out spraying water to save his beans a week ago.
All this reminds that survival takes a lot of helpers including mother nature. The geomagnetic pole has drifted toward Siberia, all part of a natural precession. We may very well be entering a minimum. Over time each has been slightly less in severity and length. The Maunder minimum brought great advances in agriculture and livestock husbandry.
It often seems from great adversity humans leap forward.
Ha ha! Save his beans.
Yes, I think a minimum is here. We are led by many many forces. Led appropriately. I think advances in agriculture are coming big time.
Humans leap all over the place, nervous creatures that they are.
Adversity is the prime mover of Aries where life begins. And forward is the name of the game. Opposition is the start of everything, the creator of friction, the spark of motion. As for myself, as an Aries moving to Taurus, adversity seems to be diminishing. I can stay put and relax while the human race leaps forward! Of course, I'll go along for the ride.
😁 staying put and relaxing seems the wise path for the moment for a few of us. We who have already seen.
Floating in G's piece of heaven sounds great too!
Floating and relaxing are recommended therapies by some "experts."
Fifty-five years ago I was told by a rather young wise one that I just needed to learn to relax. How right he was. Tensions do serve their purpose and keep people moving, but too much damages health. Tense and release is the natural right way. People have over-tense spots which eventually manifest illness due to both mental and physical factors. A lot of it is self manufactured.
Relaxing and staying centered and balanced is one of the best ways to help improve collective health. Conformity pushes people to share the latest pathogen or designer disease, but health for the individual is aways lurking. Belief is a large part, which is why the Virgo-Pisces axis rules. There is no survival without health, so the masses are destined for some, like it or not.
To me, health is precious. It's to be pursued, cultivated, and revered even with some sickness laced in. They say the older you get, the fewer colds and such you get. It could be gained immunity and it could be getting more into the self and less interested in picking up group tensions and ailments. It's a balance between self and others which Aquarius teaches. Separation is key. Some genuine social distancing is likely in the cards. It's in the air already. Good group participation is an art.
Of all the New Green Age pipe dreams, the only one that seems to be working is sustainable farming. They're getting it down and finding it more profitable.
People are leaning toward organics more and more. Conscious food intake helps a great deal, so eventually people and advertising will catch up, especially when the profitability factor is known. So yes. Advances in agriculture on deck. It takes the usual amount of evolutionary time. The steps come when societies are ready.
Meanwhile, relaxing, plucking pieces of heaven, and eating wholesome stuff can encourage the process.
Interesting, the myth, adversity, all this rings many bells on me. Few years ago, after a quite intense time, I had a reading where the astrologer said I was coming back from the underworld having seen what lies beneath. Adversity now has also diminished, and I have been able to stay relaxed. My north node in Taurus? It brings me so much joy to be relaxed.
G! Living true to a Taurus N node could surely bring a life of relaxed comfortableness.
Many years ago, um around fifty....jimminy, i had a conversation with some truck farmers whose plots surrounded where I was living. They told me they had abandoned chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The land produced abundantly then it began to decline. They went back to the ways of their fathers and grandfathers. Small farmers got wise early if they wanted to stay in the game. They sold their produce at the farmers markets.
Most of that beautiful black river bottom soil is under subdivisions of ugly tract houses now. Taxes were the primary villain. This is something we need to fix. We have forgotten our treasures. Maybe some Saturn - Uranus will set this straight. I'm really hopeful for our Uranus in Taurus.
That is wonderful G about the diminished adversity. I'm so glad it came up. I'm going to relish the thought. The NN Taurus is due for pleasure and relaxation beyond measure. It has been said that the node is scheduled for a rest this lifetime.
So get this you beautiful relaxing gals. G and I have NN Taurus, the real deal. Tseka has Aquarius rising with ruling planet, Uranus, now in Taurus. It's time. Now we can all relax and enjoy life, and that is that.
With 5 more years in Taurus, we can absorb and use the knowledge going forward. Forever for me. When I look at some of the things I get involved in and upset about I think, "What the...?
