Sunday, January 16, 2022

American Nuts

People are looney. Be it your average Bob or Dick or the super human ruler of the world, they share the same trait.

The human brain is all over the place, real and imagined, often traveling at super duper speeds, in any direction, anytime. It's hard to keep up.

No wonder they're looney. Makes sense.


Blogger Tseka said...

That semi-solid oil full of nano crystals folded into a walnut shape refreshes itself at lightning speeds, actually probably faster. It's a big antenna sitting atop a spine transmitting snd receiving messages up and down the nervous system and in and out of the body itself, like Ratatoskr running up and down the world tree.

Surrounded by so much fuzzy chaos it is surprising our antenna is picking up clear signal at all!

Silence and maybe music could be our path to sanity or at least a departure from Looneydom.

17/1/22 3:54 PM  
Blogger jm said...

Take a right at Looneydom, go straight to Moonbatown, turn left into Synapston, and you'll be there! Free and clear. It's surprisingly quick.

La la la [music tuning up] ... "I'm sitting on top of the world."

Got a birdseye view atop ratatoskr's spinetree.

17/1/22 5:55 PM  
Blogger jm said...

"Full of nano crystals folded into a walnut shape."

Am I in the patisserie of Looneydom? Sounds delicious.

17/1/22 6:04 PM  
Blogger Tseka said...

Scrambled eggs and brains, a breakfast popular in the south.
Nothing from the hoof for me thanks.

I think if we could tune the antenna we'd become more telepathic.

18/1/22 6:50 AM  
Blogger jm said...

In this wireless world the human antenna is still connected. How does a tune-up work? We pick up more than we realize. Maybe it's just a matter of attention to our own receiver/transmitters.

Aquarius is good for that. The higher mind you know. Maybe we can use the telepathic connections to communicate with those of like mind. We already do, I'm sure. While always remembering that the lower, less than intellectually brilliant mind has its place too. Hopefully after these misbegotten years of oxygen starvation it will still function. Ahh, the collective intelligence.

I have to marvel at the universe's insistence upon great insight, hindsight, and foresight flourishing within the mass mess, however infinitesimal the fraction might be. Fortunately instinctual intelligence remains prevalent. I think.

Back to the strength of one's own apparatus.

18/1/22 12:35 PM  

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