Martin Schulman in his node book says .....
"In past incarnations he literally went through the fires of hell to burn away his false values. As he reaches for his Taurus North Node, he is reaching at last for stability. Truly this is a transition from lifetimes of war into peace."
I'm building a zen garden in my basement window well at the moment.
I think the patio conversations are having an effect.
And speaking of jimminy, we gals are not exactly adolescents. We've lived long enough. We can live as we choose.
I am also hopeful for Uranus in Taurus. I think it will come into the spotlight more as Pluto winds down. The flops are just playing games and pushing food around the same plate, as I am fond of saying, while Uranus and other things come to the fore. The games are really getting old. The damage has been done. Time to start thinking about regrowth and building. I am very much interested in what emerges, both on top and bottom. Something odd is going on in the corporate world.
Uranus brings reversals so I expect finances to reposition themselves. Some will lose, some will gain surprisingly. People will do what they do as always, but the devastation at the bottom is going to reap rewards as small business reinvents.
Some are beginning to see that working for big conglomerates that dictate things in their personal lives might not be worth it. They mindlessly climbed their ladders before, but now I believe some are questioning their choices.
I'm also seeing signs of an economic slowdown affecting the upper echelons as well. The slowdown is probably a good thing as people adjust their values (Taurus), possibly in unforeseen ways. How we deal with the earth has not been learned yet, or needs to be relearned as you point out. Those in charge are not aware, so we have to endure their nonsense while those in the know plod on and influence in subtle increments.
There is always the blend of most who don't have knowledge with the few who are a little more advanced and somehow we work it out. Enough of the Pluto drama. It seems people are ready for something else, which Uranus can provide.
The real world is multidimensional. While the horrors dominate the news, the good goes on in between the lines and has more influence than it appears. The horror show is something people desire so it continues. This current horror is mild if you look at history. It's an everyday type of horror.
Our relationship with the planet is not quite understood, obviously, although farmers know more than most. A lot of disruptions are occurring in that world and Uranus should increase awareness to an extent. The dumbheads who stuff their mouths with everything don't know about the food chain and how cultivation and supply work. It will take a very long time to get it straight, grow food properly, and eat well, but Uranus in Taurus is a bump up.
For example, here in the west drought has reoccurred. So ranchers are starting to plant native grasses which hold more water in the land. It's a big deal, with big overhauls and much learning and experimentation, but they are on to it. They are also changing the way they bale hay to conserve water. It's a true Uranian reversal. They are restoring the grassland ecosystem native to the land and controlling grazing. They learned a little from the great Dust Bowl.
A lot of interesting developments are afoot if you can find out about them.
"In past incarnations he literally went through the fires of hell to burn away his false values. As he reaches for his Taurus North Node, he is reaching at last for stability. Truly this is a transition from lifetimes of war into peace."
I literally cried when I read this lines on your nodes post. Yes, "the fires of hell", we know what that is. And transition into peace sounds already like a dream that used to feel out of reach.
I couldn't be happier to hear about the ranchers planting native grasses, it's all there! reconnecting to native wisdom is what will lead us to restore the lands, our food, our health, our relations. So good that it's starting to happen!
I remember that quote from way back when I first read the book and how it touched me deeply. Reminding ourselves continuously is one big step in the direction of that exquisite peace. It's unique to Taurus. Lately I'm feeling it more probably due to the extra reminders going on around here. And Uranus is in Taurus with a helping hand. It's within reach I know. I'm building on it.
I read about the ranchers in my local paper and it caught my attention. I got a good feeling. The land, Taurus, restoration, native wisdom, and common sense.
My zen garden downstairs in the earth is working wonders. It took me 20 years to do it, to leave the hellfires, but it's finally here. Also, my patio garden this year was the most lush and abundant one yet. The beetles loved it! But oddly, those awful persistent earwigs went missing. No fat green worms either. A fortunate summer.
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